Resolution 274-1984 RESOLUTION NO. 274 -1984 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS, TO CALL A SPECIAL REFERENDUM ON THE NOVEMBER 6, 1984 ELECTION BALLOT IN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NUMBER 6. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is desirous of holding a Special Referendum Election on Tuesday, November 6, 1984, in portions of Monroe County, Florida, pursuant to the provisions of Monroe County Ordinance No. 5-1977, as amended, for elector approval within the District set forth below for the purchase and/or refurbishment of fire fighting and ambulance equipment for use within said District, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNTY COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: The Honorable William "Billy" Freeman, Supervisor of Elections, be and he is hereby requested to call a special referendum on the November 6, 1984 election ballot in Monroe County, Florida, in the following election precincts of Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: DISTRICT NO. 6 (Election Precinct 23 and that portion of Precinct 24 lying West of the Westerly boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach. ) That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposal: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 IN DISTRICT 6 OF APPROXIMATELY .1865 CENTS PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO PURCHASE ONE TYPE III AMBULANCE AND ASSOCI- ATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT AND TO REMOUNT AND REFURBISH AN EXISTING MODULAR PATIENT COMPART- MENT ONTO A NEW CAB AND CHASSIS? YES NO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections and the Legal Department is hereby authorized to advertise said referendum in the Key West Citizen, The Keynoter and The Reporter in accordance with the requirements of law. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting held on the 21st day of September, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~O:/COUNTY. FLORIDA BA~ ~ y----- -r, ~ 0_ Mayor / airman' - ----- "'-.J. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ///,.,,/1 ~".' / y/;///)' /J r, /' ,/C-COtt. . ~)~i(e~~~' ~~ VED AS TO FORM GAL SUFFICIEN , BY Attorney's Office 2 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that Monroe County voters residing in fire and ambulance taxing district 6 voting in the general election on November 6, 1984, will be presented with a special referendum question on the ballot which, if voted upon favorably, will authorize the levy of property taxes to purchase and/or refurbish fire fighting and ambulance equipment within the voter's district. DISTRICT 6 District 6 comprises that area of Monroe County situated between South Bay Harbor Drive and Lobster Lane north to the southern boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach and north to the Dade County Line, including all of the property consisting of the Monroe County right-of-way within the City of North Key Largo Beach. All registered voters of this area, as of Octo- ber 6, 1984, will be eligible to vote in said election and will be asked at precincts 23 and 24 whether or not they are in favor of authorizing Monroe County to levy property taxes in the District the next year to purchase one Type III ambulance and associated and/or related equipment and to remount and refurbish an existing modular patient compartment onto a new cab and chassis. The question will appear as follows: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1985-86 IN DISTRICT 6 OF APPROXIMATELY .1865 CENTS PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO PURCHASE ONE TYPE III AMBULANCE AND ASSOCI- ATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT AND TO REMOUNT AND REFURBISH AN EXISTING MODULAR PATIENT COMPART- MENT ONTO A NEW CAB AND CHASSIS? GENERAL INFORMATION YES NO A question will be deemed passed if a majority of electors voting November 6, 1984, vote in favor of the question. Each referendum question is independent from all other questions. In each case, the referendum question, if passed, will authorize the levy of taxes in that district which shall be in addition to the annual tax levy levied to fund the normal opera- tional expenses of each district. In each instance, the volunteer fire and ambulance personnel of said district involved have recommended to the Board of County Commissioners that said purchases be made and have advised that the same is necessary and, accordingly, the Board of County Commissioners recommend the approval of each referendum question. Upon approval of a referendum question, the County will immediately borrow funds necessary to purchase said equipment, vehicles and improvements now and pledge the future tax levy to secure payment of said loan. DATED at Key West, Florida, this 20th day of September, A.D. 1984. LUCIEN C. PROBY, JR. County Attorney Publish: October 2, 1984 October 16, 1984 2 NOTICIA PUBLICA DE ELECCION DE REFERENDUM ESPECIAL NOTICIA ES DADA A QUIEN PUEDA INTERESAR que los votatantes de el Condado de Monroe residentes en el Distrito Impositivo 6 de fuego y ambulancia que votaran en la eleccion general el dia 6 de Noviembre, 1984, seran presentado con una pregunta de referendum especial en la boleta cual, si es votada favorable, autorizara imponer un impuesto de propiedad para comprar y/o retocar equipo de servicio de incendios y ambulancia dentro de el distrito de los votadores. DISTRITO 6 El Distrito 6 incluye la area de el Condado de Monroe situado entre South Bay Harbor Drive y Lobster Lane al no~t a la frontera del sur de la Cuidad de North Key Largo Beach y norte a la Linia de el Condado de Dade, incluyendo toda la propiedad que consiste de el servidumbre de paso de el Condado de Monroe dentro de la Cuidad de North Key Largo Beach. Todo los votadores registrados en esta area, desde Octubre 6, 1984, seran eligibles para votar en tal eleccion y seran preguntadoes en los distritos 23 y 24 si estan a favor 0 no de autorizar el Condado de Monroe para imponer impuestos de propiedad en el Distrito el proximo ana para comprar una ambulancia Tipo III y equipo asociado 0 relacionado y montar otra vez y retocar un compartimiento de paciente modular que ahora existe en un nuevo cabriole y chassis. La pregunta aparecera como 10 siguiente: DEBE EL CONDADO DE MONROE IMPONER IMPUESTOS DE PROPIEDAD EN EL ANO FISCAL 1985-86 EN EL DISTRITO 6 DE APROXlMADAMENTE .1865 CENTAVOS POR CADA $1,000.00 DE VALOR IMPONIBLE EN BIENES RAICES 0 INMUEBLES PARA COMPRAR UNA AMBULANCIA DE TIPO III Y EQUIPO ASOCIADO 0 RELACIONADO Y MONTAR OTRA VEZ Y RETOCAR UN COMPARTIMIENTO DE PACIENTE MODULAR QUE AHORA EXISTE EN UN NUEVO CABRIOLE Y CHASSIS? SI NO INFORMACION GENERAL Una pregunta sera considerada ser pasada si la mayoria de los electores que votan en Noviembre 6, 1984, votan a favor de la pregunta. Cada pregunta de referendum, sera independiente de todas las otras preguntas. En cada caso, la pregunta de referendum, si es pasada, autorizara imponer impuestos en el distrito que sera en adicional a los impuestos impuesto para recaudar fondos para gastos de operaciones normales en cada distrito. En cada instancia, los personales voluntarios de fuego y ambulancia de tal distrito implicado han recomendado a la Directiva de Los Comicionados de el Condado que tales compras sean hechasY avisaran que la misma es necesaria y, en conformidad , con La Directiva de Los Comicionados de el Condado que recomienda Page 2 aprobacion de cada pregunta de referendum. Sobre aprobacion de pregunta de referendum, el Condado inmediatamente tomara los prestamos necesarios para comprar tal equipo, vehiculos y mejoramientos ahora y prometer los futuros impuestos para asegurar pago de tal prestamo. FECHADO en Key West, Florida, el dia 20 de Septiembre, A.D. 1984. LUCIEN C. PROBY, JR. Procurador del Condado Para publicar: Octubre 2, 1984 Octubre 16, 1984