Resolution 285-1984 RESOLUTION NO. 285 -1984 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT TO PREPARE A NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS AND REQUESTING THE TAX COLLECTOR TO MAIL SUCH NOTICES WITH THE 1984 TAX BILLS. BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. The Monroe County Planning and Zoning Department is hereby directed to prepare a sufficient number of the following noticesto permit one such notice to be distributed to the owner or owners of all real property situated within Monroe County, Florida. Said notice shall read as follows: NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Monroe County is in the process of adopting a new Land Use Plan and Land Use Map. This may result in changes in the present zoning of some property in Monroe County and may affect the values of these properties. You are hereby notified of the possibility of these changes. If you wish additional information you may contact the Monroe County Planning and Zoning Department, Stock Island, Key West, Florida 33040. The Planning and Zoning Department is further directed to prepare such notices and to deliver the same to the Tax Collector for Monroe County in a timely fashion so as to permit the inclusion of the same with the tax bills for the current year. 2. The Tax Collector for Monroe County, Florida, is requested to include a copy of this notice with each 1984 tax bill mailed out by his office. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, at a regular meeting of said board held on the 2lst day of September, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 2E :;{~) (SEAL) Attest- I>ANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ...?, 4/7 /l cL~~:, , ~~~~. 4YL i Clerk / i=ASTOFORM .' / StIFFICIENCY.../ ; / ' 1-/ au i /~-,---,{-~, ~,..... __~' ,,_,"'-_., !._" .' u, '" - --. --' --- :::;0-- ~ '. ~ 0fIit:tI /;' I