Resolution 296-1984 . . RE$~cutI~N N~. 296 -1984 WHEREAS, the B~ARD ~F t~UNty t~mmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~UNty, FC~RID~ has receiven an application from RH~~, INt. , ann WHEREAS, in comp1aince with $tate $tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procenure to rean the following Biological Assessment into the Recorn, as follows: The applicant is proposing the construction of a riprap and seawall revet- ment along two sides of a triangular parcel of land measuring approximately 300' x 350' x 400'. Those sides of the property facing the water, which would be subject to the proposed construction, measure about 300 feet (open- water shoreline) and 400 feet (canal shoreline). Of the 400 feet of canal shoreline to be stabilized, 100 feet would be seawalled. The remainder of the canal shoreline and all of the open-water shoreline would be riprapped. The applicant claims that 300 cubic yards of fill would be placed above the line of mean high water (MHW) and that 300 cubic yards of fill and riprap would be placed below MHW. The proposed plans call for a 23' extension of the open-water shoreline waterward of the present erosion line. Of the 23' wide area filled, the vast majority would consist of backfill. The waterward toe of the riprap would rest at the mean low water (MLW) line, as proposed. Filter cloth would be utilized behind the proposed riprap. Along the canal shoreline, riprap would be placed at the mean sea level (MSL) line, landward of an existing mangrove fringe. Filter cloth would also be used here. The proposed seawall would be constructed out to the deep water dropoff of the canal. Davits would be constructed on the seawall. The purpose of this project is to provide erosion protection for the applicant's property. The intended usage of this property is private and recreational, according to the applicant. All work would apparently be performed from the uplands. The project site is located on the southern end of Summer land Key facing the shallow waters of Summerland Cove. Most of this area has been dredged or filled for residential development, although a large parcel of land exists immediately to the north of the project site, which remains in a semi- natural state (most of this parcel is undisturbed mangrove wetland, although permits #44-10464-5E and #440690245 were issued to Joseph Fisher for the placement of a small amount of fill in wetlands, the construction of a boardwalk and the excavation of a boatslip within this parcel). To the south of the project site, Snug Harbor subdivision is encountered with its canals and filled residential lots. The actual project site appears to be the result of dredge and fill work performed during the development of this subdivision. Specifically, the project site has been filled, probably with canal dredge spoil. Across from the canal, which borders the project site, the residential lots have been developed as homesites. As part of this development, the canal shoreline on this side has been seawalled, for the most part, and at least one boatslip was observed. The canal which borders one side of the applicant's property is part of a dredged canal and channel network which connects all of the lots in the general area. The main channel parallels the open-water shoreline over most of the south side of Summerland Key, including the west side of the project site and the adjacent northern property. This channel has a controlling depth of about -2' to -3' at MLW. RESOLUTION NO. RHOG, INC. PAGE TWO Since initial dredge and fill work was performed in and around the applicant's lot, red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) have colonized along the canal side of the applicant's property. Within the perimeter channel, which parallels the open-water shoreline, and within parts of the adjacent canal, seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii) have also become established. The open-water shoreline has eroded substantially since initial filling. As a result, few mangroves have been able to become established, except over the southwest corner of the property. The "upland" or filled portion of the lot exhibits elevations estimated to be about two to three feet above MSL. Although this filled lot does not become inundated during regular annual tides, its vegetation is composed primarily of salt-tolerant species, including, but not limited to, buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta), drop seed (Sporobolus sp.), sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), and key grass (Monanthochloe littoralis). The elevation of this lot is such that additional fill will probably be required for further development. At the erosion line of the applicant's property, buttonwoods, sea daisy and seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera) are particularly prevalent. Along the open-water shoreline of this property, erosion has accounted for an intertidal area which ranges from about l6' to 23' in width. This zone is characterized by barren rock rubble over all but the southwest corner, where red mangroves and black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) have grown to heights approaching eight feet. It is interesting to note that the undisturbed shoreline to the north of the applicant's property displays lush red mangrove growth which extends nearly to the offshore perimeter channel. The waterward extent of the intertidal zone is well-defined by a distinct cut that has been made along the shoreline (it was probably made at the time the perimeter channel was excavated). Waterward of this cut, perman- ently submergent beds of seagrass are encountered, along with several species of anemones. Also observed in this area was a single blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and a barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda). Numerous plovers (Charadriidae) were observed along the water line at the time of the inspection. The canal shoreline drops gently over much of its length, supporting sea- grasses over the more horizontal bottom surfaces. Red mangrove growth along this shoreline is significant, but not particularly high. Anticipated impacts are as follows: I) Elimination of some mangroves along the open-water and canal shorelines which contribute to good water quality and the marine food chain. 2) Elimination of a small, permanently submergent area of seagrass (Halodule) over the southwest corner of the property. 3) The creation of a shoreline discontinuity where the applicant's property abuts the natural mangrove shoreline to the north. 4) Increased likelihood of prop dredging within shallow channel waters with the introduction of a large (I50') boat into the bordering canal system. 5) Some benefit may be derived from this project as a result of shore- line stabilization and habitat creation from riprap placement. I ' RESOLUTION NO. RHOG, INC. PAGE THREE As provided in Section 253.l23 and Chapter 403 of the Florida Statutes, and in accordance with Sections 17-3.051(1), 17-3.121(7) and 17-4.242 of the Florida Administrative Code, it is recommended that this application be modified prior to permitting approval. It is suggested that in order to accomplish the intended purpose of shore- line stabilization, the applicant limit the waterward extent of the proposed riprap revetment to the line of mean sea level, or, approximately ten feet waterward of the present erosion line. This would place the toe of the proposed riprap revetment 13 feet landward of the submergent vegetation line at the north end of the open water shoreline and about six feet landward of this line on the south end. In this way, the existing mangrove fringe can be retained and a shoreline discontinuity can be avoided at the northern property line. BE It RE~~C~ED BY tHE B~ARD ~f t~llNty t~mmI~~I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~llNt~ fC~RID~ that the above Biological Assessment has been reao into the recoro ann ou1y consioereo pursuant to f1orioa ~tatute 253.124 by the Boaro of tounty tommissioners of ffionroe tounty, f1orioa, this /f~~ oayof () t':_ioh er , 19 <i?2/ at a regularly scheou1eo meeting. B~ARD ~f t~ Nty t~mmI~~I~NER$ ~f m~NR~E t~ t~ fC~RIDA BY ~ -~~ m~or -- --- (~EAC) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~'n'~~ h~"iJan'l ~ ')'n~oowoOJ ~~ucien t. Proby ~tounty Attorney OK~y~r:~R~~,~2E (305) 294.4641 Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~.'.. ~t:;J~P\?n., 'i"'? ,.], 1':.. ,.. I ~ ',. \ ,'.:; '; \ l' . . > I ~ '.f '. , " I , "', ", :, .'.) > SEP 17 1984 COUNTY ATT1. I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (RHOG, INC.) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Boat ramp; Riprap seawall) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Asses~ment ~ v- ~ / v- ~ ~ Date 9-/ / --R"~ , ./ By d 4-~c~ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: September 7, 1984 TO: Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Director Planning & Zoning Departm t FROM: Andy Hooten, Biologist SUBJECT: Rhog, Inc., Boat ramp, Riprap s a LEGAL Section 2, Township 67 South, Range 28 East, Sunset Boulevard, Summerland Key, Monroe County, Florida. Zoned RU-l. INTRODUCTION This application, for the placement of fill below the mean high water line (MHW), is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Commission pursuant to Section 19-1l1(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. PROJECT AND SITE DESCRIPTION The applicant proposes to construct 400 feet of riprap seawall, a 100 foot concrete seawall and a boat ramp. Only the construction of the boat ramp will require the placement of 25 cubic yards of fill below the MEW. While an FDER bio-assessment is included in this report, the attached application drawing reflects modification recommended by the FDER. The parcel is a previously disturbed site where dredge and fill activities have taken place. Today, a small, relatively unvegetated subtidal shelf is the site where the boat ramp is proposed. EVALUATION This activity will result in little or no adverse environmental impact. The associated seawalls, being constructed landward of MHW, will service the property in protecting the shoreline from further erosion. RECOMMENDATION Approval. PERMIT MONROE COUNTY PLANNING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL. OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing address Rhog, Inc. 6 Chaucer Circle Gibsonia, Pa. 15044 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY November 25, 1983 Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Key Cology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Fl. 33040 Phone 305-294-8719 5) Legal description of property: Section 2 Key Summerland Key Subdivision Township 67 S Lot Block Range 28 E Street, road or mile marker Sunset Blvd. Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/ deposi ted c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. c.y. landward ofM.H.W. + 25 c.y. waterward ofM.H.W. + 85 c.y. landward ofM.H.W. ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D., Director Planning and Zoning Department ,,' , 't'-o. ,:' . '\"'\1".' 'f- 1'1' -~... . . ~ -. ' .. .... .... t i...~ j ~'-'--~r.--' - ....:..._.~.~-'-~".....-'...~.;~.I.. "',\""-':: I"'"~ ~.""'.' ,.-. I I ___~-----._..._------ :".(~~ C' :'S I '. ..~::;~" , ~ 4 .... ',___ :~(.!, ~.C'S~~ . .'. r-, .. ~. ",...,. 'I r... ......'''' Rhog, Inc. 6 Chaucer Circle Gihsonia, PA 15044 11/25/83 .., m'"'ll, rH~ "crl~c<.;<.; ""'. hC:1C l:, cc:'::r~c~.l.~'':;:: :~l~~:'_>':'':'''" ~'_c:tor OT ~gcn\... 5 n~'Tle, . v..' ......:..~.~ ...... .\,...... :..-" ~ ~ KeyCo1 ogy, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 ce5crip~ion of property: 305-294-8719 " - , 2 67S 28E !(ey , Summer1 and ~~~"~r.i\r:s i~, ic~, ~::iF , T,,+ -- """:' ..,~ , !~...:..C'c.< " (; .t: , . . ,-- ~r""'e"at:> ) c._... <"".:-s"" S~:-cet:, roac or ~:.lc :T:::t:- .":C:' ~ Sunset Blvd. "'(T '.~J RU-1 crlDe :he proposed activity, ~ethods of cC~5tYUcti~~ f, w~c~nt of material (in c~~~c YQrcs), ~e excavated or discharged. rescribe pUT~cse G intc~6e~ use of project. The applicant proposes to construct by backhoe and hand methods a 400' rock seawall and to construct a 100' concrete seawall section for recreational use. The purpose is to provide erosion protection. Use is private.. \6b 0/17 . . '" / ... . ~t ('(;~ A-I . .c . .,., ./'" .. 25- Grecge~, eXCaV31".eo. . , ... ::.::-..:.C(", uC;"cs: tee U 0= ' c. y . c . y . . + 25/ c. Y . + Z5'&..... c. y . 2.1 ",ate:n,.arc la:~(I.Karc I,'a-.: e::h':::::~. 1 :?n(~',\'aTCl of 1'!.!-~.1','. of :'.!~.v..;. of :'!.}-~.1..9. of ~~..1~.1',~. e, address & zip cede of cr1.j oining prC'::'r;'rty ()'^~CT~. '.\c:.C'SE' T'!',:?erty affrQ;1"cs \"c:ter \,.2.y. State of Florida DER - unnamed man made canal Monroe County - Sunset Blvd. ist o"cher permits issued 2:ld/or applied for, incj~:de -........'t""\; --: i ,.. 2~+ ' ~ Ct":.' -'.._~ ........... - TIar;:.e , for ::nis site: State of Florida DER ACOE ..t: 1'~. ._ app lca...:'on ~xp lain reason '?P lica.''lt. 'nas' ~ u.........~...~ed.t:,.....,.. ....nJ...~ o. c'" (0"" 0. :.:.....~ ) ..... ~ nee.. 5 ',-,,,,.d... .I. ".I. .. _ pr J e.. ... on~ s..u.,J..J.ar m ...r.e pas..., fOT new app1icaticn ene. give applicnnt! s n~e if different fTO:;1 C'..lTrent " ;: all Fed.eral 2..'1Q StaT.e age:1Cles tJ:at nave reCelVec. a:?p.:.:.cai::.cns ICI' trls pl"cJecL State of Florida DER ACOE Tnis cc:nple-ced applica-cim rc:T.'. \,'ill following, or it will ~CT be processed. :' (2) sets of dr2.\dngs, 0:1 8~ x 11 paper, s'hc->,>ting lcc2.ticn, plct p 1.~., top viev..' and "55 section of DTODcsal, arm-,'n to sCcle. ~~:c2~ion pro:essi;g !ee 2S follo~s: . ='" ~)C' for credge, fill, decks C? 2.~)1' st:-l.1ct~:"'es affTC:~:~; :!2.~:::-2.1 "'\~3.""....e~ bcdies. ~. ~,~ ::OT ve::~iC2'!. sea'o-:aJls 0:;' ~2_"'l-!:'l2Ge r-o-:.:..es of wz.ter. ~;. 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I.LJ -l I.LJ ~0..1- c:::::: 0.. c:::::: 0... c:::::: Cl i I , , t ; II I ~ i I I I I II II I I' .<.;:'.~;~j~:~~~fi~:..-:~..tl~b~;.j,~,-._ ~.,...;".~::i.~.~~~;,:~.; ,~,r.::",~_~\:i.i."~;'~"'~.'!: ~~:. .;.I;';'7~'h:::';:~~~~;;:;:':;;~Z;:t~:~Pi,;7.f:..~:",,;~~Z~:':~i::[>;n;~~~~;;:~~~~~~~~~~:~~~ ~ I ''1 -1 ., .f f : . ~ t , (J i : t ~ i ~ I ~ r f ; f . I I , ~ ,j Ii 14 J J 1 . :f I 11~ l-q ~ KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton SI. Key West. FL 33040. 294-81.19 . ~. ~ '~..~:~- ':~~~'~~~:~.;~~i ~~~ ~'..__ .. + 7 ...:0 .'-t .'Ft"", '. :.~r,&~~>~~t ~.. ~~.[~,;. .. . ' '--~..-.....",_._"""""- t.,-,:, +4.0 ., "'-.', ..~:...\ " +1.5 MHW 4' ,I EXISTING GRADE, Pr-c.-::: ,':;.--: lB U L K H E AD I ~ '-- , l SECTION B-B PROPOSED PILE-SUPPORTED IWOOD MARGINAL WHARF NOTE: CANAL DEPTH REACHES APPROXIMATELY 20 FT ._~T _C~,N~~R --- - ---- PAGE 3 OF 4 APPLI CANT: Rhog, I nc . DATE: 6/27/84 0.0 MLW SECTION B-B ELEVATED WALKl~AY PILES: lO"DIA,lO'O.C. WALER: 3x8 BEAMS: ' 2x8 STRINGERS: .2x8 DECKING: 2x8 - -..----- _._._._____~..4.__.__.______.___ l~'..t~~."'i"'(WII. Ii ._...-............~~.,.._....~-~'"""'-..........._~ - .'- --r.... ___ __...........__-'~__.--_,___>o::__...~ ,_.,.-..._.li-.~_ " :r 11 " I ! t , I I t t , I . I , ! . , i I , \~l r" .! Y- < ~ ..9: ...J V\ , ~ \l; '., ~ \U 1-li ~ -:7 r> ;,... '-.. .:.. ~ < l.l "";r ~ <: u. ..,J r', " D i I '" I '">' .... 1 "",! ~ ..,.( ~ -'- \ ' , , J ~;~ ,~J 'S.' -Ji '.lo; , i i I ( 1 l I I , 1 1, t-- -+ ~f: ~ ""'-"-' , l '.. ,\ f>~~ J f' ,,~{..;)j~' ~. ~.-. '....: \.- '~~: .~ ~~ . : " ), ,," ,- ',1 i'>.'.'~~" '1 " / - '\~ -i ,.., r :rft J ~~-~ ,. .- . "~:..-= ~ 10-.-;_ ~, ~':- ')::: L~- j .:( - '"- "' ::;", .. I \j ;.{ ,~ ;- < <. .... -<. <: < i/ 1-:; I _ I - ! . f:?/'// , / ~ ,..\. ~ ~ .... ? ..... -+:. ""' "" <:::::= '-- <l ,,~':> ~-J ~ --.:. .... , , ~J. ~ .".. \J ~ ..:~ -- ~ <. - 4- - lD ~ i(,-~ It " . ,- 1. u; ,~ \ 'i -< ~ \.' oJ .( '" 0 c Ui ""1",' -I ,....- .J \j ---.- ~ G ::: rr: orr. .r.. c:' e::: -...... c::::r C'-.J .. -...... L..L- ~ ,..- cz~ c:::: qU w-.!w c::. CL f- <c....< CL c:::: c ! i \J; d vI I ::~ i ~ ~ vi lit! V1i \ ..." <!.. J. -I , i ~i )-.1 . \ r-l I I I . I I } , i ~ -:...-;=- r'~~~~~~I17~~~~~~~~w?~~~~~~;~k~~~~~;~~~ q I _5 KeyColo9Y, Inc. 414 Simonton 51. Key West, FL 3304Ct- 294-8719 h(2<tltin June 27, 1984 Mr. Richard Cantrell Department of Environmental Regulation 3201 Golf Course Blvd. Punta Gorda, FL 33950 Re: Rhog, Inc. Fil e 440790885 Dear Mr. Cantrell: In reference to your biological report, page 5 item E, and our letter of 5/21/84, please find enclosed the revised drawings which reflect the following: 1. North end: we are placing the toe of the proposed rip-rap revetment 13' landward of the submergent vegetation line and, at the south end, approximately 6' landward, for a total distance of 300'. See page 1 and page 2 (cross-sec- tion). Please note that we have included a proposed boat ramp of 12' Y 16' a t the north end. 2. We have eliminated the solid poured seawall and are now proposing a 4'x80' dock with four 4'xlO' elevated walk- ways cantilevered over the existing mangroves and thereby preserving the shoreline vegetation in between the elevated walkways. See page 1 and page 3. 3. To meet the concerns of the neighbor across the channel, Kenneth Hanna, we have moved the proposed 80' dock 50' to the west so that it would not inhibit his deep water access out of his boat slip if a boat were moored at the proposed dock. 4. We have eliminated the rip-rap along"the man made channel and have revised tne project to an upland retainer wall landward of the existing mangroves. See page 4. It is our understanding that the +300' retainer wall would not re- quire an Army Corps or State permit. Please advise. are With the enclosed drawings and the information above,! we requesting a permit for this project. A I I si0.relY, ~I f~ I) ) Ly~ ~t ~ EnVQ nmenta 1 Pl anner ~.'- tv to ,. t'.. I f. ~. . 1.'.1'.. r.' I. ~. -'~ . , . '~--.--_._~---- LHK:gl Encl. cc: Andy HooteJ, Chasen Smith -.~~~--~. .-............- . - -- -~ .- --- ....~.....~ - z//(Iz4~ @ $ Ke,yColo9,y. Inc. 414 Simonton SI. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 J u 1 y 1 8, 1 984 Mr. Andy Hooten Monroe County Building Department 3101 Overseas Highway Marathon, FL 33050 Re: Rhog, Inc. Dear Andy: In reference to your letter of July 10, the total cubic yards for the boat ramp will be 25 cubic yards. We await your response. Sincerely, f ./ I I , }~rk\t A./v}/ )'./1'- K1 i ".. ,;/ Lynn "H. Kepha rt Environmental Planner LH K: g 1 .... I ' DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEffi1IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL L....: ~.'_' ~:_;.. 1..1' ~ r L:\.~:'~CH 01-: ;~'~ File No.: 440790885 County: Monroe Date: 4-13-84 Applicant Name: Rhoq, Inc. Address: 6 Chaucer Circle, Gibsonia, PA 15044 Agent (if applicable): KeyCology, Inc. Address: 414 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040 Location of project: Section(s) 2 Township 67s Range 28E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Sunset Blvd., Summerland Key Water Body: Kemp Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: __________ Outstanding Florida Waters: National Key Deer Refuge On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection: 4-23-84 . Original Application: Yes X No Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. D~scription of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) .. .. RHOG, INC. #440790885 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Two A. The applicant is proposing the construction of a riprap and seawall revetment along two sides of a triangular parcel of land measuring approximately 300' x 350' x 400'. Those sides of the property facing the water, which would be subject to the proposed construction, measure about 300 feet (open-water shoreline) and 400 feet (canal shoreline) Of the 400 feet of canal shoreline to be stabilized, 100 feet would be seawalled. The remainder of the canal shore- line and all of the open-water shoreline would be riprapped. The applicant claims that 300 cubic yards of fill would be placed above the line of mean high water (MHW) and that 300 cubic yards of fill and riprap would be placed below MHW. The proposed plans call for a 23' extension of the open-water shoreline waterward of the present erosion line. Of the 23' wide area filled, the vast majority would consist of backfill. The waterward toe of the riprap would rest at the mean low water (MLW) line, as proposed. Filter cloth would be utilized behind the proposed riprap. Along the canal shoreline, riprap would be placed at the mean sea level (MSL) line, landward of an existing mangrove fringe. Filter cloth would also be used here. The proposed seawall would be constructed out to the deep water dropoff of the canal. Davits would be constructed on the seawall. The purpose of this project is to provide erosion protection for the applicant's property. The intended usage of this property is private and recreational, according to the applicant. All work would apparently be performed from the uplands. B. The project site is located on the southern end of Summerland Key facing the shallow waters of Summerland Cove. Most of this area has been dredged or filled for residential devel- opment, although a large parcel of land exists immediately to the north of the project site, which remains in a semi- natural state (most of this parcel is undisturbed mangrove wetland, although permits #44-l0464-5E and #440690245 were issued to Joseph Fisher for the placement of a small amount of fill in wetlands, the construction of a boardwalk and the excavation of a boatslip within this parcel) . To the south of the project site, Snug Harbor subdivision is encountered with its canals and filled residential lots. ~ ~ RHOG, INC. #440790885 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Three The actual project site appears to be the result of dredge and fill work performed during the development of this subdivision. Specifically, the project site has been filled, probably with canal dredge spoil. Across from the canal, which borders the project site, the residential lots have been developed as homesites. As part of this development , the canal shoreline on this side has been seawalled, for the most part, and at least one boatslip was observed. The canal which borders one side of the applicant's property is part of a dredged canal and channel network which connects all of the lots in the general area. The main channel parallels the open-water shoreline over most of the 'south side of Surnmerland Key, including the west side of the project site and the adjacent northern property. This channel has a controlling depth of about -2' to -3' at MLW. C. Since initial dredge and fill work was performed in and around the applicant's lot, red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) have colonized along the canal side of the applicant's property. Within the perimeter channel, which parallels the open-water shoreline, and within parts of the adjacent canal, seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum and Halodule wrightii) have also become established. The open-water shoreline has eroded substantially since initial filling. As a result, few mangroves have been able to become established, except over the southwest corner of the property. The "upland" or filled portion of the lot exhibits elevations estimated to be about two to three feet above MSL. Although this filled lot does not become inundated during regular annual tides, its vegetation is composed primarily of salt- tolerant species, including, but not limited to, buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta), drop seed (Sporobolus sp.), sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), and key grass (Monanthochloe littoralis). The elevation of this lot is such that additional fill will probably be required for further development. At the erosion line of the applicant's property, buttonwoods, sea daisy and seagrape (Coccoloba uvifera) are particularly prevalent. ~ .. RHOG, INC. #440790885 Monroe County - Summer land Key Page Four Along the open-water shoreline of this property, erosion has accounted for an intertidal area which ranges from about 16' to 23' in width. This zone is characterized by barren rock rubble over all but the southwest corner, where red mangroves and black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) have grown to heights approaching eight feet. It is interesting to note that the undistrubed shoreline to the north of the applicant's property displays lush red mangrove growth which extends nearly to the offshore perimeter channel. The waterward extent of the intertidal zone is well-defined by a distinct cut that has been made along the shoreline (it was probably made at the time the perimeter channel was excavated). Waterward of this cut, permanently submergent beds of seagrass are encountered, along with se~ra~ species of anemones. Also observed in this area was a single blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) and a barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) . Numerous plovers (Charadriidae) were observed along the water line at the time of the inspection. The canal shoreline drops gently over much of its length, supporting seagrasses over the more horizontal bottom sur- faces. Red mangrove growth along thi~ shoreline is signifi- cant, but not particularly high. D. Anticipated impacts are as follows: 1) elimination of some mangroves along the open-water and canal shorelines which contribute to good water quality and the marine food chain. 2) elimination of a small, permanently submergent area of seagrass (Halodule) over the southwest corner of the property. 3) the creation of a shoreline discontinuity where the applicant's property abuts the natural mangrove shoreline to the north. 4) Increased ~ikelihood of prop dredging within shallow channel waters with the introduction of a large (+50') boat into the bordering canal system. 5) some benefit may be derived from this project as a result of shoreline stabilization and habitat creation from rip- rap placement. ~ ~..~.. ---........ ~ RHOG, INC. #440790885 Monroe County - Summerl-and Key Page Five E. As provided in Section 253.123 and Chapter 403 of the Florida Statutes, and in accordance with Sections 17-3.051(1), 17-3.121(7) and 17-s.242 of the Florida Administrative Code, it is recommended that this application be modified prior to permitting approval. It is suggested that in order to accomplish the intended purpose of shoreline stabilization, the applicant limit the waterward extent of th~ proposed riprap revetmpn~ tn the line of mean sea Ipvel, or, approximatelv ten feet waterward of the present erosion line. This would place the toe of the ~oposed riprap reve~t 13 feet landward of the submergent vegetation line at the north end or the apen water shoreline and about six feet landward of this line on the south end,. - In this way, the existing lmangrove fringe can be retained and a shoreline discontinuity can be avoided at the northern property line. ACCEPTED ON BEHALF OF RHOG, INC.;,-~-lL5?/~~7l.J:;._'7~~ Joseph Fi sher . ~I UJ ~}. . ,1'\ '/l~/\ aOmN MEYER, ENV. PEC. ;lrE: Ap il--<:30, 4 REli.D : JAM/dvo ..