Resolution 319-1984 RESOLUTION NO. 319 -1984 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CONSERVATION AND RECREATIONAL LAND PROGRAM OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO CONSIDER THE ~UDD ~ROTHERS' PROPERTY, CONSIST- ING OF 54 ACRES LOCATED AT LONG ~EACH DRIVE, ~IG PINE KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the 54 acre property contains tropical natural systems unique to the Lower Florida Keys, and in particular a dune covered with hardwood hammock and a beach with coral out- croppings found along less than two percent (2%) of the Keys shoreline, and WHEREAS, the property contains a number of rare, threatened or endangered species of vegetation, and provides habitat for rare, threatened and endangered wildlife, including the small remaining population of the Key Deer, and WHEREAS, the property borders the Cactus Hammock in the Key Deer National Wildlife Refuge, which contains the endangered Tree Cactus (Cereus robinii) and a unique assemblage of vegetation that may occur here due to the protection from drying wind provided by the coastal dune and vegetation to the south, including that on the ~rothers' property, and WHEREAS, the property is surrounded to the south and north- west by the Coupon ~ight Aquatic Preserve, so designated by the State of Florida due to its unique biological and scientific values, and Section 160-20.01, Florida Administrative Code, "Goals of Aquatic Preserves", establishes the objective "To acquire additional title interests in lands whenever such acqui- sitions would serve to protect or enhance the biological, aesthetic, or scientific values of the preserves", and WHEREAS, this Preserve is designated by the Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element of the Monroe County Compre- hensive Plan as a Marine Resource Area of Particular Concern, the Cactus Hammock is designated a site-specific Area of Particular Concern, and sandy beaches and dunes are designated generic Areas of Particular Concern, and WHEREAS, the Florida Keys have been designated an Area of Critical State Concern by the Florida Legislature, and the newly adopted Principles for Guiding Development (Ch. 27F-8, Florida Administrative Code) establishes the objective to "protect upland resources, tropical biological communities, freshwater wetlands, native tropical vegetation (for example, hardwood hammocks and pinelands), dune ridges and beaches, wildlife and their habitat," ~d WHEREAS, there are heavy development pressures in the Long Beach Drive area of Big Pine Key, and WHEREAS, State purchase of the Brothers' property would allow continuation of protection and management of these unique natural systems from Coupon Bight and the Cactus Hammock to the north through to the south coastline, and would be consistent with and supportive of the above-described Federal, State and local protective efforts and designations, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. The members of the Conservation and Recreational Lands Committee is hereby urged to not only place the Budd Brothers' property on the list of acquisitions, but that the aforesaid C.A.R.L. is hereby urge to expeditiously seek the acquisition of this property so as to continue the protection of this unique area and the resources therein represented for the citizens and taxpayers both of the State of Florida and of the Country as a whole. 2. That it has been indicated by the owner that this property is available for purchase and that said owner is ready and willing to sale said property to C.A.R.L. at said Committee's convenience. 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 2nd day of November, 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ,~.^O~NN~.~ COUNTY, F~ORIDA ~y~' J~, Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: ~~/ ~ L),L e; er I APPROVED AS TO FORl/,f .) A~"cBGAL SUFFIC~ENCY. YH [:'y ~~ &~Jll.- (!j ;). Attorney's Office " · 3