Resolution 328-1984 Mark L. Robertson, Biologist Contract Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 328 -1984 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP A COASTAL ZONE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE KEYS BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION AND MONROE COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County. Florida, be and is hereby authorized to execute a Second Amendment to Agreement to develop a Coastal Zone Implementation Plan for the Keys by and between the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and Monroe County. a copy of which is attached hereto. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the J~~n day of November, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO /COUNTY, FLORIDA / By ( Seal) AttestPANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ,./-.7 'h' i' .', ' -i~.)t'c .{:~~ ///' /} k:'. ,,//, / . /7 ?( '~~t..Nt.?~ // / / C erk / ~ 1,)1:." \"unuact NO Q.. fY\ lo 4( ~rd..'1 SECOND ~~ENDMENT TO AGREEMENT TO DEVELOP A COASTAL ZONE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE KEYS This amendment is entered into between the State of Florida Department of Environmental Regulation and Monroe County (hereinafter called DER and County resspectively), witnesseth: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs (hereinafter called DCA) is providing the County with state funds to revise the County's comprehensive plan and associated ordinances; and, WHEREAS, Article 10 of the agreement between DER and the County forbids the use of federal funds to supplant state or local funds available ~ for the same work; and, WHEREAS, recent action by the Governor and Cabinet in adopting the Principles for Guiding Development in the Keys has made it apparent that certain activities originally included in the agreement between DER and the County would duplicate activities funded by DCA; and, WHEREAS, funds under the existing agreement between DER and the County can effectively be utilized, in their entirety, to develop the data base necessary to revise or develop environmental ordinances. WHEREAS, both parties are agreeable to an amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, the County and DER agree that ATTACHMENT A.1 is revised as follows: Task I - Items (2) through (5) are deleted. Task II (5) - is revised to read; "Draft the memorandums of understanding or initiate other inter-agency cooperative mechanisms, which may not require legal review and form;'!.l adoption." Task III - Items 8(2), 8(3) (b)-(e), and 8(5) are deleted. Task IV - Items 8(4) through 8(7) are deleted. // / All other terms and conditions remain the same. IN WITNESS WHEREFOF, the County and DER hereby execute this amendment on this 2r5~ day of ~~ , 1984. MONROE COUNTI FEID No. 59-6000749 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION --r:~ ~R BACKGROUND The rapid development in the Florida Keys has, over the past several years, revealed deficiencies in both the local comprehensive plan and development regulations utilized to implement that plan. Inadequate control of de- struction of natural vegetation, improper handling of stormwater and the absence of any provisions for managing freshwater wetlands are just a few of the deficiencies that are needing to be addressed. Additionally, the current County Plans and Regulations inadequately address many of the issues delineated by the Florida Keys Resource Planning and Management Committee. Continued neglect of these issues will result in further deterioration of the natural environment and the accelerated loss of wetlands as well as remaining tracts of prime upland hammock vegetation. It is imperative that Monroe County review and initiate regulatory procedures to preserve areas of prime upland and wetland vegetation. Furthermore, it is necessary that these activities be closely coordinated with comprehensive plan revisions already underway. This proposal is a means of providinq the necessary environmental analysis and development regulations that can be coordinated and referenced to goals and policies currently being developed in various elements of the Comprehensive Plan. OBJECTIVE The proposed activities under this project have two (2) objectives: 1) Development of Memorandums of Understanding with public and quasi-public agencies affecting the rate and location of develop- ment in the Florida Keys. 2) Development of revisions to existing County ordinances as well as new ordin- ance proposals to mitigate known de- ficiencies in the County regulations. Both of these objectives will be coordinated with the revision of the County's Comprehensive Plan to provide a unified approach to environmental and Land Use Planning problems in the Florida Keys. (1) TASK I Revisions to the Coastal Zone Protection and Conservation Element (CZP & CE) of the Monroe Comprehensive Plan. Eventually, a total review of the CZP & CE will be necessary. However, this task is beyond the scope of the FDER grant. Therefore, only selected items will be revised, that can be accomplished within the framwork of this grant. These include: (1) Updating maps showing known habitats of species listed as "Endangered" by the State of Florida and the Federal Government. Some of this information is available in the SFRPC oil Spill Sensitivity Atlas. These endangered species maps can also be coordinated with the development of the Monroe County Land Use Plan Map. (2) Revision of management policies for these areas. (3) Revision of management policies for generic and site-specific "Areas of Particular Concern". (4) Development of Freshwater Wetlands Ordinance, as mandated in CZP & CE (see Task III for elaboration) . (5) Inclusion of any relevant recommendations from TAC. TASK II Develop inter-agency Memorandums of Understanding between Monroe County and various public and quasi public agencies affecting the rate and location of development in the Florida Keys. (1) Identify the agencies with which cooperative agreements are to be developed. These include but are not limited to: A) Department of Environmental Regulation B) Department of Transportation C) Department of Natural Resources D) Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority E) Monroe County Health Department F) Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services G) Monroe County Mosquito Control District (2) (2) Review and identify issue areas requiring inter- agency cooperation. .. (3) Review and identify the administrative level at which the inter-agency linkage shall be effected. (4) Ascertain what, if any, legal basis there is to require inter-agency cooperation. (5) Draft the Memorandums of Understanding. (6) Submit for legal review. (7) Initiate adoption process TASK III - ORDINANCE REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT A. Statement of Goals County staff has identified specific gaps in existing environmental ordinances. The goal of this task is to development ordinance revisions to correct these gaps. B. Specific deficiencies in existing code. (1) Trees and Vegetation (Chapter 18, Monroe County Code) . (a) Make any required changes to ordinance proposed by TAC. (b) Submit for legal review. (c) Initiate adoption procedure. (2) Shoreline Protection Zone (Chapter 4, Monroe County Code). (a) Review TAC recommendations, review model ordinance from City of Holly- wood, review other appropriate local mangrove/wetlands ordinances. (b) Make appropriate revisions to existing ordinances. (c) Submit for legal review. (d) Initiate adoption procedure. (3) Freshwater wetlands. (a) Develop a list of "indicator species" that will suitably define freshwater wetlands in the Florida Keys. (3) (b) Re-write Section 19-111(a), Monroe County Code, to include freshwater wetland species in definition of wetlands. Rewrite any other parts of 19-111 as required, to include freshwater wetlands. (c) Re-write permit review procedures to more clearly specify consideration for biological/environmental functions of all wetlands. (d) Submit for legal review. (e) Initiate adoption procedures. (4) Mangrove Trimming (a) Determine legality of making mangrove trimming an explicitly permittab1e activity, based on existing guidelines in County Code (Chapter 4) and mangrove/ wetlands protection in the CZP & CEo (b) Obtain an existing scientific data concerning the effects of trimming on the ecological functions of mangroves; identify gaps in literature on this subject. (c) Obtain ordinances from other Florida localities on mangrove trimming. (d) Combine information from (a), (b) and (c) to determine advisability of mangrove trimming ordinance for Monroe County. (e) If appropriate, write ordinance. (f) Submit for legal review. (g) Initiate adoption procedure. (5) Stormwater Management (a) Current County Ordinances are deficient: Section 19-151 Section 17-54(c) Section 17-80 (b) Coordinate with SFWMD: Any development under a certain area does not require a SFWMD permit (at present, the cut-off for SFWMD is not available) . The County's stormwater ordinance should fill this void in a manner analogous to the fashion in which the County's Major Development ordinance compliments the Florida DRI Ordinance (Chapter 380, Florida Statutes). ( 4) (c) Obtain and review stormwater ordinances from other Florida localities. (d) Write County ordinance, including pro- visions to amend Sections 19-196 through 19-219, Section 19-233, Monroe County Code, to reference stormwater ordinance. The contents of proposed ordinance can be coordinated with any findings of the DER 205 J Marathon water quality study. (e) Submit for legal review (f) Initiate adoption procedures TASK IV - DEVELOPMENT OF QUANTITATIVE STANDARDS FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT A. Statement of Problem and Goal The Monroe County Major Development Ordinance, (Article VII, Chapter 6, Monroe County Code) does not specify clear criteria that aid developers and County personnel in designing develop- ments that are compatible with the existing environmental conditions of a site. The goal of this task is to devise a quantitative system that will identify specific zones on a given site that are suitable for development or preservation, and will aid in decisions concerning what type of development is suitable for a given site. B. Procedures (1) Obtain criteria formats from other localities and RPC's. (2) Determine environmental criteria that should be evaluated during review of site development in Florida Keys (e.g., vegetative types, measures of vegetative community quality, , alterations, presence of endangered species, etc.). (3) Develop draft of quantitative format for performance standards. (4) Workshop: Further development of (3). Workshop to include County biologists and planners, local DER and ACOE biologists, private planners and consultants with local experience. (5) Write proposed revision to Major Develop- ment Ordinance that empowers Planning Department to set guidelines, finalize these guidelines as product of (4). ( 5) (6) Submit for legal review (7) Initiate adoption procedures. TASK V - CORAL REEF TRACT LITERATURE REVIEW If time and funding is available, the County will undertake a literature search and review on the status of the Florida Keys Coral Reef tract. (1) Identify specific topic areas to be considered in the literature review. (2) Develop a listing of government and educational institutions having applicable data on the Florida Keys Coral Reef Tract. (3) Collect and analyze information received from identified data sources (4) Develop a report identifying preliminary findings of the literature review. (a) Identify topics for further study. (b) Seek out funding to undertake more detailed analysis if applicable. TASK VI Coordinate project activities with planning projects being developed in association with the Department of Community Affairs under Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. (1) Incorporate proposed ordinance revisions by reference into the revised Comprehensive Plan. (2) Utilize Memorandum of Understanding developed by this proposal to obtain information neces- sary for plan revisions. (3) Coordinate activities with the Department of Environmental Regulation water quality monitoring project in Marathon, Florida. (6 )