Resolution 359-1984 Post, Euck1ey, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. RESOLUTION NO. 359 -1984 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE EOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE FIVE (5) ADDITIONAL SERVICE ADDENDUMS TO THE AUGUST 5, 1983 AGREEMENT EY AND EETWEEN POST, EUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. EE IT RESOLVED EY THE EOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman of the Eoard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to approve and execute five (5) additional service addendums to the August 5, 1983 agreement by and between Post, Euck1ey, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of which is attached hereto, concerning Monroe County Jail Expansion Facilities. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chairman of the Eoard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Eoard held on the 30th day of November, A.D. 1984. EOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ...---- - . ~ RY'~"~":.:- --~ a1rman (Seal) Attes tpANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk /)) r - 'f "'~c':'-e"':r'~' ~"--_.~)/,,i/I//""'~ ~,~~",)(t-?~ <_'-;.' rkr~-~- _& .... .... --oOlIl _ · BY J.:- - .. 1::J Attorney's Office . ~ .. PROJECT NUFI=R 4") _rt i tJ {10 . - --~'-_~u~ 1 . ' roe It.DlJn I.y va 1 SHORT T1TLEFad 1 iti es s i on NOTICE TO PROCEED FROM (NA.ME/DATE): i ~ORTH KROME AVENUE . /:-/OMESTEAD, FL 33031 305/248-4750 ~, '. .' ~'., ( THIS ADDENDUM to the Agreement dated Augus t 5,' 1983 between Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., IBS&~ and the Client identified herein Is for the Additional Services described in Item 5 of this Addendum.. hjs ocument .CO[lstitute~ Addendum No.1 to the August 5, 1983 Bqsic Seryj( Agreement, JJ... .A. ocument.B 141 Standard form Agreement (Lump Sum Contract Of .'I>IOO,OuO. 1. CLIENT: The 'Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. . 2.ADDRESS:'P.O. Box 1029 Key West, Florida 33040 3. TELEPHONE ~ NUMBER; (305) 294-4641 , . 4. PBS&J shall begin work promptly on the requested Additional Services, however, completion of the services may, at PBS&J's option, be delayed until receipt of a fully executed copy of this Addendum. (Client retain white copy, return remaining copies). 5. Description of Additional Services to be provided by PBS&J (attach additional pages, if necessary): The AlE Design Team (PBS&J, Inc. with Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido Associates and Charles McCoy Associates as prOfessional consultants) will prepare Construction Documents consisting of working drawings, specifications and proposal documents, for (1) a third story shel~ addition, for future office space, to the two story addition presently under construction and previously designed by the AlE Design Team and incorporate (2) a four-stop elevator, (3) renovations of the existing booking area, (4) l6-foot high -roof parapet and fencing as originally designed, (5) exterior brick facing in conformance 'with Old Island Restoration Commission requriements. Upon completion of the Construction Documents, the AlE Des}gn Team, along with the Monroe County Project Director and staff will negotiate a change . order to the existing construction contract with the contractor, Monroe Construction Company, all subject to the subsequent approval of the Board of County Commissioners. The AlE Design Team will also perform construction phase services, i.e. contract administration, construction observation and final certification. The proposed improvements should meet the requirements of Chapter 84-350 of the Laws of Florida for disbursement of additional 1% sales tax funds. 6. The compensation to be paid PBS&J for providing the requested services shall be: o A. Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of 150%, plus reimbursable costs. See explanation on reverse side. lXJ B.ALump-SumchargeofS 44,000.00 . excluding out-of-town meetins, travel and printing as outlined in the Basic Services Agreement. o C. UnitCostlTime Charges identified in Exhibit A, attached. - o D. I n accordance with the provisions for Additional Services compensation set forth in the aforemen- tioned Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Addendum is accepted this 30th day of November , 19 --.aL, subject to the terms' and conditions of the aforementioned Agreement and the provisions on the reverse hereof. . CLIENT: SIGNED: TYPED NAME: TITLE: DATE: Wllhelmlna G. Harvey Mayor. Monroe County SIGNED: TYPED NAME: Ro ert Zuc r P TITLE: ~.eniiJr. Ac;c;or:iytp DATE: ovember 30, 984 SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN FORM NO, CAl070-0S GO~JSUL T ING ENGINEf:::fiS und PLANNERS .' , , " PROJECT NU~ER 40~..-01_6. 50 . ", . ,;'lroe Cou Iil Facility-Repa' ',SHORTTITLEto Existing vall at Jackson Squal KeYWes t '" N~T'CE ~O P~Ot~ED FROM (~AME/DATE): '. '.'. ~ .. I '. ".' . ~ :1 NORTH KROME AVEN ,HOMESTEAD, FL 33030 . 305/248-4750 ,! 'S"\ ";i: ~I- . "'k-'.. "1 ..... ,', ;: . THIS ADDENDUM to the Agreement dated Augus t 5, 1983 between Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., (PB~&J) and the Client identified herein i$ for the Additional Services described in /ten) 5 of . this Addendum. ThlS document :constltutes Addendum No.2 to the August 5, 1983 Baslc Servl Agreement, A.LA. Document. B 141 Standard Form Agreement (Lum Sum Contract of $100,000. 1.CLIENT:The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. 2~ ADDRESS:.P . O. Box 1029 Key West, Florida 33040 . '3. TELEPHONE , . NUMBER: (305) 294-4641 'I. 4. PBS&J shall begin work promptly on the requested Additional Services, however, completion of the . services may, at PBS&J's option, be delayed until receipt of a fully executed copy of this Addendum. (Client . retain white copy, return remainIng copies). 5. Description of Additional Services to be provided by PBS&J (attach additional pages, if necessary): The A/~ Design Team (PBS&J, Inc. with Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido Associates and Charl McCoy Associates as professional' consultants) has met with the Monroe County Sheriff ar his staff to "scopell the design program and conducted a walk-through inspection of the existing jail facility at Jackson Square, Key West, Florida. The design program agreel upon at this meeting consists of the following items which have been determined deficir in a recent joint State of Flo(ida Department of Corrections and State Fire Marshal Insp~ction Report. _ .. 1. Plumbing fixtures do not meet the required number per cell of prisoner ratio, 33-8.05(9)(b}4. . 2. Inadequate llghting in the cell block areas, 33-8.05(1), 33-8.05(9)(a)4 and (b)l. 3. Two cells on the second floor and one cell located at the first floor booking area utilized as isolation cells for management problem inmates have neither water closet lavatory, bunks, benches, adequate llghting nor ventilation, 33.8.05(9)(a)1, 2, 3, 4 4. A female juvenile was not housed in accordance with Florida Statute 39.032(5), 33-8.05(3). The AlE Design Team will prepare Construction Documents consisting of working drawings, specifications, and proposal documents for correcting the above l1sted deficlencies ln the existing jail facility and along with the Monroe County Project Director and staff, negotiate a change order to the existing jail expansion construction contract with the contractor, Monroe Construction Company. The AlE Design Team will perform constructio~ phase services, i.e., contract administration, construction observation and final certification. The A/~ D~sign Team will also prepare a feasibility study for a solar heating syste~ fa, the eXlstlng and expanded jail facility at Jackson Square per the request of the Monroe County Sherlff. , 1he proposed repairs should meet the requirements of Chapter 84-350 of the Laws of fl ori da for di sbursement of additi ona 1 1 % sales tax funds. 6. The compensation to be paid PBS&J for providing the requested services shall be: D A. Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of 150%, plus reimbursable costs. See explanation on reverse side. 00 B.ALump-Sumchargeof$15,000.00 . excluding out-of-town meetings, travel and printlng as outlined in the Basic Services A~reement. D C. Unit Cost/Time Charges identified in Exhibit A, attached. D D. I n accordance with the provisions for Additional Services compensation set forth in the aforemen- tioned Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Addendum is accepted this 30th day ot November , 19 ~, subject to the terms: and conditions of the aforementioned Agreement and the provisions on the reverse hereof. CLIENT: SIGNED: TYPED NAME: I'Jil he 1 mi na G. Ha rtey TITLE: rJayor, Monroe Coun y DATE: SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN FOAM NO, CAl070.0S .- ......-"."-.... oJ.,.... rL.""O!'fI't~n..., 1 NORTH KROt~E AVENUt" . HOMESTEAD, FL 3303C 305/248-4750 ~ \, , , PROJECT NUMJ3-ER (~'J i-v, v. 0'.1 . ' lroe toontv Jud; c; a 1 Facil i ty- ,SHORT TITLE ~Id ra than 2 )or Expans; on ' - NOTICE TO PROCEED FROM (NAME/DATE): . ". . f, _ =- 'I ",~ ".,' .' ;., I" , '. ~ ~ I . In [' ;ar.., t\.. ',. ~. THIS ADDENDUM to ,the Agreement dated Augus t 5, -1983 between Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., (PBS&J) and the Client Identified herein Is for the Additional Services described In Item 5 of this Addendum,,' Ihi s document constitutes Addendum No. 3 to the August 5, 1983 Bqs ic Seryi cc, Agreement, A. .A. Document .B 141 Standard Form Agreement (Lump Sum Contract of =l>IOO,UUU., 1.CLIENT: The 80ard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida " ." ....' 2. ADDRESS: 'P.O. Box 1029 Key West, Florida 33040 ~;"'. . 3. TELEPHONE. ' ...; NUMBER:. (305) 294-4641 " ~ . . 4. PBS&J shall begin work promptly on ,the r~quested Additional Services, hl)wever, completion of the services may, at PBS&J's option, be delayed until receipt of a fully executed copy of this Addend~Jni. (Client retain white copy, return remaining copies). 5. Description of Additional Services to be provided by PBS&J (attach additional pages, If necessary): The AlE Design Team (PBS&J, Inc. with Charles McCoy and Associates as professional consultants) will prepare sufficiently detailed schematic drawings of a 2nd floor additon to the Marathon Courthouse a magnitude of cost estimate to construct such. The original one-story stru~ture was designed by Charles McCoy and Associates and was structrually designed to bear the load of a 2nd floor expansion. Criminal justice facilities use only will be allowed on the 2nd floor. The proposed addition should meet the requirements of Chapter 84-350 of the Laws of Florida for disnursement of additional 1% sales tax funds. 6. The compensation to be paid PBS&J for providing the requested services shall be: o A. Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of 150%, plus reimbursable costs. See explanation on reverse side. ' ~ B. ALump-Sumchargeof$ 6,000.00 except out-of-town meetings, travel and printing as outlined in the Basic Services Agreement. o C. Unit CostlTime Charges identified in Exhibit A, attached. o 0.1 n accordance with the provisions for Additional Services compensation set forth in the aforemen- tioned Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Addendum Is accepted this 30th day of November , 19 ~, subject to the terms and conditions of the aforementioned Agreement and the provisions on the reverse hereof. . CLIENT: SIGNED: TYPED NAME: TITLE: DATE: wllnelmlna b. Harvey Mayor. Monroe County POST, BUCKLEY, S~NIGAN'I SIGNED: ~ TYPED NAME: Robert Zuccar, .. TIT L E: ~.enior--.A.s..s8..ciat e DATE: oVemberJ , 1984 SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN FORM NO, CAl070-0S ,.;JG ENGINEb,S MId PLANNERS,,--- PROJECTNUP/-R 4.Q.l-016.70 Jackson Squa,~ Jai1/Gc ent Facilities Mas SHORT TITLE Plan Revis IUW"SO Property Expan~l ~OTICE TO PROCEED FROM (NAME/DATE): ....4; ) NORTH KRO~E AVENL'''' 'tlOMESTEAD, FL 330;3(, 305/248-4750 THIS ADDENDUM to the Agreement dated p..u"'ust 5, 1983 between Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc., (PBS&J) and the Client Identified herein Is for the Additional Services described In Item 5 of this Addendum. This document constitutes Addendum No.4 to the fl.ugust 5, 1983 Basic Servi Agreement, A~I.A. Document 8,141 Standard Form Agree~ent(Lump Sum Contract of $100,000. 1. CLIENT: The Board of r~onroe County Commissioners of ~'onroe County, Florida 2. ADDRESS: P. O. Box 1029 3. TELEPHONE I . Key West, Florida 33040 NUMBER: (305) 294-4641 4. PBS&J shaH begin work promptly on the requested Additional Services, however, completion of the services may, at PBS&J's option, be delayed until receipt of a fully executed copy of this Addendum. (Client retain white copy, return remaining copies). 5. Description of Additional Services to be provided by PBS&J (attach additional pages, If necessary): The A/E Design Team (PBS&J, Inc. with Charles ~cCoy and Associates as professional consultants), contingent upon the Board of County CommissionersL decision to purchase the present u.s.a. property at the corner of Whitehead and Southard Streets from the City of Key West for a land acquisition cost of $237,000, will revise_~he approved Master Plan of Jackson-Square as-adopted by a unanimous vote of the Board of County Commissioners on 01/07/83 to aliow for the enlargement of the criminal justice facility wing. The revisions should include changes to the concept plans as shown in Monroe County Jail/Government Facilities Planning Study, square footage . schedules, etc., to assure, proper utilization and meet the requirements of Chapter 84-350 of the Laws of Florida for disbursement of the additional 1$ sales tax funds. 6. The compensation to be paid PBS&J for providing the requested services shall be: o A. Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of 150%, plus reimbursable ::osts. See explanation on reverse side. o B. A Lump-Sum charge of $ 1,500. no o C. Unit Cost/Time Charges Identified in Exhibit A, attached. o D. I n accordance with the provisions for Additional Services compensation set forth In ,the aforemen- tioned Agreement. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thIs Addendum Is accepted this 30th day of November , 19 ~, subject to the terms and conditions of the aforementioned Agreement and the provisions on the reverse hereof. ~g~~f~ SIGNED: TYPED NAME: TITLE: DATE: SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN CLIENT: SIGNED: TYPED NAME: Wil he 1 m~na G. TITLE: Mayor, onroe DATE: Nnvpmhpr 30, lqR~ Post, Buckley, Schuh &: Jernigan, Ine. CONSULTING ENG"'Tr.OT.'US and PLANNERS A.DDITIONAL SERVlGES ADDENDUM , PROJECT NUMBER 4U1-U16.80 1 North Krome Avenue Homestead, Florida 33030 305/248-4750 . SHORT TITLE Plantation Courthouse Elevator Addition NOTICE TO PROCEED FROM (NAME/DATE): THIS ADDENDUM to the Agreement dated August 5, 1983 JCtween Post, Buckley, Schuh &: Jernigan, Inc., (PBS&:J) and the Client identified herein is for the Additional Services described in Item 5 of this Addendum. This document constitutes Addendum No.5 to the August 5, 1983 Basic Services Agreement, A.I.A. Document B 141 Standard Form Agreement (Lump Sum Contract of $100,000.00). 1. CLIENT: Th.e Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida 2. ADDRESS: P. O. Box 1029 3. TELEPHONE Key West, Florida 33040 NUMBER: (305) 294-4641' 4. PBS&:J shall begin work promptly on the -requested Additional Services, however, completion of the services may, at PBS&:J's op~ion, be delayed until receipt of a fully executed copy of this Addendum. (Client retain one copy, return remaining copies). 5. Description of Additional Services to be provided by PBS&:J (attach additional pages, if nec~): , The AlE Design Team (PBS&':J, Inc. with Charles McCoy and Associates and Wolfberg, Alvarez, Taracido Associates as professional consultants) will coordinate with the original building design architect (Richard G. Coleville) if and when necessary to det,ermine the required documents to sufficiently enable the AlE Design Team, along with the Monroe County Project Director and staff to negotiate a change order, for a two-stop elevator 'to service the state attorney's office and judges chambers and review of second floor guardrail for conformance to existing codes and laws, to the existing construction contract with the Contractor, Monroe Construction Company or negotiate with an independent elevator company, all subject to the subsequent approval of the Board of County Commissioners. If this change order is implemented, preparation of design working drawings and construction phase services, i.e., contract administration, shop drawing review, construction observation and final certification are not a part of this Addendum and fees for such will be negotiated at a later date. The proposed elevator will be located within the existing janitorial storage area on the first floor level or a separate .structure on the exterior of the existing courthouse and should meet the requirements of Chapter 84-350 of the Laws of Florida for disbursement of additional 1 % sales tax funds. 6. The compensation to be paid PBS&:J for providing the requested services shall be: [l A. [ xl B. Direct personnel expense plus a surcharge of 150%, plus reimbursable costs. A Lump-Sum charge iOf $ 1,000.00 , excluding out-of-town meetings, travel and printing which is reimbursable as outlined in the Basic Services Agreement between PBS&J and Monroe County. [] C. [l D. Unit Costtrime Charges identified in Exhibit A, attached. In accordance with the provisions for Additional Services compensation set forth in the aforementioned Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Addendum is accepted this 30thday of November, 1984, Subject to the terms and conditions of the aforementioned AgreemffjjJent. CLIENT. POST, BUCKLEY, SCrUH~~ INC.. SIGNED. SIGNED. ~ TYPED NAME: Wil he 1 mi na G, Ha rvey TYPED NAME: Robert Zucca ro, p, E. Mayor, Monroe County TITLE: TITLE: Senior Associate DATE: DATE: November 30. 1984 SIGN WITH BALL POINT PEN