Resolution 360-1984 Lucien C. Proby, Jr. County Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 360 -1984 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO CONVEY AND DEED OVER TO MONROE COUNTY CERTAIN ROADS IN SAID COUNTY, FORMERL Y CONVEYED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA. WHEREAS, it has become necessary and is required that Monroe County requests the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida to convey certain roads in Monroe County to this County, and WHEREAS, to properly administer the use of said road it is necessary that the same be vested in Monroe County, now, there- fore, ~E IT RESOLVED ~Y THE ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida be and it is hereby requested to quit claim the following roads located in Monroe County, to-wit; 1. All the roads within INDIAN HAR~OR as is located in Section 90504-2603 and Section 90504-2601 as is shown in the Official Records of Monroe County recorded in Official Record ~ook 369 at page 222, and in official Record ~ook 304 at page 328 of the Public Records of Monroe County, and particularly de- scribed as: Apache Street, Navajo Street, Pueblo Street, Sioux Street, and Mohawk Street in Plat of Indian Harbor, Plat ~ook 3, at Page 178; Apache Street, Navajo Street, Pueblo Street, Mohawk Street and Tequesta Street in Plat of Indian Waterways, Plat ~ook 4, at Page 29; Riviera Drive and Fontaine Drive (from SR 5 Easterly to the Southerly extension of the most Easterly Right of Way line of Riviera Drive), in Plat of Fontaine Lake Estates, Plat ~ook 5, at Page 8; Ocean Drive and Plantation Drive, in Plat of Tropical Atlantic Shores First Addition, Plat ~ook 5 at Page 31; Plantation Drive and Harbor Drive, in Plat of Tropical Atlantic Shores, Plat ~ook 4 at Page 97; ~essie Road, Cidy Road, Sonny Road, Johnny Road and Elva Road, in Plat of ~oatmanls Colony, Plat ~ook 3, at Page 90; Azalea Street, Hibiscus Street and Jasmine Street, in Plat of Plantation Key Colony, Plat 'Book 3, at Page 182; 'Bougainvillea Street and that part of Coconut Palm 'Boulevard, in Plat of Revised Plat of Plantation Key Colony, Plat 'Book 4, at Page 64; Azalea Street in Plat of Plantation Key Colony, First Addition Plat 'Book 4, at Page 4; Plantation Avenue and Sunshine 'Boulevard, in Plat of Sunshine Estates, Section 1; Plat 'Book 4, at Page 63; Plantation Avenue, in Plat of Sunshine, Section 2, Plat 'Book 5, at Page 28; Plantation Avenue, in Plat of Plantation Key Colony, First Addition, Plat 'Book 4, at Page 4; Coral Avenue and unnamed Road (Sunshine 'Boulevard), in Plat of Edenaire, Plat 'Book 4, at Page 32; Ridge Road in Plat of Plantation Ridge, Plat 'Book 3, at Page 43; Unnamed Road and that part of Ridge Road, in Plat of Toner's Nautical Shores, Plat 'Book 4, at Page 36; Royal Lane, Palm Lane, Coconut Lane and Orange Lane, in Plat of Plantation 'Beach, Plat 'Book 2, at Page 76; All portions of other dedicated streets lying within the proposed Rights of Way as shown on the Right of Way Map of Section 90504-2603, as filed in the office of the Circuit Court, Monroe County, Florida. AND also all the roads described as: All the rights and interests of the Florida Department of Transportation into dedicated and used Valencia Drive, Leoni Drive, San Remo Drive, Plantation 'Boule- vard, Key Heights Drive, Monroe Drive, South Rolling Hill Road, North Rolling Hill Road, High Point Road, Indian Mound Trail, Seminole 'Boulevard, Iroquois Street, Coconut Palm 'Boulevard, Gardenia Street, and Royal Poinciana 'Boulevard, as now exists, and portions of other dedicated streets lying within the proposed right of way as shown on the Right of Way Map of Section 90504-2601, as filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Monroe County, Florida, 2. TRINIDAD ROAD and other roads on RAMROD KEY accepted under Section 90503-2601, as recorded in Official Records 'Book 278 at Page 312 and in Official Records 'Book 288 at Page 164 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida being a part of Government Lot 5, Section 29, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, and described more particularly as follows: 'BEGINNING at a point on the South line of and 553.78 feet East at the Southwest corner of said Government Lot 5, run N 89044'00"W on said South line, a distance of 299.33 feet to its intersection with the South- easterly Right of Way Line of State Road 5 (U. S. 1); thence N 77038100" E along said Right of Way Line a distance of 299.33 feet to the beginning of a curve 2 concave to the Northeast; thence from a tangent bearing of S 77038100" W run Southwesterly to Easterly on said curve, having a radius of 33.13 feet and a central angle of 167 022' 00", a dis tance of 96. 78 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; AND: All the rights and interests of Monroe County, Florida, into dedicated and used Trinidad Road and West Indies Drive, and portions of other dedicated streets lying within the Rights of Way of said Trinidad Road and West Indies Drive according to the Plat BREEZESWEPT BEACH ESTATES in Section 32, Township 66 South, Range 29 East, as recorded in Plat Eook 4, at Page 143 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County, Florida. 3, To deed over to Monroe County by quit claim those portions of OLD STATE ROAD 4-A over and across Sugarloaf Key described as follows: TO WIT: All that portion of the Florida State Road Number 4-A which is also known as Florida State Road numbers 939 and 939-A, which beings at the South- easterly Right of Way line of the Florida State Road Number 5 (U.S. 1) in Section 31, Township 66 South, Range 28 East, Sugarloaf Key, Monroe County, Florida; thence run in a Southeasterly and Southerly direction through Government Lots 4, 3, 5 and 6 of said Section 31; thence in a Southeasterly, Southerly and South- westerly direction through Government Lots 3, 2 and 7 of Section 6, Township 67 South, Range 28 East; thence Southwesterly through Government Lots 2 and 4 of Section 7, Township 67 South, Range 28 East; thence Southwesterly through Government Lots 7, 6, 5 and 4 of Section 12, Township 67 South, Range 27 East. All above mentioned courses were along said Florida State Road Number 939. Thence departing from said State Road Number 939, run for the next courses along Florida State Road Number 939-A. Thence in a Southwesterly, Westerly and Southwesterly direction through Sections 13 and 14, Township 67 South, Range 27 East; thence continue in a Southwesterly direction through Govern- ment Lots 1, 6, 2 and 5 of Section 15, Township 67 South, Range 27 East and through Government Lots 2 and 3 of Section 22, Township 67 South, Range 27 East. All of the above described road lies in Sugar loaf Key. Thence for the next courses run across the Saddlebunch Key. Thence in a Southwesterly and Northwesterly direction through Government Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 21, Township 67 South, Range 27 East; thence in a Northwesterly and Southwesterly direction through Government Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Section 20, Township 67 South, Range 27 East; thence in a Southwesterly, Northwesterly and Southwesterly direction through Government Lots 4, 2 and 3 of Section 19, Township 67 South, Range 27 East; thence continue Southwesterly and Northwesterly through Government Lots 6, 5, and 4 of Section 24, Township 67 South, Range 26 EAst, to the most Southwesterly terminus of said State Road Number 939-A. All of the above lying and being in Monroe County, Florida. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED EY SAID EOARD that the Clerk of this Eoard is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this 3 Resolution to the Department of Transportation of the State of Florida for appropriate action. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 30th day of November, A.D. 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA '-~.. '- ' By ~..~~..~...... ": ~~ ........, MaYOr~c:airman ~ (Seal) .' Atte'stPANNY L, KOLHAG8, CIer!t /), '/~/ 1 ~d;_~&?~~ AfJ.L , ~e.r VED AS TO FORM SUFFICIENCY. , . BY Attorn..,. Office 4