Resolution 190-1982RESOLUTION NO.:_190-1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING PROJECT APPLICATION FOR COW KEY CHANNEL BOATING IM- PROVEMENT FUND PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO14ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Project Application for the Cow Key Channel Boating Improvement Fund Project is hereby authorized and approved, a copy of same being attached hereto and made a part hereof. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 26th day of July, A.D. 1982. (Seal) Attest: (Y Y,.S ft.,,1 uu33" llr� C.. Clerk 'J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF 0 E COUNTY, FLORIDA a• B C_ �r - F' *" Mayor/Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AN GAL SUFFICIENCY By Q Attorneys Office STATE, CF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF `1AT'7PAi, RESOURCES Florida Boa tirg Iirmrovement Prcgram Project Aoolication Project Identification 1. Type of Project: Acquisition Develocment x Planning Launch Site New Docking Facility Expansion Channel Marking x Renovation Other ( specify ) For Office Use Only Date -Received Project No. County y 2. Project Title: Cow Key Channel marking project 3. Project Location: Cow Key Channel, Stock Island, Key West, Monroe County, FL 4. Brief Description of Project: to install 14 daymarkers in narrow. high traffic channel between Stock Island and Key West 5. Grant Requested: $ 12,832.58 Source of Other Funds: Estimated Total Project Cost 6. Applicant Identification: $ 12,832.58 Applicant County: Monroe Located in City of: Key West, FL (if applicable) Liaison Agent: Jeffrey A. Fisher Appointed Representative of Monroe County, Board (Name of County) of County Commissioners Address: Board of County Commissioners c/o Jeff Fisher, Extension Director P. 0. Box 2545 Key West, FL 330.40, Phone No. 305/296-9786 7. Signature: Date: DNR 42-034 Rev. 8-1-80 14 STATE OF cLORICA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating imarovement Program Proiect Application for Development 1. Ownership of Site: Federal State x Local x 2. Total Estimated Cost: $ 12,832.58 3. Tvpe and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development (By Unit): Facility Quantity and Unit of Measure Specify No. and/or Feet Estimated Cost Frank Keevan & Son to install 14 da beacons as described in $12,767-00 packetaccording to Agreement enclosed IKey [Vest Citizen — Key West ) advertise Notice for Bids keynoter — Marathon ) newspapers 22.00 Contincencv — % (10% maximum) Total 1 $12 832.58 4. Type and Status of Required Permits, Easements or Leases '~�'e: Coast Guard Private Aids to Naviza—Stat`1s enclosed tion U.S. Army Corps granted via Coast Guard 5. Required Attachments a. vicinity map NOS Chart #11441 b. site development plan N/A C. copies of required permits, easements or leases or letters stating none are required enclosed d, prcof of county/local ownership or other form of site control N/A e. Pre -construction certification (if applicable) enclosed also enclosed description of work to be performed and cost of advertising for bid documentation DNR 42-035 Rev. 8-1-80 15 act.. cr,,r Q C � r /)90 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Mr. Jeffrey A. Fisher Extension Director II Monroe County Board of County Commissioners County of Monroe Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Fisher: Address reply to: COMMANDER (oan) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S.W. 1st Avenue Miami, Fla. 33130 Phone: (305) 350-5621 16518 Serial: 3098 25 September 1981 Enclosed is Private Aids to Navigation' Application, CG-2554 authorizing the establishment of Cow Key Channel Daybeacons 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20 and Cow Key West Channel Daybeacons IA and 3A. This authorization is issued under the following conditions: 1. Compliance with these and other conditions of the application is essential. You must not deviate from this application unless modification is submitted to and approval received from the United States Coast Guard. 2. That you advise the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) immediately when the aids are actually established. At that time, the Coast Guard will issue appropriate notices to mariners. 3. These private aids to navigation shall be maintained in proper condition at all times. They will be inspected by the Coast Guard after establishment and thereafter at any time without prior notice to the maintainer. 4. The applicant agrees to save the Coast Guard harmless with respect to any claim or claims that may result arising from the alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation of the approved aid. 5. A discrepancy exists whenever an aid is not as described in the approved application. Any discrepancy in the operation of the aid at any time shall be reported to the Commander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) by telegram or other rapid means of communication in order that notices to mariners may be issued. Discrepancies are to be corrected at once and reported by the same method. 6. Change in ownership must be approved by the Coast Guard. Discontinuance and removal procedures should be requested from this office. 16518 Serial: 3098 25 September 1981 Subj: Private Aids to Navigation 7. If the aids are not installed within one year of the approval date and this office notified in writing, the approved application is automatically cancelled. 8. Coast Guard authorization of these private aids to navigation does not authorize any invasion of private rights, nor grant any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviate the necessity of complying with any, other Federal, State or local laws or regulations. You are invited to review conditions 3 and 5 of this authorization. It must be understood that when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or private, this information is published immediately and then carried on future editions of appropriate nautical charts and in the Light List. Thereafter, mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the advertised signal and discrepancies left uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litigation. pSincerely,TSON t, U.S. Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Commander Encl: (1) CG-2554 approved 25 September 1981 Copy: Commander, Coast Guard Group, Key West, FL Officer in Charge, Aids to Navigation Team, Key West, FL District Engineer, Jacksonville District, Corps of Engineers (N1s. Levin) DEPARTMENT OI TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE AID$ -TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION Form Approved U.S. COAST GUARD See attaclied instructions aril co l7y of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) OM1164)I14-R563 i CG-2554 (Rev. 7-76) NO PRIVATE AID TO NAVIGATION MAY BE AUTHORIZED UNLESS A COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM HAS BEEN RECEIVED (14 U.S.C. 83; 33 C.F.R. 66.01-5). 1. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE _ R AIDS TO NAVIGATION: A®ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN B.QDISCONTINUE C.❑CHANGE D.❑TRANSFEWNERSHIP Z, pA�-E�C�ION TO START A 3. AIDS WILL BE OPERATED: A. THROUGHOUT YEAR B. TEMPORARILY UNTIL C. ANNUALLY FROM TO 4. NECESSITY FOR AID (Continue in Block S) 5. GENERAL LOCALITY If, ORPS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY ease boater navigation in "problem" channel Coca Key ChannelfL]aERMITOR OLETTEP (file andclare) FOR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT STRUCTURE LIGHT LIST NO. DEPTH CAN- HT. REMARKS FLASH TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT NUMBER NAME OF AID OR POSITION OF OLE ABOVE (See /nstructlonsJ OR PAGE LTR. PER. LGTH. COLD WATERPOWER WATER ABOVE GROUND (7a) (7b) (7c) (7d) (7e) (7f) (79) (7h) (71) Daybeacon 1 Lat. 24' 33' 17"14 6' 8/min. Single pile 1 mile nominal Long.al 044' 44"W ( square green 2 Lat. 24' 33' 15"N 6' 8'min. Single pile red 1 mile nominal Long.810 44' 42"W triangle Daybeacon 9 Coordinates on 6' 310min Single piles mile nominal 11 attached sheet 5' 8'min square green It 13 5' 8' min 11 15 4' 8�min 8. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ODD NiTMBEP.I:D S6w DAi'i•iARKS , EVEN NUI-[I3EP.ID TP. DAYI.IAP.KS �1 i9 r r i 9a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON INDIRECT CHARGE OF AID 10a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR CORPORATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE lob. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SAVE THE COAST! UARD HARMLESS WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM OR CLAIMS THjT MAY RESULT ARISINP "onr - -_(4 �ytyl Board of Commissioner AID IS MAINTAINED- FROM ALLEGEDNEGLIGENCEOF THE MAINTENANCE OR OPERATI{ON THE APPROVED I S' P. 0. Box 2545 Board of County Commission ' lOc. DATE � I NA U DT LEd OFFICfALSIGfJING } Key West, FL 33040-2545 Monroe County, Key West FL 33040 Sept.11, 198 r \•Fxtension Service - '/may 1. ftrector .7b. TELEPHONE NO. 305/294-4641 160 x FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECD. DATE APPROVED !i (Bj, direction) ti (:ClassL. FR? 1;ERIAL NO. CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS CHART NOS # 11441 N. M,1`T }',A�!`(1_r PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE - SN 1530 00 1`01.1 J40 DEPARTMENX OF TRANSPORTATION PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION U. S. COAST GUARD CG-2.554 (Rev. 5-69) (See attached instructions and copy of Code of Fed. Reg., Title 33, Chap. 1, Part 66) Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 04-R3014 I. ACTION REQUESTED FOR PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION AESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN B. I—, DISCONTINUE C. CHANGE D. a = TRANSFER 2. DATE ACTION TO START 3. AIDS WILL BE OPERATEDA. CITHROUGHOUT YEAR B. CI TEMPORARILY UNTIL C• = ANNUALLY FROM A.S.A.P 4. NECESSITY FOR AID (Continue in Block g) ease boater '' 5. GENERAL LOCALITY TO 6. OR PS OF ENGINEERS AUTHORIZED THIS STRUCTURE OR BUOY BY navigation in roblem" Channel IF Key Channel r-� PERMIT OR = LETTER (file and dale) FOR DISTRICT COMMANDERS ONLY 7. APPLICANT WILL FILL IN APPLICABLE REMAINING COLUMNS LIGHT LIST OR LIGHT DEPTH CAN- HT. STRUCTURE NUMBER OR PAGE NAME OF AID LTR, PER. FLASH LGTH. COLOR POSITION OF WATER OLE POWER ABOVE WATER REMARKS (See REMARKS TYPE, COLOR, AND HEIGHT (7a) (7b) (7C) (7d) (7e) (7f) (7g) (7h) ABOVE GROUND (71) (71) Daybeacon 4 Coordinates on 7' VTn'i.Single piles 1; mile nominal 6 attached sheet 10, `i`m' l.red triangle ►' 8 ,e Q� v m 1. 1 4t 3�m:z. 1R gn 4 S r.li -I. 1 1 Cow KC-y WEST (ti6 6' S "m' • t l Daybeacon 1A Lat. 240 33' 52.5"N LonS.810 44' 59" W 4' Sim' ri.Sin,-le piles sub -channel to square green brid�-e 3A Lat. 240 33' S1.5"i; Long, . 310 45' 2 W 4 tj 3' ra' . . 4 0 S. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS EVEN PTIR-1BERED TR DMARKS , ODD NUME EKED SG DAYIIARKS AP11 9a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON IN DIRECT 10a. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR CDR- 10n. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO SAVE TH ,COAST GUARD HA RML E65 CHARGE OF AID PORATION AT WHOSE EXPENSE AID IS WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM OR CLAI S THAT MAY RESULT EES Monroe County Board of Commission rs MAINTAINED NG FROM THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENC F THE MAINTENANCE 11 P. 0. Box 2545 OPERATION OF THE APPROVED AlD sl T /� Board of County �'ommissioners tr C Key !,,Test' FL 33040-2545 T Ioc- DATE lOd, SIGN TORE AND TI ITTiOriTO7e County, Key jv('St T+LE-'oF-OFFTICI.AL SI�.IkjNG:i TELEPHONE NO. FL 33040 305/294-4641 ,; 160 Sent. 11 19 1- �Ci1.. f_`',, o,r- FOR USE BY DISTRICT COMMANDER RECD. DATE APPROVED I/IRq(By direction) SERIAL NO. CLASSIFICATION OF AIDS t� l�vf CHART IVnC Jl 44 '}/♦_ 11 1 9/ / t ! Cl:f ss L. N M V.• BAl J�1{ PREVIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED T,. COW KEY CHANNEL -Daybeacon 1 -Daybeacon 2 -Daybeacon 4 -Daybeacon 6 -Daybeacon 8 -Daybeacon 9 -Daybeacon 11 -Daybeacon 13 -Daybeacon 15 -Daybeacon 16 -Daybeacon 18 -Daybeacon 20 COIN' KEY WEST CHANNEL -Daybeacon IA -Daybeacon 3A Approximate Position 24-33-17.0 N 81-44-44.0W, 24-33-I5.0 N 81-44-42.011' 24-33-20.0N 81-44-41.01V 24-33-27.01\1 81-44-42.OW 24-33-39.0N 81-44-45.OW 24-33-47.0N 81-44-49.OW 24-33-53.ON 81-44-56.0W 24-33-55.0N 81-44-57.OW 24-33-58.ON 81-44-58.51V 24-33-58.O N 81-44-57.51V 24-34-04.51\1 81-44-57.5W 24-34-09.0 N 81-44-58.01V 24-33-52.5N 81-44-59.01V 24-33-51.5N 81-45-02.O1V — DOCD � 1 LP 13 0J co � 01 okm `o 69 Ln \ W 4 IF _ \m N \ �o G o0000 ° ' I d W 1 +� I -Em i ' 1 i I 'I Ir W O a Ln r cl O O ID Jul N 9 pi cj N x \ p O' 111 N Ln to • to m!-cD!'❑� p W TANK x ,1\ /\> i ✓ - / J �` 1 'W _i N ❑ . � — CF THREE _ � /n � _ 1 N Sl6i day N 52 co — \ i �tY'• \ / (J . (�-•l`' � IN J n �Q1 — �'��ti '1 � N ? D P •� 1 � j � rn D o'd, U z a•' � A m ro., .i•�v'�/ W+ .r�\ � //��. �u� � ,u' �, — Y lo, ��� al n o• `�' y to il��'� i J� �.J� - •.q W } mil � a a _ m ;41 COUNTY OF MONROE SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF DAYBEACONS IN COW KEY CHANNEL, STOCK ISLAND, KEY WEST, FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Key West, Florida at A.M. on the day of 1982, in for the installation of Daybeacons in Cow Key Channel. Sealed bids to be received in accordance with the Notice of Calling For Bids. Specifications for work to be done at location noted on enclosed — nautical chart (NOS 'P11441) for the installation of Coast Guard approved Daybeacons follow: 1. PILES: (A) Piles shall be -of timber treated with an industry approved substance to retard rot and destruction by marine organisms. Chromated copper arsenate (C.C.A.) is commonly used. • (B) Piles shall be of timber which will stand the driv- ing for which they are intended and be of good quality. (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any point, face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal of 1% of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum butt diameter. = 12" measured 3' from end. Minimum tip diameter = 8". 2. LENGTH OF PILES: Piles to be of sufficient length to provide minimum of four feet penetration into sea floor and provide elevation of minimum 8 feet above mean high water. Two (2) piles must be 12 feet above mean hibh water. 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be erected as indicated on the enclosed nautical chart and in accordance with enclosed drawings. There are two daymarkers per daybeacon.' Strict attention must be paid to size of daybeacons. 2. (A) Install "'�; mile" SG (green square) daymarks and piles in Cow Key Channel as marked on enclosed chart and according to latitude and longitude on Coast Guard permit. Each daybeacon contains 2 ' daymarks. Do not install "2 mile nominal. SG at first marker at ocean entrance to channel (marker No. 1). Install Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15 as !- mile SG daybeacons. (B) Install "2 mile" TR (red triangle) daymarks and piles in Cow Key Channel as marked (Nos." 4, 6, 8, 16, 18 20 ), except first marker at ocean entrance to channel ( No. 2 ). Place daymarks as marked on enclosed chart and according to latitude and longitude on Coast Guard permit. (C) Install one (1), "1 mile" nominal SG and one (1) "1 mile" nominal TR at oceanside entrance to channel (Daybeacon Nos. 1 and 2 respectively). (D) Install two (2), 2 mile nominal SG (square green) daybeacons in Cow Key West Channel as located on chart and Coast Guard permit. These daymarks to be numbered lA and 3A. 4. DEMOLITION: None 5. CERTIFICATION: (A) Bidder will certify that the plans and specifications of the project will comply with the project design criteria established by the Department of Natural Resources and will, if carried out, result in com- pleted facilities incorporating acceptable engineer- ing design standards, which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. Bidder will certify that all appropriate requirements of the project noted on the Coast Guard permit will be met. (B) Bidder must also certify completion of the project in accordance with 5, (A). (C) Bidder will certify location of installated piles by latitude and longitude upon completion of the work. 6. Contractor shall specify number of days required to complete the work from issuance to him by county of Notice to Proceed letter. 3. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until a contract is signed between the county and the bidder, whichever comes first. Performance Bond required in accordance with Florida Statutes Chapter 255. If your bid or proposal exceeds $25,000, it will be necessary to post a Performance Bond. f I 1 ch o rJ .: roLL j a �1 0 x r z w �. • -� , a i i h J g d '� ~' G.•• N Nf •p Ifl .O n W P O fV .- f^f �•- Q N1 �•- d' n O p O r4 N N N �"1 N ♦ N N N .0 N n N (� N P fV O PI NI O ►� I I I -I I I it f' Z 'O s U c � � l L,Jf7 tSr l P. O. BOX 158 MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 r Board of County Commissioners P. O. Box 1680 Key West, FL 33040 L 7 I PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE. 4-22-82 22.00 Calling Bids Cow Key Channel Daybeacons DESCRIPTION Notice of Calling for Bids Daybeacons Cow Key Channel Published: April 15, 22, 1982 THE FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER P. 0. BOX 158 MARATHON, FLORIDA 33050 PHONES: 743.5551 — 743-5552 !r t C AMOUNT , who on oath, says iwsp�tper published at Marathon, in Key Channel _in the sly l' nd �1. one 22. 00 her ; I om- \� per. TOTAL PAST DUE TOTAL DUE 22.00 Court, was published in said C NCIT r 0�--( NUUTICEAELISIN►GI£REBBIDS E TO WHdM IT A',AY CO.,tCERN 'that on Monday the 3ro dev of � A`, that.1982 In Courtroom 6, Monroe CCounty Courrnouscl Annex S00 ply Street, Key Wes,, MMonroa County, .Florida, the Board of County; ommissioners of Monroe I ourify Florida, wilt Consioer I seaied Elds for the follow Ing. 1 Installation of daybeecons to 1 Cow Key Charnel, SIC-% 1.? Ip nd. K yV West, Monroe i Count v, �lorlda. Plans, s Qcffica!ions and al:' other bi��nformation may bei obtained from the office of I" Clerk, Monroe County CCourt- house, 500 Whitehead Streel, Ke West, Florida. B ds are to be enclosed in seat- ed !'tyelpPeS m Ikeon ne eu,s-de, SEAL D BID FOR TNF INSTAL Al1�NF H_l h.YBEACONS N CC N K_Y ANNE ST C/t r. I5L.N KKcy W'FF�t M NROE COUN' T\'. FLOt21t5A' Eacti,gi sna: COnsfltule an Offer to inE Cvunty �. as cult' tied therein and shall be Ir,Fvoca L;e after the ttme en- n�lUnreC fur the ODenn.•g there- o. No biocier may wnr,ci p r.ts. bid wl'�!n ninety t9o1 calc,barl 0'Ys a,'f r the dates set for foe. oorr•.:no Inereoi. Alt D�a? must be Ir the hands of, t o Clerk of the 9oard of Coon -I *y Com ctlsefoners at the hlon-! V%nlY Courthouse, Kev ; t, Floride , Or1 0! otfore 4:00 . ON Frtdav Aor it 30, 19s2. 4 Any success///ul Eidoer award,^) m1fract In accorda'lce wiih Ifus� nonce shall tM reuuired fc DOst PDerforman;e bond guaranlee- r9 Completion of file worK ynder the soeclfical.ors. 1 he Commission reserves the right o reject an♦ and all btdv. to welye Irre gularihes and :r- forma!llies In any and elf trios. or 10 re4dvertisr, for bids. An! ewer d, h made will be to trw lowest re_DonsioKe and ,augli!Te bioder as the Comm,ssw, deems 10 be in the best interest' Qt rre County. - he Commisslon also reseryrs it's right 10 sa Dara♦ely aCIPPf 1, j reject any and all Item Or hems of a bid wnlch the Commtss-nn i oeerns to be In Inc best Inferest r �f foe County. I his at Key West Flwica I his On day % ACri!, 19112 ALPH 1V. WHITE Clerk of the Hoard of Chun y Comm,ss,oners c• Monroe Counly.,Fgrlda Publish ADrll 15, 22, 1982 THE FL0RIuDA KEYS KEYNOTER i Published Weekly MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA "f m I t vt- FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF MONROE ) Before the undersigned authority personally appeared _ Wi 1 1 i RM T- MPrtin who on oath, says that he is Pub 1 i s h e r of The FLORmA KEYS KEYNOTER„ a weekly . P• Per P'� news blishe.d at Marathon, in Monroe County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a ?� n 1 Ce of CA111"In For Bids IN THE MATTER OF Installation of Da beacons Cow Key Channel in the Court, 'was published in said newspaper in the issues of _ rk n r i 1 1'S 2 2 1 9 82 Affiant further says that the said FLORIDA KEYS KEYNOTER is a newspaper published at Mara- N �c OR�70BIDS ALLIN FOR BIDS E IS then, in said Monroe County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore T Iiy C ,CE.GI%IE , T WHOM IT MaY COl�CERN' 982that on day the Cry. oT May, 1982C in Courtrpom been continuously } tro Monroe of nr B, Annex Published in said Monroe County, Florida, each week on Thursday)�Ie end has been entered as second 500 W��hIleheac st e'ofr Ida efne Bonid pl Cou l_r' Commissioners class class mail m@tter at the post office in Marathon, in said Monroe County, Florida, fore period of of . Monroe sealed tidnty lfordthe following - l.1w earion of davbeacons one In Cow Key Channel, SI(vg Is- year next preceding the first. publication of the attached copy of advertisement; !nd, KeY West, Monroe CQounrr Florida. and affiant further Plans, ip c ficalidns and ali' Other" bitl �n�ormation says that he has neit�ler paid nor promised any parse ;. Ir _^ _r� (; ,rl , or co4poration any discount, rebate, com- ma be obtained from the office or the Clerk, Mc•nrV a County Couel, house, 500 Wnir cunt Streyt, - mission or refund for thepurpose'of securingthis advertisement for publication in the said news a er. newspaper. Key West Florida. Bids are West, be enclosed in seal - Gegdf Beef S5CEs m rke on trip, �pplN F�R �. Tpli INI&M-9AT i, LL 55 CGANNEuONTOCK� t5LAN0 jKf , YF, K-; dA y1gNROE COUN- (SEAL) i SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS - DAY OF r A.D. 19_C_ 'a- constitute aln offerEocthe C.,unay III outlined therein and shall be Irrevocable Offer the lime an- nFunced for the openiv V friere- o. NO bracer may wifl,dr w his bid within ninety (90) eapendar days.affur The dales se, for the Allc p.ns must bi! In. the hands of, 1ha Clerk of the Board of Coun- ty CORlmissloners et the Mon -I roc CO0unly Courthouse, Kev yy qqsl, FlarldA On or l>el..e l;flo p.M. ON F.ritlay qorll 0, 19s2. Any successful h djoer awarded COtttraCt in accordance Kifh this notice shall be reouired to Post f Performarlge bond Cuaranfee- n0 comPlelid O1 the work uund4terCtne specj�icalrons to fo relects lanvrenarallll sbids forme!IlleesfrIn any Fnd all bids, Or ewarodr If made ewillrbbids. 'Artnr lowesl resoonslble and qu�lilied • d ems to be In 111e be srl interest Of the County The COmmisslon also reserves Ih00 right 10 Se Darately accept p, rClect any and all Item or Items of a bid which the Commiss;on I deems to be In the best Interest of the County ke y ey West Florida 1Ihls bin day of April, 19b2 l RALPH W. WHITE i 41erk of the Board of COun y Commissioners pf Monroe County, Floqrida P• blish April 15, 22. 19825EAL) Florida Keys Kevnofer N piOT(CE OF j7 CALLtNG FOR BIOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN That on Monday the 3rd day of May •1922 In Covr-?__ e, Monroe County Courinduse Annex, 50O Whitehead Street, Key West. Monroe County, Florida, the Board of County Commissioners of -Monroe County, Florida will consider sealed bids for the following: ' installation of daybeacons In -Cow Key Channel, Stock Island, Key West, Monroe County, Florida. Plans, specifications and all othgr bid Information may "be ;obtained from the office of the Cler K, Monroe County Courthouse, - Whitehead Street, Key West, F orida, Blds are,to be enclosed In sealed envelopes marked on the outside, "SEALED BID FOR THE .INSTALLAT ION -OF �DAYBEACONS IN COW KEY CHANNEL, STOCK. ISLAND, XEY WEST; MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA" Each bid snail constitute an offer to the County as ..dull ined therein and shall be irrevocable after the . time mnounced for the Opening thereof. . T40 bidder mar withdraw his b,d -♦vfthln nine, (P'J7 calendar days 4 5 7 a I to 11 12 13 1, 15 1• — 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2D 29 30 31 UJ L-6 - , 1% 1l YiOX 1LU ..' F- Key West, Florida 33040 PHONE 294-6641 r , L 3`) 1 TERM AYMENT DUE BY 151 Il (1. .f DISPLAY ADVERTISING .............. . . .. .. . PICK UP RATE .................. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ........... ....... I........ MISCELLANEOUS ..... _..................... . . . . . . . . . r-1 � r { j f •i t 1 TOTAL. . PAST I)UL TOTAL A."It fl N'I• I)UE... . STATE OF.FLORIDA DEPART',IE ;T OF NATURAL RESOURCES Florida Boating I, grove -rent Procram Pre -Construction Certification Project Title Boating Improvement Fund Cow Key Channe], Stock Island installation of Daybeacons COunty Monroe I hereby cert4fv that clans the above refere^CvM -_ - and SPec1catlons for criteria establ_.. ec b� oj_c� aytZ-t.^e �rcject design Will, if ca_rlea `Outresult Qt �21 = cYt.:: O� :1at'�=a! `Resources, aP_C - salt- in comcleted nac4lities incor�crating acceptable engineering design_ standards, which facilities Will be structurally sound, sa1.e and suitable for t:'?e'_r location and intended use. p'" act cil ep Date: J G � RESOLUTION NO. 162 -1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO�LMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT BY AND BETWEEN FRANK KEEVAN & SON, INC., AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COAL%1ISSION ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR BOAT- ING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AT COW KEY CHANNEL, STCCK ISLAND, KEY WEST, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Frank Keevan & Son, Inc., and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for Boating Improvement Fund project at Cow Key Channel, Stock Island, Key West, Monroe County, Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28 day of June, 1982. (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B y ayor/Chairman APPR VED AS TO FORM LEGAL SUff/C/E/YCY. sy i Attorneys O//ice AC 1' F 28th day of June _ f THIS ACIt1'sL'�1EN'i' made this — 1982 by and between F�VNK KEDVAN & SONS, INC., Contractors, hereinafter called 12 the "Contractor", and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Owner", and the Owner for the consideration WITNESSETH, that the Contractor hereinafter named agree as Follows: h all the materials and perform all the 1. The Contractor shall furnis work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project l, Stock Island, Key West, Monroe County, Florida, a copy of at Coca Key Channe which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall be commenced within fourteen (14) days from dare Owner provides Notice to Proceed and be completed within sixty (60) days of the commencement. 3. Further, the parties agree that if the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Owner to Contractor on or before September 15, 1982, that this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the contract the sum of Twelve Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty-seven Dollars ($12,767.00) upon completion by Contractor and acceptance by Owner. 5. The Contractor understands and agrees that the project funding is contingent upon approval by the Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improve- ment Fund program, and that the Contractor will complete all necessary pre - construction and project completion certifications. 6. The attached Specifications together with this agreement, form the art of this contract as if herein repeated. contract and they are as Fully a p page 1 of 2 Pages IN L'1TNESS 1ti11LRGOF the parties heret0 leave C:Y.eCutud this agreement the day and vuar first written above. (Seal) Attest: Secretary (Seal) Attest: Jerk FRANK KL•'LVAN 6 SON , INC. By: ' es dint BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. OF MONROL COUNTY, FLORIDA By E ayor/Chairman Pale 2 or 2 Pages i STATE OF FLORIDA, ss. COUNTY OF MONROE. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted -by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board duly held on the 28th day of June A.D. 19 82 WITNESS my hand and official seal this 12th day of July A.D. 19 82 Ralph W. White Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Monroe County, Florida, (SEAL) and ex officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Flo ida. BY• Dep ty Clerk N