Resolution 048-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 48 -1982 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORATION TO ERECT A "CHILDREN AT PLAY" SIGN ON U. 5. HIGHWAY NO.1 AT THE NET TENNIS COURTS AT MILE MARKER 81, ISLAMORADA, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, it is needed and necessary for the erection of a "CHILDREN AT PLAY" sign on U. S. Highway No.1 at The Net Tennis Courts at Mile Marker 81, Islamorada, Monroe County, Florida, for the protection of youngsters playing at said location, and, WHEREAS, the request for a sign has come from various organ- izations including the Chamber of Commerce of Islamorada, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MON- ROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Florida Department of Transportation permit and allow the erection of a sign legended as follows; "CHILDREN AT PLAY" on U. S. Highway No.1 at The Net Tennis Courts at Mile Marker 81, Islamorada, Monroe County, Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 26rd day of January, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ?;;e L ~ .0 '~htl Ma~r/Chairman 0 (SEAL) Nt te st : _"_, /.) ~'l J:/ <:::-~- '... f ~:/-/ .,;7%'-' /. .,/.;' .-;/5 /', ,/ .,/ ./ J / W~ t::d' t.. ____ l- i eYe r k APPIIOVED At 'I() FOIIM A~ G4t $tJFFtCIENCY. 8Y