Resolution 050-198250 RESOLUTION TO:. -1982 o WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF D40NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Eugene F. Poole , and WHEREAS, in complaince with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant has presented revised plans for the construction of shoreline bulkheading and boat lauching and storage facilities along his Plantation Key property shoreline. Shoreline bulkheading wil_l.be provided by -the construction of a boulder riprap revetment along 55+ linear feet of said property shoreline. Its construction will entail the depositon of 30+ cubic yards of unspecified -size, limerock, boulder riprap materials along the property's approximate MHW mark. Boat lauching facilities will be proviede by the con- struction of a 12 ft., wide by 24 ft. long, concrete slab, boat launching ramp at.the southern property shoreline area. Said ramp will be constructed on a 1:8 'slope, Its construction will entail the excavation of 20+ cu. yds. of miscellaneous materials (15+ c.y. landward of MHW; 5+ c.y. wate'rward of MHW) which will subsequently be combined with adiditional limerock materials and used as revet- ment backfill stabilization. • Ramp sidewalls will be stabilized with poured concrete bulkheading. Boat storage facilities will be provided by the construction of a 20+ ft. long (perpendicular to shoreline) by 4 ft. side dock structure northerly adjacent to said boat lauching ramp. Said dock structure will be constructed of pre -cast concrete slabs (2) supported upon concrete '.'T" pilings (3) at a +3.5 ft elevation '(MHW). Since this proposed dock structure will have a total overwater surface area of 75+ square feet, it is exempt from Departmental permitting requirements pursuant to Section 17-4.04 (10) (c) of the Florida Administrative Code. All proposed construction activities will be accomplished via backhoe operating from the -applicant's adjacent upland property (personal communica- tion; applicant/owner; November 12, 1981. The applicant's property is situated centrally along the natural Florida Bay shoreline area of Plantation Key Colony Subdivision on northwestern Plantation Key, Monroe County. Plantation Key Colony is relatively large (200+ acre), single family waterfront residential subdivision which is presently.approximately 70 percent developed. Residential waterfront within this subdivision is provided by several manmade canals which are contiguous with Florida Bay (Class III) waters. The majority of the existing subdivision residences are equipped with various shoreline bulk - heading and/or boat mooring facilities. Developed upland areas within this subdivision have all been cleared, filled and'are presently vegetated by a variety of landscaped native and exotic tropical vegetation, open lawn area and pea gravel fill material. The applicant's property consists of an average -sized (0.3+ acre), rectangular, residential lot bordered to the north and south by similar properties, to the east by S. Coconut Palm Blvd. roadway and to the west by a predominantly natural navigation channel to Florida Bay. The southerly adjadent property is presently unde- veloped (ie, cleared and filled grassy area with shoreline fringe vegetation). The northerly adjacent property is presently com- pletely developed with an existing residence and shoreline bulk - heading (ie, concrete seawall) and boat launching facilities (ie, ,ramp) similar to that proposed herein (constructed by applicant; personal communicatiuon). The westerly adjacent channel area is Resolution H Eugene F. Poole Page Two formed by Plantation Key Colony Subdivision (to the east) and the San Pedro Lake wetlands area (to the west). It measures 300+ ft. wide (average) and provides Florida Bay access for all southern Plantation Key Colony residents. Florida Bay waters in this area are generally shallow (less than 10 ft. deep; MSL), productive (extensive seagrass beds) and of excellent quality. The applicant's property is presently developed with an incomplete, two-story residence (under construction by applicant/owner). Eastern or front yard property areas are largely completed and are presently vegetated by a mixture of grassy lawn area and various landscaped palms and tropical exotics. Western or backyard pro- perty areas are largely disturbed by the home construction activities in progress. Various scattered piles of fill material, concrete blocks, coral rock boulders and miscellaneous construction material debrrs are present throughout this area. As a result, there is pre- sently little significant vegetation remaining within this area. The proposed project will be situated along the applicant's shore- line property areas and adjacent submerged lands. Existing shore- line property areas also appear to be somewhat disturbed by various' home construction materials and debris and evident shoreline erosion and concrete rubble depositional attempts to halt this erosion by the applicant. As a result there is also little significant re- maining shoreline vegetation within property areas. Isolated, sparse patches of sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) purslane (Sesuvium spp.) and beach carpet (Philoxerus spp.) were observed in addition to several large buttonwood (Conocarpus spp.) mangroves. The pre- dominant substrate within this area consists of a limerock fill/ rocky rubble mixture. Inshore adjacent submergent areas (within the proposed project area; 10+ ft. from existing MHW line), although somewhat disturbed (aforementioned coral rock rubble and cinder block fragment erosion control depositional activities,), appear to be presently stable and in excellent condition. Lush growths of algae (Caulerpa, Acetabularia, Halimeda, Penicillus, Lorencis and Batophora spp.) and seagrasses (Thalassia testudinum and Halodule Writhtii mixed) were observed growing throughout the proposed project area upon respective available substrates. Additional benthic organisms observed in this area included anemones (Casseopeia spp.), sponges, hermit crabs, starfish, hydrozoans, bryozoans and gastropods (Fasciolaria and Nerita spp.). Water depth within this area grad- ually increases from the MHW line to -4.0+ ft. (MSL). The pre- dominant substrated within this area varied between a firm, limerock fill/rock rubble bottom (algal areas) and a soft, fine, silty, organic sediment (seagrass areas). In direct contrast to this description, inshore submergent areas at the northerly adjacent property seawall area exhibited sparse algal/biofouling growths and a light growth or primarily Halodule wrightii seagrass vege- tation. Adjacent submergent areas Iie, channel proper) exhibit a uniformly lush seagrass growth (2+ ft. high Thalassia testudinum primarily), fine, silty, 2+ ft. thick organic sediments and a 5+ ft. (MSL) water depth. The primary direct project impact will be in the destruction and loss of the 50+ sq. ft. of productive submergent bottom presently within the proposed ramp toe excavation area. Additional, inad- vertant, impacts will result from the siltation of adjacent sub- merged lands from turbidity raised during the proposed ramp exca- vation and dock piling placement activities. However, if turbidity curtains are properly utilized during all such activities the latter suggested impacts are expected to prove minimal in this instance. Resolution Eugene F. Poole Page Three Longer term potential adverse impacts include waste, heavy metal, detergent and petrochemical discharges into state waters from boat operation and maintenance procedures. However, due to the proposed limited use of said boating facilities (ie, single family residence), such impacts are also not expected to prove significant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts will include increased shore- line stability from the construction of the proposed riprap revet- ment. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 26th day of January , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR OUNTY, FLORIDA By Mayor APP VED AS TO FORM AffiF11, AL SUFFICIENCY B ' Anon & Old BOAR-O"OF COUNTY COMMJERS -� Henry i-C , �lelOF; ' nkam Director Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 ^ I, Building, Planning and Zoni no Curt Blair, District 2 Al, iY� wz Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ,, � s. ; �;; _,(P.O. Box ROOM 205 Wing I I r " Pub i i c. Service Building 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. P " - - Key West, Florrda OUNTY o MONROE ;. ' 4, _' _ 330430-43� KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294-4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1/ 1. County Biologist Report 1/ 2. Resolution (Eugene F. Poole) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (boat ramp and seawall)y 5. Site Plan 1/ 5. Location Map 7• DER Assessment DATE", BY , r JAN 13 1982 V COUNTY ATTY. Eugene F. Poole 380 S. Coconut Palm Blvd. Tavernier, Fl. 33070 December 17, 1981 Mr. Bob Dennis ,Monroe County Building 5825 Jr. College Road West Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Dennis: In accordance with instructions from your office (Ref. Jackie, 16 Dec. 81, 11:15 phone conversation) I am incloding a copy of the DER biological report on the Revision to my original application for a sea wall and dock (Incl (1)). As pointed out in Mr. Cantrell's cover letter the DER report along with my permit application must be submitted to the Board of County Commissioners for their approval. I am also including a copy of my original County application (Incl. (2)) along with the Revision (Incl. (3)) that has finally met with the approval of Mr. Loken of DER, Marathon. I know your work schedule must be very heavy, however, I would certainly appreciate any possible expeditious transaction of my ap- plication through the Board of County Commissioners. ily, , Poole 3 Incls. r - TOPS FORM 3397 L11M. A. --- - DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE January 11 , 1982 SUBJECT POOLE , E.F. , boat ramp and seawall To Henry F. Weinkam, Director DEP•TBuilding, Planning and Zoning FROM Bob Dennis, Biologist DEP•TPlanning and Zoning LEGAL Township 635, Range 38E, Section 5, Plantation Key Colony Revised Plat, Lot 15, Block 1, Plantation Key. Zoned RU=1-M. INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: Applicant proposes the following projects along his Florida Bay waterfront property. 1. Construction of a concrete boat ramp (12 ft. wide x 24 ft. long) with an 8:1 slope and requiring 20+ c.y. of material to be excavated (5+ c.y. waterward of MHW and 15+ c.y. landward of MHW). 2. Construction of a concrete dock (20 ft. long x 4 ft. wide) Adjacent to the boat ramp. 3. Placement of 55+ linear feet of rip -rap seawall along the MHW line. The amount of rip -rap required is 30- c.y. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. EVALUATION: No adverse, long-term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. RECOMMENDATION: Approval with the following stipulations: 1. Boat ramp not to extend below MLW and 2. Placement of boat ramp and dock be done in accordance with any applicable zoning setback requirements. <' ,.vMONROE. z PL1N'NING; BUILDING & ZONING DEPART"4ENT PER,,1IT r= PER1,1IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF Flo. COUNTY � a� :t �• • �J �;• FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IiQ THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF :10NROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Eugene F. Poole Aug. 17, 1981 Box 504 P. Resolution No. Tavernier, Florida 33070-0504 3) Phone number 852-5146 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number f same as above 5) Legal description of property: Plantation Key Colony Section 05 Key Plantation Subdivision Revised Plat Township 6 3S Lot 15 Block 1 Range 3$E Street, road or mile marker South Coconut, Plam Blvd. Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled deposited 5 C.Y. 15 c.y. 30 c.y. 0 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of 11.H.W. of Nil. H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU-1 M PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD .OF COUNTY CO2MISSIONERS OF ,IONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biolo-ist Comments - Restrictions or SDecia;l Conditions if any: Approval with the following stipulations: 1. Boat ramp not to extend below MLIV and 2. Placement of boat ramp and dock be done in accordance with any applicable zoning setback requirements. Conv in File Date! i.ui..l:41 0� 5 _cia 1. 1'rpperty owners name & :`pail ink, id'dre• i 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing I.I•gal description of property: Friction, pS Ts•i•,aship, 63 ! lio ne numi-er address, phone & certification number. Key, I�vf7L`iJfi i s A;,-,-ATia.J le s/ c-c.c,,:iy Subdivision, Block, I '"ea 3s�Street, road or mile marker, SDU�i� CAOCD,U� (if acreage) m g 9 D,,scribe the proposed activity, methods of constru:tion & amount of material. (iii cubic yards), to I>e excavated or d.isch<lrred Inscribe purpose & intender'. .. .. u::u of pr.ojecC, � - lob""Moos' a ��°!VX � .5�1 1441-4 XA19 ���r� Sr. �o (.r��v�Z' . vsiaA,111 �70 ,C; dredged/excavated ,_• :.'.; "'t `• ; filled/deposited �� , vr.lume of material: c v. 3C c.v, c v < rci" .. of :I.II.' o ;d� �.4A,i': N'ane,.address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts ter way, Gc '4•ar /'f.- !-'vP7XeY, (7'AIne<ar &:ft/�Y �iA, 2ooit tJ r Ati��� C3.v<rtr ge-f S. Coro.u�r Ay Tfi-dip-/1ie er GG io7c Lv.`Pillfi i3��c:�, �L 33¢0.7 List -other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant s dame, io, this site �✓��� Lot, /a �) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. .AIA -7 List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this project. This completed .zpplication form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8� x ll paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows:: $25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical seawalls on man-made bodies of water. :,25.00 for any combination of the above=lctivities ner sit?. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. l: certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & ,lccurate. 1. further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not pros to Five Irithority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, stat or 7 1 law res;,.elating construction or performance of constructi ri-of this f ility.. nF z")!) i1 LJil a-1— .. _ partment lrse Only/ son acceptin.q Ppplication Yee & receipt �t '7 t:o!;t 0f p(Irrait Approved by Ass.t, —Dire ctar / -Z 1 Lr.IrtCec; roc E.0 coos T'tTt_t1Z%l1 6 Fl. 7 4 Y 7 2 5 3 FIXID RRI I 0.0 "01 C I 111 C, 1. 11 7 Surfoc 1 T 2 5 3 3 4 3 A 2 2 N", I . 3 aIJ 7W-1f ,VAA4,ff) Fri, '.0- fiDj 14 13 io O A 71' o c o x v r -0 q1■ Ii � 1) la I) Ij 11 l o '�rl ■ I N -A L at .3 .6 I .7 8 0 1) 6' A /Y L L C A 'r— . 0 — AREA �,OCAT10i\l PLA AIM TOAJ - Y ��. 0 4 OD 0 70" 7=' ZZI tl A -__q dUAJ6' .%Ott jel V'R 40" 77r- 64C& 0 I-V 5e_C7-70AJ _AA_ 9 6 7 -rO14 Y 24 7—CAZ C f_Q 2 -Purpose: Private Seawall and boat Proposed Seawall and sheltered slip-on slip (sheltered) Lot 15, Block 1; of Plantation Key Colony Datum: Mean Sea Level Mile marker 90, Rt. 1, Tavernier, F1'. 33070 Adjacent Property Owners: County: Monore State: Florida 1. Lot #14 J. Fortney Application by: Eugene F. Poole. 2. Lot #16 G. Hayslip Sheet 1 of 1 Date: 31 Aug 81 0 I � �ELO;ti1 f,✓,, //iV/ M 4t'ouT r{ r/� "oF Pc P'i7-r ��D%✓G(' 7� � j21 TO . -- 1-07"' P,-•,.,.1 f-oFes, C UQ-1 � 7Q ! .r„ F Ti.", rc.. -ri i✓!12140 r'IFPF.Gn.40' f ` Sly I^ i ��` /� j 1 �' � •�, �I.�. 4 % �l� ,J �.+ i November 18, 1981 Dear Mr. Cantrell: I am inclosing copies of a revised plan of my "proposed seawall and sheltered slip". This plan -was arrived at after face to face discussion with Mr. Loken in which he expressed no objections. All other pertinent information remains the same. I would really appreciate my plans moving forward to approval• as expeditiously as possible. Sincerely, ne F. Poole • 0 S. Coconut Palm Blvd. Tavernier, Fl. 33070 Monroe County, File No. 44-47263-5E Seawall, Boat Basin a H 5Wi7ra r � 3201 GOL�COURSE BOULEV RD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 DVJ015 O�. STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY +� �► 0d DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION r� I'D SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE December 8, 1981 Eugene F. Poole P.O. Box 504 Tavernier, Florida 33070 Monroe County, File No. 44-47263-5E, Seawall & Boat Basin Dear Mr. Poole: !l As we advised you on September 9, 1981, your application is incomplete without loca approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Council or their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county cornission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." Tt further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. if you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. RWC/wb Enclosure Sincerely, Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Form 17-1.122(50) POOLE, EUGENE F. #44-47263-5E -. -Monroe County - Tavernier Page Two A. The applicant has presented revised plans for the construction of shoreline bulkheading and boat launching and storage facilities along his Plantation Key property shoreline. Shoreline bulkheading will be provided by the construction of a boulder riprap revetment .along 55+ linear feet of said property shoreline. Its construction -will entail the deposition of 30+ cubic yards of unspecified -size, limerock, boulder riprap materials along the property's approximate .MHW mark. Boat launching facilities will be provided by the con- struction of a 12 ft. wide by 24 ft. long, concrete slab, boat launching ramp at the southern property shoreline area. Said ramp will be constructed on a 1:8 slope. Its construction will entail the excavation of 20+ cu. yds. of miscellaneous materials (15+ c.y. landward of MHW; 5+ c.y. waterward of MHW) which will subsequently be combined with additional limerock materials and used as revet- ment backfill stabilization. Ramp sidewalls will be stabilized with poured concrete bulkheading. Boat storage facilities will be provided by the construction of a 20+ ft. long (perpendicular to shoreline) by 4 ft. wide dock structure.northerly adjacent to said boat launching ramp. Said dock structure will be constructed of pre -cast concrete slabs (2)-supported upon concrete "T" pilings (3) . at a +3.5 ft. elevation (1,IHW). Since this proposed dock structure will have a total overwater surface area of 75+ square feet, it is exempt from Departmental permitting requirements pursuant to Section 17-4..04(10)(c) of the Florida Administrative Code. All proposed construction activities will be accomplished via backhoe operating from the applicant's adjacent upland property (personal communica- tion; applicant/owner; November 12, 1981). B. The applicant's property is situated centrally,along the natural Florida Bay shoreline area of Plantation Key Colony Subdivision on northwestern Plantation Key, Monroe County. Plantation Key Colony is a relatively large (20Q+ acre), single family waterfront residential subdivision which is presently approximately 70 percent. developed. Residential waterfront within this subdivision is provided by several manmade canals which are contiguous with Florida Bay (Class III) waters. The majority of the existing subdivision residences are equipped with various shoreline bulk - heading and/or boat mooring facilities. Developed upland areas within this -subdivision have all been cleared, filled and are presently vegetated by a variety of landscaped native and exotic tropical vegetation, open lawn area and pea gravel fill material. .The applicant's property consists of an average -sized (0.3+ acre), rectangular, residential lot bordered to the north and south by POOLE, EUGENE F. #44-47263-5E Monroe County a Tavernier Page Three similar properties., to the east by S, Coconut Palm Blvd.. roadway and to the west by a predominantly natural navigation channel to Florida Bay. The southerly adjacent property is presently unde- veloped (ie, cleared and filled grassy area with shoreline fringe vegetation). The northerly adjacent property is presently com- pletely developed with an existing residence and shoreline bulk - heading (ie, concrete seawall) and boat launching facilities (ie, ramp) similar to that proposed herein (constructed by applicant; personal communication). The westerly,adjacent channel area is formed by Plantation Key Colony Subdivision (to the east) and the San Pedro Lake wetlands area (to the west). It measures 300+ ft. wide (average) and provides Florida Bay access for all'southern Plantation Key Colony residents. Florida Bay waters in this area are generally shallow (less than 10 ft. deep; MSL), productive (extensive seagrass beds) and of excellent quality. The applicant's property is presently developed with an incomplete, two-story residence (under construction by applicant/owner). Eastern or front vard property areas are largely completed and are presently vegetated by a mixture of grassy lawn area and various landscaped -palms and tropical exotics. Western or backyard pro- perty areas are largely disturbed by the home construction activi- ties in progress. Various scattered piles of fill material, concrete blocks, coral rock boulders and miscellaneous construction materials and debris are present throughout this area. As a result, there is presently little significant vegetation remaining within this area. C. The proposed project will be situated along the applicant's shore- line property areas and adjacent submerged lands. Existing shore- line property areas also appear to be somewhat disturbed by various home construction materials and.debris and evident shoreline erosion and concrete rubble depositional attempts to halt this erosion by the applicant. As a result there is also little significant re- maining shoreline vegetation within property areas. Isolated, sparse patches of sea daisy (Borrichia spp.), purslane (Sesuvium spp.) and beach carpet (Philoxerus spp.) were observed in addition to several large buttonwood (Conocarpus spp.) mangroves. The pre- dominant substrate within this area consists of a limerock fill/ rocky rubble mixture. Inshore adjacent submergent areas (within the proposed project area; 10+ ft. from existing IRRq line), although somewhat disturbed (aTorementioned coral rock rubble and cinder block fragment erosion control depositional activities), appear to be presently stable and in excellent condition. Lush growths of algae (Caulerpa, Acetabularia, Halimeda, Penicillus, Lorencis and Bato Nora spp.) and seagrasses T a assia testu inum an Ha odule wrig tii mixed) were observed growing t roughout the proposes project area upon respective available substrates. Additional benthic organisms POOLE, EUGENE F. #44-47263-5E Monroe County_- Tavernier Page Four observed in this area included anemones (Casseopeia spp.), sponges, hermit crabs, starfish, hydrozoans, bryoz oans and gastropods (Fasciolaria and Nerita spp.). Water depth within this area grad- ually increases from�t e MHW line to -4. 0+ ft. (MSL) , The pre- dominant substrate within this area variec between a firm, limerock fill/rock rubble bottom (algal areas) and a soft, fine, silty, organic sediment (seagrass areas). In direct contrast to this description, inshore submergent areas at the northerly adjacent property seawall area exhibited sparse.algal/biofouling growths and a light growth of primarily Halodule wri..ghtii seagrass vege- tation. Adjacent submergent areas ie, crane roper) exhibit a uniformly lush seagrass growth (2+ ft. high Thalassic testudinum primarily), fine, silty, 2+ ft. thick organic sediments and a 5+ ft. (MSL) water depth. D. The primary direct project impact will be in the destruction and loss of the 50+ sq. ft. of productive submergent bottom presently within the proposed ramp toe excavation area. Additional, inad- vertant, impacts will result from.the siltation of adjacent sub- merged lands from turbidity raised during the proposed.ramp..exca- vation*a.nd dock piling placement activities. However, if turbidity curtains are properly utilized during all such activities the latter suggested impacts are expected to prove minimal in this instance. Longer term potential adverse impacts include waste, heavy metal, detergent and petrochemical discharges into state waters from boat operation and maintenance procedures. However, due to the proposed limited use of said boating facilities (ie, single family residence) such impacts are also not expected to prove significant in this instance. Beneficial project impacts will include increased shore- line stability from the construction of the proposed riprap revet- ment.