Resolution 054-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 54 -1982 A RESOLUTION CALLING ON THE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND THE UNITED STATES FEDERAL AUTHORITIES TO UTILIZE THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO AID MONROE COUNTY IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CADASTRE; SETTING FORTH THE AGENCIES WITH WHOM THE REQUEST TO AID IN THE CADASTRE DEVELOPMENT IS DIRECTED. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, has deemed it essentially necessary to develop a cadastre based on the land resources and information system required of this County as a tool for the proper development of lands in this County and to implement the need for the adoption of the Land Use Plan Map, and tVHEREAS, Monroe County is now an Area of Critical Concern as designated and defined in Florida Statutes Annotated 380.05 and undergoing a study of said designation, and ~iEREAS, being an Area of Critical Concern this cadastre has become in reality a pilot program for such designated areas, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and County Commission of Monroe County have passed a resolution requesting the Legislature of the State of Florida to add one year to the time set for the designation of Critical Concern, and WHEREAS, by said action the County Commission has indicated its intention to establish realistic land use in Monroe County which re- quires the necessary information and material that would be gathered in a cadastre of this sort, and WHEREAS, to accomplish this purpose it is also necessary that the technical and financial assistance of the various State and Federal agencies be made available and rendered to Monroe County before the expiration of the Critical Concern legislation, and WHEREAS, such a project as is contemplated by this resolution requires a high priority of the various State and Federal agencies, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: -2- 1. This County has taken a position and does intend to develop a cadastre based on the land resources and information system which is deemed to be an essential tool to the local County government and of utmost necessity to bring about implementation prior to the adop- tion of the Land Use Map. 2. Because of the passage of Resolution No. 377-1982 this County has and intends to continue its development of the County in a prudent and logical fashion, which can be best served by a cadastre based land resources and information system such as is intended herein which Monroe County has determined to be required for such develop- ment. 3. The various State agencies as enumerated herein together with the Federal agencies be called on to lend support both technical and financial as quickly as possible in supporting the intentions and matters set forth in this resolution prior to the expiration of the Critical Concern legislation. 4. As part of this resolution the various members of the Monroe County Legislative Delegation are called upon to effectuate an amendment to Florida Statutes Annotated 380.05 to comport with the matters herein recited. 5. The Clerk of the Board is hereby instructed to forward copies of this resolution to the various State Agencies as follows: The Administration Commission, Department of Natural Resources, Department of Veterans and Community Affairs, and the Florida Keys Planning Resources and Management Committee. In addition, copies of this resolution shall be directed to the members of the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, namely, Senator Robert McKnight, Senator Richard Renick, Senator Richard Anderson, and Representative Joe Allen. In addition to the above, copies of this resolution shall be sent to the Florida Department of Transportation, the Department of Environmental Regulation and any other departments in this State that are deemed to be interested and can be an aid in accomplishing the purposes of this resolution. -3- 6. All of the above named and mentioned officers and depart- ments be called on to provide Monroe County a high priority and commitment from the State and the Federal authorities for both financial assistance and technical assistance in accomplishing the purposes of this resolution. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 26th day of January, A.D. 1982. By OF COUNTY COl1MISSIONERS COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ II ~dL~ ~~.4' ayor/Chairman / .' (Seal)' i __0"-_) s '. ,... Att~s:t': ,..(. 122. , l -~ />". :P' / /, " (A~6~/~ / ) / lerk /