Resolution 056-1982RESOLUTION NO. 56-1982 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEE SCHEDULE FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY THE MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 154.06, FLORIDA STAT- UTES. WHEREAS, Chapter 154.06, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to es- tablish a schedule of fees for health services rendered by the Monroe County Health Department, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to establish and adopt a schedule of fees which shall be implemented by the Monroe County Health Department, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that said Board does hereby establish and adopt a fee schedule for services rendered by the Monroe County Health Department, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 26th day of January, A. D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA B y �"�-� a• or/ airman (Seal) Attest: RALPH W.69NlTf CLERK Clerk ANr GAL SUFFICIENCY. Sy � STATE OF FLORIDA iqDEPARTMENT OF . Health & BOB GRAHAM, Governor Rehabilitative Services DISTRICT ELEVEN PUBLIC SERVICE BLDG. MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 January 19, 1982 TO: Board of County Commissioners SUBJECT: Fee Collection REFERENCE: F.S. 154.06 Fees and Services rendered: Authority In accordance with the above reference; attached for your information and consideration is the proposed fee schedule for services that we would like to implement in the Health Department. This fee schedule is based on a sliding scale where a client with a higher income would pay a pro- portionately greater amount of the actual cost of a service than a lower :income client, given all other factors being equal. In formulating this fee schedule we used the gross income schedule published in the Title XX Comprehensive Annual Services Plan as our guide. Due to Federal, State and Local funding constraints we deem this action necessary if we are to continue to provide and expand the services of the Monroe County Health Department. Q T.P. " usiness Manager Monroe County Health Department TPH/tr Attachments: Title XX Gross Income Schedule FS 154.06 Dental Fee Schedule Environmental Health Fee Schedule Health Services Fee Schedule Diet Counseling Fee Schedule (;% dof ) 3 I S •. GROSS lNCCMk *-'YlL (ANNUAL) 1 7,790 or 3,791 - 4,740 - 5,688 - c,63G - 7.594 - 8.532c- i lesa 4,779 S,Gd7� 6,635 7,5e3 8,531 9,474 more ' I 2 5,010 or 5.011 - 6,263;- 7.515 - E,767 - 10,019 - 11,271 2,525 cr ss 6,262 7,514) e 8,766 1C,018 11,270 1.12,524 more 3 6,230 or 6,231 - 7,788 - 9,345 - 10,SO2 - 12,:59 )14,016 - 5,575 cr! less 7,767 9.344 10,901 12,458 14,015 I15,574 more 4 7,450 or 7,451 - 9,313 - 11.175 - 13.037 - 14,699 - 16,761 - 8,625 0: less 9,312 11.174 13.036 1:,853 16,760 j'3,F24 pre 58,670 or 8,671 - 10,838 - 13,005 - 15,172 - 17,339 - 1^,50G 1,G75 less 10,837 13,004 15,171 17,338 19,505 21,674 more 6 9,E90 or 9,891 - 12,364 - 14,836 - l7,]02 - 19,780 - ^-,252 - :,725 c less 12.363 14,835 17,307 15,779 22,251 I24,724 r-ore - 7 11.110 ar 11,111 - 13,8E8 - 16,665 - 1S,442 - 22,219 - I2:,596 - 7,7,5 less 13,887 16,664 19,441 2212.8 24,995 �27,774 o.l -,ore 8 22,330 or 12,331 - 15,413 - 18,495 - 21,577 - 24,659 27,741 - 0,225 0=' less 15,412 16,494 21.576 24,658 27,740 130,o2< rro_e 9 13,550 or 13,551 - 16,938 - 20,325 - 22,712 - 27,099 - ,30,426 - 3,673 crl less 16,937 20,324 23,711 27.093 3C,:85 33,e72 r-3re 10 14.770 or 14.771 - 18,463 - 22,155 - 25.E47 - 29,539 - �33,231 orless 18,462 22,154 25,846 29,538 33,230 36,924 �6,�,25 more 11 15,990 or 15.991 - 39,968 - 23,935 - 21,932 - 11,979 - 25,97r, - 10,975 c: less 19,987 23,984 27,981 31,972 35.,975 29,974 [-or. L2 17.210 or 17,211 - 21,513 - 25,815 - 2C,117 - 3:,419 - 38,721 less 21,512 25,914 30,116 +4,413 32,720 '3' 0'-, mote 13 18,430 o: 18,431 - 23,038 - 27,645 - 22,252 - 3G,E59 - I41,466 or less 23,037 27,644 32,251 3S,E58 :1465 146,074 i;o,m ro_e 14 19,650 o: 19,651 - 2:,563 - 129,475 - 24.2%7 - 39,299 - i4:,211 - .9,125 or less 24,562 29,474 34,386 35,2?3 44,210 )49,124 bore 15 20.670 o: 20,671 2G,C,'.8 - 31,305 - 2E.522 - 41,739 46,556 - 32,175 o. less 26,037 31,304 36,521 4:,73E 46,955 52,174 gore G.:JC7 A 8 C D E F I I G g :5:- :S :C ifi - I:_ v O 3.G0 5.00 10.00. :6.00 26.00 36.00 S 52.00 =. 0 I 2.00 4.00 9.00 :3.JJ 22.00 I 30.00 IS 43.r0 - -�-1' 0 i 1.:0 I 1 J 1.00 2.00 3. 6.03 ; 2.00 S 11.30 C^:?1:� 0 7.r..0 15.00 3U.00 :i.=7 75.CO I 105.00 ;.50.00 r r 0 123.00 45.00 90.00 00 225.00 315.00 5450.00 _.LA7 al ' Step (1) - :eter^ine the aepropriate line ::t t:ne upper t.11:1e which reflects the clie .t's fr_-ily size. Step (2) - Y.avr across the line, located -, S"? (1) until the calur..I which contains tF,- a;propriate. ir,cc.ne level for the clie:t.is identified. Step (3) - F'.ove ,!own the culurn, located 'e• Step (2)8 to determine the discount grc_p (des:nr.atei by letters A-N). Step (4) - Locate the a;,prnpriate service :is'' line in the 1z-cr taolo. 5te2 (5) - M: C ac--uss t`,c line, located '_. =tep (:), until it c:0,se� t..e r;;:npriate diccu.-nt group Stop (3)) colu:]41. 2'r.c .'cc t:3 he Isscs%t-d is l-)cated at tais F.S. IQ81 PUBLIC HEALTH FACILITIES 154 the same shall relate to the duties of their respective positions. They shall be employed by the board expended solely for the purpose of providing health of county commissioners; provided, however, that no such personnel be services and facilities within the area served by the local health unit. The board of county commission - shall employed by the board of county commissioners unless such personnel shall be eri, or its equivalent municipal body, may provide for the transmittal of funds collected under the approved by the Department of Health and Rehabili- tative Services. When a vacancy occurs in the posi- provi- sions of this chapter to the State Treasury for credit to the local health unit trust fund. tion of director of the local health unit, eligible candi- dates shall be presented to the board of county History. —es. 1, 2, ch. 69-80; as. 19, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 3, ch. 72.323; s. 34, ch. 77-117, tom- nlissioners and, if no appointment is made within 6 months from the time of this presentation, then the PART II Secretary of Health and Rehabilitative Services shall make the appointment. The duties of said personnel COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH TRUSTS shall be fixed and determined by the department, upon the approval by the board of 154.07 Public health trusts; creation. county commis- sioners. The compensation of said personnel shall be determined under the rules and regulations the Di- 154.08 Designated facilities; definition. 154.09 Governing body; composition. of vision of Personnel of the Department of Administra 154.10 Relationship with board of county commis - tion. Such employees shall engage in the prevention P of disease and the promotion of health in sinners. 154.11 Powers of board of trustees. cooperation with, and under the supervision of, the department. 154.12 Legal status of public health trusts. 11istory.—s. 4• ch. 14!X16, 19:11; CCL 1936 Supp 29'14(25)• sa 19 35 h 69 lik;; s.'1• ch, 72-139; s. 2• ch. 72-:123; s. 3, ch. 72.:145; R. 14. ch. 75-48; s. 32, ch.' 7.147. 154.05 Cooperation and agreements be- tween counties. —Two or more counties may com- bine in the establishment and maintenance of a sin- gle full-time local health unit for the counties which combine for that purpose, and pursuant to such com- bination or agreement such counties may cooperate with one another and the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and contribute to a joint fund in carrying out the purpose and intent of this chap- ler. The duration and nature of such agreement shall be evidenced by resolutions of the board of county commissioners of such counties and shall be submit- ted to and approved by the department. In the event of anv such agreement, a full-time local health unit shall be established and maintained by the depart- ment in and for the benefit of the counties which have entered into such an agreement; and, in such case, the funds raised by taxation pursuant to this Chapter by each such county shall be paid to the State 'Treasurer for the account of the department and shall be known as the full-time local health unit trust fund of the counties so cooperating. Such trust funds shall be used and expended by the department for the purposes specified in this chapter in the coun- ties which have entered into such agreement. In case such an agreement is entered into between two or more counties, the work contemplated by this chap- ter shall be done by a single full-time local health unit in the counties so cooperating, and the nature, extent and location of such work shall be under the control and direction of the department. i History.—s..5. ch. 14906. 1931; CCL 1936 Supp. 2934(26): s. 2, ch. 61-119; as. - 19. 3.5• ch. 69 106. s. 33, ch. 77.147. 15-1.06 Fees and services rendered; authori- ty.—F;ach local health unit may collect reasonable fees for services rendered, provided a schedule of such fees is established by the board of county com- missioners, or an equivalent municipal body, and filed with the Department of Health and Rehabilita- tive Services. All funds collected hereunder shall be 693 154.07 Public health trusts; creation. —There may be created in and for each county of the state a public body corporate and politic, to be known as the "public health trust" of such county, for the purpose of exercising the powers described herein with re- spect to "designated facilities" as that term is herein- after defined. No trust created hereunder shall trans- act any hll8iness or exercise any powers until the gov- erning body of the county of such trust shall, by proper resolution, declare that there is a need for such trust to function and shall appoint the members thereof. History. —s. 1• ch. 7.3. 102. 154.08 Designated facilities; definition.— (1) The board of trustees of each public health trust is authorized to become the operator of, and governing body for, any designated facility. The term "designated facility" shall mean any county -owned or county -operated facility used in connection with the delivery of health care, the operation, governance, or maintenance of which has been designated by the governing body of such county for transfer to the public health trust of that county. (2) Designated facilities may include, but shall not be limited to, the following: sanatoriums, clinics, ambulatory care centers, primary care centers, hospi- tals, rehabilitation centers, health training facilities, nursing homes, nurses' residence buildings, infirma- ries, outpatient clinics, mental health facilities, resi- dences for the aged, rest homes, health care adminis- tration buildings, and parking facilities and areas serving health care facilities. History. —a. 2, ch. 73-IO2. 154.09 Governing body; composition— (1) The governing body of each public health trust shall be a board of trustees consisting of not less than 7 nor more than 21 members, to be appointed for staggered terms of not more than 4 years by the governing body of the county in which such trust is located from among the residents of the county in a manner to be determined by the governing body of the county. MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPTARTMENT DENTAL CLINIC FEE SCHEDULE Acrylic Work Dentures (each denture)........................................$50.00 Dentures (Porcelain Teeth) (each denture)......................$75.00 Treatment partial (1 tooth)....................................$40.00 Relines........................................................$25.00 Denture Repair...............................................$10.00 - $15.00 Tooth Replacement..............................................$10.00 Removable Partial Denture Upper Vitallium...............................................$125.00 Lower Vitallium...............................................$125.00 Orthodontic Band ..............................................$ 10.00/tooth Crown & Bridge Porcelain Crown ...............................................$ 75.00/Unit CastCrown ....................................................$ 75.00/Unit OtherProcedures...................................................Determination of Dental Director All adult patients (over 18 years old) will be charged a fee of $5.00 per visit. The Dental Director will have the authority to waiver or reduce fees based on extenuating circumstances. MONROE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Environmental Health ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE Public Swimming Pool Fee ....................................... $65.00 Food Service Fee ................................................ $35.00 Food Outlet Fee ................................................. $35.00 Food Processing Fee ............................................. $50.00 Septic Tank Permit Fee .......................................... $50.00 Septic Tank Pump -Out Truck Fee .................................. $15.00 Trailer Park and Camp Fee ....................................... $65.00 1) Fee exemptions be granted to agencies of the city, county and State. 2) Fee exemptions be granted to non-profit organizations. 3) Septic tank fees be collected in each office when the permit is applied for. 4) Fees not be pro -rated, but be on an annual basis. 5) A penalty for not paying said fees be provided for. FEE SCHEDULE -HEALTH SERVICES FEE WAIVER CODE 1. LABORATORY 1) Bacticult - urine 6.50 1-2 Staph, strep, fungi 4.50 1-2 2) Blood Chemistry a) Cholesterol: Triglycendes; HDL Cholesterol 15.00 NO b) Glucose 6.00 1-2 c) Hemoglobin 6.00 1-2 d) Hepatitis Profile: 40.00 1-2 HBs,Ag,Anti-HBC Anti-HAV-IgM(Non WIC & Non-IPO) e) Liver function tests 25.00 NO SGPT, SCOT, Bilirubin, LDH-L, Alkaline Phosphatase, HDL Cholesterol 3) Hematology: a) Hematocrit - Initial (Non WIC) 3.00 1-2 Repeat (Non IPO) 3.00 1-2 4) Microscopic Urine: 3.00 1-2 5) Other: a) Pin -worm slide 3.00 1-2 b) Wet -mount slide 3.00 1-2 c) Herpes Smear 5.00 NO d) Pap Smear 6.00 1-2 6) Pregnancy test 5.00 NO 7) Serology: a) Non -STD VDRL 10.00 NO b) LGV .;Z. 00 NJ) c) Rurilla Titer-Patient.request 15.00 NO -Epidemiology 15.00 1-2 8) Urine Dipstick (Chemstrip 9) 1.00 1-2 II. PHARMACY 1) AVC; Monistat-7 2.00' 1 2) Dental Rx for antibiotics 5.00 1 , 3) Intestinal Parasite Rx 2.00 1 4) ISG Injections (U de a 10) a 5.00 1 5) *Post -exposure rabies vaccine it)� 370.00 1-2 *Hyperab 19.70xx 1-2 (1) FEE SCHEDULE -HEALTH SERVICES FEE WAIVER CODE 1. LABORATORY 1) Bacticult - urine 6.50 1-2 Staph, strep, fungi 4.50 1-2 2) Blood Chemistry a) Cholesterol: Triglycendes; HDL Cholesterol 15.00 NO b) Glucose 6.00 1-2 c) Hemoglobin 6.00 1-2 d) Hepatitis Profile: 40.00 1-2 HBs,Ag,Anti-HBC Anti-HAV-IgM(Non WIC & Non-IPO) e) Liver function tests 25.00 NO SGPT, SGOT, Bilirubin, LDH-L, Alkaline Phosphatase, HDL Cholesterol 3) Hematology: a) Hematocrit - Initial (Non WIC) 3.00 1-2 Repeat (Non IPO) 3.00 1-2 4) Microscopic Urine: 3.00 1-2 5) Other: a) Pin -worm slide 3.00 1-2 b) Wet -mount slide 3.00 1-2 c) Herpes Smear 5.00 NO d) Pap Smear 6.00 1-2 6) Pregnancy test 5.00 NO 7) Serology: a) Non -STD VDRL 10.00 NO b) LGV .25.00 NO c) Rui-illa Titer-Patient.request 15.00 NO -Epidemiology 15.00 1-2 8) Urine Dipstick (Chemstrip 9) 1.00 ' 1-2 II. PHARMACY 1) AVC; Monistat-7 2.00• 1 2) Dental Rx for antibiotics 5.00 1 , 3) Intestinal Parasite Rx 2.00 1 4) ISG Injections (U de a����R10) (c)'cro 5.00 1 5) *Post -exposure rabies vaccineQ 370.00 1-2 *Hyperab 19.70xx 1-2 (1) III. CLINICAL HEALTH SERVICES INFANT -CHILD 1) Audiometric Screening 3.00 1 (unrelated to School Health Program) 2) Developmental Screening 5.00 1 (Height, Weight, Denver Development, Counseling) 3) Orthopedic Clinic - First Visit 3.00 1 Repeat Visit 1.00 1 4) Physical Examination for school entry 12.00 1 5) Repeat Hct - Non WIC 3.00 1 6) Titmus ro Good -light vision testing 3.00 1 (unrelated to School Health Program) 7) Well -Child clinic visit 6.00 1 (includes growth and developmental- assessment, hearing and vision screening, immunization, Hct, TB skin test, physical exam and counseling) CLINICAL HEALTH SERVICE'' - Continued ADULT 1) STD Clinic: Initial Visit -Includes routine screening tests and medication 5.00 1 Repeat Visit -Includes routine screening tests and medication 3.00 1 2) Chest x-ray (repeat) 7.50 1 -TB Epidemiology N/C 3) Hypertension Clinic - per visit 6.00 1-2 (does not include .lab tests or medications) 4) Hypertensive Evaluation: First Visit 5.00 1-2 Repeat Visit 2.00 1-2 5) Injections - with Rx from Physician 4.00 1-2 (Patient supplies injectables) 6) Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccine - adult booster 5.o0 1 7) Titmus Vision Screening 3.00 1 8) Orthopedic clinic - First Visit 3.00 1-2 Repeat Visit 1.00 1-2 9) PPD - Employment - including reading 2.00 NO Epidemiology N/C 10) Repeat Hct (Non -WIC) 3.00 1 (Non-IPO) 11) Walk-in morbidity clinig 6.00 1 (does not include lab or medication) 12) Audiometric Screening 3.00 1 SERVICES WITH NO FEE State -supplied medication pick-up (Insulin, Anti- convulsives, TB Antibiotics). Childhood immunizations (except for travel) TB Clinic WIC Health Couseling and Referral Services (ea) _WAIVER 1. Partial or total waiver authorized for test/exams which are medically necessary, on signed declaration by patient (or parent or guardian of minors) that he/she does not have money to pay. Not waivable when done at patient request. 2. Not waivable unless order by physician, A.R.N.P., or P.H.N. *PRICE MAY INCREASE WITHOUT NOTICE 1 (3) DIET COUNSELING A B C D E F G H Office: First visit 0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 10.00 follow-up 0 .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 Home: First visit 0 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 Follow-up 0 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 The Nutritionist will have the authority to waiver or reduce fees based on extenuating circumstances. NOTE: This scale is to be used in conjunction with the Gross Income Schedule as published in the Title XX Comprhensive Annual Service Plan.