Resolution 062-1982'1
FLORIDA, has received an application from G. F. Swilling ,
,VHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary
as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological
Assessment into the Record, as follows:
The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead/seawall with
backfill along his Key Largo property shoreline. The proposed
bulkhead will extend along the southwestern 40+ ft. of the
applicant's 60+ ft. property shoreline between the approximate
mean low water and +3.0+ ft. elevations. It will be constructed
of concrete and steel reinforced coral rock and equipped with
four (4) wooden boat mooring pilings spaced at 6+ ft. intervals
adjacent to the proposed seawall's approximate center area.
Backfill materials include coral rock (unspecified size) and pea
gravel top dressing. The amounts of each of these materials to
be used for this purpose are specified as "4 of 5 pickup (truck)
It should be mentioned that the above -stated project description
is based upon the author's best impression of the proposed project
from both the application materials presented and his onsite in-
spection of the project area. Due to the relative ambiguity of
both of these sources (see attached diagram, application), it
should be considered only an impression and not an exact descrip-
The applicant's property is situated in the northeastern corner of
Key Largo Park Subdivision on central bayside, Key Largo, Monroe
County. Key Largo Park Subdivision is an average -sized (50+ acre),
single family residential development adjacent to Hurricane Harbor
waterbody in Florida Bay. Approximately 50 percent of this sub-
division is presently developed, with a majority of the existing
residences being situated near and adjacent to the Hurricane Harbor
shoreline portion of the subdivision. Upland areas within the
subdivision have been largely cleared and filled (in acres) and
are presently vegetated by a variety of native pioneer shrubs,
grasses and bushes and isolated trees. Huricane Harbor consists of
a small (2,000+ ft. wide), predominantly natural, flow -through,
waterbody adjacent to westcentral Key Largo and contiguous with
Florida Bay (ClassIII) waters. It is protected by a 'large (8+
acre) mangrove barrier island extending northeast to southwest
across the mouth of the Harbor. Although predominantly a natural
waterbody, portions of the Harbor have been altered (dredged), prim-
arily in both harbor access .areas and along the upland or eastern
Key Largo Park Subdivision shoreline. The majority of the existing
waterfront residences along this Harbor shoreline area are equipped
with some type of shoreline stabilization and/or boating -related
facilities (ie, docks, ramps and davits).
The applicant's property consists of an average -sized residential
lot bordered by Lake Shore Drive roadway to the east, Hurricane
Harbor to the west and similar -sized residential lots to the
north or south. Although both of these adjacent lots are
presently undeveloped, the northerly adjacent lot has been cleared
and filled and bulkheaded in preparation for the same. The
applicant's property has been developed for some time with an
existing, two-story S.F.R.. Adjacent upland property areas have
been cleared and filled and are presently vegetated by a variety
of landscaped native and exotic flora and open lawn area.
G. F. Swilling
Riprap and Seawall
Page Two
The project area consists of the applicant's southwestern property
shoreline areas at the northeastern corner of Hurrican Harbor
waterbody. With the exception of a 15+ ft. wide, unstabilized
boat lauching ramp area along the northern property shoreline (not
in project area), the majority of the existing shoreline areas are
in natural condition. Existing transitional vegetation consists..
of small patches of sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) and glasswort
(Salicornia spp). No wetland vegetation was observed in this area.
A 5+ ft. wide, submerged (-1.0 ft. MSL) shelf exists adjacent to
this shoreline area. This shelf area has been variously impacted
in the past both by small riprap materials and pea gravel deposi-
tions in areas. As a result, there is presently little existing
submergent vegetation within this area (patches of green and brown
algae). The predominant substrated in this area is coral limerock.
Waterward of this shelf area, water depth increases to -3'.0 to
-6.0 ft. (MSL; varies; not including dredged areas). Moderate
growths of both Halodule and Thalassia spp. seagrass were observed
throughout the Harbor Area (with the exception of the deeper
dredged areas). Marine fauna observed included Casseopei.a spp.
anemones and several locally common species of fish (snappers
grunts and minnows). ?",ater quality with the Harbor Area is fair
with poor visibility and circulation evident.
The primary impact of the proposed project will be in the removal
and loss of the presently small amounts transitional and algal
vegetation presently growing within the seawall and backfill place-
ment areas. If care is not taken during construction activities,
additional impacts may occur as a result of constructton material
debris deposition upon adjacent submergent vegetation.
COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been
read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida
Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe
County, Florida, this 9th day of February 19 82
at a regularly scheduled meeting.
Attest: Z
/f," �_
By ��oo►►
Attorney, s Office
Henry,� nkam, Director
Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 — Building, Planning and Zoning
Cut Blair, District 2
Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3
MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing II
Ken Sorensen, District 5
Public. Service Building
� 5825 Jr. College Rd. W.
�5 OUNTY 0 MONROE _ ' Key West, Floirda
KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 330430-43�
(305) 294-4641 •Po'�` m
Monroe County Legal Department
Key West, Florida 33040
I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is
complete in the package of the applicant as follows:
Certificate of Complete Enclosures
1. County Biologist Report
2. Resolution ( Swilling)
3. Permit
4. Application for Permit (Rip —rap Seawall)
5. Site Plan
6. - Location Map ✓
7. DER Assessment 1/
TOPS, F66 3397 LITHO IN_
DATE January 27, 1982 .
SUBJECT Swilling G. F Rip -Rap - 'Seawall
To HenryF. W inka r DEP'T Building, Planning and Zoning
FROM Bob Dennis 1.3iolo ist DEP'.T Planning and Zoning
Township 61S, Range 39E, Section 28,
Key Largo Park,Block 30, Lot 20 Key
Largo. Zoned RU-1.
This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County
Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the
Monroe County Code.
Applicant is applying for a permit to construct a 40 ft. long
rip -rap bulkhead along his Hurricane Harbor shoreline. Approximately
9 c.y. of rip -rap will be placed waterward of MHW and another 9 c.y.
landward of MHW. Also, "4 or 5 pickup loads for wall and fill"
will be required.
The enclosed Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses
this project in greater detail and should be read for additional
No long term adverse environmental impacts are expected from this
Approval with stipulation that seawall will align and join seawall
of neighbor.
Wr 1,
Property owners name & mailing address
2) Date
G.F. Swilling
Post Office Box 1802
Resolution No.
Key Largo, Fla. 33070
3) Phone number
Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number
Legal description of property:
Section 28 Key Largo
Subdivision Key T,a.rgo Park
Township 61S Lot 20
Block 30
Range 39E Street, road
or mile marker Lake Shore Drive
Volume of material: dredged/excavated
filled deposited
c.y. c.y.
9 c.y. 9 c.y.
waterward landward
waterward landward
of M.H.W. of M.H.W.
of M.H.W. of M.H.W.
Cost of Permit
Estimated cost of Construction
Approved by
Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any:
Approval with stipulation that seawall will align and join seawall.
Conv in File Date
Buildira Official
�+`�L7,'•li C' VALM-
rr:!'. r v;,rl() PE F)EP `;IT OF F1L,L, OR STRUCTURAL
0=�.�ry 3 1i.'ii:. 1:i 'fill' '.!: S c)rt i]F,TI.:1�1) OF F. COUNTY
1) Property owners pan F. It ing ;Iddrtl DaLe i Pnoae num beg
� s �.-
Co ctor or L ;re, ilin� addres;, Pcne & certification -
i) Len,aI description of property: ,
Section, ZS' Key) JGti?�� Subdivision, /%-�� t/-`�✓7
Township, Gi�sooTl-� l,ot, v Block,
Ran.r,e, �y G�.�r Street, road or mile marker, 6! c 2� -Li�u'
(if acreage)
i) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constrLCtion & amount of material.
(in cul?ic yards), to >>e exr.avated or dAschar.r•ed Inscribe purpose & intended
use of project
dredexcavat:ed filled/deposited
✓olume of material: c,", ftc4mr}'. yo 'r �I .! I ;t c It T i
- of lI -
7) '.Jame, address: & zin code of adjoining proper y o,wners whose property affront
water T•r:r v . - .�ti�^- c / v %uyr r u�, /14 / (6r- z.vY 2 / .2 2- D
3 a) List ot!rer permits issued arid/or applied for, include applicant's name, is
this site
b) If. application has been suhmitted for this project (or one similar) in t'r.
past, explain reason for ne•✓ application and give applicant's name if
different from current applicant.
4 P;2�
List all Federal and ,tate. U,,rnQies that Kaye received applications for tl; .
This completed '1pplic'rtion form will be nccomponied by the following, or it will
NOT Be processed.
a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on d�- x 11 piper, showing location, plot plan, top view
and cross section of vronosal, drawn to Gcale.
b) Application processing fee .is follows:
$25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR +ny structures affronting natural writer bodies.
$10.00 for verticil seawalls on man-made bodies of water.
$25.00 for any combination of the above activities per site.
Application is hereby made for n permit to authorize the activities described herein.
I certify that I am familiar w;th the information contained in this application, and
to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate.
I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities.
All provisions of laws and ordinance,: governing this type of work will be complied with
whether specified herein or not. The gr:+nting of a permit does not presume to give
authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal law
regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility..
For. Department Irse Only/
1'ec receipt ;F
Approved by AssIt. Director
Person ;I'cc(' c.ppl icnt ion
c:us,r. o perm. C
,sL' i mate toe o cons Z-"
Do !
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1Ion BYrr
1' 01 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD i. �.1.- GOB!'. 'IC.S:
June 16, 1981
G. F. Swilling
P . O.. Box 1802
Key Largo, Florida `33037
Re: Monroe County,
File No. 44-42171-S ,
a. Seawall
Dear Mr. Swilling.:
As we advised you on April 23, 1981 , your appls
i rcomplete without local approval , pursuant to Section
Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the
ordinary high water line.
Please submit the enclosed. copy of our biological
with your pe�-rnit application to the Boardtoget
Cornet i ssioners/City Council or their authorized perm l -L.
: author i tv . Section 253.124, Florida Sta Lute's , .-ta
ssior/city council - "'. . . shall have in- :1�:.d
county co= i _ - -
(b� O1OQiCal) report. and findi ngs thereof- . ` L� 't?2_
r_� report shall be read i r_to the record and duly_' : c `o.
."The _r which the board Or county COiiu":?_'_.^;_
at the sar:?e meets ng at ^
or other authorized body takes final action on the.app_ic--
--For pert??1t: n'
.You will need to Obtain a copy of the `minutes Of t^�= 1::-- -1CY
or an appropriate iridi cc,._t].on of the Ibc--1 ca;3,7rovc�_i . T a
letter, resolution or copy of the rlinutcs should be sent uc
this of_ice. Your application will remain_ incompletet�li`hout .
v,alid local approval. If you have any questions concern -in,;
this procedure, please contact us.
Teryl A. Kranzer,
TAK/wb` Environmental Specialist
DER =orm 17-1.122 (50)
;,'�iLLING, G. F.
Conroe County -_Key Largo
cage Three
The applicant's property consists of an average -sized - :s, ic'_i__a?
lot bordered by Lake Shore Drive roadway -to the east, -Hi` ricer e
Harbor to the west and similar -sized residential lo-cs to
north and south.. Although both of these n
adjacet to-s,are
presently undeveloped, the northerly -adjacent lot has be-1- ,c eare'.
and filled and bulkheaded in preparation fog the same`. LIFle
applicant's property has been developed for some time -it?2 an
existing, two-story S.F.R.. Adjacent upland"property areas ha:Je
been cleared and filled 'and are presently vege.tated' by a variety
of landscaped native and exotic flora and open latJn area.,.
C. The project area consists of the applicant's southwestern prop�rt•r
shoreline area at the northeastern corner of Hurricane harbor
waterbody. I-Jith the exception of a 15+ ft. wi de, unstabil z�'d
boat launching rar-D area along the northern property sore zinc (not
inproj ect area)., the maj ortiy of the existing shoreline area's 2� r2.
in natural condition. Existing transitional vegetation co::sisrs.
of small patches of sea daisy (Borrichia spp.) and glass?von:
(Salicornia spp) . No wetland vegetation was . observed `n this arc .
A 5+ .ft. wi de, submerged (-i.0 ft. 2iSL) shelf exists adjacent -o
this shoreline area. This shelf area has been variously i�:pac4ec
in the -past both by .small riprap materials and -pea gra:�iFe�osi-
tions in areas. As a result, there is pr'escntly. little existing
submergent vegetation within this area (patches of Breen an;? bro:
algae). the predominant substrate in this area is coral eroc�;.
Waterward of this shelf area, -water depth increases to
=6.0 ft. (MSL; .varies; ,not including dredged areas) . a -
i o�c:_-ce
growths of both Hal�odule and Thalassia spp, seagrass :ere observed
throughout the Harbor Area (with the exception_ of the dee-c - .
dredged areas). -Marine fauna observed included Casseo-,t
anemones•,and several locally common species 'of: fish (snaMper�,,
grunts and minnows) . Water quality with the Harbor _ire= is •1.2_
with poor visibility and circulation evident.
D. The primary impact of the 'proposed nroj ect will be i;: • r_!:e re:;:;� a
and loss of the presently small amounts transitional and,
vegetation presently• growing within the seawall and bacci_'
ment areas. If care is not taken during construction cti�i
additional impacts may occur as a result of construct -or1 t :4 �l
debrisdeposition upon adjacent submergent vegetation.
The applicant proposes to construct a bulkhead/ sea?•gall witi_
backkfill' along his Key Largo property shoreline-. '
,bulkhead will extend along the southwestern 40 ,-
applicant's H+ ft. property shoreline. between the
mean low water and +3.0+ ft. elevations. It will ;-o.structer
of concrete and. steel reinforced coral- rock and ecru .;spec' t'.
four (4) wooden boat mooring pilings spaced -at 6 ft. ;rt�_ ,
adjacent to the proposed seawall' s approximate
Backfill materials include .coral. rock (unsp•oci= icei ;..: ;•� _
gravel top dressin,,. The amounts ' of each of •thcs e x ��:.1s LO
be used for this -purpose are specified as `4 or 5
It should, be. mentioned. that the above -stated pro.ecll-
is based upon the author's best impression of ch;- off
from both the application materials presented a nc: 't z ; onsi Le ir-
spection of the project area. Due to the relative anb ,ui_; of
both, of these sources (se'e- attached diagram; application) , it",
s1lould be .considered only an impression and not an e,cac� c escri,::-
The applicant's property is situated in the north r�-.,ccr:-:er
Key Largo Park Subdivision on central bayside, Ke-;
County. Ivey Largo Park Subdivision :is an average-s� _:f}_. (E"0-- C,r.
single family residential development adjacent to IIurricane IzarL,c1-
waterbody in Florida Bay. Approximately 50 percen-t of this sub=
division is presently developed, with a majority o e.,istin
residences being situated near and adjacent to thee ? ::: ic�,r.e II�_r. bo-_
shoreline portion. of the subdivision. • Upland areasphi;
subdivision ,have been largely cleared and fil'_ed (i n a-I-1111
are presently vegetated by a variety of native• pione-e,:. s_:rubs ,
grasses .,and bushes and isolated trees . hurricane• H��rba-:- co-_:s=_s L-s of
a small (2,000+ it. wide), predominantly natural, j-'_o�:-thrcu h,
waterbody adjacent to westcentral Key Largo'• and co-L—I'C c: s TJ1j+—
Florida Bay (Class III) waters. It is protected by a.large (8+
acre) mangrove barrier er island extending northeast to scuti-:ca st
across the mouth o-L the Harbor. Although predominantly a :atural
waterbody, portions of the Harbor have been alterec_i-
arily in both harbor access areas and along.the uola-. o-C caste--
Key Largo Park Subdivision shoreline._ The majorit, ,1=
waterfront residences along this Harbor shorel_z« 2 U i
with some type of shoreline stabi 1ization and /0 -_ `,; ,_,,;
facilities (ie, docks, ramps•and davits).