Resolution 065-1982r RESOLUTION NO.65 -1982 RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE PLANNING AND Z014ING DEPART- MENT OF MONROE COUNTY TO ACCEPT MAJOR DEVELOPMENTS BUT TO WITHHOLD PROCESSING OF SAME FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS TO COMMENCE PROCESSING 14AJOR DEVELOPMENTS AT THE END OF THE TIME SET FORTH HEREIN AND STATING REASONS FOR THE SAME. WHEREAS, the Planning Department of Monroe County is sorely understaffed for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the studying and processing of Major Development Applications, and WHEREAS, the new Planning Department is now being staffed and it is expected that the complete staffing with the new complement of personnel will take approximately ninety (90) days, and WHEREAS, the County Commission has, by resolution, established its desire to have a cadastre,assembled and made operational within the near future, and WHEREAS, the County is now in the process of updating its Land Use Map and is also in the process of studying, with a view to amending certain of the zoning ordinances to further protect the environmental nature of the County, as well as to streamline and make for a more efficient process of studying the Major Development Applications, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: 1. For a period of ninety (90) days from this date, Major Development Project Applications shall be accepted -by the Planning and/or Zoning Departments but shall not be processed during the same ninety (90) day period. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby instructed to for- ward certified copies of this resolution'to the various State agencies and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority. J -2- Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 9th day of February, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF IOE LOUD Y; ; By 4 Mayor/Chairman (Seal) Attes