Resolution 076-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 76 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Boyd Hamilton and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: This is an after-the-fact application for the construction of a seawall and four finger piers associated with a commercial camp- ground. The newly constructed seawall has a four foot wide concrete cap, from which the finger piers (20' x 3') extend. The finger piers have steel pipe pilings with wood decking, as does a 20' x 4'-5' dock extension which protrudes off of the southermost finger pier along a basin shoreline to the west. Twenty cubic yards of backfill and twenty cubic yards of riprap were used for the construction of the seawall, part of which extends beyond the apparent MHW line. The purpose of the seawall and docks is to provide boat mooring for campground visitors. A total of eight mooring spaces have been provided. The project site is located on the eastern side of Stock Island, to the south of U.S. Highway #1. The general shoreline in this area has been intensively developed with the majority of the shoreline in some way either dredged or filled. Previously dredged basins are found in either direction from the project, as are artificially created land protrusions which extend out into the shallow, seagrass-dominated waters of Boca Chica Channel. Liveaboard boats are numerous offshore from this area. Debris and wrack accumulation is often heavy due to the eastern orien- tation of the shoreline. A small boat basin is presently found directly to the south of the project site. Access to deeper water is somewhat limited, although adequate water depth does exist for smaller boats. Except for the project site and the boat basin, the applicant's shoreline has not been bulkheading. A small area of shoreline red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) are found to the south along the applicant's property. Pre-existing shoreline conditions where the work was done are not known. It is most likely, however, that this was a disturbed area with a limerock rubble shoreline and no mangrove growth. A small spoil island and spit are found immediately offshore from the project site. The southwest section of dock that was construc- ted was apparently constructed out from a pre-existing concrete block seawall. The applicant has had previous experience with dredge and fill permitting. He recently completed a fill project to the south of the project site under permit #44-19242-5E. Resolution Boyd Hamilton Seawall and dock Page Two Landward of the project site are uplands used for camping. A small dive shop is also located on these uplands and depicted as the "existing building" on page 1 of the site plans. The area in which the applicant constructed his docks is a shallow water area with soft, mostly unvegetated, sediments. Water depths range from 1 to 2.5 feet at MLW. Some Cuban shoalweed (Balodule wrightii) was observed adjacent to the docks, along with green algaes (Halimeda sp. and Udotea sp.) and various epiphytic species of algae. The area immediately adjacent to the newly constructed seawall is shallow (_1' MLW) with some small rubble at the seawall base. Immediately offshore from the docks are lush turtlegrass beds which are somewhat choked by epiphytic growth. To the south and west of the newly constructed docks is a deeper channel and basin. The sides of the channel and basin support green and brown algae growth and several species of sponges, Anchovies (Anchoa sp.) and barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) were observed here. The short term impacts from this project were minimal. Longer term impacts could be in the form of prop dredging over shallow grass flats, although no appreciable damage had been done as observed during the on-site inspection. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 23rd day of February , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR~Y' FLORIDA ~ :r~a: ~1of' BY (Seal) Attest: tRAiPH oW. -WHI1r. cLiRIc 1 \'~.~ Lb p~ iJc_- 6 Clerk I BY 80ARO OF COUNTY COMMIS~, -. ,- ,.) Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~"t~, - (---~- Henr~'t';wefnkam, Director Building, Planning and Zoning P,O, BOX Room 205 ~Ji ng II Public. Service Building . 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. :.,~ Key Wes t, Fl oi rda . .'. 330430-439' '. ....~ (305) 294,4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 !, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures v 1. County Biologist Report V 2. Resolution (Boyd Hamilton) t.--"" 3. Permit V 4. Application for Permi t (Seawall and Dock) V/ 5. Site Pl an a...-- 6. Location Map V 7. DER Assessment V DATE J. - '-1- 8 :l- , , BY ~ Oa,r , TOPS "~ORM 3397 LITHO IN DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE February 3, 1982 SUBJECT Hamilton. B.. Seawall and dock To Henr F. Weinkam DEP'T Building. Planning and Zoning FROM Bob Dennis Biolo DEP'T Planning; and Zoning; LEGAL Township 67S, Range 25E, Section 35, Maloney Subdivision, St~ck Island Property has separate parcels zoned BU-2 and RU-3 (Boyd's Campground) INTRODUCTION: This project is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Honroe County Code. DIscnSSION: Applicant is requesting after-the-fact approval for the construction of a vertical concrete se~wall and four wooden docks along the Boca Chica Channel shoreline. The seawall is 4 ft. wide x 69 ft. long with rip-rap placed at its base. Three piers extend 20 ft. perpendicularly from the sea- wall and are 3 ft. wide. The fourth pier is parallel to the others but is attached to a 20 ft. long by 4 to 6 ft. wide dock. This dock extends from an inlet seawall. (see attached plans) According to the Department of Environmental Regulation report, 20 c.y. of backfill and 20 c.y. of rip-rap were used. The DER report should be read for additional information about this project. EVALUATION: The most important environmental concern is the scour of the turtle- grass beds by boat propellors as noted in the DER report. RECOMHENDATION: Approval. ~'7 E"'-'.. ~.,"""." M\~' .- 1-' T'" ~- - -~ i~- . r: - ..' 1':- '~' f t~_ ,~' . r~ r~,-, ~ - 1iIa" ". . ... ,. - . . MONROE COUNTY PLAmHNG, BUILDn;G & ZONING DEP ART~1ENT PE&~IT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI-rENT PERMIT NO. 1) Property owners name & mailing Boyd Hamilton Boyd's Campground Stock Island, Florida USE m:LY 11-18-81 Resolution No. 33040 3) Phone number ( 305) 294-1465 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Owner 5) Legal description of property: Section 35 Key Stock Island Subdivision Malonev TOv."Ilship 67S Lot 6 Block 44 Range 25E Street, road or mile marker 6401 Malonev Avenue Volume of material: Stock Island. Key West. Florida dredged/excavated filled deposited o c.y. waterward of M.H.W. ZONING: BU-2 adn RU-3 PURPOSE: o c.y. landward of H.H.W. o c.y. 20 c.y. waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. Cost of Permit Esti~ated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF comITY CmE-lISSlmmRS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or SpecLll Conditions if any: CODV in File Date Builliing Official MONROE GOUN.TV ~"", ..W, ... ? L;\ ~~~; T '; r:, ~) or ~ ~ ~"\ T '; r: ,~ ~ n .; I '; r: ;) E r i\ ~~ ~ ~ f r '~ T R E:: r ,\ 1T ,\ l I ()'). -=- ~r E 0 E P!) SIT 0 r F! L L. 0 tH, T 11,' I TIE S U T 11 E ~.; ATE p. S 0 R HE T L A:-I D 0 F -- ? ;': :\,'f I T ,\? l' L I C\T Ie:; --:;'UCTU~AL '''J.,P.OE Cou';ry .() Property Owners naMe & ~ailinp y. address '--~) Date Phone numt1er ELjd Boyd s /' .s r e (', / '4) //-/?- PI 3C'5 .2 91'- - / //-c. 6 ;.:;. 3. r; l or a~ent's n me, Mailinp address, phone & certification number. E' t..t.J N E ,f 6') Le~al descri?tion of property: Section, 35" T 0 ~Jn S hip, ~ 7 )l ,""'" ( :1, f a c rea f! e ) f>{./-:2 ..,.12~/- 3 Ke y, 87"'t:> cl<' 1st. /IN D Su b d i vis io n ,,/if/-l L tJ,J./ EY Lot, (, Rlock, ~~ /J1;;J l () AJ E Y Key u.)e-sr I Ran~e, Street, road or nile marker, &~Ol S/~Ck 1si.;:}AlD, )~onin? " /11J~ 6") Describe the proposed activity, Methods of constrlCtion & amount of material ( i n c u h i c ? d r. d s ), to' h e ex c a vat cd 0 r d i s c h a r p, e d. fe s c rib e pur po s e & i n ten d e d use df project. , I I I coNCRt.="7'E Doe/( wl-rJ/ F"ov/f' FINGER PIER B /ie I< F I/.. L BE ;I / Iv' () c 0 AJ C If c T E {) 0 C K u-y I r if (' /18,-' {) T 2. 0 C {} B ICY;CI R 0 .s ) dredped/excavated filled/deposited -ro BUILD /7 ,..,.-,9 C If ED. CORR j. ~ FILL volume of material: c.y. ~ c.v. HateruCl?jn .l~nd.ward- ot 1I.1I.,. of 1f .; & zip code of adjoinin~ property o ~"n e r s c.y. ~~ c.y. w,cMr4~~d ~tnd ua~a o . tl . ~'J . _ ~ L . . ("-I . whose prop~rty affronts 7) Name, address ~"ater way. -eOWI9RD tJOt!J lJSON .5 TRfJ ILE R PI1R K) I f!bT'/i!tJE. /~-a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, this site (,'uOD OSON ..5' 'ToC k 151v/1 AJ f) '* Y tJG'S s ;;30'10 include applicant s name, or )ION r b) If application has been subMitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if ~ifferent from current applicant. jV()NE / ~) List all project. ftRIVrY Federal and State ap.encies moAlI? o€ eO uAl T Y .E NGIN;: ERS '!For DepartMent Psc Onlv/ ate A 9 '1> /-J-!J- b! Pe~s~ accePti,ng application 'i -') c./ r~' (j-') f -0 ') 1'/ 7 (/~:--<\)'L" " .. '7' Fe~ & receipt ~ Approved by Ass~t. Director " ' /c.<,J7}:'/TV-":d' ,"': ,1'- ...<~ , - --..-: - Cost of permit Est1nated cost or construction :: f/. ,.:' r'" ". , . .,,:-', .-:') 1-.. f';., ,~. .;.~ Boyos C/9 ;?lPQ/?OUN D ~f 03. P/1 GEt. J Pf:-RN Bfi ( 207;-:>1'-1 C{t)/,:o h' Y riP,ul,':'/"! /'VT <r t/ - SDUNDINGS .IN FEET 2.:1 MLW I (ONCH~ TE Sc/lW';1.I.. ( ,- ~ '.S ! ---=:t ~ '].' ; 2':/ ~ --.. --~ / l' ----- ,- . > " 2., - ;'01------- I :/..s t I I l/.S' _ "-Ig' __no 25' r-d :, +?',' .. ,=" (I >ijRPOSc;: ~ r B01<i QOC.kJtoE \ :>f--- ----...- I ; : t>/.I1.'( smtiH /J1T?[l(.lNr 0':- :-URN i ,FILl. BEJlJ}./O SElll./;'/L I ; I r;Cvpt.,f-N[: PA>I"EP,T"f '; I ) W:Y E Il_ ;; i I I -" : ~~~fI,~~ W~O~f ! 7r10t;..:I"lIt.; _1-'" , jl I i J~ 24 , 2.#1 3.c ;J,e ........-----------. ..~-"--,~ -' -~--~..~_......_.----~ 4__...,......... ~ ~ f-- '-~- c: ...... to']' ~ ..--. I ---"'--- --- --I EX/STI/i; It> ':0 :;0 c===-~:_:r,-=-___.._-~__'::_ --'1: ._._~ SCA~E '1:'" FECi /):~' , , , ~ \ ; k',,' , f' \ \ OJ:5!~.\ , \ \\ ~3'~, \ / If BOAT SUP DOC~S ~ 4.; 3 TIE UP .sPACES ,.1) ''>-' C'l_ \ 1 DOCX 1 TIE uP \~5PAtE. \ \ 'J..- k PRQP~',:!: __"j.'/::J'!:,TL SE;iW;iL.L \ ..,~~r<'T .o("'J~ i,-:; /f/oib 5E;f!).!PLL /?1':/<; r/:u iN B~Y 30::""('o.t.-i ~R;A E ~~A c..;!.~ :'.t:riV/"EL AT STOCK I5LP..,YC, COUNTY ?F /Y'Il)/v~'OE> STI'TE FLt>,f/DI9 /iPh: /~ ri r'.:)// c?y 8Y.<~ J.lr~/''''/':7Ch' ~;.o _~_'1 f1S€6, '10 GAl. STEEL I'IP~ ~ C H PI P G R D 0 /v' D acyDS P/1GC 2. ~f' s. ( , ~ I, I ,~ I ~ \" '..... 4.: , ,.... \;[ ~ 1 oc K T.5L.AN D \ - '1'2 I B r.' '~ f1 X''tri CJ 7 ,"J f' T j./ 0 Cr,' -' I f' II) ct ~ ".c/RS'T /-IVE. ~ Nt; r-. -;> '"So < CO ~v. ~ ~ "'-<< \'\ "- / " "-.''- ~ /, (. '" ,,:'... \ '''- c-::.... . '''. " 1\' L(~'~'T/(; Ii LJ 17 -, CONCRETE. ....., SERWRLL ~J+tf~l< Jo; , ------ ~'-. /' ---- :.J DOC. 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I',> ~~ N , '= N ~ ~j "" a, ~~~ -,'--.;~~,,:,:,~.-!._~':: :~:~.:.~ , JOINT APPLICATION OEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY/FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION " FOR ,', ACTIVITIES IN WATERS OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA Refer to Instruction Pamphlet for explanation of numbered items and attachments required. 1. Application nUr.1ber (To be assigned) 2. Date 3. For official use only ?' /:1.. 19PI Day Mo. Yr. 4. Name, address and zip code of applicant BOld l-I~m/~'TDAJ 8c/d S C'19 m;o 1 ;? () UN D, uJ ~ oS -r FkA. S70c k /SJ...;qN/); Key :3 3 {) 'ft) } Telephone Number :J{)5- ~9'f '-/~G.5 5. Name. address. zip code and title of applicant's authorized agent for permit application coordination A/I)N~ I Telephone Number, I 6. Describe the proposed activity, its purpose and intended use. including a description of the type of structures, if Gny, to be erected on fills, or pipe or float.supported platforms. and the type, com(::osition ar.d quantity of materials to be discharged or dumped and means of conveyance. '10 8{jll-l> (fONC RETE 'p~Ck uJlr Ii FDt.J R (PIPE cf PJ...IfAlK) F/NG ER PIE R5 ,477/.}C IfE D. BfiC/L. FILL BEHIND CONCRETE pock L-<J' rr II Co/?~ L FILL Dredged/Excavated Filled/Deposited Volume of Material: CY CY CY 20 Cy I Walerward of Landv.-ard of Waterward of Landward of O,H.W. or M,H,W. O,H.W, or M,H,W. O.H,W, or M.H.W. O.H,W, or M,H.W. ! 7. Proposed use Cj11n1PGRO()NDS -, I Private ( I Public [ ] Commercial r"1""' Other ( I (Explain in remarks) I 8. Name and address including zip code of "djoining property owner.; whose property a~o adjoins me waterW3Y, I eo ,t..J /1 R 0 l.J~~ 0 SO N WO ) PffRk WOD D:50^,,~ tRAILER I I ST ffvE. STeck' IS/../lNO I --=- I J(EY 0ES I FIv/7 . 33('9~O ~ 9. location where proposed activity exists or will occur I Street address longitude latitude (If known) I Sec. Twp. Age. I F,,"-CRID/I j?7{) N ROE Key l..Jt?' 5 r State! Coun~ In City or Town N!:ar City Of Town I 10. Nome of waterway at location of the activity Bve /f C ff Ie A cHAN/IIE~ I -- I SAJ FORH 983 21 Ju1 77 ~i~t~~*~~1.{..~ , ~"_""'J ,~. ;. 11. Date activity is pronosed to commence Date activity is expected to be completed /,2,-.;)/ -~I 12. Is any portion of the activity for which authorization is sought new complete? Yes [) No [ 1 If answer is "Yes" give reasons in the remarks section, Month and year t~e activity was completed . Indicate the existing work on the drawings. 13. list all approvals or certifications required by other Federal interstate, state or local agencies for Jny structures, con- struction, discharges, deposits or other activities described in this app!ication, including whether the project is a De- velopment of Regional impact. Issuing Agency Type of Approval Identification No. Date of Application D<lte of Approval 1"70/tJfiolE E'P ;t-. V.5. ,4/?1"7,/ EJJ GIN.EE RS 14. Has any agency denied approval for the activity described herein or for any activit'{ directly related to the activity de- scribed herein? ../ . Yes [ ] No ['1 (If "'(es" explain in remarks) 15. Remarks (see Instruction ?amphlet for additional information required for certain activities) 16. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the activities described herein, I agree to provide any additional information/data that may be necessary to provide re2sonable assurance or evidence to show then the pro- posed project will comply with the applicable State Water Quality Standards or other environmental protecrlon stan- dards both durir.g construction and after the project is completed, I also agree to provide entry to the project site for inspectors from the environm2ntal protection agencies for the purpose of making prelimin<ll y analyses of the site and monitoring permitted works, if permit is granted, I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. I fur- ther certify thar I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. ~d / ~9'.P1 OOe ~ 18 U,S,C, Section 1001 provides that: Whoever. in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agen;,;y of the United States knowin'Jly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or cavers up by any t;'ick, scheme. or device a material fact cr makes a:1Y false, fictitious or fr;lUduler'lt statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document kn0\',ing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or Imprisoned not more than five years, or both. The applicatie;n must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity; however, the applica- tion may t>e signed by a duly authorized agent if accompanied by a st2tement by that person designating the .1gent and agreeing to furnish ur:on request. supplemental information in SUP~,)(lrt of the application. FEE: Attach Checks/Money Urders on front PJyable to Departmtont of Environrnentill Regulation $200 Standard form projects S20 Short forms and Chap:er 403 projects only ",' 3201 GOLF COURSE 80ULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 ~ ...:z, ~ ? 2J t14'1\~ < d '1( .~. .4'~ '~.-,1;. /~i ~. -, /.:/~ .,,~\ <(' ,..1 ~ \""6g :/'i It>.\ '~' 'r'~'.! ~ ',:' :;-:/ ~.....JtI / \.ii"'::j / , -. sr. , "-/M.'......../ ~rE Of nol'~- 80B GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinke' SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE January 28, 1982 Mr. Boyd Hamilton Boyd1s Campground Stock Island Key '.Jest, Florida 33040 Re: Monroe County - File #44-50469-5E After-the-Fact Dear Mr. Hami lton: As we advised you on December 21, 1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursua~t to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. ' Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological co~~ents together with your permit application to the Board of County Cowmissioners/City Councilor their authorized per;c,itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commissio~/city cou~cil ". .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes =inal action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the ~inutes of the meeting or an appropr{ate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you heve any questions concerning this procedure, please contact liS. Sincerely, ifJv~J W Gw1~ Richard W. Cantrell Dredge & Fi 1 1 Supervisor E~closure RWC! d s !""I~~ '":'I......,........,... --.J __ .. _ v _ ..4 1"7-1.122 (SO) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL 'J , ,Q Y ~ ",,,..' \l --" I ~~~~~ll~;~U DEll SO, FlA. OIS TAler " llPoANCH Office ---. -~'\/l ~ File No.: 44-50469-5E County: Monroe Date: 1-4-82 Applicant Name: Boyd Hamilton Address: Boyd's Campground. Stock Island, Key West. FL 33040 Agent (if applicable): None Address: Location of project: Section(s) 35 Township 67S Range 25E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: 6401 Maloney Ave., Stock Island Water Body: Boca Chica Channel Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 1-13-82 Original Application: YesJl No Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. ?iological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water qua.lity. Address long-term imoiJ.ct as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PER~ 16-10(Rev.6/79) HAMILTON, BOYD {144-50469-5E Monroe County - Stock Island Page Two A. This is an after-the-fact application for the construction of a seawall and four finger piers associated with a commercial camp- ground. The newly constructed seawall has a four foot wide concrete cap, from which the finger piers (201 x 3') extend. The finger piers have steel pipe pilings with wood decking, as does a 201 x 41_51 dock extension which protrudes off of the southernmost finger pier along a basin shoreline to the west. ~venty cubic yards of backfill and twenty cubic yards of riprap were used for the construction of the seawall, part of which extends beyond the apparent MHW line. The purpose of the seawall and docks is to provide boat mooring for campground visitors. A total of eight mooring spaces have been provided. B. The project site is located on the eastern side of Stock Island, to the south of U.S. Highway #1. The general shoreline in this area has been intensively developed with the majority of the shoreline in some way either dredged or filled. Previously dredged basins are found in either direction from the project, as are artificially created land protrusions which extend out into the shallow, seagrass-dominated waters of Boca Chica Channel. Liveaboard boats are numerous offshore from this area. Debris and wrack accumulation is often heavy due to the eastern orien- tation of the shoreline. A small boat basin is presently found directly to the south of the project site. Access to deeper water is somewhat limited, although adequate water depth does exist for smaller boats. Except for the project site and the boat basin, the applicant's shoreline has not been bulkheaded. A small area of shoreline red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle) are found to the south along the applicant's property. Pre-existing shoreline conditions where the work was done are not known. I t is mos t likely, hmvever, that this was a dis turbed area with a limerock rubble shoreline and no mangrove growth. A small spoil island and spit are found immediately offshore froID the project site. The south';vest section of dock that ~vas construe- ted was apparently constructed out from a pre-existing concrete block seawall. HAMILTON, BOYD f/44-50469-5E Monroe County - Stock Island Page Three The applicant has had previous experience with dredge and fill permitting. He recently completed a fill project to the south of the project site under permit #44-19242-5E. Landward of the project site are uplands used for camping. A small dive shop is also located on these uplands and depicted as the "existing building" on page I of the site plans. C. The area in which the applicant constructed his docks is a shallow water area with soft, mostly unvegetated, sediments. Water depths range from I to 2.5 feet at MLW. Some Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wri?htii) was observed adjacent to the docks, along with green algaes Halimeda sp. and Udotea sp.) and various epiphytic species of algae. The area immediately adjacent to the newly constructed seawall is shallow (-1' MLW) with some small rubble at the seawall base. Immediately offshore from the docks are lush turtlegrass beds which are somewhat choked by ~piphytic growth. To the south and west of the newly constructed docks is a deeper channel and basin. The sides of the channel and basin support green and brown algae growth and several species of sponges. Anchovies (Anchoa sp.) and barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) were observed here. D. The short term impacts from this project were minimal. Longer term impacts could be in the form of prop dredging over shallow grass flats, although no appreciable damage had been done as observed during the on-site inspection. ell /)//' (.: jr'i t / , . "yo.s " 1-' L /":> /1 G ,- /. ~/' 3. I:; (J1wfo tPrle,,~-ft~/1 (affJ I/cttf/o." ) -- ----..... ) ./ ~ ..- ,/ /// ,/ - -.- /' /' F'L n IV . I sou'; [lINGS IN I'll MllN I CONCAE ,-rE SE/lWIfLL --"--1--- ;-=-_u I -,T PU R PO S E : I '7~.. 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