Resolution 078-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 78 -1982 RESOLUTION OPPOSING CERTAIN STATE MANDATED PROGRfu~S AND REQUESTING GOVEfu~OR GRAHAM TO PLACE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT FINANCES AND STATE MANDATES ON AGENDA FOR THE UPCOllING SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE SESSION. WHEREAS, Monroe County, Florida, is experiencing serious problems in meeting its required capital program needs; and WHEREAS, the problems faced are a result of Federal funding cutbacks, local budgetary constraints, the homestead exemption in- crease, and State mandated programs; and WHEREAS, Article VII, Section leA) of the Florida Constitution reserves ad valorem taxes to local governments; and WHEREAS, State mandated programs violate the spirit of said section by requiring counties to levy ad valorem taxes for State purposes; and WHEREAS, Monroe County has identified a number of the State mandated programs such as: 1. Sheriff 2. Supervisor of Elections 3. Judiciary 4. Medicaid (Nursing Home Care) 5. Mental Health (Baker Act) 6. Indigent Care (Hospital) 7. Medical Examiner 8. Health Departmet (Trust Fund) 9. Clerk of the Circuit Court 10. Property Appraiser 11. Tax Collector 12. Payment to Cities (~ Prior Year Transporta- tion ~1illage) 13. County Audit NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, does vigorously oppose the concept of local funding of such State mandated programs and hereby requests that the Honorable Bob Graham, Governor of the State of Florida, put local government finances and State mandates on the agenda for the upcoming Special Legislative Session; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners requests the Florida Legislature to either fund the State mandates or remove the requirement that counties fund them; and -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward copies of this resolution to the Governor, the Monroe County Legislative Delegation, and the State Association of County Commissioners. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of February, A.D. 1982. (Seal) . I 1./ At te s t: RALPH W. ~VHiT[J CLERK ~ Yh.p~,tJC Clerk J APPROVED A$ rOFOflM ~GAL.,~~~. y. BY _ ~~ ~. ~. Att~. OffittJ , t.....