Resolution 086-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 86 -1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAI&~N OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACT- ING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING OR BENEFIT DISTRICT 4-A, TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT BY AND BETWEEN MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING OR BENEFIT DISTRICT 4-A AND THE CITY OF LAYTON, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF 11ONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING OR BENEFIT DISTRICT 4-A, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of 110nroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of Munici- pal Service Taxing or Benefit District 4-A, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Municipal Service Taxing or Benefit District 4-A and The City of Layton, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the use of the garage bay lo- cated in City Hall, City of Layton, Florida, in order to house a fire truck. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, acting as the Board of Governors of 11unici- pal Service Taxing or Benefit District 4-A, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 8th day of March, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY C01~ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE T&XING OR BENE- FIT ~ 4-A By -- ~o~cSrm~ if' (Seal) At te s t , RALPH W. YfHI1Ia ctIRK \\- 'fA 11\ ~M~ QQ, . Clerk ' APPROVED AS TO FORM ~~ frY Atto,:,~';:~!'~L, AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of March , A.D. 1982, by and between Municipal Service Taxing or Benefit District 4-A, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "District", and THE CITY OF LAYTON, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "City"; and WHEREAS, the District and the City are authorized to enter into this Agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Layton, Florida, provides 11unicipal Ser- vice Taxing or Benefit District 4-A the use of the garage bay located in City Hall, City of Layton, Florida, in order to house a fire truck with the only provision being that the expense of maintenance, utilities, and communications be shared, and WHEREAS, the share of said expense for the fiscal year 1981-82 for Monroe County is: Utilities and Maintenance Communications $ 140.00 220.00 $ 360.00 Total NOW, THEREFORE In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and repre- sentation herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: WIT N E SSE T II: 1. That the District does hereby agree to pay the City the sum of $360.00 for fiscal year 1981-82. 2. That the City does hereby agree to provide for the use of the District a garage bay located in City Hall, City of Layton, Florida, in order to house a fire truck during fiscal year 1981-82. -2- IN WITNESS \'ffiEREOF, the parties herein have caused this Agree- ment to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. BOARD OF COUNTY COtll1ISSIONERS OF !10NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING OR BEN~ISTRICT 4-A By ~yc:~,;2n1of1 (Seal) At t est: RALPH W. \\'HlTEt CLERK ~"~~~~ fb .~uJ0 n.~. . a Clerk I THE CITY OF LAYTON, FLORIDA . - By Hayor (Seal) Attest: Clerk flY ,- AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 8th day of March , A.D. 1982, by and between Municipal Service Taxing or Benefit District 4-A, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "District", and THE CITY OF LAYTON, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "City"; and WHEREAS, the District and the City are authorized to enter into this Agreement, and WHEREAS, the City of Layton, Florida, provides t1unicipal Ser- vice Taxing or Benefit District 4-A the use of the garage bay located in City Hall, City of Layton, Florida, in order to house a fire truck with the only provision being that the expense of maintenance, utilities, and communications be shared, and WHEREAS, the share of said expense for the fiscal year 1981-82 for Monroe County is: Utilities and Maintenance Communications $ 140.00 220.00 $ 360.00 Total NOW, THEREFORE In consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and repre- sentation herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: WIT N E SSE T H: 1. That the District does hereby agree to pay the City the sum of $360.00 for fiscal year 1981-82. 2. That the City does hereby agree to provide for the use of the District a garage bay located in City Hall, City of Layton, Florida, in order to house a fire truck during fiscal year 1981-82. -2- IN WITNESS llliEREOF, the parties herein have caused this Agree- ment to be executed by their officials thereunto duly authorized. BOARD OF COUNTY COf1HISSIONERS OF 110NROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACTING AS THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING OR BEN~RICT 4-A By ~ Z~/~ir~1~ (Seal) At t est: RALPH W. WHITE, CLERK ~X~i~) M. ~ UJ..t.r-> I D.L. <J Clerk THE CITY OF LAYTON, FLORIDA By 4/ ~~~ 11 or (Seal) Attest: flY