Resolution 087-1982
RESOLUTION NO. 87 - 1982
WHEREAS Monroe County is generally located beyond the service areas
of existing direct broadcast television reception, and
WHEREAS the County possesses all the needed permits for the Federal
Communications Commission required to construct and operate the facilities
that will provide television reception throughout Monroe County via a
Translator system, and
WHEREAS, the citizens of Monroe County have frequently indicated a
widespread desire for such service, now, therefore,
COUNTY, FLORIDA, that a Special Tax District be created to include all of
Monroe County for the purpose of supplying the revenue required to pay for
the cost of acquiring, constructing, operating, and maintaining a five-
channel television TransIstor System, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the revenue derived from the tax millage
to be assessed pursuant to this authorization shall be used for no other
purposes than those stated above, together with any improvements that may
become available, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the tax millage to be assessed pursuant
to this authorization shall not exceed a maximum of two and one-half tenths
of one mil ($0.00025) in any taxable year without further authorization by
public referendum, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of
Monroe County acting as the Board of Governors of said District, shall be
empowered to enter in such construction contracts, procurements, leases,
financial obligations, and/or franchise agreements with an appropriate
organizations(s), for the purposes of providing the services, intended,
as it may deem to be in the best interests of the citizens of Monroe
County, provided that such notes, bonds, leases, or similar obligations
may not extend beyond a period of ten years from the date the system 1S
first placed in operation on a regular broadcasting basis, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the authority to proceed in accordance
with the foregoing resolution shall be subject to its approval by a majority
vote of the citizens of Monroe County in a special referendum to be held
for this purpose on Tuesday, April 20, 1982. The Supervisor of Elections
of Monroe County is therefor directed to make all necessary arrangements
for the conduct of this special referendum on that date.
Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe
County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 8th day
of March, A.D. 1982.
OF Mr-C~UNT~'iOL;~.I
By M~Chairman
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