Resolution 092-1982 ~ , - RESOLUTION NO. 92 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from B. & W. Perry and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to place an undertermined amount of riprap along 85 feet of canal shoreline and 255 feet of open water shore- line. The purpose of this work is to prevent erosion of the shoreline. Said riprap will be placed along the erosion line and waterward for an undetermined distance. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision a waterfront residential community bordering Lower Sugarloaf Sound, which is, in turn, bordered on all sides by Sugar loaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens by way of narrow, naturally occurring channels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the north. Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision was artifically created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals. all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel. This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, undetermined depths. The recreated shorelines here consists of loose limestone and marl, overlaying the original Miami oolite subsurface. Water quality offshore is good, although transparency tends to suffer during water turbulence due to a somewhat unconsolidated benthos con- sisting of finely textured inorganic silt overlying the basal sub- surface. Seagrasses and algae cover most of the bottom but tend to be somewhat patchy. More specific to the applicant's property, there is no man-made shore- line stabilization of ~ny sort along the natural shoreline at the end of La Brisa Court (approximately 360' of open water shoreline). The applicant has, as shown on the site plans, already constructed a small seawall and boat ramp along his canal shoreline. The applicant's property is primarily upland, dropping sharply at the erosion line to form a 10 to 15 foot wide intertidal and subtidal littoral shelf, before dropping to the depths of a +60' wide offshore perimeter channel. A completed house has been constructed on the applicant's lot. Button- woods (Conocarpus erecta) are found along the erosion line here Erosion has occurred along the canal and open water shorelines (Slightly more along the open water shoreline than along the canal), although the extent is not nearly as severe as is found along some artificially filled shorelines bordering open water. The compostion of the shore- line substrate is hardened marl and loose rock rubble. The subtidal floral community. found along the open water shoreline is composed almost entirely of green algaes, principal of which is Batophora sp. Some Acetabularia was also observed. Several small, isolated patches or red algaes (Laurencia sp.) were also observed. One small area on the southeast corner of the open water shoreline displayed turtlegrass (Thallasia testudinum). Resolution B. & W. Perry Rip-ap and Seawall Page Two The submergent vegetation line generally corresponds with the approxi- mate mean low water (AMLW) line, which lies approximately midway be- tween the erosion line and the perimeter channel dr6poff. The impact of primary concern is the elimination of the algae community below the AMLW line. This impact depends totally on how far the applicant plans to go waterward of the erosion line. It is my own feeling that the stated purpose of shoreline protection and erosion control could be accomplished without encroaching upon submergent vegetation. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 8th day of March 19 82 , at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ::Nr::' F?:I~ ~j~ ,,~ c..MaYOr ~ r (Seal) Attest :.RALPH W. WJITE. CLERK 1 "'1Ar>~ IVI. p~ IO.t.. ~ Clerk APPROVED AS 70 FORM AND ,~GAL SUFFIC/ENC" 72 /j I. /-'-------~ BY ~~ ~. ' 14., .,.. c-. ' , BOARD O~COUNTY COMMI ,RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayo: Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 I'....~- I urr:'''~ ,oF~ k D . Henrv ~. weln am, 1 rector Building, Planning and Zoning (305) 294-4641 P.O. BOX Room 205 ~Ji ng I I Public Service Building . 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. ,"- Key West, Floirda . .", 330430-439 '. ...~ Monroe County Legal Department Key I~est, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures V 1. County Biologist Report (// 2. Resolution V 3. Permit ~ 4, Application for Permit V 5, Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map t/ 7. DER Assessment DATE 3 - / -8 "'2 BY ~ Oap , , . TOPS ~ F~RM 3397 LITHOI DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE February 26, 1982 SUBJECT Perry, W. and B., Rip-rap and DEP'T Bui lding, Planning and Zoning To Henr F. Weinkam Director FROM Bob Dennis, Environ. Biologist DEP'T Planning and Zoning LEGAL ; ,.:; Township 67S, Range 27E, Section 11, Sugarloaf Shores, Extension D, Lot 47. Zoning is RU-1. 'i INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSS IO}T: Applicants are applying for a permit to construct a rip-rap seawall 255 feet in length along their Sugarloaf Sound shoreline. Approx. 225 c.y. of rip-rap will be placed at and above the extreme high tide line to prevent further erosion. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional infor- mation. EVALUATION: 'f No adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this pro- ject. RECOP~~FNJ;ATION : Approval. jmmp r"~~. ,..".,.,..,..~ '''.,'''..,.=~. ,..~~ n-.~ ~ ~~.",..., >,,-",,. .~ "f;;c "C'{' """.. ",,","'''' ":C.I,,~~,- (,; ,.. t~:"'~~: r: I'~~ fr'" l'~". I "",,-., I.. \~ ( t' I.", ~r' '. ," w.~ E~" 'OJ ft \i]( ti ~~c ' .~. I 1) PL\1-;'H);G, BUILDniC & ZO;-JDlG DEPART:1ENT PEr,HIT FOR EXC.\'IATIO;;, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTUfu\L ACTIVITIES IN THE HATERS OR 1'JETLAi:JDS OF HO~ROE COUNTY Property mmers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPART~'!ENT USE m:LY Barbara & Wesley Perry 1-7-82 Post Offcie Box 165 Sugarloaf Shores, Florida 33044 MaN~OE COUNTY PER1-lIT tWo Resolution No. 3) Phone number 745-1062 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number LaVernue Autieau Summerland Key Cove, Florida 745-3514 5) Legal description of property: Section 11 Key Sugar loaf Subdi'.'ision Sugar loaf Shores TO.....'D.ship 678 Lot 47 Block Range 27E Street, road or mile marker La Brisa Court c.y. waten,ard of N. H. i.J . c.y. landHard of H.HY. filled! c.eposited Rip-rap 255 c.y. c.y. waten,ard landward of H.H.H. of N.H.H. Volume of material: dredryed/excavaced ZONING: RU -1 PURPOSE: Cost of Per::lit Esti::lated cose of Construction Approved by Chain'lan BO,\RD OF COUXTY CG:!:(lSSIm:ERS OF :[O~mOE COC~;TY, FLORID,\. Biologist Cornments - Rcst::ic:::i.on:., or Sp~ci::ll COl~,:i t:i.n:1~; i:: any: Approval CO;-lV in File Date i~ :1 i : ,~ : i . t. ~ ~ :~ ~ -=- i.. 1 2- - Ye' LDf- v- '? ) ~ l{ 10. f- ( 0, ~ f, , rt.. 0 J,r ~ )" S;ec fro ~ 1) ExtC?tA. 1?o b e Crt l)e LA L-t'tS' (r; F - r-u- F J .J hn-v ('V- 6l/) VVt 'PC( +a i 6, ~ I 0;1 ~f ~ ~ L{ LA J y 0 f !-) OL;- lr {J (!' I \--! 'ej UJ o.(::J r if- F /0 v (d Cf..- 3.s 0 j!.. 0/ 7) 'f'? cr (r /1 r, D C' 1..-1 1/1 j S- f his- ('S {L-~ Cf.)L-1 .fC--U<"" f/ fQ Y C' Lt ~ ?J L-(. -e v j c:J f 9 -e.-tn/qa !/;; ! ~ / 9 J::-~ I h w l~( Cyt i' CLL/ t-e t Ll ~J l-C"J Q S' I~tlv? <eu f- a f .)0 , t.o U/ IAA U C! t rl} va piLI I, we, -e r h {1A a.-.k UJ e L.-U 6 (..{ /1 h t? U .r LA/! 'J L (...c o L-( v f (rJ e (!...:f- a {1 d # ~ jo (t:U2-f /.AA to fA {- of ~UM <C . Ci J r!o ~ !A/I /"a~ It 7 4 W {L.{(/1. ~ ~~ , Cj ~ i CJ (J ~ 6 (.-0 C) Cr v f; j'P..r ~ 1 {; (.U~ v fu r '( v /,10 6 S/;" G< j &!/ e Y-i-.ffe ~ u-tu s a J C<. L-<. (I) /A/{ A.. ( J- (.vl<(? , );c~;!' I/-r' /- yl-oVU--,-f ~t:<- LA C---l'1 I J:.-e vVC"~:U r ~ 0 (lca ~I 6 ~ //7' C( VI d c.d....A_-<' ~( -ct~ Le,.(~~( 6- jr ( ..r ~ a 1.-, a 0/ - 01 ~-f{{! l./~ d / t-;i'1~ L-[J C~lf r"'..[ . 7 a s- J' & ?t-~ rk.< tLl ~ <LAC l11!C I j ---t:/L, 1-, -!/ tVlai /L'/4 ill< f LL' e 1...[,-1 (/ I\. f- f/ Ylo 't'" ~ I- &u h ~ ~ -L~ VI/ I {'-(; )/7 I --f ( LA.--i! /'(j.~( / !.-1 IJ?' p J 1- t OLr 0/ D ',' -r-/ \.. ;-), ,U I J- C fA 0 l"'" Jv Uu l1 LO(' v I/L( ill 01.{ ITI/J / . j r /-1-1 S' pi 'GG! cL ;'tCL{ f (J C'--1 Vt ')0 rtl/ e,,j a.,; , jJ (C (( 1 If i!cL ( d (j./,-{7) k ~ 1 c/ (.{J.tL-1 cl rd--C( 7 2). J1; CV1 de -h /,-<)[0//,4, LvtH'J . 7!~1~ I'LL{ --tC~~7A/1~ ~// &vh &! 2 s - ~k~ i C~tc/ J 0/ -u-) I1A--JQ . [/u e /p I Cl.A/l t--L() L-{j--t"L.t}- t-uv----te:1 [.('-(1/1 cl .-J-!~ t:c:1 I>L.C( S" Lot /Lec! k-- ! \,,' J L-1./1 U/l./! Ly ~ ,. /;J/~yW~-CL ~u~-< 26 //.:::'-~ - :--?o , l? 0 x / ( (-- f L(J q v f 0 a -f Sit CJ Ir,o.s q/ CI., S ~ 0 )L y: Ma'r\!.~a.E - '-- f~~ - , [f.~" 'COUNTY ir,..~ .,. I "ft,.~ ur.i#1 , :~~- I /, ( 1/\ / .c- ,; ('",ncr:-:: / ',- '/ ( 1;~;" ;~c ~ r_\\\I\(-'~ :)ifI;.t'l: ~. .\T>i~ n~.!)\P'~"'f;'\':' I'r:~~.r~' :,\''-,\TIC'':, '::W r'ff'(lSF C- Hr!, IT STT'f'GF'Y ",\ i !:~'.'; ,1 't'r;~rT '.\~T~S c",r:- ~fn,,'T)~~~- ;"ai 1 i:~,.; a(ldrc~s ~ , -, ) I .. ;-/ ({ ,- , ) i! r {. " . \[1 [) I ; i 'j\T r ('y "ITI rs I\" [...., 'n .\ ; 'r1'rr , [ 1) Prop'.:' rt)' .:j / 7- / 2) !'::lte 'J .. ~) Phone m:r;',~('r / J~ /) / '..c ? y'-J- / [~ ;! i' " (" " , J..' (~' /1' I / ~. ..; LiV,il ~. ;... " ~; cc'rt if iCD t ion Illunbcr. .+) (.:ofl,~r~ctor_or agent's-nDlTlc, mailing a(ldrcss, phonc t. {( 1/ -r (i L I (' /) 1.1 J I' ~'(( Ct., I S 1I L-lA LA', '{ l/ ( ({ ( ,'.;1 (c'- (" ( ( L { !I r' 5) legal description of property: JJl' . .~ - r- ' '&y'SectlO~, J) L- V ! (' l{ [I () L ( (j 1 Townshlp , ,11 Range, .;L (if acreage) t2 (jZ~ning, Fl. ') y r ~~-:> -j - ( >L Vey, C\ ) L \ rr {j 1/ I c/ 'i f , 11 (L 7 Sur-division, S'{( f"/ /{ t.' /( (} lQ,,{r~ Lot, Plock, Street, roacl or mile marker, L Ci 'If If " Y (::r C 0 L-1 tr +- =- 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yarcs), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpcse & intenden use of proj ect. 1? \ ' In _ TZ (l/:) t-, e r Q. (, ~ E' II -+, (.I t'J r 'e ''); t: t.{ + ~ (.\.. !-- +L., E'v- e v 0 ~ I G L---r a ( trM 9 ( ffo [; J a v.J j, ~ ( J II L,( Q / j- c/ 'C'" e /1 ,C:. {I a (. ( e ) -I- () h E' / w sf a /) eel / -e 1 9 ---L 0 -} CO f. (-J lr -e -v \ G uJ rI Lf e; If CfYU (( -r; d ) I I I LA. r -I c< {( eel 1\.) + f U lr 1""f 0 r /:) u 7 -J C> V U-1 r "i c .<:l E' ,t. I' 0 S V u c- dredged/excavated f:Hlec'!jneposited volume of material c.y. c.y. c.y. c.y. ' waterward landward waterward lanc~ward of ~!.P.\':. of ~'.H.V'. of }~.H.\'!. of }1.H.W. 7) :t\arne, address F, zip cale of 2J'1j oining property owners whose property affronts water way. .? s J/ L () + -I:f 1..1 L. ?J)-. ..j I L I I:: E {( (i c: /1 (f L-lA /0 / F C) /J/;,'.r-12J.;)Jr:' }'t'Y t q tdL-( ?-I -;-/ ;- J ./ /1 '-/, I i/ ~.. / if I Fa r ;. w ft i /) r f lJ e l c f- 1../-' 'f- f \ -( i- {/I e d c.. Ii. _ Ie -e -e v / {j j/r/r U e'c t( Tl I It'h L{ II 'f'W 7?'f' Ir Lt /,((. -;2 r ~-t 8 a) List other pemits i&s'~a- andfe-r applied for, include applicant's name, for t'bis site: APP,i,~d + ~ l)~'t;:V~l{~CL,{ ~ C-+~,V,lk17/J./CV'f./C{ lJe}?at-f~feu.J G+- r (A 11 ( v D ~.t L'll 'f' II J fA r I( -(' l' c..{ I (( J- ( [1 t -t. JJ ( (' <P LL\ bel...- ""'- Y / I '1 J" / -: U.J-f.J (-(.0 f' C. 0.. (/T. d b) If 1. . h h bIn' df 1-' . ( "1)' ~qv{.()ntrclUJ.?t"'/rV app Icatloo <:s ueen su" Itte, or tIllS proJect or one Slffilar ln tl'e pas , explain reason for new application and give applicMt' s name if different from current applicant. " R pp J , c' tc y ( ~ "L'\ -~ ~ ~~ LJ C. a U Q /. r7 C \:'" e)J I e c! ({ L-( cI c C\ "" 'I' (( LL( f:J e.x-I.:.. (: L{ 1e d ct L, J 5e Q LV 0.. II 5" PC' I- LPL ( I L ( J c, /..1 L( CI It I j r q 79'_ o t-1. L..{ I~ lOLl cJ 9) List all Federal and State agenCIes that have receIved appJ1cat1ms for trlS proJ ect. S' {( U-\ e ti ~ C{ LJ 0 iJ'( . This completed application fonn ",ill ne accompanied by tr.e following, or it will NCT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drm'!ings, on 8!z x 11 paper, showing location, plot p 1an, top view and cross section of proposal, drmVll to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75...-,00 for dredge, fill, decks CP any struct1:lres affronting natura] water bcdies. ,30.00"for vertical seaHalls onman-mane roHes of water. 75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Ppplication is hereby made for a remit to autrori:e the activities descrihed l~erein. I certify that I am familiar with the infonnation contained iI1 ttds application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such infolwation is true, complete & accurate. I furtl'er certify tl1at I possess the authority to undertake tl1e proposed activities. }I]] provisions of laws and ordinances governing t1:i s type of work wi 11 be conI' lied wi tll wl'ctr.er specified l1erein or not. 1'1' granting of a remit does not presume to give authority to \Tiolate or cancel tre provisi ons of any county, state or feoeral 1m'! regulatin~ construct ion or perfo f constnlCtion cf tris type of faci] ity. for Department Use C'nly/ }~ss 't. TJirector tion n Cost of' permit Est l!;lated cost of construction ':' .. " .. ~.' \JJ1, laud If'u~1 ~/:)-~p j, t~~u~ ~ l' , _'1,1-/, :~~. e'os\';",4.~ _.::;_ _ .v'. _ _ _ l"! I,.A.---L~ M.L ,UJ.l , I I I J>.-et/q f' J I I rIb'. I (1 ha t-f e/ L_ o Ex.S!- '''7 ! '0 C'U,1~1 H,- ;./ () t-\fo/tl"ld \} ~ 0' ~~ " -VIr) . :'~~tH ~' , ,. ~ , :Ei I' '~ , ..A , - ~t~ '1.) -~-;~ ; , '" 0> C :1)"- . . 0- .. ~ \I~ 1001 VfPER 5UCtARlOAF ", ....... /"....... ,. . ~nD J' ,........... .. ': , , ", r ~ S'c..o.le o~ -p I a \.01 I eli, ;. ~ 0 ft. URPOSE: II c6~d~DJ '('{;H/t.l\-I DATUM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: \ IN 5' (), C, Cl v- 1 0 l\ ~ S tl 0 t-- t!' S. ' CD L..oT *4- ~ b~. ~.\.-.. .~~a~,\ C ~,tt \N\Ffl "3:/ ~&-O S~~+t ~Y1"D" ex1t"IItS 10\-1 I ~ 0 D -j-. 1>' ~ ()" d . U-' \ \,' + ,. v- V. ~ II ~ H . -J. Ifj 'J AT I . @t....ot-fty."6"f{eIl5f-J,1/c r-ned9, f!.'1~Ye!ii1~q,C Jt';~UNTY OF Nc"'y-~e STAT~ T-/ohd~ t.{./( nurL{)ay rl1)eJ,N~wBeY-nf ~"y '-IOaVd~~P&CATI~8Y h;O>t-t', PevI"'1 _ .;>;, 8" -..l I> ._...,....~~;J.I:;.'TT"'-. .'..o"':1~' -0- .. i ,- c.._ . r ~ .... OF DATE ~... ---'-...'""'7 -,"" T.c'~~'-,F.-.!,,''--~r'::' ~'!"-. ....~..,."':~.;:"';".~..'7~.--7.:'-:---._---..v ,0 . ~J ... o .~1 , '---' .. II I .---c'1 [J 1.3 I {( l f ( f U (- t /( .J - /\ (t _~~:~<~ J '" -) -,' : eH S l~ lA 4",i::<-- ~ _ - "3 tj,l-/. L-U. L- . '__n, --'----- ::-...2-----,.., I~_"-t....-A.-,.... f'1.L ,/Dl ,ff I , . DveA!) e J , IrH. i (1/1Ci (.f t-/ L,__---------------. :~l~~" . '.~' 'r J~ ' '\\. \1~6;" j n"'..,- ) t" < ' .?/ " ! ~, '~(..~" ;,'~,i,.1";; 1()>L~"s, '-(Oq ,.\^, .'5-::'.,1 ;,J I r -rt- '~~,\ 0-""h / I~ -"'Ie in'. ~ .~, I II"~, , '-.0 :I I y" 7~'" "q r' '" I'~' ! ' -<.:t:,"1) ,"2: ~". ~'~' .'bv~.,... . ". j',,-, \" . \ I ,~, ',/J " trro r-:.' ,:, ^t I '~~' '. .'~J.~ ,~~rr' , ~ f=q',. L,'~i:' ; "':'fl~ / Y;:"I' / \. I ::- ~ -?; ~( . ,\- ~ 3~ ~~ S( 6: ;"? :y qAo ~~~ ~ ~, ~ , \t L -'l n __,_ , '- '- ,( :-- .J "- '- (----.... , "- ":'t,.,,' , '- " J -;\ "- / "- / '" t~ ",,- / ,0" 7 '^' ' \, .... () \ .I.', ~" 'V. , ' \ r~l ,.'> \ I~J' "'\J'~O "- '-; <{ "'~f- \, S'Q.O[C- c.sr T'I., 'd I C' i1 :. .;l 0 ft. lCD' I 00 I ~ 'Road <'-04.1 . lQ l3t.i SQ ';\..~ PURPOSE: ., j C ~ : '. -t ~ t>! .' t' ,''.' DA rUM I (' \~) ADJACENT PROPERTY OllNERS: , IN :; l{ cr (. it- I IJ (It J ~ 10'" e S. ' <D l. oT'N.... c.;.~, tel:. ..J'".l-- ,-Pea l,\ C \\ct V'., F - "7 ~~yo '~ ~ (' L I L: \;. -'j" ,-:: "it'lItS ID\'\ roO [i-'-', t-,-'(,,,,d \_('\\\;-,.,\--,:,,~t,f-'\ (-I. -:'-'-fr'I'JAT ) -T <- ~ @L;;t- 17' ~/'~ f{ ~ I }b~J- lie r n ed '1 ft. /0 K'../V n ~C\L" /(' ?jJUNTY OF tt ( \ I \" () ~ STATE r-Io~ ',1 Ct. '-t~ J I f:) i r LlJ ,{ l..j ';1' lJ ~J N,~ cu 8e '\ Yl. .; ~~ S ~ 0 tlvv ).~"rTCATION IY j,.y' <>I- i?, Pe v Y' 1 DATE ..- 32Gl GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE February 8 t 1982 ~ Wesley Perry P.O, Box 165 Sugarloaf Shorest Fla. 33044 Monroe CountYt File No. 440513435t Rip-Rap Dear Mr. Perry: As we advised you on January 15. 1982 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized per~mitting authority. Section 253.l24, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to ~his office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, RWC/wb Enclosure ~~~ Richard W. Cantrell t Dredge & Fill Supervisor DER Form 17-1.122(50) PERRY, WESLEY 4t44-51343-5E Monroe County - Sugar loaf Shores P age Two A. The applicant proposes to place an undertermi~ed amount of riprap along 85 feet of canal shoreline and 255 feet of open water shoreline. The purpose of this work is to prevent erosion of the shoreline. "' B. Said riprap will be placed along the erosion line and waterward for an undetermined distance. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision, a waterfront residential con~unity bordering Lower Sugarloaf Sound, which is, in turn, bordered on all sides by Sugarloaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens by way of narrow, naturally occurring channels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the nor~h. Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision was artifically created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals, all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel. This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, un- determined depths. The recreated shorelines here consist of loose limestone and marl, overlying the original Miami oolite subsurface. , Water quality offshore is good, although transparency tends to suffer during water turbilence due to a somewhat unconsolidated ~ benthos consisting of finely textured inorganic silt overlying the basal subsurface. Seagrasses and algae cover most of the bottom but tend to be somewhat patchy. More specific to the applicant's property, there is no man-made shoreline stabilization of any sort along the natural shoreline at the end of La Brisa Court (approximately 360' of open water shoreline). The applicant has, as shown on the site plans, already constructed a small seawall and boat ramp along his canal shoreline. C. The applicant's property is primarily upland, dropping sharply at the erosion line to form a 10 to 15 foot wide intertidal and sub- tidal littoral shelf, 'before dropping to the depths of a +60" wide offshore perimeter channel. - A completed house has been constructed on the applicant's lot. Buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are found along the erosion line -' here. PERRY, WESLEY il/~4- 5 l31~3-5E Monroe County - Sugar loaf Shores Page Three Erosion has occurred along the canal and open water shorelines (slightly more along the open water shoreline than along the canal), although the extent is not nearly as severe as is found along some artificially filled shorelines bordering open water. The composition of the shoreline substrate is hardened marl and loose rock rubble. ~ The subtidal floral community found along the open water shoreline is composed almost entirely of green algaes, principal of which is Batophora sp.' Some Acetabularia was also observed. Several . small, isolated patches of red algaes (Laurencia sp.) were also observed. One small area on the southeast corner of the open water shoreline displayed'turtlegrass (Thallasia testudinum). The submergent vegetation line generally corresponds with the approximate mean low water (AMLW) line, which lies approximately midway between the erosion line and the perimeter channel dropoff. D. The impact of primary concern is the elimination of the algae community below the AMLW line. This impact depends totally on how far the applicant plans to go waterward of the erosion line. It is my own feeling that the stated purpose of shoreline protection and erosion control could be accomplished without encroaching' upon, submergent vegetation.