Resolution 098-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 98 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from JACQUES PELLERIN and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to recover land lost to erosion and stabilize the new shoreline. A 70 ft. long seawall constructed of cemented together limestone boulders will serve to protect the new shoreline. Sixty (60) ft. of the seawall's length will be along altered natural shoreline and 10 ft. will re along a canal. It is estimated that the new shoreline will be 5 ft. waterward of its location before erosion set in (ie, 300 sq. ft. of baybottom will be filled). A 30 ft. long by 5 ft. wide pile supported pier with a 10 ft. by 7 ft. "L" at the waterward end will be erected. In total, the dock will cover 220 sq. ft. of baybottom. With the exception of the dock, all of the proposed work is now complete. The applicant's property is located in Sexton Cove Subdivision on Key Largo. Sexton Cove is a large (100+ acre) Moblie Home ~ub- division located on Blackwater Sound. Virtually all of the lots with- in the subdivision front on canals or natural shoreline. The sub- division was created by placing fill from the canals onto the ad- jacent land. Most of the filled land was mangrove forest before being filled. The Blackwater Sound shoreline of the subdivision follows the approximate line of the waterward edge of the mangroves before the filling took place. All of the waters surrounding the site are designated Class III (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). At present an estimated 90 percent of the lots in the sub- division are occupied by Hoblie Homes. Immediately adjacent to the project site to the south and east are single family mobile home residences. The north side of the site is bounded by approximately 700 ft. long unnamed finger canal. To the west is Blackwater Sound. The Department first became aware of the applicant's filling activi- ties on 3-23-81, while investigating a complaint about unauthorized filling. At the time. it appeared that the work qualified for a Class A emergency permit. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to con- tact the applicant and have him apply for a permit as required by Chapter 17-4.28 (5) (a), Florida Administrative Code. On 11-12-81, upon investigating a second complaint about the appli- cant's activities it was discovered that considerably more work had been done. At this point it no longer appeared that a Class A emergency permit could be justified. The applicant was contacted and the present after-the-fact permit application resulted. The applicant's uplands consist of a 50+ ft. by 80+ ft. lot. A moblie ~ome occupies the lot. ~ith the-exception of a few ornamental scrubs t~e entire area around the house is paved with pea gravel. The proposed dock is exempted from dredge and fill permitting re- quirements by Chapter 17-4.04 (10) (c). As a result the remainder of this report will address only the proposed seawall and backfill. Hesolution Jacques Pellerin Dock and Seawall Page Two Before the seawall was built the section of the applicant's shore- line which faced toward Blackwater Sound consisted of a crushed rock beach with a few widely spaced boulders. On the beach a very sparse biota could be found. The sparseness of the biota was probably due to the unstable and exposed nature of the substrate. The present shoreline is located at approximately the -1 ft. MLW contour. As a result of the degree of exposure and vertical nature of the present shoreline, no emergent wetland flora (eg. mangroves) exist or is likely to eventually establish itself. The lower reaches of the seawall have been colonized by a flora com- posed of Actabularia sp., Dasya sp., Batophora sp. and filamentous bluegreen algae. No fauna was observed to have established itself on the seawall as of the time of the field inspection.. The baybottom drops off to a depth of 3 to 4 ft. at a distance of 50 ft. from shore. The baybottom within a few feet of the seawall is vegetated with turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightii). It is difficult to tell at this time, but the evidence suggests that very little of the area filled was vegetated by seagrass before being filled. The project will permanently remove an estimated 600 sq. ft. of baybottom and littoral zone from the marine ecosystem. The littoral zone, because it had not stabilized and established a climactic biota, contributed little to the marine ecosystem. The sublittoral area that has been filled apparently has a more biologically impor- tant contribution to the marine ecosystem in the form of vegetation and fauna. The stabilized shore will allow the establishment of an epifaunal community typical of such shallow water rocky substrates. The new biota will, it is believed, be somewhat less than a 1 for 1 replace- ment for what was lost. If the applicant has applied for a before-the-fact permit, this in- spector would have recommended placing the seawall approximately 5 ft. landward of its present location. It is felt that relocating the seawall will at this time do more harm than good. Under the pro- visions of Chapter 403.161, Florida Statutes, I recommend that the applicant be fined $500 for willing the waters of the state without proper authorization. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ~mNROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 8th day of March 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS OF "ONROr~:~~~DA~ .f1 By ~ ...& ..t ~ Mayor ~ (Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM A StJFFlClEM Y. At t es t : RALPH W. WHlTEt CLERK ~ "{ ~MAf: \VI. ~ ~ ,D ,L Clerk I BY : 80.AR!J O'F COUNTY COMIV , =RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 _._~-~~ --3,'~ \.t-, ~("~ '" I {-~- --~":- , OFfiCI; .OF~ k . Henry 1-, Weln am, Dlrector Building, Planning and Zoning D (305) 294.4641 P.O. BOX Room 205 ~Ji ng I I Public,Service Building . 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. :-.~ Key West, Floirda . . ". 330430-439 '. ""'~ Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures ............ 1. County Biologist Report V 2. Resolution (Jacques Pellering) V 3. Permit V 4. Application for Permit (Dock and Seawall) V 5. Site Pl an ",...- 6. Location Map V 7. DER Assessment V DATE :! - ~ ~ -3d.- BY ~ O~ "T?PS, , F::i~M I ' 3397 LITHO .'.. _. _ d. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Februarv 18. 1982 SUBJECT Pellerin J., Dock and Seawall To Henr F. Weinkam DEP'T Building. Planning: and Zoning FROM Bob Dennis Biolo DEP'T Planning and Zoning LEGAL x Township 61S, Range 39E, Section 1, Sexton Cove Estates, Lot 14, Block 12, Key Largo. Zoned RU-5 ~,,>. INTRODUCTION: This project is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: Applicant is applying for an after-the-fact permit for a 70 linear foot rip-rap seawall and backfill. Sixty (60) ft. of the seawall was constructed along Blackwater Sound and the remainder along a man-made canal. It is reported that 20 c.y. of fill was placed above and below the mean high water line (total amount of fill, 40 c. y. ) . In addition, a 30 ft. long x 5 ft. wide pier is proposed with a 10 ft. x 7 ft. section at the waterward end. This project is discussed in greater detail in the Department of Environmental Regulation report and should be read for additional information. EVALUATION: I agree with the conclusion of the DER report that the seawall should have been placed approximately 5 ft. landward of its pre- sent location. However, the damage done is not important enough to justify moving the seawall back. RECOMMENDATION: After-the-fact approval for the rip-rap seawall and backfill and approval for the proposed pier. jmmp February 12, 1982 ~~{ (0\ 5'J.!1\\~ n ~. r.~\ !'.L0L1 \...~.... 1\: Ir'll"';;/ r~' I' PI ))/ \~. 1\) ill" 1..,/ l" 1"'.... ,IJ' . .,....-", 1" ~~I"''l Y 'I"" ~" ...-V ..,......!:. Mormoc: CU, BLDG. DEPT. Denis G. Pellerin 1043 First Avenue Columbus, Georgia 31901 (404)327-1221 Btlaf~ Mr. Robert Dennis Environmental Engineer/Biologist Building Department County of Monroe 5825 Jr. College Road, West Key West, Florida 33040-4399 In Reference to: Apl1ication by Mr. Jacques Pellerin 32 Bunting Drive Sexton Cove Key Largo, Florida 33037 Dear Mr. Dennis: In response to your form letter dated 25 January, 1982 indicating the need for the Dept. of Environment Biological Report, we are enclosing such report, completed by the State on 28 January, 1982. As per the State requirements, the copy of the minutes or approval must be forwarded to the State. Please do not hesitate to contact me if anything more needs to be done. ~~ ... ---- Denis G. Pellerin enclosure: Copy of Biological Report dated 28 January, 1982 ~~~"E .y,'"".,- ~~.~"::;~:j:"::' lf~\ m~-;:~., ~.,. l1i2fr:Z'7-'"'l'r: " ,> I;' - f~___ r "'il:' 'f';- tl-:,- '~. --<< . "". ,. "", 1-', \.,~", to,-, ." . i'" .', ~~,:t_ "" [:~"':.: !f; \?~r n}- ',:, (B ..,~;'''' - -~"'l\: PLA11n~G , BrILDnG & ZONING DEP ART~IENT PERHIT ~~ MON~OE PErJHT FOR EXC.\VATION, TRE DEPOSIT OF :tWo COUNTY FILL, OR STRl'CTUR."'-L ACTIVITIES I" THE ~~1--' l~ - -'~~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF NONROE COUNTY ,1) Property mmers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT TJSE ONLY Jacques Pellerin 11-24-81 32 Bunting Drive Resolution No. Key Largo, Florida 33037 3) Phone number ( 305) Date: 451-2448 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number OWNER 5) Legal description of property: Section 1 Key Largo Subdivision Sexton Cove Estates TO\o.'11ship 61S Lot 14 Block 12 Range 39E Street, road or mile marker Bunting Drive - Volume of material: dredged/excavaced filled/ deposited c.y. c.y. 20 c.y. 20 c.y. waterward land,IIard watenllard landward of M.H.H. of II.R.H. of N.H.H. of H.H.H. - .. ZONING: RU-5 PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Esti~ated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUXTY CO~~tISSIO~ERS OF :-lmiROE COl.:;.;TY, FLORID,'. BiolOgistAi~~~e~~he-=-f~~~r~~~i~~~alr f~;2ci-h~ C~r~~~i~~s s~fa;~11 and backfill and approval for the proposed pier. CODV in File D3tc L lJ i i..: .:.. i' _") U ~- ~- ~ c i. -'-12.. rl1 C' ~ l R C- :..: ::OL' N-r y .'/ , !J(J" 'tJ'.. ~i;l '1~ ..~~ ,., 'r' l~l_. or:- , 1. ,\ '. " () r '" I T 1\"" L ; , : {' r T U R ,\ L or ri)L"/TY , " : I , . . \ i ! I' ~ ) rr()'n~lr (V f ~ -I" r .1., _~ (lCy~ ~ ~ . ~-/)r' !h",rl " ~J.. /', ,(117/111 (){tJ~ K ~~~i ( lA. vl'( c f L- t, " ~ ( .; ) ,:"', :~,,-,--'--""---"-'-.-;-r;lo;le lIUI'.: _~______~/":~:~ i I VII" r.();ltr"lrt(lr~ , r , ~ :' . ',i,:,.. ,.:.lr("",. ['1,"'1" f.. cl'rt!fic,lt1on numher - c' ( c- f/ t-- r ,) L e ~ ,11 d c <; r: r i 'J t l () 1\ Section, () r n r!) r II r tv: f: t' '! , L Cl ~'J (. /'1 Sc:.X\c,' (. S u h d i vis i an, :.~ ',"1(;'1 r- ' TO\.1nshir. I. u t , !Hock, /~ Ranr,e. (if .1Crf>.1r,c) ~trc{'t, r(l.ld c'r roilc n.lrker, [2;((1111/1<, J ~oninr. ) np.!lcrihe t!lp propo~;cd .Il'tlvil", rl!.rIIOU:; of C(lll~;trll:tion Eo amOU:1t of (in culdC' '.arrl,;), to Ilf" ('X('.i'!'lt(." or JI'ich;Ir('('d [\''lcrthp rllrrO'IC u8aof rrnieC"t, C 'S t::' e ma t c r ! (. 1 n t I! : I {~7!c1. ( ! ((~1 P ( ((J\ ') J d r (' d .. ,! cI / e :-: C :1 v ,J t e d .f ill .~ d / d e po s 1 t e r! ~D c.y. :XC; c. _j{f [ 9 :- if ~ or. 1.1 6 f n t. . TI ;.1 f. , , . JI1 e :' s \~ It 0 9 cpr () i> e r t y :1 f f r lJ " olllme of milt/'r!. . ) l ~ . " . '/,1 r (\ r''''?t r {I ()' '!.II.p. -.--- ,.~ -...- zln ('I)d.' of C'".. v. '1,lnrlu:'1rd' ----.!'.i _.:!~ U-A.~"_ I ,I i I) i II in . ~ n r () p l~ r t v ~amc, ."lddrl!";', r..c W <1 t cr'" .. y . Mr, J0B Se(l; 0l ~ 110 :p;f Tr- &/J<\. Ci,-[, e ~ (/ ,J.)_'E:: II of' t ~ Ii If t.,,,- I L .i. s tot. " e r per m it:; i'; 'i '\ I' (I thi... Site DE{( rJa:.. /)[;12..... ,1-' \ I I / " r i\ p P 1 i e d f (.) r . include applicant s na::-:l', a) ?r"i I ""\ ,t'j CDE , ( b) If ,'r?] ic,1t !lJn :Ll'l hl?('ll ';llh'-littcd for thi'l I'f'lJect (or one similar) in p"qtt CX:d.lf:I rC',l';on f'Jr 'I"'J .IJlp;lcltion ,.Ile! ,\~ive applicant', n.1me if d iff e r I! n t f r (' n c: u r r e '1' :1 II p Ii,' 1 II t . fJ/J4 'T List nIl ",.,I"r;J! ;Hld ~'l,lt(. ,1""ll,'ics tholt h.lvt! rl~cclvcd l\rrli.c.:ltions for rro,1ect. C C;E' 'I'hl'l comr>l~tedppl '("'1\ Ion form ',J! II be Iccomp,'nleJ by the follol./tnR, or it will riUT II" or()ce~sed. 1I~ 10 (2) "cto; of (IrlWlnK';, on f1\ x I: p'\I(.r, ~hllWin!( locHian, plot pl"n, top view ., n d c roo;" " e c tin n () f (l r () (lO" cJ, dr' w r , r 0 ." c . 11 e . b~.,tton proccq'linR f('~ ,,; fol[I)"'~: ~(1f dre~~p.. fill. dock.. (li( 'IlY ';lructllfe'l ..dfronrlnK n,1tur;\1 w:tter bodies, $10.00 for vertlc--d ..e'I........ll,; pn '1I'1l";"de bodle'l of \,Ilter, $25.00 for lny C'l""tlin'H!o[l of 11... dl;1V,. ~cttvttlO!'1 0.'" "lte. Appl1c:}tjo~ je; herr.by ",'Ide for" Iwrmlt III "uthorlre tht>1ctlvftieCl described herein. - . - f.~ In 1 I 1 ,'r \J t h 1 Ill' t II ! 0 ra\ t ! 0 n c IW t ,1 i rw din t h ! 'I "pp 1 i C ,1 t ion, ,1 nd lo",lt'dKe 0. h..llt.f ">lIdl ln1orm:ltlon Is t.rwe, coml>lete 6o"ccurl4te. I 'I 1 t 'kli! the prono"'ed ,lctivitiolll. 1,'" I nn~q(";~ r II' ,l\JtClor ty to UnUl.'f . r' Ll f rk 1./111 be complied with IW"'nd ordlnlllr,'" )oI;'vl.'rJllng tll 'I type 0 1010 " t' ( d 1 'I not pr('sume to give 'reln (lr not, 11,4' v,r q1tll1~ 0 " perml (e, , rnte ~r feder~l 181./ . or 1"11C4'[ !I." "('lvi',I'll!'! of ,lilY county, ., i, f rhi!! typ~ of facility. 'lOll or Il/'rt >rl" 'I:' " "I construct 'n (1 . 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(I '...I~'.','" :'~o '^'fj. S (j 2 b (- Fitll,oBooK No / :.', . " .. ~ . ~~:.=-~~-~. :.;~ _. ..'""'-.. . ~._~ --- _..... _ u....~. ..' _. ._ ....-..----- _.;.~ .~:~~~::.:': :..~;~: :::: 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA Mr. Jacques Pellerin 32 Bunting Drive Key Largo, Florida 33037 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE ~ff.cc.rnTI~~ January 28, 1982 ..., ~ F~~ 16 1952 MONROE CT'{. BLDG. DEPT. By:O{)/?h~~ /' Re: Monroe County - File #44-S0298-SE Dear Mr. Pelleri n: As we advised you on December 14,1981 , your application is incomplete without local approval, pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Councilor their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". . .shall have in hand the (biOlogical) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other autho=izsd body tak2S fi."al action on the application for permit." You will need ~o obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. Sincerely, ~w~ Richard W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor Enclosure RWC/ds DER Form 17-1.122(50) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL - ~~EC~i V t:~: j . " r:" I .. . ,. .. ". I DEll SO. flA. DlSTRlCT tAAHCH CfffCE File No.: 44-50298-5E County: Monroe Date: 1-18-81 Applicant Name: Jacques Pellerin Address: 32 Bunting Drive, Key Largo, FL 33037 Agent (if applicable): NIA Address: Location of project: Section(s) Section(s) 1 Township 61S Range 39E Township Range Local Reference: Sexton Cove Water Body: Blackwater Sound Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: None On site inspection by: David E. Bishof Date of Inspection: 1-15-82 Original Application: Yes-X No__ Revised Application: Yes No Date: Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) PELLERIN, JACQUES 4/44-40298-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Two A. The applicant proposes to recover land lost to erosion and stabilize the new shoreline. A 70 ft. long seawall constructed of cemented together limestone boulders will serve to protect the new shoreline. Sixty (60) ft. of the seawalYs length will be along altered natural shoreline and 10 ft. will be along a canal. It is estimated that the new shoreline will be 5 ft. waterward of its location before erosion set .in (ie. 300 sq. ft. of baybottom will be filled). A 30 ft. long by 5 ft. wide pile supported pier with a 10 ft. by 7 ft. "L" at the waterward end will be erected. In total, the dock will cover 220 sq. ft. of baybottom. With the exception of the dock, all of the proposed work is now complete. B. The applicant's property is located in Sexton Cove Subdivision on Key Largo. Sexton Cove is a large (100~ acre) Mobile Home subdivision located on Blackwater Sound. Virtually all of the lots within the subdivision front on canals or natural shoreline. The subdivision was created by placing fill from the canals onto the adjacent land. Most of the filled land was mangrove forest before being filled. The Blackwater Sound shoreline of the sub- division follows the approximate line of the waterward edge of the mangroves before the filling took place. All of the waters surrounding the site are designated Class III (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). At present an estimated 90 percent of the lots in the subdivision are occupied by Mobile Homes. Immediately adjacent to the project site to the south and east are single family mobile home residences. The north side of the site is bounded by a approximacely 700 ft. ~0ng unnalli~d finger canal. To the west is Blackwater Sound. C. The Department first became aware of the applicant's filling activities on 3-23-81, while investingating a complaint about unauthorized filling. At the time it appeared that the work qualified for a Class A emergency permit. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to. contact the applicant and have him apply for a permit as required by Chapter l7-4.28(S)(a), Florida Administra- tive Code. On 11-12-81, upon investigating a second complaint about the applicant's activities it was discovered that considerably more work had been done. At this point it no longer appeared PELLERIN, JACQUES #44-40298-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Three that a Class A emergency permit could be justified. The applicant was contacted and the present after-the-fact permit application resulted. The applicantls uplands consist of a 50+ ft. by 80+ ft. lot. A mobile home occupies the lot. With the-exception of a few orna- mental scrubs the entire area around the house is paved with pea gravel. The proposed dock is exempted from dredge and fill permitting re- quirements by Chapter l7-4.04(10)(c). As a result the remainder of this report will address only the proposed seawall and backfill. Before the seawall was built the section of the applicant's shore- line which faced toward Blackwater Sound consisted of a crushed rock beach with a few widely spaced boulders. On the beach a very sparse biota could be found. The sparseness of the biota was probably due to the unstable and exposed nature of the substrate. The present shoreline is located at approximately the -1 ft. MLW contour. As a result of the degree of exposure and vertical nature of the present shoreline, no emergent wetland flora (eg. mangroves) exist or is likely to eventially establish itself. The lower reaches of the composed of Acetabularia mentous bluegreen algae. itself on the seawall as seawall have been colonized by a flora sp., Dasya sp., Batophora sp. and fila- No fauna was observed to have established of the time of the field inspection. The baybottom drops off to a depth of 3 or 4 ft. at a distance of 50 ft. from shore. The baybottom within a few feet of the seawall is vegetated with turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) and Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightii). It is oifficult to tell at this time, but the evidence suggests that very little of the area filled was vegetated by seagrass before being filled. D. The project will permanently remove an estimated 600 sq. ft. of baybottom and littoral zone from the marine ecosystem. The littoral zone, because it had not stabilized and established a'climactic biota, contributed little to the marine ecosystem. The sublittoral area that has been filled apparently had a more biologically important contribution to the marine ecosystem in the form of vege- tation and fauna. The stabilized shore will allow the establishment of an epifaunal community typical of such shallow water rocky substrates. The new biota will, it is believed, be somewhat less than a 1 for I re- placement for what was lost. PELLERIN, JACQUES ff44-40298-5E Monroe County - Key Largo Page Four \ E. If the applicant had applied for a before-the-fact permit, this inspector would have recommended placing the seawall approximately 5 ft. landward of its present location. It is felt that relocating the seawall will at this time do more harm than good. Under the provisions of Chapter 403.161, Florida Statutes, I recommend that the applicant be fined $500 for filling the waters of, the state without proper authorization. 'jj~ 71' /. / DAVID E. B;~~NV. SPEC. II DATE: READ: DEB/dvo Ph ot-or"th O,.;en+A +; DI'I Pe.11 ey; V"\ 'ftf - ,0 Lq( -C) E \ , . H(J&i\-~ NCI~~ . ;t't .. 3:.\' ......... 'i . '"1- ~J I I .. ..... ~ec..., J.eW\c. ~ '-=, .-1l\.c:.'1 ""c.~ "'Pc II e \'"1 ""'- . '?'4. ~\MI\TI~~ 1:)(',\1" . ~ e......~ '" (c.. ~" ~";,1rcU") K. C!J L.A.W'tj w, ~~\ 3C3...~) z~ J i ), rt - ~ .7 I Jacques Pellerin #44-S0298-SE PHOTO 111 View of the western side of thl .. seawall from its southwest end PHOTO :/12 View of the western side of the seawall from its north- western end. PHOTO 113 The canal (north) section of seawall viewed from the east. .-. ,'~ . ..-.. .'. " '.~ ~:~. /5:,'" . ... - ~ .("". -"'~- ('-~' ". \. ..:""r:...... .. ", ~.~.~....:..;- .'"}i.... . " ...~. '..'" " .... " .... B lac k Wit +e r >'-~<' ., ' t .'. rL 1 .~~, ". 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