Resolution 114-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 114~1982 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Honroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described street, a11ey- way, road or highway, and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is necessary to hold a public hearing following due notice of the said hearing, in accordance with the said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cm~IISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that at 2:00 P.M. on Monday, May 17, 1982, said Board will hold a public hearing at the Plantation Key Governmental Center, Plantation Key, Monroe County, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described street, alley-way, road or highway: A portion of Key Largo Beach as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 149 of the Official Records of 11onroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Tract "J" as shown on the above mentioned Plat of Key Largo Beach; Thence run South along the Westerly Line of Tracts "J" & "K" for a distance of 127.62 feet; Thence run North 54 degrees 23 minutes 50 seconds West for 18.45 feet; Thence run North 09 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds West for 118.57 feet; Thence run East for a distance of 35.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Also the following: A portion of Key Largo Beach as recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 149 of the Official Records of Monroe County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Tract "J" as shown on the above mentioned Plat of Key Largo Beach; Thence run West for a distance of 35.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; Thence run South 09 degrees 42 minutes 35 seconds East for a distance of 118.57 feet; Thence run North 54 degrees 23 minutes 50 seconds West for a distance of 43.05 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 4 of Block 8 of the above mentioned Plat of Key Largo Beach; Thence run North along the Easterly 34- -2- Line of said Lot 4 of Block 8 for a distance of 91.82 feet; Thence run East at right angles to the last described course for a distance of 15.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be, and he is hereby ordered to publish notice of said meeting in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 336, Florida Statutes. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1982. B~OF COUNTY COMMISS.IO.N.EJlRS OF ROE COUNZ FL~I~" -~-?' .ue tf - ~ \-- ." By Mayor/Chairman (Seal) At te s t : RALPH W. YI~rn:1 CLERK ~ \cu\n'lMuJ~.' ~ c; 6 Clerk APPROVED AS 10 FORM z:~ /1, , () ,. . ;S~.~ BY ,;(~A!A..-._ .'. -- ~j l . .4~. ! V' <-fO