Resolution 116-1982:r RESOLUTION, L1_6 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from W and MATSINGER & W. MCGEF WHEREAS, in complaince with State Statute, it is necessary as'part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: Florida Bay is designated as Class III waters (chpater 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). The sites uplands with the exception of a low wall around their perimeter, are completely covered by a concrete slab. The slab is sloped away from the water. At present no buildings are lo- cated on the uplands, however, the applicant has indicated plans to install a trailer in the near future. The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, con- sisted of a boulder riprap revetment. The biota found on the revetment consisted of red, green and brown macroalgae as will as Nerita sp, and Littorine sp. snails. The toe of the revetment was at a depth of 1+ ft. mean low water (MLW). The bay bottom in front of the seawall slopes down into a perimeter channel at a moderate rate. During the inspection the depth at the waterward edge of the dock was measured at 3 feet. The nearby bay bottom is primarily sandy with little macroflora. The toe of the seawall is located at essentially the same location that the revetments toe was. At present, due in part to its newness, there is virtually no macrobiota to be found on the sea- wall. The seawall was built in such a manner that it ties into the ad- jacent seawalls on either side. Normally a project of this nature would be exempted from Departmental permitting requirements by Chapter 17-4.04 (10) (s), Florida Administrative Code. Available evidence indicates that neither of the adjoining seawalls were built persuant to proper Departmental authorization and as a result it is the opinion of this inpsector that the exemption does not apply in this case. As previously described, construction of the seawall and dock has eliminated the shoreline biota. Once the riprap is placed at the toe a new biological community should be able to establish itself. As a result of shading, it is believed that the floral components of the new community will generally be less abundant and more shade tolerant than the preconstruction flora. The riprap at the toe of the seawall will cover and thereby elimi- nate 200+ sq. ft. of shallow sandy seafloor. Placing the riprap can be expected to cause temporarily raised levels of turbidity. Experience with similar projects has shown that the associated turbidity levels are not usually very high. The applicant proposes to control erosion and provide himself with improved boat mooring facilities. Both goals will be achieved through the construction of a 72 ft. long verticle concrete seawall with a 4 ft. wide cantelievered concrete dock along its length. Resolution Matsinger/McGee Seawall M Page Two An estimated 25 cu. yd. (21m3) of back fill will be place landward of the seawall. It is estimated that 90 percent of the backfill will be above mean high water (MHW). Twenty-five cubic yards of limestone boulder riprap will be installed at the toe of the sea- wall. The majority of the riprap will be at an elevation below MHW. The project, with the exception of the placement of the riprap at the toe of the seawall, is now complete. Upland roads were used to bring all supplies to the site. The seawall and dock were poured in place. The project site is in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key recreational vehicle park. The park is located on the north side of the west end of Long Key,.Monroe County. Within the 250+.acre park a system of two main truck canals with three each finger canals provide water- front access to many of the 400+ trailer lots. The park is a condo- minium with 95 percent of the available sites presently occupied by recreational vehicles. Many of the vehicles are apparently permanently located. The project site is located near the northeast corner of the park, on a shoreline which faces Florida Bay. Abutting the site's east and west sides are lots which are occupied by travel trailers. To the south is a paved road. The Florida Bay shoreline of the project site and park in general is one which was created by filling out into the bay. A boulder rip - rap revetment originally protected the entire shoreline. Much of the revetment has been replaced over the years by a series of seawalls. A brief check of the Department's records did not turn up any permits for the seawalls. Both of the adjoining lots have seawalls on them, which were apparently built without Departmental authorization. The one to the east was apparently built within the last year. The applicant's poperty is a 50+ ft. by 60+ ft. (0.07 acre) trail lot. The project site includes in addition to the applicant's lot the waterward end of the street which separates the applicant's property (lot 246) from the lot to its east (lot 245). In total the site includes 72 linear feet of shoreline on Florida Bay. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 22nd at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) day of March 19 82 BOARD OF COUNTY CQiNI�S�ER-f M5N -LINTY, FLORIDA Y B �- May., Attest: PMH �tffl�lj� La 4 C Clerk APPROVED AS TO FoRm AND OAL SUFFICIENCY �y r p� /LiL`71 Att"ney's Office '%0A'R15 OF tOUNTY COI NERS - — iC>( OF; Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 _�; !;` rr—__ dy ° T. =z4a Henry r , lei nkam, Director Building, Planning and Zoning Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protein Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 _ MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 '14V P.O. sox Room 205 Wing I I Ken Sorensen, District 5 � y ;`0f ::H n Puoiic.Service Building 3t ®U1�lTY 0 �IONROE 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. �T �r Key West, Floirda ` KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 P 330430-4: (305) 294.4641 Monroe County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution 3. Permi t a. Application for Permit 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment DATE BY VI- • ,;YF3.1 FgRM3397 L= S. A. E ® ,yqy RT,�}p.�� TALi R R N 0}V■ C DATE March 3, 1982 SUBJECT Matsinger, W. and !V. Yc Gee. Seawall To Mr Kermit F. Lewin, Administrat(MP'T County Administrator's FROM Bob Dennis, Environ. Bi LEGAL T Planning and Zoning Township 65S, Range 35E, Section 7, Outdoor Resorts of America, Lot 246, Long Key. Zoned RU-6 INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: The applicants are requesting after -the -fact approval for the construction of a 72 ft. long vertical concrete seawall with a 4 ft. wide cantilever dock along their Florida Bay waterfront property. Approximately 25 c.y. of backfill was required for the project and 25 c.y. of rip -rap will be placed waterward of the T IEV line, at the base of the seawall. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail.and should be read for additional information. RECOMMENDATION: After -the -fact approval is recommended since no long-term adverse environmental affects are expected from this project. /mmp ,.sr •.�� .. s • ��r3_?' i :ice- C� '- �-` �= � PL1v'I�'G I BUIL=IG & ZONING DEPART11ENT PERMIT flllordr'z- D, �1 PERMIT FOR E:,C."tiVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY L3RlTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES Iiv THE WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY �1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY W. Matsinger and 111. McGee Feb. 22, 198 Post Office Box 454 Long Key, Florida 33001 Resolution No. 3) Phone number 664-8303 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number John Brier Marathon, Florida 5) Legal description of property: Section 7 Key Long Key Subdi,. ision Property Line I Township 65S Lot 246 Block Range 35E Street, road or mile marker Mile 66 Outdoor Resorts Volume of material: dred?ed/e-:cavated filled/deoositea C.V. C.V. 25 c.y. 25 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of 1f.H.W. of M.H.?,T. of M.H-.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: RU- 6 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chair -man BOARD OF COUNTY CO',INISSIOi ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Spacial Conditions if an%* After -the -fact approval is recommended since no long-term adverse environmental affects are expected from this project. Cocv in File r r'1 Date ����y—•y -^t� ' ��.:1'. :,t 1�`\', 'ice '' �,^��� ' f". ,.,i ;,,, `,....,�: C..I.. "T acic','�� L/A� �o i Contractor or agent's name, mailing acid-css, cent:}.( c Tool 5) Legal description of property: Section, % Township, Range, (if acreage) T�ev, ,�Gi✓C7 /�E Cll),divi.slon Lot, ,2 %, r1.oc';\, Street, rocc or mile n,arl•;er,- Zoning, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methocls of construction F, ,mou.nt of material (in cubic vnrc's) to be excavated or discharged. Pescribe purpose 8 intenclecl use of project. F-- o N -i4 , S � dredged/excavated volume of C.Y. C.V. material waterward lardwax of I.,..11. of w 1 11 13 5 0 c't 1,J-7— F i.l.l ecl /cl cros i.te(l tiv'�lt crlv<<:rcl of 7) Name, address F zip cede of a(.j ooning property crAr.crs w1jose prc;lerty affronts water wnv. i�o�/r� D Tu 7TG e Lo m A r✓ ,lam moo, eOX �/� emu. �'�x al",�2y� � �3,3co / ,Lo�✓y' '�Ej' SLR �33 Ga / 8 a) List other permits issued auld/or applied. for, include applicant's name, for this site: d5,LA,C�3 , G,1/16G /-,9 172 1�;2/97,511,�c.� 1:?o-13 :D x was 'b) If application has been su'emitted for this project (or ore similar) in tr.e past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's n-ame if di.f_ferent from current app lic ant . 9) list all Federal and State agencies that nave received app .icaticns 'or tris pro�ecE. 7> Alle This completed application form will he acccm.paie ... bv ti,.e _following, or it will NCT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8? x 11 paver, sh0,,Tir_c, location, Mot plwi, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, docks CI'. any structures affrcntinR natural. water bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on —man-made bodies ol': water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize t-e activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained ir. this application, and to the rest of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. A1.1. provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of Work ltiill �e canplied :��it! ierether specified herein or not. T` granting of a permit does not pres:sne to give authority to violate or cancel. the provisions of any county, state or federal law regulatin(y construction or p.er:foxrnance of construction of this type of facility. denature oL apl,licant/,-KTcnt For Department Use Fce �'T receipt to Arprolree bv i'ss I t . Director Person accenting application a 0 • �sa.z.. - +�..- - - .� _y? _,.vaaf�..w-r•. -.. - as xy.�a�w. 1 t= 1% !.0 pi S 9 S��l� s c 4.1 = i FU'lnZZ: QA i'L:.J �1=�JACDi7 . �CrCr^.T7 CZ.- ;,: V Q c 1,1YT• 70 IN AT Cl kr?i ICa7iG1 ult STATE 5 v ii WIT V.- 1. . r-� Imo. -Y U-1 3201 GOLF COUF.SC COULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 313350 .S.'1 l A Z OF F LO P M A BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria T�CAIYW ��••,"'�;,., � 9u i`J:..�i�i^ �i— .�.� v�i b"a�j�: �i:�i�i�i � �e. i'i�6. E..+1���"i Y nVi�i SOUTH FLORMDA BRAN\!CH 0, FECE Matsinger/McGee P.O. Box 454 Long Key, Florida 33011 (v (� 1,/- 8 3 Monroe Count Gentlemen: February 8', 1982 File No. 44-51047-5E, Seawall & Dock As we advised you on January 12, 1982 your application is i.nconaplete w:.thout local approval pursuant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. please submit t::e enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your nernnit application to the Board of County COIA.�.iSS' Oners/C=ty COL:riC'_l or their author 1Zed perr,itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the :m44, ccu.:cil . shall have i, hand the county co-11Ssio:_/cam (biological) rano=t and '-ird?ngs thereof." it further states, "The report shah be rear: into the record and duly corsldered at the sane meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for pe mit. " You will reed to o';taii: copy of the minutes of the meeting or ar, �;L ro �ri.a .� _ r'.ica'c' on o the local approval. This letter, re:�Oluti Oi vim" CC'. `/ Oj� f:=:^ ?'�lii-11:40:1 Should be sent t0 �-,, r,ce. apply : �;tion �ri�1 r�::,:.�r: incomplete without valid local ar p'� oval . _ f you have any questions . concerning��' thi : pr-ocadu�-�:a`contact us. R,'JC/wb 'Enclosure D:.R : orrna 17-1.122 (50) S'_ncerely, 1o��� l zv m aw Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor b , 3S Src 41'L IV of Jlalc Jtil] Stil'1'tl State `re Of ��,�+,.t<�� Atti3mev Gencral GEIZA1,I) A. LEWIS YLj•-_.•�. J��! 1!N`� .f� j � 'V v �- at! VJJl1iY'1'1�1♦ •Irl•a$U rl•r DR. ELTON J. GISSEND INNER DOYLEmCONNE'R Executive Diromor Comissioner of Agriculture 3900 Com:nonwealtn Boulcvard,'Iall:ll;a src, Florida 32303 RA ['I'll1). TLII?LINGTON Commissioner of Education January 28, 1982 Matsinger/McGee Post Office Box 454 Long Key, Florida 33001 Gentlemen: This office has no objection to your project as proposed in Department of Environmental Regulation's permit application number 44-51047-5E, dated Decem,oer 28, 1981, showing the .location in Section 7, Towns:iip 65 Sout}z, Range 35 East, in Florida Bay in Monroe County. �COnsider this the authority sought under Section 253.77, Florida Statutes, to pursue this project. This letter in no way waives the authority and/or jurisdiction of any governmental entity nor does this letter disclaim any title interest that the State may have in this project site. Sincerely, xrich- rd �. Da in n Director Division of S- to Lands RPL/g:r)f cc: DER - T.A. Kranzer DIVISIONS / ADNi1NISTRA•.10N LAW EN1 DRCV,%TFN'r -,IA1(J%E Rb.8(.)V1iCES RECREATION AND i'AR1"S RESOUBCE `1ANA6ENIENT STATE LANDS CT? - r -7. 04.75 Noil-oc? z t,7 G s'r'' cap=t fro, oyes to control erosion and provide ,7i th imi roved boat �,:co� ' e himself '�ng facilities . Both goals will be achieved thrcugi: the construction of a concrete Seawall wilt: a 72 ft. long verticle 4 ft. wide cantelievered concrete dock along its length. An estimated 25 cu. yd. (21m3) of back fill will be placed landward of the seawall. It is estimated that 90 percent of the backfill will be above mean high water rJHW cubic yards of limestone boulder riprap(will .be1installedeat the toe of the seawall. The majority of the riprap will be at an elevation below M11W. The project, with the exception of the placement of the riprap at the toe of the seawall,is now complete. Upland roads were used to bring all supplies to the site. The seawall and dock were poured in place.. B. The project site - tional vehicle park. in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key The west end ofl� uong park is 1 located on the north side of side of Rey, Monroe County. Within park a system of two canals provide w4:.crfront the 250+ acre main truck canals th e400+ctrailerr lof Lots. The park is access to many the a able sites presently condominium, with 95 percent of the avail- occupied b recreational of the vei:icles are apparently permanantlylocated. vehicles. Many The project site i_s located rear the northeast corner of the park, on. a shoreline ne which site's east and west .aces Flori Bay. Abutting the sides are lots which travel trailers. To are occupied by the south is a paved road. The Florida Bay shoreline of the project site and park in general is one which was created b y filling out into the bay. A boulder riprap revat:ent origi nall� protected 1 j the entire shoreline. Much of the revetme_it has been replace seawalls , n r i ;= �. � ., d over the years by a series of b e- c__ec_, of the Depart7m nt's records did not turn up any pe�,.li �s for th-c seawalls. Both of the ad seawalls orl : iu, C;h_Cii �4c re apparently joining lots have autrarizatio:l. p y built without Departmental a ii�� on:. to the east was apparently built within C . - T�%a , uP;�.�_cu�l�t's nYop ty 1s a 50-- lot. 1'he `�; _ ft. by 6Q+ ft. (0.07 acre) trail. �r°jact �­ e includes in addition to the applicant's lot the wa--ai_rard end of a street which separates thapplicant's property (lot 246) from the lot to its east (lot 245). In total the S1Ve includes 72 linear feet of shoreline on Florida Bay. MATS INGr:'/vIr, E 4405L047- �•o _ :row r^,_-�'-- n L _ue h Florida Day is UcsignGted as Class III waters (chapter 17-3.081 !orida Admil' strative Code.). The sites uplands with the exception of a low wall around their perimeter, are completely covered by a concrete slab.The slab is sloped away from the water. At present no buildings are located on the uplands, however, the applicant has indicated plans to install a trailer in the near future. The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, con- sisted of a boulder riprap revetment. The biota found on the revetment consisted of red, green and brown macroalgae as well as Nerita sp, and Littorine sp. snails. The toe of the revetment was at a depth or l=Lfit. mean low water (MLW). The bay bottom in front of the seawall slopes doon into a perimeter channel at a Moderate rate, During the inspection the depth at the waterward edgy of the doc was measured at P y sandy with little macrofiora, t. The nearby bay bottom is primarily -� �, ; The toe of the seawall is located at essentially the same location that the revetments toe was. At present, due in part to its newness, there is virtually no macrobiota to be found on the sea- wall. The seawall ;vas built In suc:1 a mannor that it tied into the ad- jacent seawalls or: either side. Normallya ject of this would be exempted from Departmental permittingorequirrements byture Chapter 17-4.04(10)(s), Florida Administadra evidence indicates that neither of five Code. Available the joining seawalls were ouilt persuant to proper Departmental authorization and as a result it is the opinion of this inspector that the exemption does not apply i-r: this case. D. As previously d ^cribed construction of the seawall and dock has eliminated tr_e shore"i; -.�e biota. Once the riprap is placed at the toe a new biologics' co M—ur:i ty should be able to establish itself. os ^'"ul� - - L �_s believed that the floral components cr o_ �_ad_~g, , be 1 _ .e nc-w co-ifLL,- �.� t�- �,,�a al ponents s :ads toi L �,^ 1 T 1- oenerally be less abundant and more -�nL- -- a-n t e preconstruction flora. I r L" thee.. seawall will cover and thereby 4nate 20v-_ ft, of shallow sandy seafloor. Placing rap can be epect;d 'Cocause temporarily turbidi Experience P y raised levels of associated turbiditylevels are 1not usually lar svery high. has shown that the rip' the ed