Resolution 117-1982 RESOLUTION NO.IIZ - 1982 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82, and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following ac- counts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the swn of $1S0.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-S11-2S.00, Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $200.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-S11-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the swn of $2S0.00, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-S11-54.02, Subs c ripti ons Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $20,000.00, Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-S14-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the swn of $2,000.00, Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-S14-S4.02, Subscriptions Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Co~tingency, the sum of $1,000.00, Into Personnel, Item #001-0801-S13-31.06, Medical Expenses Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-S84-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,200.00, Into Personnel, Item #001-0801-S13-44.00, Rentals ~ , -' 9 -2- Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $100.00, Into Personnel, Item #001-0801-513-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,500.00, Into Key West - Garage, Item #001-0901-519-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,000.00, Into Courthouse & Annex, Item #001-0902-519-40.00, Auto Allow & Travel Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $100.00, Into Courthouse & Annex, Item #001-0902-519-52.02, Tools & Small Implement Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,500.00, Into Other Administrator Building, Item #001-0903-519-40.00, Auto Allow & Travel Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $150.00, Into Other Administrator Building, Item #001-0903-519-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $100.00, Into Other Administrator Building, Item #001-0903-519-64.01, Capital Outlay Under $100 Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $500.00, Into Key West Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-46.01, Maintenance of Building Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $300.00, Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-0911-562-46.01, Maintenance of Building Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $500.00, Into Parks & Beaches, Item #001-0920-534-40.00, Auto Allow & Travel ~o -3- Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000~ Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $250.00, Into Parks & Beaches, Item #001-0920-534-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Contingency~ Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,500.00, Into Veterans Affairs, Item #001-1200-553-41.00, Communications Transfer from Contingency~ Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $500.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $2,000.00, Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525-52.01, Gasoline & Oil Transfer from Contingency~ Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,200.00, Into County Home, Item #001-1803-564-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $350.00~ Into County Home, Item #001-i803-564-46.01, Maintenance of Building Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $75.00, Into Social Services~ Item #001-1807-564-41.00, Communications Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $4,300.00, Into Other Administrator Bui1ding~ Item #001-0903-519-46.03, Pressure Pump Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Reserve for Contingency, the sum of $1,166.78, Into Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-511-54.01, Dues & Membership Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $30,000.00, Into Other Administrator Buid1ing, Item #001-0903-519-46.01, Maintenance of Building ~{ -4- Transfer from Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-24.00, Workmen's Compensation, the sum of $4,700.00, Into Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-516-24.00, Workmen's Compensation, the sum of $3,800.00, Into Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $1,378.00, Into Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $662.00, Into Clerk to Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-21.00, FICA Transfer from Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $1,079.00, Into Clerk of Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0201-513-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $231.00, Into Clerk of Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0202-513-11.00, Salaries Transfer from Microfilm, Item #001-0203-519-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $3,652.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-11.00, Salaries Transfer from Clerk County Court, Item #001-0204-516-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $555.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-11.00, Salaries Transfer from Clerk County Court, Item #001-0204-516-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $5,780.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-12.00, Salaries & 2/' -5- Transfer from Clerk County Court, Item #001-0204-516-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $6,000.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $6,423.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $2,060.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-21.00, FICA Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $1,517.00, Into Clerk Circuit Court, Item #001-0202-516-22.00, Retirement Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-41.00, Communications~ the sum of $625.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-49.23, Research & Studies Transfer from County Court, Item #001-0204-516-40.00, Auto Allow & Travel, the sum of $1,000.00, Into County Court, Item #001-0204-516-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $500.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-40.00, Auto Allow & Travel Transfer from Public Defender, Item #001-0604-516-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $3,800.00, Into Data Processing, Item #001-0205-513-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Nutriton C-I, Item #001-1832-564-51.00, Printing & Supplies, the sum of $3,000.00, Into Miscellaneous Supplies, Item #001-1832-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies ~3 -6 - Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $500.00, Into Recreational, Item #001-0913-534-34.03, Special Olympic Committee Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $3,373.84, Into Ceta II-D, Item #001-3400-551-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies ROAD & BRIDGE Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $8,455.20, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.17, 84th Street Ocean Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $2,150.00~ Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.16, Mayan Street Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $9,600.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.25, Aqua Marine Drive Porpoise Point Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $8,700.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.26, Jade Drive Porpoise Point Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $3,000.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.22, Paradise Place Grassy Key Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $1,500.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.23, Avenue B Big Pine Key Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $560.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.18, Indian Mounds ifJ -7- Transfer from Sth & 6th Cent~ Item #102-944-S41-63.00, Construction Account, the sum of $10,000.00, Into Sth & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-S41-63.21, 98th Street Transfer from Sth & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-S41-63.00, Construction, the sum of $1,700.00, Into Sth & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-S41-63.24, Johnson Street Summer land Transfer from Sth & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-S41-63.00, Construction, the sum of $6,SOO.00, Into Sth & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-S41-63.27, Rock Harbor Drive Key Largo Park Transfer from Road & Bridge, Item #102-0000-S84-0000, Contingency, the sum of $20,000.00, Into Road & Bridge, Item #102-940-541-S2.02, Road Signs MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Transfer from Administration, Item #104-0970-S34-S1.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $3S0.00, Into Administration, Item #104-0970-534-31.06, Medical Expenses Transfer from Cudjoe Key, Item #104-0973-S34-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies & Expenses, the sum of $180.00, Into Cudjoe Key, Item #104-0973-S34-44.00, Rent a1s Transfer from Key Largo, Item #104-0975-S34-S2.02, Materials other than road, the sum of $2,000.00, Into Key Largo, Item #104-097S-534-44.00, Rentals Transfer from Pollution Control, Item #104-0976-S34-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $2,000.00, Into Neighborhood Trash, Item #104-0978-S34-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary act- ion to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. /' l.r '> -8- Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of March, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY?:2/~aSa-?1~ (SEAL) Attest: RALPH \~:. ~"H\lE,. CLERK ~~ (h. P~.D'C APPROVED AS TO FORM ANIJGAL SU~f!C/~f'.:j<) BY ~<'~- !.t'1 /L~~-L /! Attorney'.. Dflke 1 f-., . ~~