Resolution 122-1982RESOLUTION NO. 122 =1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from an d WALTER PERETZ , WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant is proposing the construction of a riprap revetment along an open water shoreline, 320 feet in length and five feet in width. Total cubic yardage is estimated to be 120 waterward of MHW and 9 landward of MHW. The purpose of the riprap revetment is to provide shoreline protection and stabilization. A mobile crane will place the rock material, which will be delivered to the site by truck. Also applied for is the construction of a bulkhead along an adja- cent canal shoreline. This bulkhead is 90 feet long and will pro- vide private boat mooring for the applicant. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision, a waterfront residential community bordering Lower Sugarloaf Sound, which is, in turn, bordered on all sides by Sugarloaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens, by way of narrow, naturally occurring channels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the north. Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision was artificially created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals, all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel. This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, undeter- mined depths. The recreated shorelines here consist of loose lime- stone and marl, overlying the original Miami oolite subsurface. Water quality offshore is good, although transparency tends to suffer during water turbulence due to a somewhat unconsolidated benthos consisting of finely textured inorganic silts overlying the basal subsurface. Seagrasses and algae cover most of the bottom, but tend to be somewhat patchy. More specific to the applicant's property, which apparently in- cludes both of the open water lots at the end of Bonefish Lane West, the lots further back have been bulkheaded, in large part, where housing development has occurred (lots are 10-30 percent developed in this area). The applicant's own lot (lot 104) has already been bulkheaded along its canal frontage. This lot, as well as lot 103, belonging to the applicant, is approximately 100 feet deep and 150 feet wide. The applicant's property is primarily upland, dropping sharply at the erosion line to form a 10 foot wide intertidal and sub - tidal littoral shelf before.dropping to the depths of an offshore perimeter channel. Lot 104 is presently being built on. Lot 103 is basically void of any development or significant upland vegetation. 9,) Resolution Wlater Peretz Seawall Page Two Erosion has occurred on all of the shorelines, although somewhat less on the canal shorelines. Relatively speaking, however, erosion has not been severe and permanently established marine communities are found below the approximate mean low water (AMLW) line. Green algaes were the dominant benthic macrophyte here. These algaes inclued Batophora sp., Halimeda sp., and scattered Penicillus'sp. Also observed here were turtle grasses (Thallasia testudinum),.although total cover by this species amounts to less than 10 percent of the total submergent shelf area. Also observed slightly below AMLW were fire sponges (Tedania ignia), several species of coral (Porites sp.) and a large banded tulip snail (Fasciolaria hunteria). Fish species found here included barracuda (Sphyranea barracuda), mojarra, and silversides (Membras sp.). In the upper reaches of the offshore peripheral channel. turtle - grasses were observed, however, a complete view of the channel bottom was not possible. The AMLW line is found about midway.between the channel dropoff and the erosion line (five feet -from the dropoff). Above this line, the intertidal zone is composed of loose limerock rubble with little vegetation, although mangrove growth could potentially establish itself here over a long period of time. Impacts associated with this project should be relatively insigni- ficant. As proposed, this project should stabilize this shoreline, thus preventing erosion and consequential turbidity and sedimentation over adjacent areas. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the Record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board.of County.Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this .51�"kK day of at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) Attest: CT . ;n W $ 1 Clerk Pf?,2;L , 191?Z BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR UNTY, FLORIDA By -- Mayor APPR2 VED AS TO FORM A D GAL SUFFICIENCY. BY q� a ` ' $OARD OF COUNTY COMMi_RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 __ „ ��_ Henry , 1E nkam, Director Curt 3lair,District 2 �a �"�� �; Building, Planning and Zonina Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4'�-'�_. ' Ken Sorensen, District 5 ;i P.o. eox Room 205 Wing II 'St`'+�6;. a Publ i c,.Servi ce Building5825 Jr. College Rd. W. OUNTY 0 MONROE `� Key West, Floirda ") _ e 330430-43! KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 294.4641 •�O"� Monroe -County Legal Department Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby, attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (WALTER PERETZ ) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Seawall) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment DATE M 9-Z" L IOPS FORM 3397 LITHO- _ DEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE SUBJECT Perets , W. ; Seawall To Kermit H. Lewin, Co. Admin., FROM Bob Dennis, Environ._ Biologis LEGAL DATE March 15 , 1982 EP'T County Administrator's Office 'T Planning and Zonin Township 67S, Range 27E, Section 3 Sugarloaf Shores, Section D, Lots 103 and 104. Zoned RU-1. INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: A permit is requested to construct a 90 ft. long x 5 ft. wide con- crete vertical seawall, with rip -rap at its base, along the canal edge of lot 103 and for a 320 ft. long x 8.5 ft. wide rip -rap sea- wall along Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Approximately 219 c.y. of rip - rap will be required for this project. All but 9 c.y. to be placed between the MHW and the MIX lines. The attached Department ,of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. REASON FOR PROJECT AND INTENDED USE: To provide boat dockage along the canal and to provide shoreline stabilization from erosion. EVALUATION: No adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. RECOM11ENDATION: Approval, however the applicant should use filter fabric between the rip -rap boulders placed along Lower Sugarloaf Sound. /mmp 92, t • t _Y_=CC!�ac'S 1 �y� `cam ` Y i IT .���>� PL1N_,NG, BUILDING & ZOi]ING DEPART2IENT PERMIT 1�- PE:'\ITT FOR EYC :/ATIO:`I THE DEPOSIT OF NO. C` L'[�1TY ��` FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR 1•IETLANDS OF :IONROE COUNTY �1) Property owners name & mailing address Walter Peretz 2) Date 12-9-81 FOR DEPART:•1ENT USE oi:LY 45 Edgewood Street Tenafly, N . J . 07670 Resolution No. 3) Phone number Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 5) Legal description of property: Section 3 Key Sugarlof Shores Subdi%ision Sugarlof Shores Township 67S Lot 103 and 104 Block Section D Range 27E Street, road or mile marker Bonefish Lane W. Volume of material: dredsed/excavated filled/deposited Q c.y. Q c.y. 210 c.y. 9 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of ',1.H.W. of :1.H.W. of of P[.H.jd. ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COU:7TY CO?ntISSIO:'ERS OF .10`;ROE COUNT`', FLORIDA Bioloc,ist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval, however the applicant should use filter fabric between the rip -rap boulders placed along Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Conv in File Date i SCOPE OF PROJECT: 6 1 Construct 90 lineal feet of vertical concrete bulkhead on a manmade canal and 320 lineal feet of rip -rap seawall. The seawall is to provide shoreline protection and stabilization while the bulkhead is to be used for applicant's private boat mooring. The concrete and bulkhead will be formed on a natural rock base and the materials will come to the site over existing roads in a redi-mix truck. The rip -rap seawall will be constructed from natural coral rock, which will be delivered to the site by truck which will come over the applicant's property and existing roads where it will be dumped. The rock material will then be placed in the configuration of a seawall by a mobile crane with an orange peel bucket. i I I DATE: 12-9-81 ! Monroe County Building & Zoning Department Public Service Bldg. .Wing 2 Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 Department of Environmental Regulation 3201 Golf Course Blvd. Punta Gorda, Florida 33950 Department of The Army Corps of Engineers P. 0. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Gentlemen: This letter will serve to'co firm that hatese Inc. appointed for the engineering firm of Paul C.'Kenson, Ur. ,, application for on our property in Monroe County, Florida. This property is more specifically described as 1 SUBDIVISION: SUGARLOAF SHORES, SECT._) , LOT/L>�ft�� , BLOCK'-- Very truly yours, P134�PGA. SIGNATURE: WALTER.L. PERETZ ` NaTne 45 EDGLWOOD STREET Address TENAFLY, N. J. 07670 Q S- MCI Nf-•cI" � .'F� rnR FXr,�VATTn`I, TTIF. PEPOSTT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL C:'OLJIl1'!"Y ,•�n(TI�'ITIIF INTi?I '.,ATF.RS OR i1ETLAi1i) OO,IPOE COU`ITY 1) Property owners name fi Walter Peretz 45 Edgewood Street Tenafly, N.J. 07670 mailing address ?) Date 112-9-81 lone number 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification number. Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc P. 0. Box 92 305/743-3585 # 14841 Nlarai-hnn, Fl nri r`la-11n';in - 5) Legal description of property: Sugarloaf Shores Sugarloaf Section, 3 Key, Subdivision, Sheres Township, 67 Lot, 103 & 104 Block, SEC. D Range, 27 Street, road or mile, marker, BONEFISH LANE W (if. acreage) Zoning, - - - —- 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constrution & amount of material (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. SEE BACK OF THIS SHEET dredged/excavate.d filled/deposited volume of. material: _ _ c.y, —�n�—� c.y. 210 c.y.• 9 ceyy w$ r. tea d ran-d zr r d d a d o� 2et.II. of 7) Name, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts water way. Lot 105: Evelyn Kelly Lot 102: Harold & Ether Marena 105 Bonefish Lane. 525 Lake Street Sugarloaf Shores, FL. 33044 Rallin am MA 02!a 8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant .s name, or this site ' CORPS OF ENGINEERS & DER, 12-9-81 (JOINT APPLICATION) b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. NONE List all Federal and State agencies that have received applications for this pro j ect . DER .& CORPS OF ENGINEERS, 12-9-81 This completed application form will be accompanied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on'8� x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows:; -$25.00 for dredge, fill, docks OR any structures affronting natural water bodies. $10.00 for vertical seawalls.on man-made bodies of water. $25.00*for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a permit to authorize the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & accurate.. I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give I authority to violate or cancel the provisions of._any county, state or federal law regulating construction or performance of construction of this type of facility... � 12-9-81 Vor Department Ilse Onlv/ n, �P " d Pe on acc ilft/--3 t 1'2-5 06 Fee & receipt 1. Cost of permit or anpllc:ar*,.r/ a ,cup uaLe Approved by Ass;_t. Director Estimated cost ot constrUCLIun .-1- V r D1REc{1o1.1� T— s!TE , PRD CEDIE scll1 os.l V :Sa % PdaT P'1 M li TUZNLEFT i4T CAQTtor-L UTIF .�►AD co4-nG- -Z&2.9i�,q Tb LH -jU--N Zw'-"T oC-1Lb!_ Co�,ffCWC-. 2 TD 0 tAD — SI 10 M &7 TFiZE EFl4i 3 3 2. Ma„q,ore ' O 3 3 ° �tSeIZ" 5W �Q(2 It' L ti 2 l Jt) :K13T&�e tkY NORrtc�i rt Man6{O e F-o ecr' Irt 1 , #5�' 1Z` µ��/ t ,•t G'q 174 ¢ s� l 3 Y5,-NM.f.GdT to VA J tc-).e EXI S CO ocK R,P E&P ESL 40, o i 3-y"zy 0 `SOG�. 0 Cowl C, DF�or-Ea i"i Lry - In • 1 -•-c- 2 �' 3 L E• C / j 4 I 2 , 2 n SGo.l.6' - FEET o t 2 3 4 6 r. r S 10=0 0 o goo loco Loco 3000 SECT\(OVA rt5- 16 A Rip- �c Purpose�lA':,1_;�E DATUM: Mean Sea Level In: Lower Sugarloaf Sound Adjacent Property Owners: At: Sugar Loaf Key 1. Harold & Ether Marena County:Monroe State:Florida 525 Lake St., Bellingham,MA 02019 Application by: Walter Peretz 2. Evelyn Kelly 105 Bonefish Lane Sheet 1 of 2 ►�5 3 c GT1 0 +l� D 2 J r�(vI..1Co� Cif' RI ?y L7 Q '�2 0 ' fC 125' .._ ^I I Lod' 104, o I MIAW t�C� t�AC7C- c11�k,N)EL EDGE'oF PURPOSE: Stabilize Shoreline & Provide Boat Mooring in Canal DATUM ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: IN OI AT COUNTY OFMonroe STATEFlorld 0 APPLICATION BY Walter Peret SHEET i OF ? OATE I — i- R'i_ \:57 L / 6.• 0 State of Florida DEPARTMENT OF NATUR,AL RESOURCES DR. ELTON J. GISSENDANNER Executive Director Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32303 March 3, 1982 Mr. Walter Peretz c/o Paul C. Kenson, Jr., and Assoc., Inc., Post Office Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear Mr. Peretz: GRAHAM ;overnor GEORGE FIRESTONE Secretary of State JIM SMITH Attorney General GERALD A. LEWIS Comptroller BILL GUNTER Treasurer DOYLE CONNER Commissioner of Agriculture RALPH D. TURLINGTON Commissioner of Education This office has no objection to your project as proposed in Department of Environmental Regulation's permit application number 44-51247-5E, dated.December 9, 1981, showing the location in Section 3, Township 67 South, Range 27 East, in Monroe County. Consider this the authority sought under Section 253.77, Florida Statutes, to pursue this project. This letter in no way waives the authority and/or jurisdiction of any governmental entity nor does this letter disclaim any title interest that the State may have in this project site. SincerelyN RicLuding n, irector Divf Sta Lands RPL/gbf cc: DER - DIVISIONS / ADMINISTRATION LAW ENFORCEMENT MARINE RESOURCES RECREATION AND PARKS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STATE LANDS a J4 1 f 7\ 1 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 \� OF Fld�'/ BOBGRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE March 4, 1982 Walter Peretz c/o Paul C. Kenson P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Monroe County, File No. 440512475, Rip -Rap Revetment Dear Mr. Peretz: As we advised you on January 12, 1982_ , your application is pproval, pursuant to Section 253.124, incomplete without local a Florida Statutes, for filling waterward of the existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological comments together with your permit application to the Board of County Commissioners/City Council or their authorized permitting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city council ". .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings thereof." It further states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which the board of county commissioners or other.authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need to obtain a copy of the minutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. Your application will remain incomplete without valid local approval. If you have any questions concerning this procedure, please contact us. RWC/wb Enclosure DER Form 17-1.122(50) Sincerely, A�4w.v. 61� Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor (01 PERETZ, WALTER #44-51247-5E Monroe County - Sugarloaf Shores Page Two A. The applicant is proposing the construction of a riprap revetment along an open water shoreline, 320 feet in length and five feet in width. Total cubic yardage is estimated to be 120 waterward of MHW and 9 landward of MHW. The purpose of the riprap revetment is to provide shoreline protection and stabilization. A mobile crane will place the rock material, which will be delivered to the site by truck. Also applied for is the construction of a bulkhead along an adjacent canal shoreline. This bulkhead is 90 feet long and will provide private boat mooring for the applicant. B. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision, a waterfront residential community bordering Lower Sugarloaf Sound, which is, in turn, bordered on all sides by Sugarloaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens, by way of narrow, naturally occurring channels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the north. Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision was artificially created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals, all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, undetermined depths. The recreated shorelines here consist of loose limestone and mar!, overlying the original Miami ooiite subsurface. Water quality offshore is good, although transparency tends to suffer during water turbulence due to a somewhat unconsolidated benthos consisting of finely textured inorganic silts overlying the basal subsurface. Seagrasses and algae cover most of the bottom, but tend to be somewhat patchy. More specific to the applicant's property, which apparently includes both of the open water lots at the end of Bonefish Lane West, the lots further back have been bulkheaded, in large part, where housing development has occurred (lots are 10-30 percent developed in this area). The applicant's own lot (lot 104) has already been bulkheaded along its canal frontage. This lot, as well as lot 103, belonging to the applicant, is approximately 100 feet deep and 150 feet wide. C. The applicant's property is primarily upland, dropping sharply at the erosion line to form a 10 foot wide intertidal and sub - tidal littoral shelf before dropping to the depths of an off- shore perimeter channel. c � + PERETZ, WALTER #44-51247-5E Monroe County - Page Three Sugarloaf Shores Lot 104is presently being built on. Lot 103 is basically void of any development or significant upland vegetation. Erosion has occurred on all of the shorelines, although somewhat lesson the canal shorelines. Relatively speaking, however, erosion has not been severe and permanently established marine communities are found below the approximate mean low water (AMLW) line. Green algaes were the dominant benthic macrophyte here. These algaes included Batophora sp., Halimeda sp., and scattered Penicillus sp. Also observed here wereturtle grasses (Thallasia testudinum), although total cover by this species amounts to less than 10 percent of the total submergent shelf area. Also observed slightly below AMLW were fire sponges (Tedania ignis), several species of coral (Porites sp.), and a large banded tulip snail (Fasciolaria hunteria . Fish species found here included barracuda TSphyraena barracuda), mojarra, and silversides (Membras Sp.). In the upper reaches of the offshore peripheral channel, turtlegrasse; were observed, however, a,complete view of the channel bottom was not possible. The AMLW line is found about midway between the channel dropoff and the erosion line (five feet from the dropoff). Above this line, the intertidal zone is composed of loose limerock rubble with little vegetation, although mangrove growth could potentially establish ---itself here over a long period of time. D. Impacts associated with this project should be relatively insignificant. As proposed, this project should stabilize this shoreline, thus preventing erosion and consequential turbidity and sedimentation over adjacent areas.