Resolution 129-1982177 RESOLUTION NO. 129_1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BY AND BE- TWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR- TATION AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, REGARDING CON- STRUCTION OF ENCLOSURE AT MAIN FACILITIES AREA AT THE KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Joint Participation Agreement by and between the State of Florida Depart- ment of Transportation and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, -regarding construction of an enclosure at main facilities area at the Key West International Airport. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of April, A.D. 1982. (Seal) 1 _ Attest: MPH W. WHITE, Cl� Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF,_ MONRO� COUNTY,.-FLORIDA- By Mayor/Chairman 15,7 -3, 90000 q ?2 jOINT PARTIAMMM nAVEMRUT 5th day 0--' April 19 82, ry F,A �bL.amn the UTATE OF FLORIDA V I , , of the St- 2n of Flarlia, Call,d Ohm PMra!!L!j%Q, Monroe County UUMAn, the PUKUS Aaelcv I No to entpr into ,�, t�7) ' Alreanont am jj the prc2vot her:!inafter descrAnd, A:! zoo Dopartmont Us wen grpntnd too 4uuhorjty no function. n1plu�tmiy in all areas of APP&Prka" juilsdiation including >j]MSPtn&Or Of an WKCMU" halay" 0"ASPOrt"jan SYS"; NOW, THEREFORE, in cons1.AvoQ00 ut zhu rutual covenants, pycri -a anQ "s !-r--- S agree as follows: m.09 The purpo:A of WO K-OO"" is to previdn for-thf-:� an,aviation project to: Construct enclosure at main facilities area in A pa,.tached h0ratO LNd by this jefersnce a josw�' i'-' r. . -;ry "�J ,rt herecf, haroinaftwr called tM. �" u.)e'ft, ac � r". t 0 L--,:,, 10,,rtwental financial assistince to thq D-Wic Agency and state the Loor, and conditions upon which such asuf6tance wi.12 be provided and tph as to the Pjnn:--r in Ohirb the 2rujcct7Will be unaer- takun and =7:;IONd- 10 C) 0 1 . i nequirewands. The public Ag cency shall coMmawce, -...0 Genera I arry Qn, and ymplete, the Prduect as �jcscrjbed I n a c c D Kd a a K C apy3irable levy. .0now1.cel, and of K W 0: iK2 prvv=,,.nnv heEunf, :n! 4i 1,23 Pursuant to FeKral, itate, ana hocat Lawin the even!: Oav way 01 CrK a q u r author i 0 a t: i on L s 1 L q A j q i t o ander ipnlicahle la� W anoMn tho Vnblic Agoncy to ertn' into Wis Agreement or to Wer- 04" oW Projact hereunder, or to observe, aSSUMe Dr Carry out any of tno nzovisions of the Agreamert, the Public Agency will initiate nnu unziummate, as nTovidej by jaw, all actions necessary with inspeN to any such matters so yoqQisitc. I , �' 11, --! P 1. 11.) 1 i r ",-.N c y 1. 1 in i Ic i L t e M junds of the Publin api j7JTj_1roceodinqs necessary including federal aid to Public Aqency to provido the necessary Fun3y for comyetion of thu Proicco. 2.40 Submission of proceedinus - Contracts - and Other Documento T4e PubA lic qency to the Department such data, reports, records, contracts and other documents relating to the Project as th,' [)-,�partment may require. t Thd ns t i mated to tk I Cos: 0 i P i-S, $ 91,974.00 TV n amoant in based upon thn csPmatc summarized in Exhihi- (s) and hy thir referonce main a )arc her_.. f. Thn Publiu Agency nareps La onar Mi eypensns in oyresv W tb- . Mm"WU WWI cOst Ofth'' rra-I.Ct ind :wily deficits invaVOK. _ae a.p3rnm"W aqueos to participate j" the Project in the wi . no of 1 22,994,00 (wrvujinw contingencies) or A n n,unL nquA to 25 perown; of We oroluct costs, or i" an anownt ja!] Lo to y�rcwnnnqQ:W as shown j" A which- 'WQr is losn. 17 t: FjonL and fundinq (Q ) apolicable. , if applicable, the '"wartmens shall initially uay 90% of total alinwable aroject costs on Lo an amount_ of qn% of its total shnre of partiQuaticn with ten T,rcnnt Lo be held,in retainsla to hn disbursed as Allows: (1) Five F ock_,rtruction or -cquisition WOLWnt Payable at to tnkOCLxQ&of 1 (2) The remaining amount 1--,aymle at wiLh hilt! PrO act; Ind ._) 11 Ut thy 1:ino1 I 11, ject nudit by the Depa rtment Comptroller. - 2 -- rav r• 5.00 Project Bud et and Djsburseri:el:t schedule. b.10 Thce P c I eCt Bud er-. Prior to thu (,:.ecution of. this agree- ment a Proj(.'.C% 11 uLd4et shall be preps; :ed by t'le Public Agency, aril approved by the: Department compLI-a.1 Joi.. Thc, public Agency shall wain- ta.in said budget, carry out the Proje--:t and shall incur oblic.a.tions against and make d:isnursements of 1).t t fun".s only in confol_inity i;+ith ' ! (� latest ap;: rove:d k�udy('t For kt(a Pt-(yi �cl:. Th..! budget may be revised periodically, but no buc?c;c�t or .reV..;i:,n thereof shall be effect:i.ve unl�:ss anc.i until the Departnic_nt sha Ll hay,,, approved the. same. 6.20 1chedule of Disk:u::.c ric.l.ts. '.:l(- Public Agency shall pro- vi e. the .Department with a time -.ph ed sch::::dule of the Department funds to be expended on the Proj�.ect. This schedule shall -show esti.ma.ted disbursements for the,entire term of the Project by quarter Of fiscal. year in accordance wit:l Depar.tmcnt fiscal policy. The scY�.cdule may be divi.cd-ed by Project phase whcre such division is de- termined to be appropriatf_- by the De.)•:i.rtmenshall t. This schedule b: updated each quarter based on a July through June fiscal year and forwarded to the Department District Office so as to be received by talc' first. day of the. quarter. Changes to the schedule involving t.,,'Ienty-five (25) percent or more of the Department's share of the Project costs shall be immediately rcported by submission of a• sup- rAemental_ schedule. Failure by ;the Public Agency to provide these: schedules shall be conside-red defaultand treated in accordance with t'r1.Ca k1:'aTih 8.25. 1 . 0,0' Accoun tinq Records. ?.10 Establ_ishment and Mali�nte_nallc e of 1CCOuntlIlq Records. The A(__i ricy s►.lall-c.stabiish f qr the P-1 ojcrt, in conformity with uni f:orll, rt.qui rements established by t:he Dc:partr(ient to facilitate aCI,nira.istrati on of - to f ZI-ianci.n�; program, oeparate accounts tc be 'ii !lil_ L:It:C ;I1.t h).n its +'Xl.:itln j � (:CC)LiIitincl .;yS4-_e?ll or set- up indt--pen.- dI. Such accounts are reter'red to herein collectively a, the "1'i:o.jc;ct A ;count' The Pro j _ 'Account shall be made available -Ln^n. rsciLi r_ by the Depart.nie.nt Tarry time our inci the poriod of the Agreemcl` t _tnc! f:or i tree years after f:n��al l,pavrlerlt iC .:-,d(D :. 20 F :na.s RC:C-3 ived or_ y:a_d� I;%a_ilab.1k:, for the Project I �:e A.rit;1-i y shal_L record in 'tho -Project Accousit, x,%(I C'l%JB.i t �i7 ci )an1C (Jr Cr us' company in?h i (."..h i ; a IIIe1nber of: the Pederi31 .Deposit-)_ns•,.;rance C'ocpoiatiun, a,ll 1 ayiat:•I'i'Ls received by It from the Department pu17e•:u:snt to this and all. other funds pro- Y✓:. +.. `�(.l fVX", accruing t0, or Lit-h C'-rwise received on account of the Project-., which Departlllent payments al -id other funds are herein collectively referred to as "PrO'ject Funds "Tiie Public Agency shall require the depositories of Protect Funds to secure continuously and fully all. Project Funds in excess of the amounts insured under Federal plans or under State plans which have been approved for the deposit cr Project funds by theDF�partmtnt, by the deposit or setting aside of �1.1atGral of Elie types and iRn the manner as prescribed by State macs for the s(_curit}i of public funds, or as approved by the Department. Rev. I le o a4,c.col nt. he Department may elect to vi.dc: th PciFI Ag�ticy wit.�i 'a urnp s�Am amount in lieu of incremental .11: ;urs':2a;s'nts on periodic requisitions from the Public Ariencv. ^uc!� lump surn amount small be deposited by the Public Agency .into a Project Escrow Account in a bank or trust comoany at interest any, fi.111y protected as specified in Par;,g7-aph 7.20. Withdrawals from .-he Project Escrow Account to s'atis y Project requisitions and pay- ments shall be aopro%r�:� and countersigned by the Department CoI^ntrollF is iffi_Ce. Any funds in excess of. the GepartIriient' s share. as provided in Ll.i.s Agreement shall be remitted to the Department upon completior of the Project Audit., 7.40 C:ost:s incurred ,Lor. Che Project. The Public Agency sisals ilarg: to the Project Account' all eligible costs of the Project. costs in excess of the latest approved budget or attributable to I,ctions which have not received the -required approval of the Depart- ment shall not be considered eligible costs. 7.50 Documen.t"ation of Project Costs. All Costs., charged to the Project, including any approved. services contributed by the Public .agency or others, shall be supported by properly executed payrolls, Lime records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in proper ,letai.l the nature and propriety -of the charges. . 7.60 Checks, Or_cers, and vouchers. Any check or order drawn by ,�, Public �;gericy with respect ;t=o ain item which is or will be charcic�able against the Project Account will be dra%4n only in accord- ance with sz properly signed voucher then on file in the office of the l)ublic Agency stating in proper' detail. the purpose for which suc^, checl< or order is drawn. All checks, payrolls, invoices, contract~, -.-ouchers, orders, or other accounting documents pertaining in whole or. .irI hart to the Project shall he clearly Identified, readily accessible, and, to the extent feasible, kept separate and apart fi:oai all other such documents. .70 Audit 1?eoclrts. At t!he 1equest of the Department, the Pui.11ic .,.cue-nshal..l provide for each of its fiscal years for which thr_- i�-)c::�::t• Account rE>mai.r.s open, an audit report prepared either '�y it:5 of ii :.1 auditor or audit aq^-.ncy or an independent certified Public ac-couintant, re -fleeting in detail the use of .the funds of the Denar+ - merit, the Public Agericy, and those from any other source with .respect t.o the Project. 8. oo F�ouuis�itions and Paym,ants. ii..t0 Preliminary Action hythe Public Aclenc In order to ob' 7- in any Department joint Participation funds, the Public Agency -shall: 11.1.1. Fite with the Department of Transportation, District Six Off ice, Miami Flo+da, its requisitnon on Corm or orms >re. _I-ibed by the Department, and such other data pertaining to the Project Account (as defined in (Section 7.10 hereof) and the Project -sc the Department may require, to justify and support the payment 4 - t to . Rev. 6-15-77 Q the PuNic Aluncy aq a KaLemont Ly the Public Aypncy certiry the prq a 1, tl'ie.PWQ Agency has acouirod saia rropQrty ani (3) if Lhe raqui- Oticn :.over the acquisiWn W real propyrty, a staWment signed by thp Public Ancy geattorney (irtilying that the Public Ayoncy Q acquirY said real property'_ and •Comply with all appl 1 licable P)Ovisions oF this Agreement. 8.20 ThO De An rtrant 's Qp Q gat ionq WHO to other pruvis1u15 hcreof., tno N_ - 1.�,i i --'f i Y - 41 T T ' I) _6 i _si i ( "IT e q u i s i t i a n s 1 n a m o u n t s a n d at tinws deemed by the Departmeht to he proper twinsure the carrying out of th; Project and payment pf the eligiole costs therprif it, accordance herewith. However, hatwithsLandiog any other prcvision of this Agreement. the Dupartmrnt way elect by notim in writing'm to make a payment on account o0the Project if. .3.21 Misrepresentation. ihu Wlic Agency shall havo mode mis!opresentatioh of a material nature in its Application, Gr any supplement thereto or amendment thereof, nr in or with respect to ally docunnt of data Furnished therewith or pursuant hereto; 8.22 Q'Iyation, Wre i* then pending litigation with rTf-aspect tn -2 rI— the ;forma;!ce by tle Public Agency, or any of its dutiEs or Qhl igations which My jeupardizu or adversely Wept the Project the Agre anent, or payments to the Project. 8.23 Concu-ren­ hy - F, I ''he Pullic Agincy Shall hove Laken adyacon to We rojcL ning Puw p :0pari nde estahli0hed prozedures requires0he priur approval of the Popqrtmart or shall have proceedad Lo make •relwo oxpenditures cr incur re -- Ivied ablioptions without havin!'bech advisad the Owpqr;rW that Wo sain are satisfactory, Conflict of inty -- Ca --�---vr —i - - e haz Wu" any V Wlnior! t prQsionn :Ontaired herein, P.25 WOOL it Rublia Ayc5o; Fhall he W dyfavilt under any of Ve lioiii!Zns K the AgNemunt. A.30 Disillowed Cost.-, W,clOproining the amount of the Financ- v!i I I? excludc al 1 Projects costs incurred Dy the PuAlic AgenLy prior to Q Wective date of this Agreowent or Our to SO data ul a letter ANP Prejudice, crists incyred by Ablic Aq;wqy which are not provided for in the latest approved budget for the rroject, and,costs attributAble to goods or services received ander a cpntract vr otOr arraugbenn which hays not been approved ill writinq by UP Department. A letter of No Prejudice provided to We Pohlic Agency hy the DepartnTrit Qnv provide that expenditures related to the project inky be recognized Ow Lhe BY rif sold letter as part of thy Wai project prior to, aid subject to, the effective date of the Joint PsKicipation AgrepricV. 9.00 Terminal; ion or, ioli 9JO Term 1 na t 1 on or S"plan'! Q I on If the Publid Agency frin-511 disAn,inues the Project; o: ? Yckinn honcof, or for eny other reason. So 41.capnc-h TO', P"K%"Kyn. A, timely completion th- Projrct hy W MEL A-FnQV i' rOMMI-M !43rrhahle, infeas!ble, ,i .% " 1T, : Ssihle, or I loyal . tW [If'-pprInW& mliy, by written notice to th,,, Puklic Qencj, ;us"�nd oN ' y or 11i n! 10 SHOW= under this AnLaycnl Yntil Gurh tile ns Q ev.vt x cohditinn resulting in such fulspons ion has cehsad Or Wn COITL Qed , or Me Duparcment may termi- i t5 Phligationj War thi- !qrvPwcK. 010 49tion Sobnequent to NnLico Di TornipKinn of Suspension_ Upco rece i pt o F any final ue ry i 6 a t i 6n' -5-e,—cVJn—n—,-Vh e Pub i ic 1gency nnal 1 proceed promptly to carry nu c the acti nns r2qUi red th,rpin wnich maV include any or all of the following: (1) necessary aclion to torminke.or suspend, as the c1se may be, Project activities ,hA Cualracts and such of action as may be required or desirable - tc keuo to the minimum the cosis upon the hasis of thich the finoncing is to be carputed; (2) furnisk a statement of the status af the Frujm activities and of the Project Account as well as is proposed schedule. plan, and budget For terminating or suspending and closing out Prcject activities and contracts, and other undertakings the cast of which aie otherwise includable as Project costs; and (3) remit to the CuparMant such portion of the finaycinq and any advance payment previously receimd as is determined by the Department to Q due under the pro%isions of the Agr0cment, The closing out shall be carriod owt in conformity with thn latest schedule, plan, and budget 1 s i pproved by th P Depa rtne n t or anon the bas i s of te nos and cond 1 ti ons Npased by the Department upon the failure nf the Public Agency to furnish the schedule, plan, and budget within a reasonable time. The �Cc�ntance of a rwII? Ktame by the Public Ag2nqy or the closing out .f FoUrni financial parLicipatinn in Phe PrQuG shill not conshiMe a waivar of any claim which too Departmunt mov otherwise have arising nut of this Anreemont, 10.0 Remission X Project Anorint. Von Wooletion of Project. 'J I -;:1 k, i;? i. i c a of th P Vr"j cc t , and a f Or paynon t , provision f or , e Siope oM cosayab ip thep Pru&L X,ount W mvda, the Public Ayoncy shall remit to the Departma"t any unexAcvd2d haWre in UP Project Accourt less its proportionate share Kereaf. 1 1 An Aedit:-and lnqnet civn. The Puhlic Aqency shall pvrmit, an! shall requite iS contractor,--. to r2rmir the DeparUnent's autharizov t-pproventatives to inspact all luck, Materials, p5yrolls, records: M to WK the banks, records, -nd accounts of the Public Agency, pet tiininn to the financing and devalopment of the Project. i 12.00 Contracts of M Phb,II;,Pqp;y. 0.10 1hirIJIVOIJUrywonts. I KLapt ac, oUiei-vrise authorized in wrVing by 050hparnnent, th—Pullic Agency shall not execute any cfNtra.ct or obligate itself in any mann,or requiring the disbursement K Wart4ant Aint participation fund;, including coNsultant or CCISCMCM! SMMMS, with -any Child person with reLpect Q the MjOLI Without Ap pcior wrNow ctwturruncrl-ol Ke WeparTment. T h I & A -qns yy H, ppyrjurn uoyqq!qwd :hjr wqw Arm M"mKou ny yAniddy joyid aqq ;M AD005V DyLond ywq 'vwy j!jyj ny 01 PPkqDSj''' Tqqpj,yUMj S, js�jajjj gns j; pop nonal a I qns X, Aa ppAj s ! u j r! Aquj5pq aqj nq AoIA6• jo 'joolyo Woway jjwjqj to usnonj qwS Aw J1 -Y)MIP"! Yjasyp 11soolqu, kup sup J01;0ving �Pnf Oun jaj jj annual qq bu;jn'. XjqPDnL Dqj jo Aju;bV D!Lqnj wyj jO PONWIM W 'JdO!jAO -ADQ00 1W ql!qm q 'Inarnid 210 H! POPHLOU! a• Qj nwuujo jo PvPn;-"! /tIpaciJ XUP jo jDavold all qqM 2wOwO6UPjjP AO &T. qwnjuno TUC Ojuj lajw [LPIS yjuj�pjjw Sit ju Au r JOU A0106V "jjqnA ny Adq;!wx -wPA0101 lijqrd ny A vwuulow nq pun ''opkHoldf ponqnj iq ! POOPOA aq jo 1"0", ykj vqj ! Qqz 01PIVIS g; ) P, ju j>'j. nj 15 yd L i A! j Pyl j 0 - In a Q 11 !j 70' ON S! MP A 1 WtOd 04 1 m '* ' - "-- -- -V j C 7 11w MA Dilud Tti" , 1 '1 ', ! �, � !. ', !... 1. . " a Al W SUOY�YAUW Q4 qjJ!; 01110 =-�-: ''t 01 sw��OU.'jnom ya;QIJ A, 410"W�jqw" A�j quall!j0p ;uu nni;.Vi oq is i ;PAP son; nuw! Ld sA= — ' 4 $0 L Lp- ! -�AV 3! lqnd ng JPLIWIS 10 'IUPWYACVQ MIS 'Jr. Oj '"6!jQUP)r 4011�0=P-7 _4'L121SU; SOA[OAUY jODVOJd OQ Alq�' '"'PINNIOT WA 00 %,IGJM ;iWln- ,,j POPHUis jol M& !jUv!q"' 10 ' !•CQNMQY [!? N! 10 S M yj S Y jmq yj AU ; wilu :- pp. I1;0 nAi 4w 1jads pw! Mea JO Sal Wdon L. [MANOW !W [%014 M j SA 1-11 1WO jdm�D ' 13"! 0 w nw'4 ju no!11.'ano 16 yorwaLOV11 .�j w i in vc j incoqOD Q Yopilur ILP Uj jQjQ0 jqSU2 [VVPJW OnjJ 101injIM 011 YQYS 11 VI KO P01'Wo. UOIZYAUJd SlUbSiQ "qj 1SOMI [[24q BUMV DjjqOd 101 -01617:4 -uaAdd4 Eypn1vul Aquium twj pylocliq put mqrsunorun jo svjn,, 0 oo IP010OjGqj0tjCA rIWINA1 ;0! "YqjAmpy juwwqjnjnw !jsjSuwq AO 'uojjuwq -paquAbAn inn jqjdv� '"I p5j,M[L Dq ACV 100 'QHjnH[ jjq' uallow yn� 'upyr jin;:w, ao 001 1 AUJOD - par'.!) wun Aloq 01 PIP&A 'nog 1M YiOPLOn , 5p, j np wP'POOM OAP SOP%ds US SOLM 00V WYNAV ON vAqW w--j WYW•YKMIDU PQjVQjj04 MY MS OUMKO 000OWI. 'joan woAn U00A 10 aynolpq l"IMISUO au" juOnjidus "0 OO;QK- tw! squo Iu Ojeulm"A0010 40y !jy KW14AJOD nqj qj 'M UO;jDauuni "T Ili ;-I i-. -01 i'iJx 6'-J i i r _T�"T t ';UTTT L 60 1 aa! bqjjjjOS 0 LWAOL Q! jU yuluonjvqj 'sjunsw1 WAV jILqnd aq? wA; IL, dyAGy u;L U011DOLOS aqj UY 40001jung aq; ju w1elsysse aq Isankaj LIM ANA-V DOW ON 044 MAP JOWN NO AN U010110% ONAWO) i ,s111!1'jjnsuo5 'soInjull pp!jo[j 'Q-1;2 nollonS jc suolspoid u ' 1 [Inj Q buyAldwD kwunbe olynd xy UO JU06"11M Sy MayAjOS A'L OnjoallyDie -AyawyWo inj juiluoi juvjInsucD a saAlona''L 131[jjd plis wnqm 'AwD5P,3qqnd a qjim.j;apcAd p ny juji1judy sly fi! not1puyllied lull olwy s.qjqo all Xq poajou puv poclsinpun st 11 i �6- 3 'i 'i t 'i".".5 ' - * anes Og jo luoWlAwn sqj OwdMIP 10 WAUP 01 PJP dOjDPQPj3 AO jlit. ;jrOUO1 W jO o�j I qG 1 1 aq 1: 11 " j 1 P "! j I*i ce- &A V porticipaty in ony ontiun by the Ful-lic AW-- Or VC MUMMY Mating to SUM KqLiact, subcontract, or The Public Agency shall lnyrt ir all contracts ontered into in connection with the Project or lvoy property included or planned to be included in any Project, ad shall require its contractors to invert in each of their subcont, "acts, the following provision: member, obicer, or emp'loyee of toe Public Agency or of the locality during his:' tenure or for one year there after shall have any interbst, direct or indirect, in Si; contract or the Proceed:, thereof." ike provisions of this subjectio6 shall not be applicable to any agrannen between Lhu Public Agency and its fiscal depositories, or to By ayreament for utility servicos the rates for which are fixed or controlled by a Governmental agency. 13,40 Interest of Membersraf, or Deleqates to, Con s}In memLer DE --, , o. or daleu8te ac"Flitted, to SO o- part of the Agreembnt or any benefit arising therefruR. MUG Miscel0onaus Provisioni. 14.10 Envirupnental Pollution. All Proposals, Plans a0d Specifi- for 'Fk!-`T—aQUTIT 667 TA 116 c t ion , reconstruction, Kprovyinn!, -f VilitAn or equipment, ;hall K presenLed to the Martment For 1 proval. In rand ring such approval, the Departmont shall We KLrJ w-nnideraLi6r; whechey sun tociliLles Ur' equipqent is desigred and Pwippqd ra prevvnt and cnntrol onv i ronnnnthl p0lution, 14, 2U Deoart;-lent Not to Third Parties. The Vapartment shall not be 01"iyatud or —'t other. than the Public Agency. 14.30 WhHu R1Qtq,Qes:;hail: of avy"T and Waived. In no event:;hail:th,-.- making by the DQaTtment ayment to the Publid Agency con ­ OHM or be construed as 4 wa$ver by the Department of any breach of covenani or any default Which Q then exist, on the part of the Public Auency. aha the making of any such payment by the Department while any such breach or default shall exist shall in no way impair or prejudice a"y right or remedy availahle to the Department in respect of such breach or NOW. 14.40 Now C(-.-nLract i ov i S i OJrovision; Bein Hold invalid. If NTMOR J -A,-g—r— r I T -T W., a I T ­ eement Js h d, the remainder oT- Lhis Ayrnewent shall not be affictod tnereby if such rematnd-r would vo-w continue to conform to the formsr and pluirements of al plicahQ id". I . 1 14.50 Bonus or ConiJ-As'asidn. By execution of: the Agreement the -r Public Agency r^ pre ;en'P_ts to at jit has not. }paid and, also, agrees not to pray, any bona or com1ll:i ssion For the purpose of obtaining an a.nprcval of its application fe'r the financing hereunder. 1�.60 State or Territorial La+;,,i. Nothing itI the Agreement shall �Ll:l.rt? the Public c:g rlc — .o cb!:;erve or en.rorc:e compliance with any ,provision thereof, i::or.fo.r.•m any ot'.hc.r act or do any other thing in r nn,`:r�;rFrii i;1n of rij,y `1pp1,i.cab1e State la a. Provided, that if any of the- p1'JVi,-; on) Of Lhe Agreement vio.Late any applicable e S Late law, t.1--e T.'uklic. Agency G./ill a- once notify the Department in rririting in or:'E'r that appropriate changes ant.], modiflca..tions may be IP.ade by the L,'�par..tment and the Pi.,,bl.ic .Aae-ncy `^ ne ei'od -._hat the Public Agency may proceed. as Coon as ooss.ibl'' k _h t"}. o Proj:sc'_ _14. 70 and Maintenance of Project r._ c .'1_ities and Equ nierLt. xhe Public "'Iaency agrees that .U-i.. _ro,iect:_`faci.i..0ties aIl...+ equlpifen'_ 'be C15i;:. by CJ1e Pub' is Aga.nc`_v ;.o pr r,,vidG or support public trans- pertation for the p!-!riod of th.e: us�aful life of such facilities and ;-.qui.pi,.ie 1t as det.ei.miried in accordance wiLh, general accounting standards aa::d approved. by the Departueint, The Pula_l:ic Agency further agrees to maintain the Project facil.itie�s and equipment in good working order :ful l.i F_. Oi Said ta�.i_l:itlE.. or C':j?31',11C-'.ilt. 14.80 Di. oosal. of Prolect >'a.ri?.it'i���s or Eaiprient. If the Public ?er.cy disposes, of any Project facility of equipment during its useful life ror any purpose except its replacement with, like facility or equip- ment for public transportation use, the Public Agency agrees to remit to the DF;partment: a proportional amount of the proceeds from the dis- posal. of the facility or equipment. Said proportional amount shall be detellni.ned on the basis of filch.' ratio of t.l"1e Department f.inancinU of the fa.cil.ity or equipment to the total coat of the facility or equi.p- wiznt a^ provided in this Agreeirlent. 15.00 Plans and Specifications In the event that this coht.ract- involves the purchasing of capital equipment or the constructing and equipping of facilities, the Public Age,ricy shall submit to th.e Der)artr::cllt: for review all appropriate plans and specifications covering th�, Project.. The Department will review all plans and spe:'lficati-ons and, ;ill to the Public Agency written c:o.r(,terrel:ce with any approved portions of the Project and comments or !:,0c.Q1)riiendz2.tion z- co.ncerning iiny"' rernialnder of the Project deemed appropriate. After resolutio,: of tlie.,,e ,�oralments :nd to the D(Dpzir tr!lE'Jll.' S sat iSf 1C't.'l.On, t':ti/E' 1)C:C) artmentissue to -the Public !:'(:)ncurr: nce with of the Project. Failure t.<� o,)t- ain this written ccncurrienc.��:.. shall be sufficient cause. for non- ,:::tty11?E'ilt lid' the Dep��r_tment as'pi:ovi_ded in. Paragraph 8.2.3. 16.00 Department- Cr(.-Ait 1P.1-a-11 -9- Credit plaques indicatingt,.IC Dp�part:ment's participation in thy: Project will be installed on each major item of equipment and facility constructed -under Department financing. The Public Agencl, -,�i11 coor- d inate w:Lth the )apartment' s [)i.st rict .Office on the design and in- stallation of these Credit Plaques. The Department may, at its option, - provide said Credit Plaques for ins tall.at_ion. 9 _. Rev. 6-15-77 (� te in the i: this co.nl.rah- is in L::Ct~5S of $25,000 or has a t_c_?:m for a period of more ttlan one year, the of Chapter - 334.21(J) (a) , i1I.o2:i.ua Statutes', are; hereby incorporate• ]: "(a) The Department shall not, during any fiscal year, incur any !,iabili.ty, or , nter into anzy co-fi :._. a.;;t Y,'1li.Cl•11 by _iiT 'C''_rms, ia,,,olve:; tlic 4axpenditure 'c-.'Lr lnon_,. in exzcesn �-� the an;bantr iaudgatec., as available ':Or C-_•.gi::22diti1re during such fiscal year. ny contract, r r �n f th S subsection JerZ'al JJ: Wri.r:.�t., ?n3i.e i.Il Vi.U.l.atlOn O�_ -:hall be Pull and void, alld no lneney s.':�:al-I he paid thereon. The Dei-jartInent shall r-eq.7;ire z, statement from the c:omptr_ollcr of t'P e Dt7r?a.rtment that. fu.,.d , are available -prior to entering in't-) a!-iy such contract o:", other binding coiillni.tment of funds. Nothing hereir, Eha? 1 iorav,ent the making of contracts for a p`i-iod exceeding one. yeas:, but any contract so made shall be executory only .for the vaI.ue of the services to be rendered or agreed to be paid for in succeeding fiscal years, and this paragraph shall be incorporated �,rerbatim in all contracts oT the Department in excess or twenty-five thousand dollars any Navin a term for a period of more than one year." is.00 Expiration of Contract. The es tablishrkiE nt of a time period for completion of the Project: OLt) (is not) applicable. If applicable, the Public Agency agrees to complete the Project' within months from the date f i.r. , t- shown in this contract. If the Public Agency does not complete U).e 1?1L�Eect within this time period, this contract will expire unless a.i ex'_ens�ion of the time period is granted to the Public Agency in v;ri;:ing by the Department's Director of Public Transportation Operations. E.tipi.r.:;Lt.i_on of this contract will be considered termination of the and 'the procedure established in Paragraph 9.00 of this can?__ e,Ct shall. be initiated. 19. CC) 7.0 .i: E: in !1%. Format All wo _d;-, used herein i.21 the singular form shall extend to and include -t:rto xlLural, All ,va:rds used in the.plural form shall extend to '_? .Ci f.;?•^_�_L2C. ~i'_ S?_llyll� clL , !;il' wUrdS 12� ed in ary gender shall extend �:o and inch, de, all ci nde r1 ,. 70 . O0 ;C. _C.Ut . t'?:l .of: I:cjree ent_ i'L1 L3 :_?011li'c.C� ills }' 1) S1_IlV.11.ti.11ti3 .)l7:'ly E'iYC-:i�l!.:�?d in several. coui k- r- }.?�:l:t.,, c?: xvhi.cn so executed shall be deemed to be an original,. ...ind , .'Ctl c.'rnterparLs together' shall constitute one in the same n-'.� u;l�ent. t 10 - Rev. 6-15-77 40 • .� JOB�90000-3822 AGREEMENT DATE IN WI`L'NESS ?%TIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the clay and year first above written. APPROVED: Director of Public Transportation Operations Comptroller APPROVED AS TO FOR, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION Assistant Attorney Department of Transportation STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMEN-T OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Director of Administration ATTEST: (SEAL Executive Secretary PUBLIC AGENCY MO COUNTY, FLORID -A' BY: C- irman - Board of4kounty TITLE: Commissioners - Monroe Cotnty LPN W. 1� E ATTEST: �e� t SE, TITLE: Dep y Clerk Rev. 6-15-77 Job Q 90000-3822 S QXHIBIT "A" This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation - ;agreement between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and the County of Monroe, dated PROJECT LOCATION:. Key ;lest Minicipal Airport Monroe County Key West, Florida PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Construction an enclosure at: existing baggage claim area near aircraft parking rump PROJFCT BUDGET: Engineering $17,974.00 Construction 74,000.00 TOTAL $91,974.00 SUMMARY OF PARTICIPATION: Federal Share (50%) Sponsor - Public Agency Share (25%) State - Department Share (25') TOTAL $45,987.00 22,994.00 22,994.00 (1) $91,974.00 Note (1): or an amount, equal to 50% of the eligible and allowable mon-federal share of the cost of the project, whichever Is Jess. I of 2 il9a # - REVIEW ,';;'•D REVISION: The Project bescription, Project Budget and :':I.lITmary of Participation will be reviewed at the time a Federal Grant Agreement is executed and revised as necessary to be consistent with the Federal Grant. LETTER OF NO PREJUDICE: This project is the subject of a Letter of No Prejudice from the Department to the Public Agency, dated September 28, 1981, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, and accordingly, all eligible costs incurred since that date may receive state funding and all costs prior to that date, whether eligible or not, may not receive state funding. ? o f 2 1 '1 � Job l: 90000-3822 .. i C-;HI1BiT This exhibit forms an integral part of that certain Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida. Department of Transportation and the County of 111onroe, dated Proposed Project Cash Flow B.I. #686626 State Job No. 90000-3822 Total "0" Funds $22,994.00 a � 20 r� Mar Apr Ha.y 3 CUMULATIVE i d i Jug, Jul. i,ug Sept Oct Nov Dec . Jan Feb Mar --- 1982 _____.— --- --- 1,983 _�_, page 1 of I