Resolution 142-1982RESOLUTIONNO.
142 -1982
FLORIDA, has received an application from
WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary
as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological
Assessment into the Record, as follows:
The applicant wishes to repair an existing boulder riprap jetty.
By doing so, he will insure continued protection to an existing
boat basin and access channel.
The repair will be accomplished by placing a single row of limestone
boulders along the side of the jetty. Cement will be used to per-
manently hold the boulders in place. The job will require and
estimated 15 cu. yds. of riprap placed below mean high water (MHW)
and an estimated 5 cu. yds. above MHW. A total of 200+ sq. ft. of
sea floor will permanently be covered by the new riprap.
The proposed construction technique is to bring the necessary rip -
rap in to the site on a barge. The barge will also have a crane
mounted on it to be used in settling the -boulders. A tugboat will
be utilized to bring the barge to the site and an outboard motor
boat will help maneuver it around the actual work site (John ,'Nilson
personal communication). The work will be done around the tide as
necessary to keep the barge off the bottom.
The project site is located on the Atlantic Ocean (south) side of
Plantation Key. The surrounding neighborhood has been approximately
40 percent developed, principally with single family residences,
and commercial establishments.
The lands bordering the site to the northeast for an estimated
400 ft. consist principally of undeveloped uplands vegetated with
second growth tropical hardwood hammock. Near the shore of these
lands a narrow zone of wetlands is found with the actual shore con-
sisting of solution faced Key Largo Limestone with sand filled "
On the southwest side of the project site the lands have been more
heavily developed. The uplands area are generally less thickly
vegetated and the shoreline for 400+,ft. has been altered and devel-
oped with a series of seawalls, short canals, access channels and
jettys. Several single family residences are found in the uplands
or near the shore.
The north side of the site is bounded by S.R. 905 beyond which is
a commercial plant nursery.
To the south of the site is the open Atlantic Ocean. All of the
surrounding waters are designated as Class III (Chapter 17-3.081
Florida Administrative Code).
The applicant's property is a rectangular parcel of land which
measures . approximately 1, 05;,0 ft ., long and 100 ft. wide. The long
axis of the property runs from the northwest at the SR 905 end to
the southeast at the Atlantic Ocean end. The landwardmos.t 800+ ft.
of the property consists of cleared uplands which is presently going
through an old field succession and is vegetated with grasses, scrubs
and a few pioneer hardwood hammock trees.
Russell Bertold
Jetty Repair
Page Two
Most of the remainder of the parcel of land appears to be previously
filled wetlands and sea floor with only the landwardmost 50 to 100
ft. having been uplands before being filled. Within this area the
most landward 150+ ft. is occupied by a two-story single family
residence and its yard. The yard area is vegetated with grasses
and ornamental trees and shrubs..
Immediately waterward of the above described house, a 60+ by 50+
ft. man-made boat basin can be found. Beyond the boat basin two
jettys project out up to 150+ ft. along either side of a man-made
access channel which continues for 50+ ft. past the end of the jettys.
A circulation culvert is located in the southermost corner of the
boat basin.
The sides of the boat basin and the jettys consist of fingers of
crushed limestone fill which is held in place by seawalls construc-
ted of mortared together limestone boulders. The inside of the
boat basin is formed by concrete seawalls. The last 100+ ft. of the
eastermost jetty consists of a 4 to 6 ft. wide, apparently solid
wall constructed of limestone boulders cemented together, i.e. there
is no fill in the middle of it. It is on this section of jetty that
all of the proposed work will be done. The top of the jettys and
boat basin sides, which are at an elevation of 3+ ft. above MHW,
are vegetated with a mixture of sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum)
railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae), and salt grass (Distichlis spicata).
The presence of transitional wetland vegetation at the elevation of
the top of the jettys is attributed to exposure to sea spray.
The entire boat basin -jetty area and much of the land which lies
beneath the house, as stated earlier, was created by filling sea
floor and wetlands. The fill obtained by excavating the boat basin
and access channel which are over 10 ft. deep, was apparently used
for this task.
The outer sides (seawalls) of the boat basin sides and jettys display
a healthy biological community. Faunal components of the community
are beaded periwinkle (Tectarius muricatus), zebra periwinkle
(Littorina ziczac), bleeding tooth (Nerita peloronta) fuzzy chiton
(Acanthopleura graulata), hermit crabs, snappers (Lutganus sp.),
grouper (Epinephelus sp.) and small barracuda (Sphyraena sp.),
The floria found growing on the rocks.consisted of Dasya sp.,
Laurencia sp., Halimeda sp, and unidentified red algae.
The natural sea floor near the work site is a gradually seaward
sloping flat bottom composed of limestone bed rock with sand filled
depressions. The higher projections of the limestone display
biological communities similar to the jetty. The sand filled de-
pressions are vegetated principally with members of the Siphonales
and occassionally with small patches of seagrass. The depth of the
natural bottom, adjacent to, the proposed work site, ranges from
2+ ft. to 4+ ft. MHW.
For the duration of the proposed construction activities elevated
levels of turbidity can be "'expected. The higher levels of turbidity
will be caused both by the ;actual placement of the riprap and prop -
wash from the boats used to.maneuver the work barge. Experience
with both of these sources of turbidity has shown that the prop -wash
induced turbidity is likely to be the greater of the two.
The placement of the rip -rap will permanently destroy or displace the
flora and fauna presently found on the actual work area of the jetty.
It is expected the new surface of the jetty will be very similar to
the old surface. A biota, very close in composition to that pres-
ently found on the jetty, should be able to establish itself quickly.
Russell Bertold
Jetty Repair
Page Three
COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been
read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida
Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe
19th, April 82
County, Florida, this day of ,19
at a regularly scheduled meeting.
BY +
A�an+�y's Oft.
Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 '=+ Director
Curt Blair, District 2 Building, Planning an
Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 �- Zoning
MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4
P.o. sox Room 205 Wing
Ken Sorensen, District 5 ;
Public Service Buildi
�.- r _=_x '.:r `ti w 5825 Jr. College Rd.
''�. OUNTY o MONROE - .p Key ;Nest, Florida
;• f-' 330413-4399
(305) 294 4641
Lucien C. Proby
Monroe County Attorney
310 Fleming Street
Key West, Florida 33040
I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and
information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows:
Certificate of Complete Enclosures t/
1. County Biologist Report r/
2. Resolution (Russell Bertold) r/
3. Permit
4. Application for Permit (Jetty Repair) v
5. Site Plany
6. Location Map v
7. DER Assessment 1�
Date �- O By
DATE April 2, •
SUBJECT Bertold, R. 1 Jetty repair.,
To Kermit H. T�ewi n , Co_ Admi n _ DEP•T County Administrator's Office
FROM Bob Dennis, Environ. Biologist- Planning and Zoning
Township 63S, Range 38E, Section 7
Plantation Beach, Tract F, Plantation
Key. Zoned RU-1.
This project is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners
in compliance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code.
The applicant is requesting a permit to repair a 100 ft. jetty
by placing rip -rap boulders and cement along its eastern edge. The
jetty, which extends into the Atlantic Ocean, will require 15 cu.
yds. of rip -rap placed below the mean high water line and another
5 cu. yds. placed above the mean high water line (see the accompanying
Department of Environmental Regulation report).
The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses
this project in greater detail and should be read for additional
Approval - however, the contractor
,the repair work during the highest
of the ocean bottom caused by the
motor boat.
should be required to perform
tide possible to reduce scouring
use of the tugboat, barge and
i '9D%
12 �'. p
�1) Property owners name & mailing address
2) Date
Russell A. Bertold
Resolution No.
25550 S.W. 147the Avenue
3) Phone number
Post Office Box 678
,Key Largo, Florida 33070
4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number
Upper Key Marine Construction
Post Office Box 18AAA 451-3119
5) Legal description of property:
Section 7 Key p1 aniati on Subdivision Plantation Beach
Township 63S Lot Tract F Block
Range 38E Street, road.or mile marker
SR 4A 150 South M.M. 88
Volume of material: dredged/excava-ed
c.y. c.y,.
c.y. c.y.
waterward landward waterward landward
of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of of M.H.Td.
Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction
Appro-ved by
Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special;. Concitions if anv:
Approval. However, the contractor should be required to perform
the repair work during the highest tide possible to reduce scouring
of the ocean bottom caused by the use of the tugboat, barge and
motor boat.
COov in File t Date
Jo I
i ?.1'v';i.;i:, it!'IG.i I`:(. S
r roF,, ;?:�;-\�',:,T_?�,';, IIll'.
-'.)';I`;r i11'PART-Ir 'T
P.T-'r)S[T OF FIL�., OR
name F. mail inp i(Niress
J) Fnone num er
Contractor or .bent'., name, rs.silinr ad(Iress, Prone h certification number.
Legal dencrI)ttoa of nropertv-* � ;`�1
Section, ---Z Koy, ct�.c��Subdivision , , k
Township, G Lot, j/1u,= r Block,
Range, 3 �s Street, road or vile marker,
(if acreage)' �/
,^. o ct ill r ��. (,' `ti �L� 5 7 - - f/"I "'.
Describe the Proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material
(in cubic var.ds), to Ise excavated or d.tscharr•ed . Describe purpose & intended
use of project.
dredged/excavated filled/deposited
olume of material: c -- ci.yd y ,
' r �7a r' O ii�d
of 11J
*lame, address & zip code of adjoining property owners whose property affronts
water way.
`) 32 C_
.s; List ot'ser permits [,5ue(I and/or apt lied fcr, include applicant s name, or
this sitV
If application Ilas been s;ul)mItte(i for this project (or one :similar) in the
past, explain rea ,nn for application and give applicant `s name if
different from current applicant.
Lint all Federal. and :hate apencies that have received 'applicationa for this
This completed'^pplic.1tion fore: will be accomp.snied by the following, or it will
NOT Be vrocessed.
a) Two (2) sets of drawings, or. 8� x 11 paper, shoaling location, plot plan, top view
and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale.
b) Applicition proceining fee as follows:.
$25.00 for dredge, fill, clocks OR any structures affronting natural eater bodies.
$10.00 for verticil seawalls on man-mnde bodies of water.
$25.00 for any combination of the above activities per Bite.
- -- - ---sue.--�
Application is hereby made for A permit 6 nuthorite the activities describzd heroin.
I certify th9t I am familiar with the information cont.-tined in this Application, and
to the best of my knowledge & belief Such information is -true. complete & lccurate.
I further certify that I possess the authority to undertake the proposed activities.
All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with
whether soecified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to _give
authority to violate or cancel the t)rov{v{ons of any county, state or federal 1N
regulnting construction or performance of construct.i)njc�f;"ha yyo?'ot a.cCTity. /
V n'+f'tiro (7C aUpI L C a I I L !'L
For Department 1's(' (lnl
r•1011 l�C " ��? ir:lt I [I
Approved by Ass t. Director
r-,I / /
11 j
I haetiv unity v,
of surv?v of ;rjpe.
true and comd
Wn I'mi Witt,
La 1) S
\Al - nr�
o-va n r\4 -A
� ;ia.o'sr"cr
cF�,:cv cFr:: d
Fiio No.: 44-�SQi��� County: Monroe Date: 1 -4-52
Applicant Fame: Russell A. liertold
Address ED T,, Lcir7c'+ w 33037
Agent (if applicable) : Join P. Wilson, Ci per IZeys Marine Construc.
Address : 33037
Location of project: Section (s) -�, Township -_ 63's Range 3$E
Section(s) Township Range
Local Reference: Plantation Key —
Water Body: !atlantic Ocean
Water Classification of Project Area: ME Adjacent Waters: III—
Aquatic Preserve:* NIA
Outstanding Florida Waters: N/A
On site inspection by: MTN -.1 ci '1i-�L -Z
Date of Inspection: y?-?q_a Original Application.: Yes X No
Revised Application: Yes No-m Date: . Ddte of 2nd insp.
Biological and Water. Quality Assessment
A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques.
Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state
(including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi-
zone of the submerged 7-.
and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code.
B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning
extent of development of adjoining properties as 4;e11 as relevant
T. storical facts about t%e area.
C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if
applical-Ae. Include identification of bottom types and any
relevant historical facts about the area of the project.
D. Potential impact of project- on biological resources and water
quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact
for all aspects of the proj-_ct'.
E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications ;hat may reduce
or minimize the potential impact of project.
PERM 16-10 (Rev.6/79)
Monroe County - Plar.tat on Ivey
Page Two
A. The r.pplicant wishes to repair an existing boulder riprap jetty.
By do_Lng so, he will insure continued protection to an existing
boat basin and access_ channel..
71he repair will be accomplished by placing a single row of limeston:.
boulders along the side of the jetty. Cement will be used to per-
manently bold the boulders in place. The job will require an
estimated 15 cu. yds. of ripral; placed below mean high water (NHW)
and an estimated 5 cu. yds. above M.I. A total of 200+ sq. ft. of
sea floor will permanently be covered by the new riprap.
The proposed construction technique is to bring the necessary rip -
rap in to the site on a barge. The barge will also have a crane
mounted on it to be used in settling the boulders. A tugboat will
be uti3.ized to bring the barge to the site and an outboard motor
boat will help maneuver it around the actual work site (John 1ilson
personal coipmunication) . The work will be done around the tide as
necessary Sao .keep the barge off- the bottom.
B. The project site is located on the Atlantic Ocean (south) side of
Plantation Key. The surrounding neighborhood has been approximatel;
40 percent developed, principally with single family residences,
and couaaarcial establiJLL' .
'rhe lands bordering the site to the northeast for an estimated
400 ft. consist principally of undeveloped uplands vegetated with
second growth tropical hardwood hammock. Dear the shore of these
lands a narrow zone of wetlands is found with the actual shore con-
sisting of solution faced Key .Largo Limestone with sand filled
On the southwest side of the project. site the lands have been more
heavily developed. The uplands area are generally less thickly
vegetated and the shoreline for 400+ ft. has been altered and devel-
oped %.;ith a series of seawalls, short canals, access channels and
jettys. Several single family residences are found in the uplands
or near t;Le shore.
The north side -or- which site is bounded by S.R. 905 beyond hich is
a cozEmercial. plant nursery.
To tha south of tae site is the open Atlantic Ocean. All of the
surrounding waters are designated as Class III (Chapter 1.7-3.081
Florida Administrative Code).
i1? r!r
Ho-_ roe County -
Page Three
Plantation Rey
C• 'he app?seant's property i.s a rectangular parcel of land which
Measures approximately 1,050 ft. long and 100 ft. wide. The long
axis of the property runs from the northwest at the SR 905 end to
the southeast at the Atlantic Ocean end. The landwardmost 800+ ft.
of the property consists of cleared uplands which is presently going through an oid field succession and is vegetated with grasses, scrubs
and a few pioneer hardwood hammock trees.
Most of the remainder of the parcel of land appears to be I previously
filled wetlands and sea floor with onl-V the landwardmost 50 to 100
- having been uplands before being filled. Within this area the
most lardward 150-t ft, is occupied by a two-story single family
esid<:nce and its®yard. T:le -yard. area -is vegetated with grasses
and Ornamental -trees and shrubs .
Immediately waterward of the above described house, a 60+ by DO+
ft. Man-made boat basin can be found. Beyond the boat basin two—
jettys project out up to 150+ ft. along either side of a man-made
access channel which continue., for 50+ ft. past the end of the jettys
A circulation culvert is located in tFe southernmost corner of the
boat basin.
The sides of the boat basil and the jettys consist of fingers of
crushed limestone fill which is held in place by seawalls construc-
ted O mortared together limestone boulders. The inside of the
boat basin is formed by concrete Seawalls. The last 100+ ft. of the
easternmost jetty consists of a 4 to 6 ft. wide, apparently solid
tyall. constructed of limestone boulders cemented together, i.e. there.
is no fill in the middle of it. lt;, is on this section of jetty that
all of the proposed works will be done. The top of the jettys and
boat ba3in sides, which are at an elevation of 3+ ft. above P�Ti-iT�l,
are vegetated with a mixture of sea purslane (Sesuvium nortulacastru-�;
railroad vine (Zpomoea es-ca rae) , and salt grass �I3:i stict is s icat�
The presence of transitional wetland vegetation at the elevation of
the top of the jettys is attributed to exposure to sea spray.
The entire boat basin -jetty ,�� area and much of the land which lie:
the e house,. as stated earlier, �,aas created by fil.lino sea
floor and wetiazids. The fill obtained by excavating the boat basin
and access chaiin_el which are over 10 ft. deep, was apparently used
fo> this task.
The outer (3eaws.11s) if the boat basin Sides and jettys display
a healthy biological co-muT1ity. Faunal compor:ents of the community
arc beaded prri.winkle (Teci-sinus muricatus), zebra periwinkle
tiit.toa zi_cac) , i�1{�ed%lg trot�i �terita pei oronta) fuzzy chi ton
Monroe Co -n ty -
Page Four
Plaiitatio I -Key
(AcanthoDleura s , hemmi.t crabs, snappers (Luttganus Sp. )
grouper (E inen! a1u 5p ) and small barra,c;�d� (5�1� ra Aaa sp. )
The floria fou_���o� on the rocks consisted or Dasya sp.
i.^urer:c is sp. , Ha:� LR,2da sp. and unidentified red algae,
The natu -al sea floor °±ear the work site is a gradually seaward
sloping; L'Iat boo; trim composed of li..mestorte bad rock with, sand filled.
depression:. The higher projections c£ the limestone display
biological comanuni,ties similar to the jetty. The sand filled de-
pressions are vegetated principally with members of the Siphonales
and occassionally with small patches of seagrass. The depth of the
natural bottom, ad ja.cent to the proposed work site, ranges from
LT ft. to 4-1- ft. zZlIW.
D. For the duration of the proposed construction activities elevated
levels o.L turbidity bidity can be expected. The higher levels of turbidity
willbe caused both by the actual placement of the riprap and prop;
wash from the boats used to maneuver t`tae work barge. Experience
with both of these sources of turbidity has shown that the prop -wash
induced turbidity is likely to be the greater of the two.
Me placement o:L the riprap ;.ill permanently destroy or displace the
`lora and fauna prestently ound on the actual work area of the jetty.
t is expected the ne:7 surface of the jetty will be very similar to
the old surface. A biota, very close in .composition to that pres-
ently found on the j eti_y, should be mile to establish itself quickly.