Resolution 144-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 144-1982 WHEREAS, the Florida Keys, Monroe County, Florida, is a beautiful resort with a population of 63,000 persons; and ~nIEREAS, this lovely area is almost entirely dependent upon tourism and resort-related services; and ~VHEREAS, agents of the United States Border Patrol and Customs Service have established a roadblock interdicting road traffic on the only highway connecting the Keys to the mainland of Florida; and ~iEREAS, this unnecessary roadblock has caused miles-long traffic jarns, and has harrassed and inconvenienced visitors to the Florida Keys as well as all 63,000 residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, since the imposition of the roadblock, business activ- ity in the Keys has suffered a devastating decline; and WHEREAS, the roadblock's stated purpose is to stop illegal immigration and drugs and it has proven dismally ineffective in both areas; and ~IEREAS, the fact of this roadblock presumes that every resi- dent of and visitor to the Keys is either an alien or a criminal and must prove their innocence in order to travel the highways of their own county, a presumption that is both illegal and insulting; ~d vnIEREAS, the Keys are not a foreign country but a part of the United States and should not be subjected to treatment as if it were an alien state; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO}1MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, hereby requests the U. S. Government remove this pernicious, damaging, and wasteful roadblock immediately, and transfer the resources being wasted on said roadblock to purposes more effective and less damaging to the law-abiding populace of the Florida Keys. 2. That the Clerk of the Board is hereby directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the Monroe County Congres- J/~ -2- sional delegation, and the proper Federal authorities of the Border Patrol and Customs Service offices. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special meeting of said Board held on the 27th day of April, A.D. 1982. (Seal) Attest ,RALPH W" WHlTE1 CLERK ~ '\Ul> l.>.w lVI, r.~ /1 . ~ 6 Clerk APPROVED AS 70 FORM AND l.EGAI.Sl./FFICItNC'I. ' BV Attorney', Office' Jll7