Resolution 146-1982 RESOLUTION 146 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from DONALD W. PORTER and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a seawall bulkhead along his Duck Key property shoreline. The proposed bulkhead will consist of a poured-in-place, steel-reinforced, concrete seawall with an 8 ft. wide, concrete, cantilevered cap and upland retaining wall. The 5 ft. overwater cantilever design will be supported by a series of nine (9), horizontal, concrete beams spaced at 10 ft. intervals along said seawall structure. The seawall will extend along the applicant's entire 80 linear foot property shoreline at the approximate MLW mark. It will connect to the west with an existing seawall bulkhead of the same design and placement (see Norris, D.E.R. Permit No. 44-26869-5E; May 14, 1980 for additional details). Said seawall construction activities will entail the deposition of 40 cubic yards of backfill stabilization materials (30+ c.y. landward of MHW; 10+ c.y. waterward of MHW). The stated purpose of the project is to provide the applicant with a fishing area and property shoreline stormwater and erosion control. Personal communications with the applicant's agent (Mr. Timm Reed; December 10, 1981) have resulted in revising said project to include boulder riprap placements at the toe of the proposed sea- wall. This will entail the placement of 25+ cubic yards of riprap materials waterward of the existing MHW line. This revision (see attached letter and revised "sheet 6 or 7") was included at the inspector's request. The applicant's property is located along the Center Island shore- line of northeastern Duck Key, Monroe County. At present, Duck Key is approximately 60 percent developed with existing single family residences (S.F.R. IS) and various supportive facilities (roadways, restaurants, marina, motel, stores and various recrea- tioanl facilities). Most of the existing Duck Key residences are waterfront (both canal and natural shoreline areas) and equipped with some type of shoreline bUlkheading/boat docking facilities. The applicant's property consists of an average-size (0.25+ acres) residential lot which is bordered to the east by several sImilar undeveloped lots, to the west by several developed S.F.R. properties, to the north by Tom's Harbor waters and to the south by Bimini Drive roadway. Easterly adjacent undeveloped properties have all been previously cleared and filled and are vegetated solely with a variable shoreline fringe (Casurina spp. pine, bay cedar and all mangrove spp. interspersed with patches of various transitional flora) and upland pioneer grasses and shrubs. The majority of undeveloped Duck Key shoreline properties are equipped with an old, variable, boulder riprap revetment. Westerly adjacent properties are developed with existing, two-story, residences and concrete seawalls similar to the proposed here. Developed upland property areas are generally cleared and variously filled (limerock and pea gravel) and vegetated exclusively with landscaped palms and miscel- laneous tropical exotics. Tom's Harbor waters in this area are Class III (Section 17-3.041; F.A.C.), predominantly shallow (less than 10 ft. deep; MSL), productive (seagrasses and hard corals), of excellent quality and capable of providing deepwater naviga- tional access. ~. J2-f Resolution Donald W. Porter Page Two The applicant's upland property areas are largely disturbed by home construction activities which are currently in progress. Miscellaneous fill piles, construction material and debris are scattered throughout the property area. As a result, the only remaining upland vegetation consists of a single Australian pine tree and miscellaneous pioneer grasses and shrubs. The predominant upland substrate is mixture of silty sediments and limerock fill materials. The project site consists of the applicant's property shoreline and adjacent submerged lands. The applicant's property shoreline con- sists of 18 In. ft. of natural, Duck Key/Tom's Harbor shoreline area. It is also somewhat disturbed by the above-mentioned construction activities (various rubble and debris depositions). The majority of the existing fringe vegetation ahs been cleared (presumably in preparation for seawall construction and lot grading activities). Remaining shoreline vegetation is therefore limited to isolated, small buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) and white (Laguncularia racemosa) mangroves and bay cedar (Suriana maritima) bushes and patches of transitional sea purslane (Sesuvium spp.), seashore saltgrass (Disticlus spp.) and railroad vine (Ipomoea spp.). Boulder remains of an old, somewhat dilapidated, riprap revetment are scattered between the approximate MHW and MLW marks. Heavy detrital accumulations were observed along this entire shoreline area (to 15~ ft. above the mean water mark). Inshore submergent areas consist of a firm limerock rubble substrate with various displaced boulder riprap materials. Varying cerinth and nerite populations were observed throughout property littoral areas. Submergent vegetation observed included lush algal growths (Halimeda, Penicillus, Lorencia, Dictyota spp. and unidentified reds and browns) and patches of Thalassia and Halodule spp. seagrass. Hard (Scleratinia spp.) corals were also present in inshore submer- gent areas. Approximately 15-20 ft. from the existing shoreline, the bottom begins to drop off to a more uniform -3.0 ft. (MSL) depth. Substrates in this area are a finer, calcareous sand/shell hash fragment sediment. Medium Thalassia spp. seagrass meadows are scattered throughout the Tom's Harbor Area. At the time of inspection, water quality appeared excellent (clarity and circu- lation evident). Primary, direct, project impacts will include the removal and loss of all of the remaining fringe vegetation and potential siltation impacts from seawall installation activities. Due to the present lack of significant shoreline vegetation, this former impact is not expected to be excessive in this instance. Similarly, careful placement and construction of the proposed seawall structure (with turbidity curtains properly deployed) will serve to greatly reduce potential siltation impacts. Beneficial project impacts will in- clude increased shoreline stability and littoral microhabitat surface area from the revised inclusion of boulder riprap placement at the proposed seawall toe. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 3rd day of May , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. By OF ~ Seal M 7010IfM n _~~H. -\-'f.-:.;,:..) f\\.t-"~S).poll.,Clerk Dr ~~ A At test: Oi ~~t BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~,v"L.I\S Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 oKYy~ri ~,~~,~9E 130512944641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning p,o, BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Donald W. Porter) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Seawall) 5.. Si te Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date ~ ,- c}{} --j ~ /J-2r:> v t.-/" V" V" L-/" V'" / v ("./ By4Vr 'e' TOP,S Y FORM 3397 LITHO IN U 5, A, DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE DATE Apri I 19, 1982 SUBJECT Porter, D.; Seawall To Kermit H. Lewin, Co. Admin. 1hp'T County Administrator's Office Bob Dennis, Environ. BiOIOgiS,Q~EP'T Planning and Zoning FROM LEGAL ,is Township 65S, Range 34 E, Section 20, Lot 18, Block 1, Center Island, Duck Key. Zoned RU-1M. INTRODCUTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in compliance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. DISCUSSION: An 80 ft. long x 8 ft. wide concrete cantilevered seawall is pro- posed. The seawall will be constructed along the mean low water line of Tom's Harbor waterway in order to align with a similarly designed seawall of an adjacent property owner. There will be a 5 ft. overhang and the seawall will require 30+ cubic yards of backfill landward of MHW and 35+ cubic yards waterward of Mwn (including 25 cubic yards of rip=rap placed at the base of the seawall) . The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. , ~ EVALUATION: No long-term, adverse environmental affects are expected as a re- sult of this project. RECOHMENDATION: Approval. /rnmp 613 I --~--_.~" "r,c:: !,.~~--=., ~~~~'" ~~ T"'" ',' a"'~," ~~',"" .~ ~,.-'\ '--' .' .'~ i,~~'''K''-' f,'~""'~', ;.~: ~~_.t,_'_'~~""- , I'C>" ~>{ ': t~'" \~'ifI1: i: ~> :' t!;~\' !=" 'tt;;:..!., .. ~ .,,~:;~:~,,' t,'; ~~:; ,';': . L~' ~.~.:-~ L: ~~~ ~:.: ~;~;'i< ~::i' :-.~' :f gl c:;"_ ~" PLA1ia~G , BVILDI?-;C & zm;n;c DEP ART:IENT PERl-fIT "'~I \,;1. 2.c'- .. ~ MON~OE t" '" ~" E3 ' k1" " PEENIT YOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY :.~t: '); '~ \.~! FILL, OR STRlC'IURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE _ .-.J; ~ ~ ....--/;, - _!~-...... WATERS OR HETLANDS OF NOi'IROE COUNTY 1) Property mroers naT7le & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT USE mlLY Donald W. Porter 11-14-81 5840 N.E. 14th Road Resolution No. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 3) Phone number 33334 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Timm L. Reed, M.S. c/o Reed Realty, Inc. Suite 3 5101 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050 305/743-7520 5) Legal description of property: Section 20 Key Duck Subdi':ision Tmmship 65S Lot 18 Block 1 Range 34E Street, road or mile marker Bimini Drive, adj acen t to . 17 Bimini Drive, Duck Key Volume of material: dredzed/excavated filled/c.eposi ted 0 c.y. 0 c.y. 10 c.y. 30 c.y. waten-/ard land",ard waterward landward of H.B.H. of H.H.\\l'. of H.H.H. of H.H.H. . .. ZONING: PURPOSE: RU-1M Cost of Pemit Estimated coSt of Construction Approved by Chairm::m BOARD OF COUXIY CO~~ISSIO~ERS OF ~O~ROE COCXTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comrnents - Restrictions or S[1t2ci.:ll Cor:Jitio:1S i:: .:my: Approval CODV in File D3te ---- ~ t 1 ~ 1 : ~ I: ~_: U ~ :: ~ (' i :_ll 0237./ n:r';, :',vrUH:lr. ,(, 7,():n~:(: DErAnT~lENT p T APPLlr.ATIO~ ""j'. J~Xr^':^,rTn'l. TPE f'lf.POSIT OF ~. OR ST!u.:CTU~AL ACTIVITIES 1:1 THE h';\TE~S OR HETLAND OF }!O~a~OE COt.:::TY Property owner~ naMe & mailinr a~drc~s . Donald W~er 5840 NE 14th.Road Ft. Lauderdale, FL .!. Date Puone numler 11/14/81 via agent ) Contrnctor or a~ent'~ name. Mnilin~ n2Jrc~s. rhone & certification nu~ber. Timm L. Reed, M.S. c/o Reed Realty, Inc. Suite 3 5101 Overseas Highwav Marathon. FL 33050 ) Le~al de~cri~tion of ~roperty: 305/743-7520 Section, 20 Key, Duck Key Subdivision, TO~lnsh ip, 65S 1.0 t , 18 Block, 1 Ran~e, 34E Street, rond or nile T11arker, Bimini Drive, (if acrear,e) Bimini Duck Key adjacent to 17 Drive, Zonin?" RU-1M ) Describe the proposed activity, methods of constnction & amount of material (in cubic yarns), to he excavnted or dischnr~ed. I'escribe purpose (. intended use of proj'ect. Construction of concrete dock and seawall (at MLW) as detailed in the attached drawing. Intended use private. Bulkhead backfilled with clean fill. Cantilevered concrete deck surface. dredr,ed/excavated filled/deposited 'olume of material: -0- c. y, -0- c. y. ~of:.1t:Ftr~f<1.~rl 'L\[I~\Mr(~ o t , . I . f,! . (l f ,(. II . I, . addres~ & zip code of adjoinin~ property owners way. Daniel Simanaitis Richard Norris 1767 Fender Rd. 17 Bimini Drive. Naperville, II. 60540 Duck Key, FL 33050 10 c.y. 30 c.v. ~'t:R~H~~~ ~~n~.~~~~ whose prop~rty affronts 7) Name, water a) List other this site permits issued and/or applied for, .include "applicant ' s name, for Donald W. Porter, applied for permit for same with Army Corps of Engineers and Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation b) If application has been suhMitted for this project (or one similar) in the past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current applicant. .- J) List all Federal and State <1.~encies that have received applications for this fl ro j ec t . Army Corps of Engineers and Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation Thi~ completed npplication form will be ~ccompAnied by the following, or it will NOT Be processed. 11) Two (2) sets of drnwings. on 8\ x 11 pnper:, shm..ing loclltion, plot plAn, top view and cro~~ ~ection of proposal, drawn to ~c~le. b) Applic~tion proces!'!ing fee as follows:, $25.0,0 for dredge,' fill, docks OR :my structure!'! l'lffronting natur~l water bodies. $10.00 for vertic.,l !'Ieawalls on m:c1n-m,qde bodies of w;"ter. $25.00 for ~ny combination of the rtbove ~ctivities per site. ^pplication is hereby m;"de for a permit to ~uthorize the activities described herein. ! certify that I am familiar with the information co~tained in this Rpplic~tion, and to the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete & pccurate. ~ further certify that I posses!'! the authority to undertAke the prooosed activities. All orovisions of laws and ,ordinarices governing this type of work will be complied with ~nether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give ~uthority'to violate or c~ncel the provisions of any county, stnte or f!deral law ";"n.....u 1a ti ng con"! truc tion or pe rform,qnce of cons truction ~f this fpe' of .:tcility.. > ,'ji J r/I 1'1/1',1.1 L" ,(/ Sif'n:'t't!TI'" 0 a!>p . ~,:.?:\ r t 1'1 C n t T r s e () n 1 v / ;) ,. \~; {" ~ (". _ . _~. 1 . I . ,.......... \.{ ,r....-" \/ l...~ \.0"1,1 G'" "i'~/-- - t>: ~ _Jr" ~-~. i': . :.~ ec .. (. r e c c i n t ;1 Approved by Asslt. ~irect0r " / ' /) (. r..:, . /Z,/ \' , f .:;.....,.. . ,,'+J-,.z:....Ji.)~.~'t-J """"~,' ' Odl/1 :..,' ~ . . : . VL_ "J /.-; "'"~ <~):',l<:~< ~, ;..,"-''- t, ':, C r '_(<_)"-"--,,{ .."':_' _.... '",/. t" ,-' ll'< ~ f l ---.., i-< ":<33 Figure 1. Location of Proposed Dock '~/I~ tt "~~"./ >~,,~, 7 I d \. K ........." " r I I \ ~"'l 7 " I ,,0' ','.-<;- "J ' ' " I I II " " \ 10' '-) ~ r ,.. (, c (" 7 ,';:'l~\..j~' I \' .-'1 .oj //0-\'\' \ " //1 H '":I ,. ) ,/4lj~ , ,~\ '. '-. ( !! ~ :"->- ., (-1')~-j (,;' /')-'" if' I,'r I) 'I! \ // __~' .,'" 'Jf;' , I t... ,.-;'~.y .. . , . ..- . " 'V ,\ ',',/ r \ . 7 1/," i" ,'! ~ /, " 7;~ ,0:.., /'.\,') , t. oJ.?:\ I(? f'7 0/', , :.tf~k~,::",i<'/I' ~I "O"~'o,. " . (tT--:::.:41l<.1\,j,Ji. "'"""'''.~O''L1 _-=-"_-""'~-~ ' ./ :,",' (L ", r' .I ,--). \~"L.' C,/o, () . "," 0' " -- ~----No1 ~.. --'__ .,.rCL / I - -.., 0".., -':;,----- L\S'tii'~ V v--""':- -_ rr \ n ' j. ... '~-" --- "I' .....~ .' ,I' ~_'.--.,~' '--- ''7'\ . '........ / ~~~' ,..( Ill1l" , ('r" ,,/~., '- _.I.~,'=-,:, k' 00'_,', ' '\ (Ill '~', - ...., o' --------~_ I "-~ ' ~ ""Y, _-, ,I. r,,' ,'" . - ~ . \ ( , , , . '~u.(1' ./---/ ...._~, ':"'../\7 ,%,.. '. " ' " +,=-......... 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Placement of 10 fill waterward of MHW In: Tom's Harbour At: Duck Key Datum: USCGS MLW County of Monroe, State of Florida Adjacent Property ~vners: 1. Daniel Simanaitis 2. Richard Norris Application by Reed Realty, Inc. Sheet 5 of 7 J)3--1 Figure 2. Top: Cross Section Proposed Dock and Seawall Bottom: Longitudinal Profile Proposed Dock and Seawall Vo~o.'d W. FbY'~ef 813-1708 4~ - 4-9758-5& Retaining Wall for fill. storm water retention. steel reinforced Poured concrete seawall @MLW to bedrock. steel reinforced MHW MLW scale 1:48 or 1":4' Cantilever beam S~a""all place Deck 80' scale 1:2!iO or 1":20' Cantilever beams 10' O.c. Field Inspectors Note: Proposed structllre to be same design and placement as existing dock located 011 Lot 17 adjacent property to the 'vest, permitted 5-14-80 file no, 44-26869-5E. Dec. 8/ SheC't aof j . . J,3;"" ( " Figure 3. Plan View of Proposed Dock . o V) ...... --- -- Existing Adjacent Dock 80' ------ Single Family Residence Under Construction Lot 18, Block 1 Center Island Bimini Drive scale 1: 240 or 1":20' _.....,:---..~':._-~._.'\....- ".,.. .__.#._.....,~'..,...,..,....I"!, ......... .~.~ J3~ Concrete Deck OD 10 CO MHW- Existing Rip- Rap .-:- -- Sheet 7 of 7. \L ,'( i . '( .r :~ ' ccrnrr~f 2. e~tJ\S'iJ.. ht's.w~: DO'1. 'Yorz.-kf2.:--Arf Amended Prof iles Top: Cross Section Proposed Duck and Seawall Bottom: Longitudinal Profile Proposed Dock and Seawall Rip-rap added at toe of 5ea'\1 Retaining Wall for fill. storm water retention, steel reinforced Poured concrete sea~all @MLW to bedrock, steel __- reinforced - MHH -,- MLW scale 1:48 or 1":4' Cantilever beam Seawa 1~:ed ;,~ W- Rip-rap added at L tOl~ of se<.i\lall in place D 1 . eCt( ~ 80' _L1- _~:~~p~;~:;;~_;;:;;t;C--:=-L~ scale 1:240 or 1":20' Cantilever beams 10' o. c. Field Inspectors Note: Proposed structure to be same design and placement as existing dock located on Lot 17 adjacent property to the west, permitted 5-14-80 file no. 4Ll-26369-5E. Slwet b of 7 I --,-,---,,) \ ~;"7 '::.~-~, ,~ ;'t Amended ProfiLes Figure 2. Top: Cross Section Propos~d Dock and Seawall Bottom: L,mgituclinal Profile Proposed Dock and Seawall ; "!oj' ~;:,..";,.,; Rip-rap added at toe of seaw\l1 Retaining Wall for fill, storm ,,'ater rE, tent ion, steel reinforced Poured concrete semlall @MLW to bedrock, steel .-_- reinforced MEW ---------1'.!U~ sCille 1:48 or -\ I 1":4' "'---! Cantilever beam , Rip-rap added at / toe of seawall Seawall ~d in place Deck . ~ - ~_ ,_~~~-:;r~~.,A~~~~ scale 1:240 or 1":20' Cantilever beams 10' o.c. Field Inspectors Note: Propo2ed structure to be same design and placement as existing dock located on Lot 17 adjacent property to the west, permitted 5-l4-80 file no. 44-26869-SE. Shee t 6 uf I I --------' )3~ MONROE CTY. 8LDG, DEPT. BY 4(1 e ~, (/ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION ~'</,~ ~d<~~ ~~~~ f~~\ ~~~ ~ ~..- rr" 2;1;-\~ - 'f", ;,1 U I \...~~'-" I;, ~ 'l~I'1 "Ij " . : I FEB 19 1982 " BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY <~ ' " 3201 GOl.F COURse BOUl.EVARD PUNTA GORDA, Fl.ORIDA 33950 STATE OF FLORIDA SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE December 31, 1981 Donald Porter c/o Timm Reed 5101 Overseas Hwy, Suite 3 Marathon, Fla. 33050 Re: Monroe County, File No. 44-49758-5E, Seawall, Dock Dear Mr. Porter: As we ad~7ised you on 11-~0-81 , your a!?~lication is i~complete without local apprcval, pursuant to Secticn 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling wate~Nard of ~~e existing mean/ ordinary high water line. Please submit the enclosed copy of our biological co~ents toge~~er with your permit application to the Boa=d of County C .. /e' t C . , ..., ..1..' d . ...- ' c~~~ss~oners ~ y o~'c~_ or ~ne~= au~.~or~ze pe~~_w~ng authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commission/city co~'cil ". . .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings t.~ereof. II It fu:ther states, "The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which ~~e board of county commissioners or other authorized bodv takes =inal action on the aDolication . - - for permit. II You will need to obtain a COpy of the minutes of the meeting or an ap~ro~riate indication-of the local ap~roval. This letter, resolution or copy of the minutes shoulc be sent to this office. Your application will remain inccmDlete \~i~hout valid local approval:- If you have any questions. concerning ~~s procedure, please contact us. . Si~cerely, R;1J 'W~ RWC/ck Enclosure R. W. Cantrell Dredge & Fill Supervisor ~ER ?o~ 17-1.122(50) ~ ,.q ,l ~. PORTER, DONALD W. 1/44-49758-5E Monroe County - Duck Key Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a seawall bulkhead along his Duck Key property shoreline. The proposed bulkhead will consist of a poured-in-place, steel-reinforced, concrete seawall with an 8 ft. wide, concrete, cantilevered cap and upland retaining wall. The 5 ft. overwater ccntilever design will be supported by a series of nine (9), horizontal, concrete beams spaced at 10 ft. intervals along said seawall structure. The seawall will extend along the applicant's entire 80 linear foot property shoreline at the approximate MLW mark. It will connect to the west with an existing seawall bulkhead of the same design and placement (see Norris, D.E.R. Permit No. 44-26869-5E; May 14, 1980 for additional details). Said seawall construction activities will entail the deposition of 40 cubic yards of backfill stabilization materials (30+ c.y. landward of MHW; 10+ c.y. waterward of MHW). The stated purpose of the project is to provide the applicant with a fishing area and property shoreline stormwater and erosion control. Personal communications with the applicant's agent (Mr. Timm Reed; December 10, 1981) have resulted in revising said project to include boulder riprap placements at the toe of the proposed sea- wall. This will entail the placement of 25+ cubic yards of riprap materials waterward of the existing MHW line. This revision (see attached letter and revised "sheet 6 of 7") was included at the inspector's request. B. The applicant's property is located along the Center Island shore- line of northeastern Duck Key, Monroe County. At present, Duck Key is approximately 60 percent developed with existing single family residences (S.F.R. 's) and various supportive facilities' (roadways, restaurants, marina, motel, stores and various recrea- tional facilities). Most of the existing Duck Key residences are waterfront (both canal and natural shoreline areas) and equipped with some type of shoreline bulkheading/boat docking facilities. The applicant's property consists of an average-size (0.25+ acres) residential lot which is bordered to the east by several sImilar undeveloped lots, to the west by several developed S.F.R. properties, to the north by Tom's Harbor waters and to the south by Bimini Drive roadway. Easterly adjacent undeveloped properties have all been previously cleared and filled and are vegetated solely with a variable shoreline fringe (Casurina spp. pine, bay cedar and all mangrove spp. interspersed with patches of various transitional flora) and upland pioneer grasses and shrubs. The majority of undeveloped Duck Key shoreline properties are equipped with an old, variable, boulder riprap revetment. Westerly adjacent properties .,2, ...to ~ 1;;~~" ~;~? L~* . ,'ol'" ;~~': ,Y;,'f't" ~r.;t'~:, .~~~~,. ,'~:' J,;" ' I ';:;(, t:~[, (1~";.' \~t'" ~:i:{:. ~:if" ;~~{ '~.' '~$ ~~\: ~;'iff I:~~- , .t...>~., ; :.~~:~:~ ":. j ~ORTER, DONALD W. 1/44-49758-5E Monroe County - Duck Key Page Three are developed with existing, two-story, residences and concrete seawalls similar to that proposed here. Developed upland property areas are generally cleared and variously filled (limerock and pea gravel) and vegetated exclusively with landscaped palms and miscel- laneous tropical exotics. Tom's Harbor waters in this area are Class III (Section 17-3.041; F.A.C.), predominantly shallow (less than 10 ft. deep; MSL) , productive (seagrasses and hard corals), of excellent quality and capable of providing deepwater naviga- tional access. The applicant's upland property areas are largely disturbed by home construction activities which are currently in progress. Miscellaneous fill piles, construction material and debris are scattered throughout the property area. As a result, the only remaining upland vegetation consists of a single Australian pine tree and miscellaneous pioneer grasses and shrubs. The predominant upland substrate is mixture of silty sediments and limerock fill materials. C. The project site consists of the applicant's property shoreline and adjacent submerged lands. The applicant's property shoreline con- sists of 18 In. ft. of natural, Duck Key/Tom's Harbor shoreline area. It is also somewhat disturbed by the above-mentioned construction activities (various rubble and debris depositions). The majority of the existing fringe vegetation has been cleared (presumably in preparation for seawall construction and lot grading activities). Remaining shoreline vegetation is therefore limited to isolated, small buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) and white (Laguncularia racemosa) mangroves and bay cedar (Suriana maritima) bushes and patches of transitional sea purslane (Sesuvium spp.), seashore saltgrass (Disticlus spp.) and railroad vine (Ipomoea spp.). Boulder remains of an old, somewhat dilapidated, riprap revetment are scattered between the approximate MHW and MLW marks. Heavy detrital accumulations were observed along this entire shoreline area (to 15+ ft. above the mean water mark). Inshore submergent areas consist of a firm limerock rubble substrate with various displaced boulder riprap materials. Varying cerinth and nerite populations were observed throughout property littoral areas. Submergent vegetation observed included lush algal growths (Halimeda, Penicillus, Lorencia, Dictyota spp. and unidentified reds and browns) and patches of Thalassia and Halodule spp. seagrass Hard (Scleratinia spp.) corals were also present in inshore submer- gent areas. Approximately 15-20 ft. from the existing shoreline, the bottom begins to drop off to a more uniform -3.0 ft. (MSL) depth. Substrates in this area are a finer, calcareous sand/shell hash fragment sediment. Medium Thalassia spp. seagrass meadows are -Lv{ I ~ , l. ..' I PORTER, DONALD W. #44-49758-5E Monroe County - Duck Key Page Four scattered throughout the Tom's Harbor Area. At the time of inspection, water quality appeared excellent (clarity and circu- lation evident). D. Primary, direct, project impacts will include the removal and loss of all of the remaining fringe vegetation and potential siltation impacts from seawall installation activities. Due to the present lack of significant shoreline vegetation, this former impact is not expected to be excessive in this instance. Similarly, careful placement and construction of the proposed seawall structure (with turbidity curtains properly deployed) will serve to greatly reduce potential siltation impacts. Beneficial project impacts will in- clude increased shoreline stability and littoral microhabitat surface area from the revised inclusion of boulder riprap placement at the proposed seawall toe. ~ i r' ; ~ ~v