Resolution 148-1982
RESOLUTION NO. 148 - 1981-82
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers
set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82, and to
create new items under said Budget, now, therefore,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up
in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 in the amounts
hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following ac-
count s :
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $1,000.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-49.24,
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $500.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-51.01,
Postage & Mailing
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $1,000.00
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-51.02,
Printing & Reproduction
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $1,500.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-41.00,
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $2,500.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-40.00,
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $500.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-25.00-579-34.00,
:ecretarial Service
Tra_ sfer from Contingency,
Item HOpl-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
...,. the sllffi'of $1,500.00,
Into Translator,
Item #001-2500-579-49.25,
LegaJ Services
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Transfer from General Revenue,
Item #001-000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $1,918.10,
Into Board of County Commissioners
Item #001-100-511-34.02,
Contractual Services Palms Condo Lawsuit
Transfer from Advertising,
Item #001-1100-519-48.01, Board Promotional
Advertising, the sum of $500.00,
Into Advertising,
Item #001-1100-519-48.02,
Senior Citizen Appreciation Day Picnic
Transfer from Clerk Circuit,
Item #001-0202-516-34.00, Contractual
Service, the sum of $16,350.00,
Into Clerk Circuit,
Item #001-0202-516-64.00,
Capital Equipment
Transfer from County Attorney,
Item #001-0300-514-34.00, Contractual
Service, the sum of $2,000.00,
Into County Attorney,
Item #001-0300-514-54.02,
Transfer from Circuit Court,
Item #001-0601-516-12.00, Salaries,
the sum of $100.00,
Into Circuit Court,
Item #001-0601-516-24.00,
Workmens Compensation
Transfer from Planning Department,
Item #001-1001-515-64.00, Capital Outlay
Equipment, the sum of $1,600.00,
Into Other Administrator Building,
Item #001-903-519-46.01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from Planning Department,
Item #001-1001-515-64.00, Capital Outlay
Equipment, the sum of $200.00,
Into Other Administrator Buildings,
Item #001-903-519-46.01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from P.K. Garage,
Item #001-0905-519-62.00, Capital Outlay
Buildings, the sum of $3,000.00,
Into P.K. Garage,
Item #001-905-519-46.02,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter,
Item #001-911-562-12.00, Salaries,
the sum of $700.00,
Into Marathon Animal Shelter,
Item #001-911-562-46.01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from S.C.S.P.,
Item #001-1813-564-64.00, Capital Outlay
Equipment, the sum of $500.00,
Into Sr. Community Service Project,
Item #001-1813-564-24.00,
Workmens Compensation
Transfer from S.C.S.P.,
Item #001-1813-564-49.00, Miscellaneous
Supplies, the sum of $100.00,
Into S.C.S.P.,
Item #001-1813-564-24.00,
Workmens Compensation
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1401-564-46.02, Maintenance
of Equipment, the sum of $178.70,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1410-525-40.00,
Auto Allowance & Travel
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1410-525-46.02, Maintenance
of Equipment, the sum of $22.00,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1410-525-49.23,
Educational Program
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-2400-542-49.00, Miscellaneous
Supplies, the sum of $100.00,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-2400-542-34.01,
Educational Program
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-2400-542-52.01, Gasoline & Oil,
the sum of $400.00,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-2400-542-34.01,
Educational Program
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-2400-542-52.04, Small Tools &
Implement, the sum of $196.00,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #00J-2400-542-34.01,
Educational Program
Transfer from Public Defenders,
Item #001-0604-516-43.00, Utilities,
the sum of $750.00,
Into Public Defenders,
Item #001-0604-516-46.01,
Maintenance of Building
Transfer from E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1410-542-45.00, Insurance &
Bonds, the sum of $547.00,
Into E.M.S. Coordinator,
Item #001-1410-542-46.02,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Community Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual
Services, the sum of $7,500.00,
Into Recreation,
Item #001-0930-572-34.00,
Harris Park Recreation Program
Trans fer from Communi ty Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual
Services, the sum of $500.00,
Into Recreation,
Item #001-0932-572-34.00,
Key Latgo Elementary
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Transfer from Community Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual
Services, the sum of $1,200.00,
Into Recreation,
Item #001-0933-572-34.00,
Girls Baseball
Transfer from Community Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual
Services, the sum of $500.00,
Into Recreation,
Item #001-0935-572-34.00,
Swit1ik School
Transfer from Community Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-40.00, Travel,
the sum of $882.00,
Into Community Care Elderly,
Item #001-1815-564-25.00,
Unemployment Compensation
Transfer from Nutrition C-I,
Item #001-1832-564-49.00, Miscellaneous
Supplies & Expenses, the sum of $225.37,
Into Nutrition C-I,
Item #001-1832-564-45.00,
Insurance & Bonds
Transfer from Nutrition C-II,
Item #001-1833-564-49.00, Miscellaneous
Supplies & Expenses, the sum of $38.18,
Into nutrition C-II,
Item #001-1833-564-45.00,
Insurance Bonds
Transfer from Big Pine AARP,
Item #001-1904-564-64.00, Capital Outlay,
the sum of $7,000.00,
Into Big Pine Senior Citizens Center,
Item #001-1834-564-62.00,
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $1,075.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.34,
Spoonbill Road Key Largo
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,000.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.35,
Albury Blvd Tavernier
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,000.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.36,
Orange Drive Key Largo
T~ansfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $4,500.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.37,
Lake Shore Drive Key Largo
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,000.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.38,
Lauderdale Drive Key Largo
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,000.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.39,
Pirates Drive Key Largo
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $7,340.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.40, 170th & Aviation
Blvd 98th, 84th, 83rd and 82nd
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $82.14,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #]02-944-541-63.01,
Frort Street
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,512.29,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.12,
Orchid Lane
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $266.66,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.05,
Geiger Key
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $591.49,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.09,
Ave. A Big Pine
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $1,148.75,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.15,
Marigold Road
Transfe~ from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541 63.00, Construction,
tre sun of $1,242.19,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541'63.11,
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Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,500.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.28,
1st Street - Key Largo
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $1,050.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.29,
Beach Road
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,300.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.30,
Buttonwood Drive
Transfer from Sth & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,100.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.31,
North Lake Drive
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $2,300.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.32,
West Indies
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $5,754.24,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.41,
Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction,
the sum of $4,355.00,
Into 5th & 6th Cent,
Item #102-944-541-63.33,
Sunset Road Plantation Key
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-970-534-34.00, Contractual Service,
the sum 0" $20,000.00,
~nto Cudjoe .i,fY V.R.P ,
Item #104-973-534-34.00,
Contractual Service
Transfer from Administration,
Item #}04-970-534-34.00, Contractual Service,
the sum of $20,000.00, Long Key V.R.P.,
Item #104-974-534-34.00,
Contractual Service
Transfer from Administration,
Item #lC4-970-534-34.00, Contractual Service,
the S~lT!1 o~ $20,000.00,
Into Key IJargo V.R. P.,
Ite~ #lOA-975-S34-34.00,
Contractual Service
Transfer from Plant Operation,
Item #104-972-534-40.00, Travel
the sum $600.00
Into Plant Operation,
Item #104-972-534-24.00,
Workmens Compensation
Transfer from Long Key V.R.P.,
Item #104-974-534-52.02, Materials,
the sum $1,000.00,
Into Long Key V.R.P.,
Item #104-974-534-46.01,
Maintenance of Building
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $5,000.00,
Into Key Largo V.R.P.,
Item #104-975-534-46.02,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $9,000.00,
Into Plant Operation,
Item #104-972-534-64.00,
Capital Equipment
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $5,000.00,
Into Cudjoe Key V.R. P.,
Item #104-973-534-46.03,
Maintenance of Equipment (Incinerators)
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000 584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $5,000,
Into Long Key V.R.P.,
Item #104-974-534-46.03,
Maintenance of Equipment (Incinerators)
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $5,000.00,
Into Key Largo V.R.P.,
Item #104-975-534-46.03,
Maintenance of Equipment (Incinerators)
Transfer from Administration,
Item #104-0000-584-0000, Contingency,
the sum of $500.00,
Into Key Largo V.R.P.,
Item #10ft-975-534-41 00,
u,Jmmuni cat ions
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Transfer from Pollution Control,
'Item #104-976-534-34.00, Contractual Service,
the s urn 0 f $ 6 " 0 0 0 . 00 .
Iteci J04-978-534-46.02,
Maintenance of Eauinment
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Transfer from Big Coppit,
Item #701-1430-522-64.00, Capital
Equipment, the sum of $450.00,
Into Big Coppitt,
Item #701-1430-522-64.03,
RFD Capital Outlay Equipment
Out 1 ay
Transfer from Sugar10af Fire Dept.,
Item #708-1431-522-64.00, Capital Outlay,
Equipment, the sum of $600.00,
Into Sugar10af Fire Dept.,
Item #708-1431-522-64.03,
RFD Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Big Pine Fire Dept.,
Item #709-1432-522-64.00, Capital Outlay,
Equipment, the sum of $450.00,
Into Big Pine Fire Dept.,
Item #709-1432-522-64.03,
RFD Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Stock Island Fire Dept.,
Item #807-1439-522-64.00, Capital Outlay,
Equipment, the sum of $450.00,
Into Stock Island Fire Dept.,
Item #807-1439-522-64.03,
RFD Capital Outlay Equipment
Board be and he IS hereby authorized to take the necessary action to
effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth.
Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners
of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1982.
By ~.~?: ~ ~~<~
M~or/Chairman t1 .
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Attest: "it i ki1
~1. ... IALPH., tGmlf,
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