Resolution 152-1982t i ' RESOLUTION. 152 _1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Fla. Dept. of Trans. and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary 94 as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to revise a currently held permit (#,44-23956) to include two areas that have already been filled. Approximately 138 cubic yards of fill have been placed below MHW and 46 cubic yards have been placed landward of MHW. The purpose of this fill is to provide approaches for either side of a.new bridge that will span Vaca Cut. Specifically, fill was placed over the northern limits of the proposed bridge toe of slopes on both the Miami and Key West ends of the bridge. In both areas, filling occurred as a result of -the placement of spoil from the permitted dredging of Vaca Cut. On. the Key West end, the spoil material.was premarily limestone. On the Miani end, fill composition was primarily soft.marl which had been previously placed many years ago during the original construction of the Vaca Cut causeway. No turbidity containment was utilized during the placement of this spoil. Fill slopes are relatively steep, on the order of 1 hori- zontal: 1 vertical or steeper. Bridge construction is currently in process, which at present, involves the excavation of Vaca Cut in the immediate bridge area to a depth of -18'. This excavation has been done only on the north side of the existing bridge in preparation for the construc- tion of the north one-half of the new bridge. When this half is complete, the old bridge will be removed and the south one-half of the new bridge will be erected. Dredging on the south side of th.e existing bridge will proceed after the first half of the new bridge is complete. Excavation of the bridge causeway on the north side of the Miami end should be the next area of work. It:is proposed by the appli- cant that currents will be reduced underneath the new bridge after Vaca Cut is deepened and the causeway on.the Miami end of the bridge is removed. From an historical standpoint, Vaca Cut has undergone many changes having to do with the Overseas Highway. At one time, the Cut was apparently filled from one end to another, however, this solid causeway was, at some point in time, broken through by the extreme head differential that exists between the waters of the Atlantic and Florida Bay. To span this break, which expanded over time, the present bridge was constructed. This bridge is now structurally unsound and in need of repair, thus facilitating the construction of a new bridge. On the Key West end of the existing bridge, excavation of the channel (north side) was accomplished from a fill pad placed into the channel and then removed after excavation. During the excava- tion of the channel on this side, dredge spoil was placed in a large pile which overlapped the existing shoreline. The area filled is somewhat of a backwater area out of the main current, due to its. rq It Resolution Florida Department Page Two of Transportation protection by the land protrusion that is part of the 'existing bridge approach. This backwater area is relatively shallow (-1' to -41), possessing a fine layer of primarily inorganic sedimenta- tion. Very scattered turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) is found here. On the Miani end, excavation of the channel was accomplished from the existing causeway, with spoil placed in a similar manner as on the Key West end. The area filled on this side is also some- what of a backwater area, although currents are expected to come into play here after the existing causeway is removed. The sub- mergent substrate here also consisted of fine sediments supporting turtlegrass. As was the case for the Key West side, the actual shoreline supported no fringe vegetation, but rather displayed a significant amount of erosion due to the fine marl texture of the upland shoreline. Due to this erosion, the sub- mergent marine community is not stabilized near shore. In this area,'green algae (Batophora sp.) was the dominant benthic vegetation. The major impact of concern resulting from the modified placement of fill is the turbidity (both long and short term), erosion and sedimentation resulting from the instability of the newly placed fill. This is a particular concern on the Miami side, where the fill composition if finely textured and the waterward face of the fill may be exposed to strong currents after the causeway excavation is complete. An adverse -impact already realized was the elimination of -1000 square feet of baybottom. This loss should be offset over the long term by the creation of new bay bottom where the exsiting causeway is to be removed. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, thia 17th day of May a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) 'ftt ris Attest , 19 82 at BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO COUNTY, FI&$ID L & —to d-i6tIll, By APPROVED AS TO FORM AND AEGAL SUFFICIENCY. Z'& _& - - BY 1 Att~s GNIa BOARD OF rOUNTY COMMIM S Wilhelmina Hervey, District 1 -- ' Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 l MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 : `<ti k" Ken Sorensen, District 5 ±- 0UNTY 01, iONROF Z KEY WEST,RIDA 33040 (305) 294 4641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key ;Vest, Florida 33040 WOF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning P.o. sox .Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida e 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution(Florida Dept. of Transportation) Revised plan for dredging and excavation of Vaca Cut Channel. 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date 5- �- Yc-�-- i 12172;1 e h D E P A R T M E N T A Li CORRESPONDENCE DATE: Ap AiZ 30 1992 SUBJECT: aepaAtment o� TAant poAtation: Rev.i�sed Ptan 6oA Dredging and Excavation o TO: Atan LezzteA, DiiLectm DEPT: Bu,adi.ng, Ptanni.ng and Zoning FROM: MaAk Robetrtson, Envi)Lon. B.iotm DEPT: Building, Ptanning and Zoning LEGAL: Section 5, Tot sh i.p GGS, Range 32E, Vaca Key Cut, Vaca Key INTROIDUCTION: Th is appti.cation ins to be Aev.iewed by the County Commi's s ion .in accoAdanee with ChapteA 19-111(a)(5). DISCUSSION: The applicant ptopozu to mbdigy the constnucti.on ptan/s 4oA the new Oveueas Highway BAri.dge at Vaca Cut. The modi4.ication entaitz the ptaeement o4 138 cubic yan.d,5 ;o 6 4 P 2 wa teAwatcd o4 MHW and 46 cubic yohds tandwoAd o4 MHU at the toe o4 the btri.dge embankment 6tope. Attachment 1 i6 the Aevized appt cation :�otim and z to ptans . The pAo poz ed wo tk i,6 atneady ,in ptogAezz . The D.E.R. B.ioAepnt, Attachment 2, di,5cu/s/sez the potentiat envLion mentat .impacts o6 th is pAo j ec�t. a, The miginaf ptav5 weAe appAvved as County CommizIsl.on Rezotuti.on 022-1981, Attachment 3. RIA 1 I IATT (W A potenti.a2 conceAn 41'Lom thZ5 p)Lo jest is tuAbid ty and eAos ion 4Aom the ptacement of un6tab,isized 4.i(t. The attached-D.E.R. Bimepmt di6cus/ses this pozz b,i 2ity in gAeateA detait. RECOMMENDATION: AppAovat The appticant 5houd be encou/,Laged to addAe/ss the Aecommendationz .in the D.E.R. B.iokepmt eon_ceAn,ing zitab-i.Lization o6 the 6.i e ptaeed at the toe o6 the stope. READ: OB EN PI.1`, — G BUILDI`.G & ZONIiIG DEPARTMENT PERTMIT ^�I (fir PERMIT F01 R ENC't`:'ATION, THE DEPOSIT OF N0. COL3�iTY I ; %''` FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ` WATERS OR VTETLANDS OF MOINROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Florida Dept. of Transportation April 12, 198 • Miami Regional Service Center Resolution No. ') Phone number 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue - Suite 590 Miami, Florida 33128 377-5360 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Not available until awarding of contract. L 5) Legal description of property: Section Key paw Koji Subdivision j I Township 66S Lot Block Range 32E Street, road or mile marker Bridge Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited c.y. c.y. 138 c.y. 46 e.y. waterward landward waterward landward RU-1 to n9:h4'hVv��t bf le�A t ing Vaca Cut Bz*d�e" �b-2 anR''h�"--3 to 'the ZONING: southwest; RU-1 to the northeast and RU-3 to the southeast PURPOSE: Cost or Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CWMISSIOiERS OF M(X ROE COUNTY, FLORID .. Biologist Com.,-r.ents - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval. The applicant should be encouraged to address the recommendations in the D.E.R. Bio-report concerning stabilization of the fill placed at the toe of the slope. Conv in File Date n7� Pop Era;ir iTur '.•tl'•.TrP(J ir,ii): ()Fty owners name & ma i i i ng ad.,r u' s ._ ' j JI r.c "- - -- i or l:ep;: trre;, -;Js? Oni, Florida Department of Transportation,! tiove!r Lcr ;, 1900 _ ' Mi arni Regional Service CenterT --- - 401 N. W. 2nd Avenue - Suite 59(1 'Miami, Florida 33128 Contractor or ag'nt' s n, tne, ma 1 I I I.rJ ,1r1:ii'', ; r, lJi ;;(:': :I'•Lr•r Not available until awardin,l of ccintract. !Jil i l r.' It a', scion as known. egaI description of property: VaC;i 1 Ll !'r i i�l5di :' i :irJr S e i, t i o n 5 -- - --- ------ --lilocl•, T---- --- - - - -- --- ownship, 66 S - +- road or, Ini i�. n!,iri:r_r', (irilar!L! `Range, 32 E — _-- — - _-- (if acreage) t;�escr.ibe the proposed ac�ivi�.;', met.;a s-�1` cor;;%r-:;:t1r,n r111o'-nt (';f rratcrial—�, in — cubic -. - — - yards), to be excavated or disch1irged. To replace one bridge and construst a ne,,v bridoe, both approximately 41 feet. The proposed., project will involve the elirlirlat.ion of channel construction by `dredging 13028 c.y. and excavating 15195 c.y. This action will reduce the velocity of..water at the cut, thus providing safer navicl;tion under bridges. Mevised 4-8-3?_L. dr2dgedle xca\a,(d volu(;,e of material: (1.47ac)-- 13�c Y 1E-9-5 Y 1 aF3_c . y. water�•rard landward It•rrrt(--,rward Iana r d of i1.1- & zip code o.1.1_of h1 N.!!. _ of 1.'!. J. u` M.N.!r1 7 Name, address f adjoining propr.�•r., ovrn� r ;rh �e pT'Operry:1Front, crater ,ray. (1) John W: Armsby ,(3} E!r;,::a M. Thom son,et al Trustee 2575 Peachtree, N.E. Apt. 12-C i 'ill Van Phister Street Atlanta, Georgia 30305 !ov !'Jest, Florida 32040 (2) Bruno Manno, et ux '- - -(i; ;pick J. Aldacosta, et ux ------ 308 South Street Vaca Cut Bridge Ri then Scor_es�-.1 '. This completed application form tvi11 h�._�c_ c �r,�l i by th_ foilcr:rtng, or rt ,vii ?lOT be pruc es;'"' a) Two (2) sets of drawin,s, on �', � 11 11;1^.':', (i:?'.... :oc:lt ior" , plr't T:l:rn, 'top Vinr. and cross section of proposal., drawn to scai . ` b) 'lppl i cation processing fee as fo l l ows : $25.00 for dredge, fill, clock-, OR arrN' structur... r,i,unt)r:n;,ttrra, t;a:2r hod ic,,. $10.00 for vcriical seawalls o:. S25.00 for any combination of the al;ove acriviti(: i)c•T- si.tc. Application is hereby made for a per•rnito autirc,r-i7 the activities described herein. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this app]ication, and to .the best of my knowledge & belief such information is true, complete u accurate. I further certify that I possess the authority to undert-ike the proposed activities. All provisions of laws and ordinances govc:rnira this t.yiw of viork will be complied with, whether specified herein or not. ' The granting ')f a permit .dory not pr•escr:~e to give authority to violate or cancel the provi Jon of any county, state or f�d�_ra1 la.r regulating construction or performanc:c of con,:t1";Ictioil of earl; type rJf facility. _ -_- Sirin,tturcr of afrPlicartr•%�r'nt -- [late cr Department Use Only -----_..__ -- -- -- rson accepting application Fee u rr» eipt Cost of permit App rovt_J by ,r^,s s i s to n'. Di rector Estimated cost of construction _ i°r:'. I _ •r rii;;S r i Typ.•Silt Barrier rA o 50 M TOE Fi/ l _ / _� ::� 2 SCALE (Ff.) 3'OMin. SLOPE �, , l O _I � / � y o 41 f-4 I1-1 V V V .A Exca ofi on t V V V /Below M.H.1�1. S.B. Hridge , V 1,V V Temporary Sheet Fling N.B. Bridge% *Y r d V ' V V M.H.W j v`JV V V �/ �TGE Q EL-13 V V a 0-Ezcevation �§ Below M.H.W. Excavation 0 I � !:a Landward 0 I 235' r°' from M.H.W. PL.. A N lit — O CHANNEL EXCAVATION 0 Constr 20 S.g tG �[bt.HW. 40.05 - 0 -40 SECTION A -A SECTION 0-3' �Z-/� EARTH FILL EARTH FILL= 136 CU.Yd. BELOW M H W EARTH FILL= 46 CU.Yd. ABOVE MHW CUCCT RA n SHEET NO.' 5 REV. 4/8/82 Cyclopson Stone a Slurry -Slope 2:1 EL. + 3.0' 'Slope Protection' SECTION THRU FORWARD SLOPE OF PROPOSED BRIDGE Limits of Proposed Slope Protection Edge of I Edge of Shoulder Si&wfalk rS!oq,e 2:I Cyclopear 1 Stone 8 Slur­).�` This slops to match EL. + 3.0 ± Roadway Fill Sicpe. ' — cA 2C 10 SECTION THMJ SIDE SLOPES - 0 RiPRAP DETAILS ' D FESRUARY liQQQ ( ! Driva ionipprc-y Shaet pi'ieiq along north side at east end 4@ eaisf;rg bridge cnd rocdwcy 0T)Prov:% 2, nra cN .nnPI ®rs Bay side of &Am 3 ilg roedway 3. Come. ruct r v4 s . Bri6cj*G and roo6way 4. Remore cliz.1L1-9 ervd roadway and complete ctra�-�+ ezcouc{icn [� EDERKL AID PARTICIPATING PR„POSED CHANNEL EXCAVATION t UD CONSTRUCTION OF S.R.S OVER VACA CUT P .e. no. 646C)BG OEPAP. TMENT OF i 1 /EXCAVAi ION/ I PHASE 1ii i EXISTING ' UPLAN6 i FILL TE ,P- SHEETIN EXCAVATION NLASE I \ - 235' — PROPOSED CHANNEL 1-40'— °'G, EXISTING CHANNEL (DREDv_) _ EX;:�1`JA Nd T P'rIASE IV EXISTM BRIDGE E HCAVA PHASE .PROTECT BERM 5' `Ft9 H4� L!I'�Ei ION (DR7(D E EXISTING TOP OF BANK de (DREDGVI ' EX&T I PHASE IV -1- PHASE I EXISTING UPLAND FILL t c DGE) NiH,1` EhC4VATI0N LINE LIMITS I EXISTI�<G TOP OF BANK I EAKT1i EXCAVA-i-IM LIMITS EXCAVATION L:•,NdD�'�ARD ETION (DREDGE) X(;ATi PHASE 11 a IV EXCAVATION f --�� PHASE I a III PP,t�TEC T ! Ve EEI?M5 M H W t o.►_"j \L, 3=0iL'Q TMM OF- ISB� CF CHANT'11I i EXISTING - IG.O ... _ EXCAVATIM4 v SHEET 5A REV. 4/8/82 � p,� FPi3RUARV 19SG FEDERAL AID PARTICIPATI�aI PROPOSED CHANNEL EXCAVATION AND CONS I RU*GTION ON S.R.5 OVER VACA CUT B.I. M10- 616 86 FLGRIDA DENIYART11-JENT OF Yn R•f�[� 1 � .per ....�_.r R{'AT1C-MJ.. ._ PER11IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL i File No.; 44-23956 County:,'; Monroe Applicant Name: Florida Department of Transportation Date: 4-12-82 Address: 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 590, Miami, FL 33128 Agent (if applicable): Dr. John C. Goodknight Address: 401 N.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 590, Miami, FL 33128 Location of pi-bject: Section(s) 5 Township 66S Range 32E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Marathon Shores Water Body: Vaca Cut Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: ----- Outstanding Florida Waters: --'-- On site inspection by: John A. Meyer OAte of Inspection: 8-26-80 Original Application: Yes No X Revised Application: Yes XNo_ Date: 4-8-82 Date of 2nd Insp. 3-22-82 Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the .submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project.. D. Potential impact of project,on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-10(Rev.6/79) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSI'ORTATIUN #44-23956 Monroe County - Marathon Page"Two, A. The applicant proposes to zevise a currently held permit (#44-23956) to include two areas that rave already been filled. Approximately 138 cubic yards of fill have been placed below MHW and 46 cubic yards have been placed landward of MHW. The purpose of this fill is to provide approaches for either side of a ne-w.bridge that will span Vaca Cut. Specifically, fill was placers over the northern limits of the proposed bridge toe of slop�"on both the Miami and Key West ends of the bridge. In both areas, filling occurred as a result of the placement of spoil from the permitted dredging of Vaca Cut. On the Key West end, the spoil material was primarily limestone. On the Miami end, fill composition was primarily soft marl which had been previously placed many years ago during the original construction of the Vaca Cut causeway. No turbidity containment was utilized during the placement of this spoil. Fill slopes are,relatively steep, on the order of 1 hori- zontal: 1 vertical or steeper. B. Bridge construction is currently in process, which, at present, +� involves the excavation of Vaca Cut in the immediate bridge area to a depth of -18'. This excavation has been done only on the north side of the existing bridge in preparation for the construc- tion of the north one-half of the new bridge. When this half is complete, the old bridge will be removed and the south one-half of the new bridge will be erected. Dredging on the south side of the existing bridge will proceed after the first half of the new bridge is complete. Excavation of the bridge causeway on the north side of the :Miami end should be'the next area of work. It is proposed by the appli- cant that currents will be reduced underneath the new bridge after Vaca Cut is deepened and the causeway on the Miami end of the bridge is removed. From an historical standpoint, Vaca Cut has undergone many changes having to do with the Overseas Highway. At one time, the Cut was apparently filled from one end to another, however, this solid causeway was, at some point in time, broken through by the extreme head differential that exists between the waters of the Atlantic and Florida Bay. To span this _break, which expanded over time, t`.e present bridge was constructed. This bridge is now structurally unsound and in need of repair, thus facilitating the construction of a new bridge. 'Q'V • %"F',1L : �.' "• •���„m.m�r.•iae•sw,grictw. �S a!r�:zQ 7ItRPJ�4.[�4.aFkLtTes,.^S+a'a'*r.s:Mtua4a:tr,s.�.: nnaaw.aswr..em�yaTe•2s+n•..-sv.sa:crTJT^=t!'HTT�l:-'P'C/�q�.t$O:.gV.:3^Jt4T.snlAYA..Q+.9'BD�.�T�xV i FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION #44-23956 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three C. On the Key West end of tha existing bridge, excavation of the channel (north side) was accomplished from a fill pad placed into the channel and then removed after excavation. During the excavation of the channel on this side, dredge spoil was placed in a large pile which overlapped the existing shoreline. The area fled is somewhat of a backwater area out of the main current, -due to its protection by the land protrusion that is part�#vf the existing bridge approach. This backwater area is relaCrIvely shallow (-1' to -4'), possessing a fine layer of primarily inorganic sedimentation. Very scattered turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) is found here. - On the Miami end, excavation of the channel was accomplished from the existing causeway, with spoil placed in a similar man- ner as on the Key West end. The area filled on this side is also somewhat of a backwater area, although currents are ex- pected to come into play here after the existing causeway is removed. The submergent substrate here also consisted of fine sediments supporting turtlegrass. As was the case for the Key West side, the actual shoreline supported no fringe vegetation, but rather displayed a significant amount of erosion due to the fine marl texture of the upland shoreline. Due to this erosion, the submergent marine community is not stabilized near shore. In this area, green algae (Batophora sp.) was the dominant benthic vegetation. D. The major impact of concern resulting from the modified placement of fill is the turbidity (both long and short term), erosion and sedimentation resulting from the instability of the newly placed fill. This is a particular concern on the Miami side, where the fill composition is finely textured and the waterward face of the fill may be exposed to strong currents after the causeway excavation is:complete. An adverse impact already realized was the elimination of +1000 square feet of baybottom. This loss should be offset over the long term by the creation of new bay bottom where the existing causeway is to be removed. JOH A. ME ER, EN . SPEC. II DATE: Apr/1 26, 1982 {/f READ: jj oZ 7 Z �j rya c h try, en t a2.. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION #44-23956 Monroe County - Marathon I Page Four E. It is recommended that the applicant address the stabilization of the newly created fill toe of slope. This stabilization should be done through the placement of riprap or rock rubble armor at the toe of slope.' This stabilization should be accomplished as soon as possible, with silt screens employed in the,, interim . 9. f7 e- 41sw c41` 3 r M0rM R0E-= Ct3WAJTY s PL1\^dING, BUILDING & ZONING DEPART PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR WETLY"NDS OF MONROE COUNTY 1) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPART' --ENT USE ONLY Florida Dept. -of Transportation Resolution No. Miami Regional Service Center 3) Phone number 401 N.W. 2nd Ave., Suite 590 Date: Miami, F1 33128 (305) 377-5360 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Not available until awarding of contract. Will provide as soon as known. 5) Legal description of property: Section 5 Township 66 S Range 32 E Key Vaca Cut Key Subdivision Lot Block Street, road or mile marker Bridge PERMIT NO. Volume of material: dredged/e.xcavated filled deposi=ed Cost of Permit 13028 c.y. 15195 c.y. C.Y. C.Y. waterward landward waterward waterward of M.H.W. of 11.11.1q. of M.H.W. of Estia:ated cost of Construction ZONING -.RU-1 to northwest of existing Vaca Cut Bridge; BU-2 and RU-3 to the southwest; RU-1 to the northeast and RU-3 to the southeast. PURPOSE - Dredging to provide navigational safety. Approved by _ e Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY CO`I-MISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: "Approval" Cony in File Build in- Ott icia Date �i�n�yturc r,�- d�>> 1canL ar et bate [+_or Department Use Only1