Resolution 157-1982 r->- '....... .... .. RESOLUTION NO. 157-1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRl1AN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COt~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR DADE & MONROE COUNTIES/UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/MONROE COUNTY IN-HOME SERVICES. , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida is hereby authorized to execute a ",. Contract by and between the Area Agency on Aging for Dade & !1onroe Counties/United Way of Dade County, Inc. and the Monroe County .. Board of County Commissioners/Monroe County In-Home Services, a copy of same being attached hereto. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of ~ Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of ~~d iG~d held,pn the 28th day of June, A.D. 1982. (Seal) A ., BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONER~ ~ OF ~1~O"NROE J COUNTY, FLORIDA r By ~LZ, '~..,:'.../-4l1. - 0 r 7 uman : ......... ''t> " L" ... ... Attest: r:F\~ ~~~ 'H ".~~~1Tr ~''C':0~' ilhL. ~'i ,~'~. J Gfi l Lt uLLi'~l 1\~\O'~ ~Y).I~.o,1t , (j Clerk . 1 we,. . ..... APPftOVED.4$ m f{'!.f?r.~'!/ '~. , :~-'<W~ . ~' """~(!.JI""''':'''i''/ c,..., !..t.,; (.'J f '. ....:.~~. . \~ " Atto.tnfif". Offit>> " , . CONTRACT "n~ 5-09 TITLE: CCE G L:\ E ;", ~.\ L F\ E-,'; E:,:C c: CONTR~CT BETWEEN AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR Dl'\DE & MONROE C,OUNTIES/ UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY, INC. AND MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS/ MONROE COUNTY IN-HOME SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into between the AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR DADE AND MONROE COUNTIES/UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY, hereinafter referred to as the "Area Agency," and Monroe County Board of County Commi s i oners , hereinafter referred to as the "PROVIDER." The Parties agree: ~ 1. The Provider Agrees: A. To provide services according to the conditions specified in Attachment 1. B. Federal and State Laws and Regulations '~~,~ " [', To comply with Titles VI and VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964. '". ," c .. ~"".) " 1. 2. To comply with all the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Non -discrimination Against the .,.. " , - 3. Handicapped I as amended (45 CFR, Part 84). It is expressly understood that upon receipt of substantial evidence of any such discrimination, the Area Agency shall have the right to terminate this contract for breach. A f, 'ow ..~ 4. To comply with applicable parts of the Florida Statutes and State regulations promulgated for administration of the Community Care for the Elderly Act, Chapter 410 Florida Statute. 5. To comply with all applicable standards, criteria, and guidelines of the Aging/Adult Services Progrom, and any other applicable guidelines or criteria established by the Deportment of Health and Rehubilitative Services, State of Florida. '. " .'- ."\~dits ar;,~ ~CCC~~::3 1, To m.1in tJin books, records and documcn ts in JccordJncc wi rh accounting procedures und practices which sufficiently and properly reflect u1l expenditures of funds provided by the Area Agency under this contruct. 2. To assure that these records shall be subject at all times to inspection, review, or audit by Area Agency and Department of Health and RehJbilitative Services, State of Florida, personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the Department, as well as by Federal personnel. 3. To maintain and file with the Area Agency such progress, fiscal, inventory and other reports as the Area Agency may require within the period of this contract. 4. To include these aforementioned audit and recordkeeping requirements in all approved subcontracts and assignments. D. Reten tion of Records 1. To retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to this contract for a period of three (3) years after termination of this contract, or if an audit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of three (3) years, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. 2. Persons duly authorized by the Area Agency shall have full access to, and the right to examine any of said materials during said period. E. Moni toring 1. To provide periodic progress reports, 'including data reporting requirements requested by the Area Agency and/or State and Federal agencies. These reports will be used for monitoring progress or performance to determine conformity wi th in tended program purposes. 2. To provide access to, or to furnish whatever information is necessary to effect this monitoring. 3. To permit the Area Agency to monitor the aforementioned services program operated by the Provider or subcontractor -..)- I accorci....;q to aprliC','lbl!~ requlJtions of the St-1te ~lovernmcnt. 511id monitonng \\'tll include access to ail client records. F. IndemnifiCiltion The Provider sholl be lii.lble, and ugrees to be liJble for, and shilll indemnify, defend, .:md hold the Area Agency harmless from all claims, suits, judgements or dumages, including court costs and attorneys fees, arising out of the Provider's negligent ucts or in the course of the operation of this contruct. G. Insurance The responsibility for providing adequa te liability insurance coverage on a comprehensive basis shall be that of the Provider and shall be provided at all times during the existence of this contract. Upon the execution of this contract, the Provider shall furnish the Area Agency with written verification of the existence of such insurance coverage. H. Safeguarding Information The Provider shall not use or disclose any information concerning a recipient of services under this contract for any purpose not in conformity with the Federal and State Regulations except on written consent of the recipient, or his responsible parent or guardian when authorized by law. I. Client Information The Provider shall submit to the Area Agency management and program data, including client identifiable data, as deemed essential by the Area Agency for inclusion in the HRS Client Information System. J. Assignments of Contracts The Provider shall not assign the responsibility of this contract to another party without prior written approval of the Area Agency. K. Financial Reports To provide periodic financial reports to the Area Agency as specified in Community Care Financial Management guidelines. A final expenditure report will be made to the Area Agency within thirty (30) duys after the termination of this contract. c::....:~,-:~:-:~~.:::..:: The Provider shJll not enter into subcontrJcts for Jnj' of the work contcmp!.Jted under this contrLlct without obtaining prior written approval of the Area Agency. All subcontructs shull be subject to such conditions of this contruct und to uny conditions of approvi11 that the Area Agency shall deem necessary. The Provider will be responsible for the performance of any subcontractor. M. Return of Funds Any funds paid by the Area Agency and not expended for the contracted services shall be considered Area Agency funds, and shall be returned to the Area Agency. Such funds expended in violation of this contract shall be refunded in full to the Area , Agency, or if this contract is still in force, shall be withheld by the Area Agency from any subsequent payment request. N. Service Reports To furnish the Area Agency with a service report on the effectiveness of the program and include statistics and data on the number of persons served and such other reports and information that the Area Agency may require. Said reports shall be made as requested from the effective date of this contract and in a format provided by the Area Agency. II. The Area Agency Agrees: To pay for contracted services according to the conditions of Attachment I in an amount not to exceed $207,141.00. III. The Provider and Area Agency Mutually Agree: A. Effective Date 1. This contract shall begin on July 1, 1982 or any later date on - which the contract has been signed by both parties. 2. This contract shall end on June 30, 1983. B. Termination 1. Termination Because of Lack of Funds In the event funds to finance this contract become unavailable, the Area Agency may terminate the contract upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice in writing to the Provider. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of :-:--'~>:':~'.~ ~J..:.."~ :\:-I""J .....r;r:;:c:: s~~1! b.; t~!-:~ ~::::! ,;~~t~8:"ir../ .;5 "0 the JV,lILlbilit'/ o~ fll::ds, ') ~. TerminJ lion for 8reJch Unless the Provider's breach IS excused, the Area Agcncy mJY, by wri tten noticc of hrcach to thc Provider, terminu te thc contr<lct. Termin.1tion shull be upon no less th.1n twenty- four (2<1) hours notice in writing dclivered by certified muil, return receipt rcqucs tcd, or in person with proof of delivery. . Waiver of breach of any provision of this contract shull not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shull not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the con tract. C. Notice and Contact The Contract r.lanager for the Area Agency for this contract is Luis M. Borges. The representative of the Provider responsible for the administration of the program under this contract is George Dol eza 1 In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after execution of this contract, notice of the name and address of the new representative will be rendered in writing to the other party and said notification attached to the originals of this contract. D. Renegotiation or Modification rvrodification of provisions of this contract shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing and duly signed. The parties agree to renegotiate this contract if Federal and/or State revision of any applicable laws or regulations makes changes in this contract necessary. E. Name and Address of Payee Monroe County Finance Department PO Box 1680 Key West, Florida 33040 F. Technical Assisttlnce The Area Agency will provide technical assistance to the provider agencies. ."..1 ,....-..'t'........"I''''""'~~~..-~...........,.t.''''''"............~'''',.,...............,~":......,''''...'i_.".~. __. ',_ ~ -1' ~, -6- G. All Terms an::l Ccnditi():1s Included This contract and ilts attuchments uS referenced (Attachment I, and I Attachment II) contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have caused thi~ 8 page contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly authorized. PROVIDER AREA AGENCY ON AGING FOR DADE & MONROE COUNTIES; UNITED WAY OF DADE COUNTY BY: ~~g'~ BY~C~r TITLE: Mayor/Chai~man TITLE: Oi rector DATE: AAA-10 6/16/80 . t,., .-,,~ ?r - ,,' .;;... DATE: July 1, 1982 Attest: '----,-_.- l~cn~rJi >~._t~.~~.U2 CCi7L~~::l t"J9 l:"jr2 for t;:c E:l~~rl'i ATT;\CII:--IDJT A. Services to be Rendered: 1. The ;Jttached Community Core for the Elderly ^pptication (^ ttachment !l), hereinafter referred to as the "Application," and any revisions thereto approved by the Area Agency, by physical attachment to this contract, is a part of this legal agreement and prescribes the services to be rendered by the Provider. B. Manner of Service Provision: 1. The services will be provided in a manner consistent with and as described in the Apolication (Attachment II). C. Method of Payment: 1. Subject to the availability of funds, the Area Agency shall reimburse the Provider for no more than a total dollar amount of $ 207 ,141*for expenditures made in accordance with an estimated budget attached in the Application. ' The Area Agency shall reimburse the Provider on the basis of monthly invoices, submitted in quintuplet, or other method agreed upon by the parties. 2. Said funds shall consist of $207,141* in State General Revenue which must be matched with cash and/or in-kind of $23p015 contributed by the Providers to be used in the provision of the aforementioned services to those eligible under the standards of eligibility set forth in the Community Care for the Elderly Act. 3. The Provider's contribution will be made in the form of cash and/or in- kind resources equalling at least 10% of the actual cost. The Provider's contribution referred to as local match must be received by the Providers , prior to or simultaneously to the receipt of funds from the Area Agency. The Area Agency shall verify the receipt of local match as directed by the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Service of the State of Florida. 4. The Provider must submit the final invoice for reimbursement to the Area Agency no more than thirty (30) days after the contract ends or is terminated; and if the Provider fails to do so all right to be reimbursed is forfeited, and the Area Agency will not honor any request submitted after the aforesllid agreed-upon period. Any payment due under the terms of this contract mllY be withheld until all evaluation and fintlncial reports due * Maintenance 152,659.46 Expansion 54,481.54 - Total 207,141.00 ... l~~.. ~".4i"""'", "'I,;'~.". ..............~-,*~h!4'.................. "',",,~,""~''''''',,' ~lo't"'-", ,~,~ Ij, .' .'~ ~'" I;', f. . , -8- ' from the Provicier, und neccssClry adjustrr.cnts therct:>. h<1ve been approved by the Area Agency. 5. The Providcf agrees to carry out the distribution of funds as detailed in the Budget Summary contained in the Application (Attachment II). D. Non - Expendable Property: ' 1. Non -expendable property is property which costs $100.00 or more per unit and whose life is expected to be in e~cess of one year or more. 2. All such property shall be listed on the property record by description, manufacturer's model number, serial number, date of acquisition and unit cost. Such property shall be inventoried annually, and an inventory report shall be submitted to the Area Agency annually with updates as property is obtained. Disposition of non-expendable property shall be in conformance with 45 eFR, Part 74.139 (a) and (b). 3. At no time shall the Provider dispose qf non-expendable property except with the permission of and in accordance with instructions by the Area Agency. 4. Upon termination of this contract, the said property shall be disposed of in a manner consistent with both Federal and State regulations. E. Financial Management Guidelines: 1. The Provider will follow requirements and guidelines set forth in HRSM 55-1 except when otherwise specified by the Area Agency. F. CONDITION OF AWARD 1. Acceptable grant application approved by Program and Fiscal. ~ V11 ~ i~ AAA-lOa 6/16/80 '------,-,