Resolution 158-1982 t;j. RESOLUTION NO. 158 -1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CI{AI~1AN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES AND THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY Cffi1- MISSIONERS CONCERNING THE MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES TRANSPORTATION PROGRA}f (DONOR AGREEMENT - $33,849.09). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COlft1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commis- sioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Contract by and between the State of Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, a copy of same being attached hereto, concerning the Monroe County Social Services Tranposrtation Program (Donor Agree- ment - $33,894.09). Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28th day of June, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY CO~frfISSIONERS OF lWN OE COUNTY, FLORIDA -. :.;:-......~..4'" ... By (Seal) At te s t : RALPH VI. V/UITE" CLERK 1.0 ~^i~ lY\. 2 ~ J ,\>.t . Clerk APPROVED A$ TO FORM ysvmc.~ BY~~ '2 -~,,, . -- 'i d 1 / II 1 H:Jll.ll,' lj"tJll1( ('<m'j'J{f'.CT Jl ;'nn:LIJ ~.iTi\'l'E OF i.',UIU Ui\ DEP,:~RnI,I~UT OF '1{:,\ LTH l\iJU ',:11 Tl1n 1.1 Tl\TI VE ~;EHVI CES ANl..; -1:l~.~_ C01].l2!,y B'oal"d of COlln.i.:L-9.Ql@1issione~ THIS COt.JTlv'\CT i:;; crltercd into bct\veen the State of Florida, DcparUr_cn t of HeaJth and Rehaq IIi ta ti..J'e Services, hereinafter reierred to as the nDepartmcnt', andI1onY'nA, r.ollnty Soci.::l.l Sorvicco T~ns..2Q.:rtB;}J-on t)roRr.stm. , herei!lafter referred to as the "Donor". The Pa~ties agree; I," '1.'1;.e ~onor .;g::ees: 'P.~ Dona tion Donor sba2.1 contribut.~ to ~e Depart.'11ent the sum of $ }l/A in cash' a,~d shall certify p';1bli,c expendi tures ~ /, in the sun of $~~4.2Q9. foJ::' a total of $ '), )((~Lr-9n9-- for , , the purpose of obtain Lng State funds in the amount of ~ .16 > 7()}i. ~ and Feder 11 funes in the amount of $ l.l..25.2...&.6 fo'" a total of ~ ~'Z o} to be used for the, pr,ovision of ... ,'t ') J, () 19.09 TY';:ln!=;pnY't::Jti nJ;] s~CQc. services to those eligible under the . ,'. , " standarc3 of eligibility of B1C pepartme~t. Donor's contribt~ ::ion sha.ll be made in N/a payments of $ N/'L__' with the first of said paYIT'cnts being made/on N/A and subseqL~en t ?2.yrncr: ts be ing made on N/ A ,~ Donor's certified pulllic ex~enditures ~-;hall be made in , 12 certi:ic~tions of _JL;:;, '2.0'/';, on e~ch mont~y~eimbursement request. J.Cert.i ficu ?~lbl ie i':;~p' nc!iture~ ,':<~rtifiL'd ,~;l~)) ic ,.'X!) :Ilditun.::.; 'Hi L1 not bt~ Il\OI~(~ th<ln the dJl '.'c'd-upoll C:.)LIJ t.:u ltribuliun dU0 undcl' this contrJct. ,,' U,l/0 I/Bl ,- ", I c if !.c.,d.iull:i ~;h,\ 11 be on' the f()llll~; and in the ,. ....4.1 J' JlI11!llll~J: ,ie~i\JndleJ 'hy the DL:pdrlllH.:nt. c. )\"h:Li..n.~~U:~lti.vl~ Control of Fun,d~ S.llU:,.;~J;t only to Ule terms and condi Lions of Lhis ~ l:ont'Jact, a 11 doru:l tcd funds paid to the. Dcpar tmen t her,(..under are dOll.:1 ted in conformance wi th requirements of t!..he Department and sh.:111 be under the administrative co::utrol of the Departmen t. . D. SOllrce of Funds Dcnor guarantees that none of the amoupts donated for In..'l.:tching u;ld ~r t.his contract are Federal funds I or are d~rived from or are in lieu of Federal funds except as t~ Federal monies received from Federal sources a'Jl.thorized by statute Vlhich are acceptable for matching w:Lth Federal funds. J~. DepalLl:ent Ag=ees: . , This donation is for the provision of Transportation Services services to those who meet ~'1e eligibili ty requirements of the IJ.epartmen t, by ~i)()n-r()p r.()l1Y1tJT ,Soci[;ll SGrViCQEw , in Honree G.a..1Jnt.y_ r Florida. JII. Donor and Department Mutually Agree: A. TC'J.:1Uina tion , .' 1. Termination at Will .0 This contract, may be terminated by ei ther party upon no les-.s than thirty (30) days notice, with h .or without ~ause; notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. B. 1. ~is contract shall begin on July I, 1982.. "') ... . ~;"his ., contr.:lc':. 511..:111 end on . June 30, 198:S. ' - :!- . , / t' , f tH/U.l./lll 10 lH ~'/J'J'ld::;~; TI/J~J\/:OF, t.1H~ IJ,lrtJlo:,,; }ll~rl]tu have l' Il"'l'l tl ~ .,~.l . li~; .'. P":i~- ,.'r,.lJ'.l~l:. La !)~ c;;c:cuLL:J by tllLd,r ulldcJ:~...iqnl..!d u[f.icilll~; . . il.', i d \l ~ .f' ~\\l~. ',I cn: i ~~ c.J . .. .: . .1 '. S'l'NJ'E Or' FLOHr Dl\ DEP ]~HTI-1EIJT 01:- I! Etd~'l'lI .AN D , ' HElll\Dl LX 'l'.'\TIVE SEHVI CES . , / (- / BY: /,/), )t / , , -, ~1~lE: George E. Dole al, Mayor ...--...- ~,.._-- (I 'fI TLE : ,j)/5 r/2 /d-" T ,A j) 1-I/.(Ij.5 -r/Z /'I ro/c . D~'llE: '((' /3oJe:r' '___ . . 1)j".1..... June 28 198? . ~ ~ J.'h~~ ,'.. ,.~~"......,,: r."~.;'T;)l ' .. ,. I~t I ~t ~""'_' .).....\i.. . . ATTE ST: ~^ ~ U.. n \ N,.Aq-/ t1 \- 1- AAtJ....w : rj. ~ . ~l~,k.X,' , , ,\) \J .'-...~'/ ' ' , / " L/1 ~~~~~M~-~'..._.. CON 'mAC'l' .NAl.jA(;j~J~. t; UA1"r~: ~. . ~cy:,y ~-_._.. r~ ' , '---U.) '- ~ ~. \:.:c" ~ . -_....._----_.........-__.-----_._-~-' " C ON TJ~i-i.C '1' AlJ1-1 III J':': Tl-U. 'J' ~;S:. . . . . " DJ~TC ~ ' ,-, 't')' G l<'J j. , ' --.--:;_.._~~_ :2._. ...--~.----..-".....:_..-~--.- ... .. - ' # , , " .....---- - - " , ,- ~' ~. .'.. .-.,., . . . . ' ..i ~ : ~ " -:". \ .. t. 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