Resolution 167-1982 ~. ---.... ..,.# RESOLUTION NO. 167 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from RONALD V. FEINBERG and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to place fill to provide two housepads, each measuring 50' x 50' x 4' and to straighten and stabilize an open shoreline. Deposition of fill for of fill, all above MHW. single family dwellings. the housepads would involve +740 cubic yards These fill pads would be utilized for Shoreline fill would involve approximately 120 cubic yards of rip- rap and backfill, of which approximately 110 would be waterward of MHW. The line of riprap to be placed would be eight feet wide. Fill placed behind theriprap would average 10 feet in width, ex- tending as far back as 20 feet. The proposed shoreline would connect seawalls to either side of the applicant's property. The applicant's property borders the open water of Pine Channel to the east and extends inland for approximately 250 feet. The property is approximately 60 feet wide, sandwiched between a county road (Kingston Lane) and a filled/developed property. This property is primarily of a transitional wetland nature, although it is likely that its original character was that of submergent mangrove wetland. At some point in time, possibly during the exca- vation of canals, channels or road construction, this property was partially filled, bringing it up to an elevation of somewhere around +1' MSL. The shoreline here has apparently never stabilized and displays some erosion. A concrete seawall has been constructed to the north about 20' waterward of the applicant's shoreline. This seawall abuts a - deep offshore channel, as would the applicant's shoreline if filled as proposed. The adjacent lot to the south is essentially lacking any type of shoreline revetment, although a short groin-like cement structure protrudes waterward along the northern corner of this lot. .' The applicant's property has been essentially cleared of all signif- icant vegetation. Lot 1 appears to have been partially filled in recent years, although this lot is outside of Departmental jusris- diction. Lot 4 displays a variety of wetland vegetation, the dominant growth of which is transitional in nature. Thie vegetation includes salt- wort (Sesuvium portulacastrum), sea blite (Sueda linearis), sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), salt grass (Distichilis spicata), buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta) , key grass (Monanthochloe littoralis), and scattered black and white mangroves (Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa, respectively). Evidence of standing water Resolution Ronald V. Feinberg Page Two and dried blue green algae was found over this lot. It is expected that this area is unundated on extreme high tides, although tidal connection is blocked somewhat by a higher ridge found immediately inland of open water. This ridge displays low lying transitional wetland ground cover before sloping waterward to the extreme high water line where a relatively large accumulation of detritus has accumulated. This accumulation is due, in great part, to the shore- line discontinuity found here. Some small red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings were found within this wrack. The intertidal area waterward of the wrack line is characterized by unvegetated limerock rubble. The extent of this area ranges from 5' to 20', with the more extensive area found over the north- ern portions of the shoreline. It is likely that this larger inter- tidal area was formed due to a more extensive "wash out" from waves deflected off of the seawall to the north. Said wave deflection would occur during periods of high southeast winds, which are pre- dominant during the summer months. The result of this is a cove formation with an unstabilized substrate. From the approximate MLW line and waterward, a 4'-5' wide strip of seagrass-dominant vegetation occurs. Seagrasses here are comprised of Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testinum. This seagrass ledge drops abruptly to unknown depths at the edge of the offshore channel. Due to the generally high level of residential development in the area, the generally scarified nature of this property and, partic- ularly, the semi-isolated nature of this property's wetlands and its low contribution to water quality, minimal impacts are expected as a result of filling for the housepads. The placement of riprap and backfill along this shoreline will short circuit any long term succession of mangrove fringe vegetation, how- ever, the shoreline will be stabilized while avoiding the filling of any presently established shoreline biota. As proposed, this project would make uniform the bulkhead line in this area. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of June 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR ,DNTY, FLORIDA . ~"'~ , ~ '- 11 ---/I c.. C. I(.j 4--..... " Mayor By (Seal) Attest: RALPH, W. \YH~TE, CLE~K "'1 ~M.,.-"AY) . P ~ [) ,~ . 6 Clerk . AI. lJ La M '" I'OIfM BY~~~A r Anom~. OffiCIt / ~ I Bo..Ll.R.D OF OOUNTY COMl'vti':>':>lv"ERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OK~,~l:~~~,~9E 130512944641 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning p,o, BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Ronald V. Feinburg) 3. Permit (Upland fill and riprap seawall) 4. Application for Permit 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date h - /- j;;J.- ~ ..,l?~ (Cmj1\tI7~...~..~ il' .!!~ ~?_,J\ \~I J r , \ 1. !);;J ~::;t; I) .....,.~ - ~ JUN 7 1982 COUNTY fITTY. 1.,..---' v v V-. L--'" v-- v v .;, C~ By ,.I,) "ff'~~ " ME::,CRA~~DUM TO Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building & Zoning FROM Robert Dennis ilJC) Environmental Biologist ~\ . D^T~ h,~ May 2l,.,~Q~2 SUBJECT Feinberg, R. Upland fill and rip-rap seawall Legal: Township 66 South, Range 29 East, Section 21. Lot 1 and 4, Block 4, Windward Beach Estates, Little Torch. Zoned RU-l Introduction: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. Discussion: The applicant proposes to place approximately 740 cubic yards of fill in a previously distrubed and partially filled wetland~ Half of the fill will be placed on each of the two lots for the purpose of creat- ing two single family residential house pads measuring 50 feet by 50 feet by 4 feet. In addition, 120 cubic yards of rip-rap and backfill will be used to reclaim eroded land and establish a 90 foot seawall along the property abutting Pine Channel. Approximately 110 cubic yards of material will be placed below the MHW line for this purpose. The proposed seawall will align and join with an existing concrete seawall to the north. The attached Department of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional in- formation. Evaluation and Recommendation: Since no long-term, adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project, it is recommended that it be approved. ~"~" .~ J""'~~''''='~ '"""7"'~"""-~' ~ ~ " Mi,1..~,,"<, ;-:,",'" i"1:~=:::'" t,~'~'.{';~" ,I'~.t""''';'..''>:,;, ;,.;'~ ~~~,_'~,':':':"" '-'1' '-.. .......... \' . f'~' \ 'VJ1" I' tf' (,~, i~"~~ ;~:~' I.,~:;-~: t- ~-;, " .f~:'" .~, ti~ L,S ~~~ ti: \~:t'" :~T- ;_:-:--~ '..; ~!~ PL\X?;l.XC, El'ILDEG & ZC;:DIC DEP ART?IE?lT PERl.fIT MClNt=lClE g fRJkr-i; PEr~'!IT FOR EXCAVATImJ, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY '1\ LJ \ ,II! FILL, OR STRL'CT1..:R..'l.L ACTIVEIES r- THE '~ ." .:..\~ ~"........._ L/~;" ~.~ HATERS OR ~-!ETL\?lDS OF l,!O;.JROE COUNTY I 1) Property mmers nane & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPAR'I;-lEl'iT USE m:LY Ronald V. Feinbert Feb. 23, 1982 Post Office Box 81 Resolution No. Summerland Key, Florida 330.42 3) Phone nUY.1ber 745-10.83 Date: 4) Contractor or aoent's name, mailing address & phone number b KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 330.40. 5) Legal description of property: 294-8719 Section 21 l~e:/ Li ttle Torch Su'oJi'.'ision Windward Beach Estates. TOw'Ilship 66S lot 1 and 4 Block 4 Range 29E Street, road or mile marker Kingston Lane Volume of material: dredzed/excavated filled/ c.eposited c.y. watenvard o f ~!. H . H. c.y. 1and,vard of lLH.F. 110. c.y. watenvard of N. H .1;\. 750. c.y. 1and.vard of H.H.H. ZONING: RU -1 PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Estinated COSt of Construction lqproved by Chail<:lan BO,\lZD OF COeXTY Cmc-lISS Im:EES or \IO::c,n;-: CCC::TY, FLORID.\ Biologist Comn:ents - Rcst:-ict:icns or ::;peci!J C,)l;'.:itil,n" i~ any: Since no long-term, adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project, it is recommended that it be approved. Conv in Fi.1~ D1tc Ci.2:'~. '..:. .:.;- (,:<::~:...: i.:1_~ fI.-;'~ ~~J . I PrOpL'l.t:~ Ch11Cr~ ii~":-l~~) ~'. MONRO!:: . , COUNTY . l' F""" ~ ; ~ . '1 . ",: }1 ',j~"" '~~..,-.: !"'r'.f~ \:11'} ~: ',\; I C" 1 ~. "~ ''\ ': . '. ", .. ..,.....~TI\"'.'... i":';>i\CT'~ ("': :--fJ.L't C'j' S':;,Tl(~Il'~'\l. ......,.:-:'.," ~',\.T:l::: ,':-: \fr\....,..,~f\..-:"'.r --.~~'.I.~lr~~; 1\" ';l'F :\:! i 1 i" r~= \.1 \ ~ (: r C':-: ~: ::: '1 f'3 t e "\) r"one III Cf "C l' Ronald V. Feinberg Post Office Box 81 Summerland Key, Florida 33042 February 23, 1982 (305) 745-1083 ~! Contr3ctor or a~cnt' s narne, sailin; :j,idrcss, p)~Gnc (; cc'rt i fiGlt ion number. KeyCo logy, I nc . 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 294-8719 5) legal description of prG';Jerty: Section, 21 Township, 66S Fange, 29E (if acreage) Yey, L ittl e Torch ~uh1i\"ision, Windward Beach Ests. P1 ock, 4 lot, 1 and 4 Zoning, N/A Street, roa~ or mile marker, Kingston Lane 6) Describe the proposec actlvlty, methods of construction r; amount of material (in cuhic yares), to be excavated or discharged. f\escribe purpcse G intendeci use of proj ect. Proposed placement of fill within marginal wetlands for two, 50' X 50' X 4' house pads for single-family dwellings. Placement of rip-rap seawall at or near mean high water, with 60 cubic yards backfill. Purpose is to eliminate debris pocket and to stabilize shoreline to prevent future erosion. Materials delivered to site via truck; fill spread by dozer; rip-rap pl aced by dragl i ne. dredged/excavated fillecljc1eposited volume of material o c.y. waterwClrd of ;f'p.1'.'. o c.y. landward of ~'.H.1". 110 c.y. waterward of ~(.H. w. 750 c.y.' 1 andward of H.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip code of 2~joining 1. Frederic Schumann R., R. 2, Box 851-F Summerland Key, Florida property owners whose property affronts 2. Shawn M. McBratnie 6 Alamanda Terrace 33042 Key West, Florida 33040 water way. - 8 a) list other pennits issued a'1djor applied for, include applicant's name, for His site: NjA b) If application h5s been surmitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and give applic;mt' s name if different from current applicant. NjA 9) list all Federal and State agenCles that- have recelVed appl1cat ~ms tor L0lS pro] ecl. Florida Department or Environmental Regulation Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers ll;is completed applicati on fonn ,vill he accanpcmiec:1 1>1' t}'e following, or it will l':cr be processed. a) 1\vo (2) sets of drawings, on 8!z x 11 paper, shoh'ing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to sC21e. b) Ppplication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fi 11, dcd~s C'P any stnJCtures Dffronting natura] water bcxlies. S30.00 for vertical sea,':alls onman-m,:](1e r01ies of water. $75.00 for emy ccmhination of the a'hove activities per site. .^pplication is here)))' r:1Jde for a pelTlit to aut1'ori::c tr,e 2ctivities described J'ercin. I certify that I am falflili;l1' ,\'ith the inform:!tion cOT'taincc1 iT' this application, and to the rest of my knowledge E, belief such info1TIation is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that J possess the authority to underta~c tIle pro;.osecl activities. JllJ provisions of 1al.;S ano ordinallcC's .Govcrnin~ ths tn)C of ,\'ork ,\'i 1 ] he CO;l;'] ied ,\'it)l ,,;r,etJ'er specified Jlcrein or not. granting of D permit doc~; not prcsunc to gi\"e ::ut):odty to violate or GlI1cel tJ'c provisions of an)' count:', state or feeleral L1'.'; re~lll:itin~: co::strllction or perform:vKc or cOI'..c;truction cf tris type of facility. 11 4"""r_ .,' Ii /~.~(''-- Fee l; // ,T. / . /J. / /~/(FU~ VAL~ X-XX! .XrXXXX1XX~~ fXXxW:lgcnt KeyCo logy, I nc. ~ :;:3-;2 S y receipt ;: February 23, 1982 Pate F(,1' r\i'proved by 1'SS't. T1irector r " rn:~,t ~~)f }'C1":'ljt Estinatcd cost of CCI'strl1ctl(l:: .{, S KeyColo9Y, Inc. 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 TYPICAL SEC.TION A-A N...S, "~/,"M~)t)}~~~,~~ t LI1-^EROc..k.. ~ \Z' P- RAP B,t.LKFILL I?OLJLDEJ<_ SE}>o.WAL.L- So c.,y, loa Co ''I- TYPiCAL SE.CTION B-!3 N.\,S. , EL. ... ,00 E.L, .1.,.10 " 7/- --I 50' ~ L1N'-E.ROCK. FILL PAt> } '~ 'V~ I t----- SCALE.... I I o ;15" "PROPOSE. D 50-')<.. so 1 FILL- P,A.,PS 7S0 c.,y_ "x,.. 'I,\- 'V~ < iN FEE..T I so' ql 7il fTl Z ~ )" <IJ PLAN r y l- rn K/N&5TON LANE. URPOSE: Provide Pads for Si ngl e-' ami ly Dwell i ngs and Erosion Control DATUM Mean Sea Level DJACEN PROPERTY OWNERS: [l f l Y r 1. ederic Schumann 2. awn M. McBratnie IDATE: /23/82 ~PPLICA T: Ronald V. Feinberg -6' ~IP-R.AP SEAWALL '. 50 c.y, ~"""~' ~CHANNE .'.,./ EDbE .' ,.' ........ @ PROPOSED FILL PADS, RIP-RAP SEAWALL AND BACKFILL IN: Windward Beach Estates AT: Little Torch Key COUNTY OF: Monroe STATE OF: Florida SHEET 1 OF 1 ."t' , " ~,~ 4~~~\ /1 "'V'"\ \ 1:; \ ':;;,~- \t;\ :.1 ~_ :,~\~~~~,g) , ' .7i 1// "-.~~rr. '"",,~ ~/ STATE OF FLORIDA 808 GRAHAM GOVERNOR JAC08 D. VARN SECRETARY , .\. . . \ .~ 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE Apri 1 27, 1982 Ronald Feinburg c/o Keycology Inc. 414 Simonton St. Key West, Fla. 33040 Re: Monroe County, File No. 440528815, Fi 11 and Ri p Rap Dear Mr. Feinburg: As we advised you on March 8, 1982 , you= a?plicati.on is Sec~icn 253.124, "'X' st" ""..... mjQ-~/ _ _ .....;...~ . _Q...J. i~ccmplete without local aF?r~val, pu=s~a~~ to Florida Stat~~es, for. filling waterNard of ~~e ordinary high wa~erlin~~ Please sub~~t the enclosed copy of our biological co~ents togetber with your permit application to the Board 0: County Cc~~issioners/City Cou~cil or their aut~crized ?e~i.tting authority. Section 253.l24,-Florida Statutes, states that the county co~issicn/city cOwicil n. .shall have in hand, the (biological) report and findings ~~ereof.n It further states, nT~e report shall be read into the record and duly co~siiered at t~e s~ue meeting at which ~~e board of county cO~uissioners or other authorized body takes final action en t~e application for permit." You will need to obtain a CODV of the ~inutes of the meeti~g or an appro?ri~te ineication-~f the local approval.' This le~~er~_:esolution or c~py ~= t~7 minute~ s~oulc ~e sen~ ~o th~s c==~ce. Ycur,appl~cat~on w~ll remaln ~nccm?~ete \~~t~out valid local a?proval. I= you have a~y questions concer~ing ~~s ?rocedure, ?lease contact us. Si::~e:relv, ~(Z~ JR/ck J. Ra i ch Environmental Specialist :?:::c.:.. c' 51.:.= 2 \ D~~ ?~== :~-:.l22(50) ~r ~--;:,f~n\'n ;~.r:? O \ I C ..':.J..:'",lJ..:~! ' \' ~7f I , " .z:::.-. Y'" i I W ,. .,/, --- #' . . . .. " . . ", " FEINBERG, RONALD 440528815 Monroe County - Little Torch Page Two ~ A. The applicant proposes to place fill to provide two ~ousepads, each measuring 50' x 50' x 4' and to straighten and stabilize an open water shoreline. . . ....... Deposi tion of fill for the housepads w011ld involve +740 cubic', yards of fill, all above MHW,. These '.fill pads woula be utilized for single family dwellings. Shoreline fill would involve approximately. 120 cubic yards of riprap and backfill, of which approximately 110 would be water- ward of MHW. The line of riprap to. be placed would be eight .'- feet wide. Fill placed behind the riprap would average 10 feet in width, extending as far back as 20 feet. The proposed shore- line would connect seawalls to either side of the applicant's property. B. The applicant I s property borders the open wa.ter _ of Pine Channel to the east and extends inland for approximately 250 feet. The property is approximately 60 feet wide, . sandwiched between a county road (Kingston Lane) and a filled/developed property. This property is primarily of a transitional wetland nature, although it is likely that its original character was that of submergent mangrove wetland. ,At some point in time, possibly . during the excavation of canals, channels or road construction, this property was partially filled, . bringing it up to an eleva- tion of somewhere around +1' MSL~ . The shoreline here has apparently never stabilized and displays some erosion. A concrete seawall has been constructed to the north about 20' waterward of the applicant's shoreline. This seawall abuts a deep offshore channel, as would the applicant's shoreline ufilled as proposed.. . The adjacent lot to the south ~sessentially lacking any type of shoreline revetment, although a short groin-like cement structure protrudes waterward along the northern corner of this lot. C. The applicant's property has been essentially cleared of all sig- nificant vegetation. Lot 1 appears to have been partially filled in recent years, although thisT6t i~ outside of Departmental. jurisdiction. Lot 4 displays a variety of wetland vegetation, the dominant grow. of which is transitional in nature. This vegetation includes ~ ' , FEINBERG, RONALD 440528815 Monroe County - Little Torch Page Three sal twort (Sesuvium portulacas tru...'"'71) , sea b Ii te (Sueda linearis), sea daisy (Borrichia ~.), salt grass (Distichilis spicata), buttonwood (Conocarpus erecta), key grass (Monanthochloe littoralis), and scattered black and white mangroves (Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa, respectively). Evidence of standing water and dried blue green algae was found over this lot. It is expected that this area is inundated on extreme high tides, although tidal connection is blocked somewhat by a higher ridge found immediately inland of open water.. 'This ridge displaYf low lying transitional wetland ground~over before sloping water- ward to the extreme high water line where a relatively large accQ~ulation of detritus has accQ~ulated. This accumulation is due, in great part, to the shoreline discontinuity found here. Some small red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) seedlings were found within this wrack. -. - The intertidal area waterward of the wrack line is characterized by unvegetated limerock rubble. The extent of this area ranges from 5' to 20', with the more extensive area found over the northern portions of the shoreline. Itis likely that this large! intertidal area was formed due to a more extensive "wash out" from waves deflected off of the seawall to the north. Said wave deflection would occur during periods of high southeast winds, which are predominant during the summer oonths. The result of this is a cove formation with an unstabilized substrate. From the approximate MLW line and waterward, a 4'-5' wide strip of seagrass-dominant vegetation occurs. -Seagrasses here are comprised of Halodule wrightii and Thalassia testudinum. This seagrass ledge drops abruptly toun~nown depths at the edge of the offshore channel. D. Due to the generally high level of residential development in the area, the generally scarified nature of this property and, par- ticularly, the semi-isolated nature of this property's wetlands and its low contribution to water quality, minimal impacts are expected as a result of filling for the housepads. The Rlacement of riprap and backfill along this shoreline will short circuit any long term succession ot"rnangrove fringeveg-e--u tation, however, the shoreline will be stabilized while avoiding the filling or any presently established shoreline biota. As proposed, this project would make uniform the bulkhead line in this area.