Resolution 168-1982 RESOLUTION NO, 168 - 1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from RICHARD A, SARVER, JR., ~d WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant is proposing the construction of a riprap sea- wall and a dock along an open water residential shoreline. The riprap to be placed consists of 70 cubic yards, including limerock backfill, Of this amount, 50 cubic yards would be placed landward of MEW and 20 cubic yards would be placed waterward, The backfill would tie in with the existing upland lot grade. The rip- rap would extend waterward to the MLW line, The dock would be wooden on pilings and would extend from the waterward extent of the riprap out to the offshore perimeter chan- nel dropoff, The dock would be six feet wide and 30 feet long, connected to shore by a 6' x 6' access walk. Total length of the riprap revetment would be 60' (width of the applicant's lot), The actual width of the riprap would be six feet, The backfill would be covered by a cement slab, Riprap would consist of 1'-2' diameter boulders, with the larger boulders placed to the outside, The project site is located on the southeastern side of Little Torch Key, adjacent to Newfound Harbor Channel (also referred to as Pine Channel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Little Torch Key, Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this channel reach ten feet, with a gradual decrease in depth toward either channel shoreline, Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger Estates subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this erosion is believed to have occurred over a short period of time following dredge and spoil activities when the shoreline was unstable), Consequently, a sub- tidal/intertidal shoreline shelf exists waterward of the erosion line and landward of the peripheral channel, Of this shelf area, the waterward 5-15 feet is permanently submergent, displaying lush seagrasses, algaes, corals and sponges. The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50'-70' wide. Adjacent properties display a variety of seawalls, riprap revetments and docks. Recent shoreline projects here (there have been four or five permits issued in this area for shoreline projects in the last several years) have been limited to the MLW line or landward, The applicant's property is 60' wide, bordered to either side by presently undeveloped lots, The shoreline shelf waterward of the erosion line displays loose limerock rubble, The existing lot elevation landward of the erosion line appears to be on the order of several feet above MSL. Several buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are found along the erosion line, although there is no established fringe. The shoreline shelf here is 20'-30' in width, of which 15'-20' is intertidal on extreme high and low tides, Approximately 5'-10' of this shelf is permanently submerged, with a dominant benthic growth of turtlegrass (Thalassiatestudinum), The intertidal area is essentially void of macrophytic growth, although a large population of gastropods (Cerithidea sp" Batillari sp" and Astraea sp,) utilize the area for grazing purposes, Anticipated impacts from this project are not expected to be adverse in terms of water quality degradation or biological destruction. As proposed, this project will stabilize the shoreline while avoiding established benthic communities, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253,124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 28th day of June , 1982 at a regularly scheduled meeting, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By (Seal) Am~k_ VI,. WHITE" CLERK 1-\'~ IYJ. V~,tL'( C erk APPROVED AS 10 FORM ANDUGAl. StJFF1ClENCY. /J IW !~ ~ T<-riy; AItcmeY'. Office ~ .! BOARQ OF COUNTY COM~.,,~~,~,JERS . Wilhelmina'Harvev, District 1 Cui't Blair, District 2 Mayor Pro,tem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal. District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 (30512944641 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning P,O, BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr, College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 ~~~!)'~~~,~9E Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures L/ 1. County Biologist Report L/ 2. Resolution (Richard A. Sarver, Jr, ) ~ 3. Permit V 4, Application for Permi t (rip-rap and dock) V 5. Site Plan V 6, Location Map V 7, DER Assessment V Date 0 - f-J :l-- By /In. 0 '6J fD'". TI7:fl), :r11?IS,~, ~,., If I: 1;.:J \.: -.., .!J It,: I l! ~ ,,~ " ,JU N 11 1982 COUNTY A rrv. e . TOPS .y' FORM 3397 LITHO ,~I U ::> A ~ -7- 6~'4. DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE D,t>,TE June 4, 1982 Su BJECT Sarver, Jr., R.A.; Fill, rip-rap and dock To Allen Lessler, Dire~ FROM Robert Dennis ) DEP'T Planning, Building & Zoning DEP'T Biologis t Legal: TWSP 66S, RGE 29E, Sect, 33; Jolly Roger Estates, Lot 25, Block 20; ~ Little Torch Key. Zoned RU-l, INTRODUCTION "8 This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a)(5) of the Monroe County Code. Discussion: The applicant proposes the following activities on his property which abuts Pine Channel: 1) Placement of 200 cubic yards of limerock fill on previously filled upland for a house pad. 2) Place 70 cubic yards of rip-rap and limerock fill along the MLW line in order to construct a 60+ ft. seawall; a "slab" will be constructed over the land- ward edge of the rip-rap, 3) A wooden dock, 30 ft. long x 6 ft. wide with a 6 ft. x 6 ft. access walk is also proposed. The waterward edge of the dock will parallel an offshore peripheral channe 1 . At the time of my onsite inspection (February 1, 1982) a principal structure had not been constructed on the property (see Chapter 19-132,1 of the Monroe County Code). The attached Department of Environmental Regulation Report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. Evaluation: No adverse or long term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. Recommendation: Approval with the condition that the applicant use filter fabric with the rip-rap to control erosion of the backfill. I ;;J'~" .,~ !"'''~'","",rc7'''~ b]\\"'" ~jC':r-"j ~ ~."~ .,~..:A ,,',~:- ;,"'. '^,.:;.",' '" ~Oj..<.;., . <c, ,'~.~ ;:'~ f~F' '.. l~~:: \:.:', {!l~ C ~~~: ".f; I:,~" l';~ ".: .' ,C',' f" C C t..., L [f . ; :~ L~ ~,: .~: \:.Y 'i. ~:, ' II ~$) PL\~~~I;':G , BCILJEG & ZC~:I~:G DIP ;\RT~ !E:H PE~nT .....,' ,4""" MON~OE J -,t1~rt' PE~'[IT 'FO:\. E::C_',~"I:..i~..-\"I'IO~: , TH~ DEPOS IT OF tW. r.'::' COUNTY ~\"j! 'FILL, OR SiR\.:CT":F.AL ACTI'iITI ES ni THE _ \ 1"/';. ~~ ~/.;/ - -~~. \,JATEP,S OR HETL\imS OF }10?:ROE COUNTY 1) Property & IDailin; address 2) Date FOR DIP AR'L'1Ei'-iT USE 0"- ., I O\~'1le r s name ~', Ll Richard A. Sarver, Jr. Jan. 18, 1982 Post Office Box 573 Resolution ~o. Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 3) Phone nu:::oer 872-2630 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number same as above 5) Legal description of propert.:y: Section 33 Key Little Torch Su~ii':ision Jollv Rogers Estates TOw'1lship 668 Lot 25 B 10 C 1{. 20 Range 29E Street, road or mile marker LaFitte Road - Volume of material: dred2ed/excava~ed filled; ciepositeci c,y. c.y, 20 ::.y. 200 c,y. \o1aten.;ard landT,vard \o1a ten.;ard land\vard of ~1. H , 1-1. of :1. H. F . or i-l.H.\~. of N.H,H. - ZONING: RU-l PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Esti~2ted COSL of Construction ,\;provcd by Ch~l i rl~~:ln EO,\:~D OF COC::ri cmr:IlSSIC::EKS OF :-!I'::,J)[ CGL'::'-Y, FLOI\ID,\ Biologist Conunents - Rt'strict~ons or S:"~'Ci2l Coc'.:i :ic),,:.; i: any: Approval with the condition that the applicant use filter fabric with the rip-rap to control erosion of the backfill. CO:)V in File D.J te ~. :.. <..-- :...:. ~ --'--'-~' -------- ,,", .~ 'OE . '.ow D'1\,'T:\G RTTIJ In,-,... -("'I"r Tlr:01.p';,n:'-T nr:pHI" M, oN.. ,R .... ,J:\.,..., '" . 1_,'. '", ',,, l.,~",,!, I I ... ' ~, '" \" T! F- Ill= ' T r. 1= ''''''nIT Tf' '~9UNTV ~:i1, "\\.,\110.., d. . pes!, (\.. HI., ('P S".. C11 ..,\ " _~I ", ,; ::;,,:- ',!.' .,"CTT"i:<:; ('1: "'I) , '\ l'.'TV 1) Property owners n;,u!!e 6 IT'.ailing adc1ress 2) rate Rich~rd A. Sarver, Jr. LO.Box 573 Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 \PPT VATrr'- ;:\',' \'In rs I~- -n 'F . ~) Phone nurnr-er Jan.18,1982 872-2630 "'f';'< Contractor or agent's name, mailing address, phone & certification nlmber. Ric~rd A. Sarver, Jr. P.O.Box 573 Big PiIP. Key, Florida 33043...... .872-2630 legal description of property: Section, 33 TO\vnship, 66 South Range, 2G ER~t (if acreage) v.:ey, Li ttle Torch Sul'Clivision, Jdly Roger Estates ~~) t!'. '~ " Lot, 25 Plock, 20 Zoning, Sin:le Family , f( (I'/ 6) Describe the proposed activity, to be excavated or discharged. Street, road or mile marker, LaFitte Road methods of construction ~ amount of material (in cuhic yards) , Describe purpose & intenden use of proj ect. , CBS Single Family Residence, plus wooden dock and rip rap 200 yards of fill to be added to existing fill en lot dredged/excavated volume of material c.y. waterward of ~~,F,1'!. c,y. landward of ~ K . H , l" , fillecl/deposi ted X) c,y. 200 c,y.' waterward landward of ~~.H.l'!. of }r.H.W. 7) Name, address & zip cede of 2itj oining property ovmers whose property affronts water way. Hugh S. Pegg Richard G. Hill P.O.Box 87 104 peerfield Drive Big Pine Key, Fla. 33043 Cherry Hill, N.J. 08034 . ,;,,8 a) List other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for tPis site: Building Permit Riprap and wood dock- from U,S. Army/ Fla. Dept. of Env. Regulation b) If application has been subnitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application 2Ild give applicant's name if different from current app lic 2Ilt. 9) list all Federal and State agenCles that- have recelved apphcat1a1S for tblS pro] ect. Joint application....U,S.Army/ Fla. Dept. of Env. Regulation This completed application fonn will he accanp2I1ied by t]->e following, or it will ~CT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8!z x 11 paper, snowing location, plot plan, top view ann cross section of proposal, drffivn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP any structures affronting natural water bcx:lies. $30.00 for vertical sea,,:a11s onman-made rex-lies o~ water, $75.00 for any canbination of the ahove activities per site. Ppplication is hereby made for a permit to aut00rize the activities described }erein, I certify that I am familiar with the infollnation contained in this application, and to the rest of my knowledge & belief such infonnation is true, complete & accurate. I furner certify that I possess the authority to undertake tre proposed activities. PJl provisions 'of laws and ordinances governing this type of h'ork wi]} he canrlied with wretrer specified llerein or not. TJ' granting of a pennit does not preslnne to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any county, state or federal Imv regulating cOIlstruction or perfonnartce of constnlCtion cf tl'is type of facility. (1, (l J (~A~ a Qnaturc of aMQicant/agevt'" 1j/~/~2 I ] a e For Depa lG '" '~m ,~ 2- JAN 0 Person a~~~Rtin~,application & f3Yfj'~1S0 Cf;tLDG. DEP;~ . v. /S-OO 383/.;l3 Fee & receipt if Approved by Pss't. ~irector Cost of penn it Est ir.1ated cost of COllstrllctlon .j 1'"- IC~~ - I ~ ~/ /' r) /~~~ /~c~:.v- A,1t(~~,' ~. :Veed' Oc7f2 ,'~~7 () !J. r:~c.// cr' (;{...~_,,>1 /",lL-t1o..,t.. -;,-.t )/ I / .'1..- ~ , / \" / , ..' ....... ,/' ".'" ,I ,J/;, _. -L -.~ ,.;t'!-(.-~".~-H._<' ~-......"...~ / // ,,' ---.-"" -I" ,'.,t, " -J /~~. '-.-?/t -, ':"" '.,'; / -~-- ~ ..... I ' I ..l" .. ... I. t v. )t.. ~ ~ ... '" ~ ~ ~ ~ " I" ,.., , ... - ('" fJ\ ~ 0 \) ro.. ~ " ti " (' A ~ . C) \1 t, ~ " (\ ... )t r Nr I'IlJ (;, H P ~ (;,. c;, ,,-.. lYoec~l 'o1~IIe:R. 'I .... '-' ..... ~ ~ ~ flICHI't"O H/~l.,. r PURPOSE: Riprap Seawall DATUN ADJACENT "RO.-ERTY OeNERS: <D Hugh Fegg @ Richnrd Hill " I :: .50' ('{ , r, ,v,; If,;,' 5 1- i rlw \ '''.> ~ ~ t 11 b <:' ~ \J 'l ~ ~ ~ :> ... ... ,.. III Jolly Hoger Eetntee AT IJttle Torch Key COI-'CTY or folonr-oe STAn FloridR A",-'CATIOH I' RObert E. Saz-ver AT 1 4 82 /dr~I~ I~~"\ /1 =;-,\~\ / '" ------=-;;;;>=;- ", i" \ ::1 /' "~; ,"" \ IJ, " i"5! \~ l{Y,'fJtJUr ',tC, ~}~ ~ \~~/ ,,~/ BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinke SECRETARY STATE OF FLORIDA SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE May 24, 1982 Sa rver: Re: Monroe County - File #440515005 Dock, riprap, Newfound Harbor Channel we ad'7ised 'IOU on January 26, 1982 , vou=- - - .~ ...com....l~+-~ ~N'~ -':1eu'" , oc~ i a...,....~-~-a 1 ,...u=-..a............ ..I.... ~!:' --- _'-.. "-.I. ......_ ~::,_"""".J -1 ~ ~10.4 ...._ 10.'-' Florida Statutes, for filling waterNard or ~~e hiqh 'IIa ter line. a?plication is Sec-:.icn 253.124, ex~s"'~"'''''' rn,o-.../ - '--...--:: .._Q..... submit the enclosed copy of our biological cc~en~s togeth.er with your per:nit application to the Eoard of Cour.ty Cc-~~--;c"'e-s/C~~.' Co"nc~i o~ -~e.l.'- ~u"'~o-;ze~ ""e~~~*~-g ..lo."",,;:>';:)_ 4.';" ~ _,;. '-_...._.. ..... _ _ ...... ....... _::' _..,_ '-__." authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that tee co"n"'~' co~;-_':c"'/c':_.' c....u...c~'" -~a" 'r-t;:t"flO in ~a"'c.. +-~e '- \00 ......-.;:>.;:>-.. _\00, ...,.... __ . .;;;,.. __ 4._ _ _. 4.... ..._. ,(biological) report and fi::dings t...':.ereof. II It ft:.rther states, "The report shall be read into the record and du:y considered at the s~~e meeting a~ wtich the board of co~nty cc~~issione=s or otter au~horized bcey takes ~i~al -action on t~e ap?lication pe=::l.i t. " to obtain a copy of the ~i~u~es of the meeti~g or an appr~?ri'ate inc.icatic:: of the local approva:!.. T::is letter, resoluticn or copy of the ~in~tes should be sent to this 0==iC2. Ycu= aCDlica~icn will =e~ain inccnolete without valid local acoroval:- I= you have a::y cuesticns-concer~~ng ~~s prccedur~: please contact us. - S~"'''''e''''O'v ~~,~ ELclcsure J R/ d 5 Jim W. Ra i ch Environmental Special ist DE~ ~ - ---- - --< -..... 17-:'.:'22(50) ,~., ., - ~. R.Ja.rj fl.) Jr. i-'~-1~.6:_' _ Little Torch Key ,- S :-) ......:.",- .~~ -: ~_ pr\.")pOSl.n.:~ [11~ cor~:-;:~.~~C'~-':1.t)~1 ',)",- .]. ':-l.D::-a:J ~... _!.___ an open water residential shoreline, prap to be placed consists of 70 cutic ya:::-ds, including liffierock backfill. Of this amount, 50 cubic yards would be placed land~ard of ~ffi~ and 20 cubic ya:::-ds wo~ld be ?laced wate:::-~ard. The ckfill would tie in ,{ith the existing upland lot grade. The rip- rap 'i;vould ex tend wa teDvard to the HL\-! line. ...~,';/The':d()ck,~.vould be wooden on pilings and would extend from the ,; 'wat~rward extent of the riprap out to the offshore perimeter channel 'dropoff. The dock would be six feet wide and 30 feet long, connecte .to shore by a 6' x 6' access walk. Total length of the riprap revetment would be 60' (width of the ~pplicant's lot). The actual width of the rip:::-ap would be six feet, The backfill would be covered by a ce~ent slab. Rip:::-ap would consis ~f 1'-2' diameter boulders, with the larger boulders placed to the outside. The project site is located on the southeastern side of Little Torch Key, adjacent to Newfound Harbor Channel (also referred to as Pine Channel). This channel separates Big Pine Key and Little Torch Key. Depths on the Atlantic or southern portion of this channel reach ten feet, with a gradual decrease in depth toward either channel shoreline. Water quality within this water body is excellent. More specific to the project site is the open water shoreline in Jolly Roger Estates subdivision, which displays a deep peripheral channel immediately offshore and a previously filled shoreline which has eroded somewhat (nearly all of this erosion is believed to have occurred Over a short period of time following dredge and spoil activities when the shoreline was unstable), Consequently, a sub- ,tidal/intertidal shoreline shelf exists \Vaterward of the erosion line and land~{ard of the peripheral channel. Of this shelf area, the ~\'atenvard 5-15 feet is permanently submergent,- displaying lush seagrasses, algaes, corals and sponges. The peripheral channel is estimated to be 50'-70' wide, Adjacent pro?erties display a variety of seawalls, riprap revetments and dock Recent shoreline projects here (there have been four or five permits issucc in t:;:~3 arca .:o~. sho1.-elinL: :n'ojec:.s i:1 t:1C lust several vears have been limi ted to the NU-J line ~r land~\'.:1,d, J , ' --.'SHAVER, (ROBERT') R lJla.rLQ II. ) .J r. 1/440515005 ~~Monroe County - Little Torch Key : "."Page Three {f?:\> c, The a~~licant's ~~c~cr~v is 60' wide, bordered to either side bv presei-lrly unc1.2':eL)peci l~ts, The shoreline shelf ,oJatenoJard of the erosion line displays loose limerock rubble. The existing lot elevation landward of the erosion line appears :0 be on the orde~ of several feet above MSL. Several buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are found along the erosion line, although there is no established fringe. The shoreline shelf here is 20'-30' in width, of which 15'-20' is intertidal on extreme high and low tides, Approximately 5'-10' of this shelf is pe::-:::anen tly submerged I \oJi th a dominant benthic grm.,-t:-: of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). The intertidal area is essentially void of macrophytic growth, 'although a large population of gastropods (Cerithidea sp" Batillar: sp" and Astraea sp,) utilize the area for grazing purposes. ' D. Anticipated impacts from this project are not expected to be adverse in terms of water quality degradation or biological destruction. A~ proposed, this project will stabilize the shoreline while avoiding established benthic communities.