Resolution 173-1982 ...- ,,_.. RESOLUT I ON NO. 173 -1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE A PROJECT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE PROJECT KNOWN AS #6-82-23-1, MONROE COUNTY COMMISSION ARTIFICIAL REEF. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute a Project Agreement by and between the Florida Department of Natural Resources and Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the Project known as #6-82-23-1, Monroe County Commission Artificial Reef. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28th day of June, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONr;:R{ ~ ~ By ;'yor Ie h. ; rm. n -1 ( S ea 1) Attest: '> ---,/ 21/ /----- 7 -::-r \. <~A// <<'?k .;/- -f ." " er ,/ APPROVED ,4$ TO FORM AND ';!GAt StHFlCIENC'f. (. ,~. j.(" Ii '.' 8Y L.. ,.......c..Z--A'-' __ L.. / ~.&I. -,--...--t .--t~ /-~ i )// . I-- 16B-32.07(12) FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DTVrSrON OF MARINE RESOURCES Florida Artificial Fishing Reef Program Project Agreement THIS AGREEMENT, dated this 4th day of June A.D., 1982, by and between the Florida Department of Natural Resources hereinafter referred to as the Department, and the Monroe County , hereinafter referred to as the Local Government. WIT N E SSE T H : That in and for the mutual covenants between the Department and the Local Government, it is agreed as follows: 1. The Executive Director of the Florida Department of Natural Resources, has approved an application submitted by the Local Government for the artificial fishing reef construction project known as #6-82-23-1, Monroe County Commission Artificial Reef to include the expenditure of $ 20,000.00 specifi- cally for the following eligible expenditure items: Transportation of material to the reef sites per application and attachments with adver- tising costs not to exceed $1,500. 2. The DEPARTMENT and the LOCAL GOVERNMENT fully understand and agree that there shall be no rebnbur- sement of funds by the DEPARTMENT for any obligation or expenditure made prior to the execution of this agreement. It is understood that work performed by employees of the Local Government or the use of materials or equip- ment of the Local Government are not eligible expen- diture items. 3. The Local Government agrees to cause the construction of the artificial fishing reef project as mentioned above, such construction being in accordance with the project plans attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A", at the approved project location, a description is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit nB". 4. The Local Government agrees to maintain said artificial fishing reef at its own expense and cove- nants that it has the full legal authority to so maintain. Such maintenance shall include project iden- tification as set forth in Rule 16B-32.07(9), Florida Administrative Code. 5. The Department agrees to hold in account the sum of $ 20,000.00 to be expended for the construction of said artificial fishing reef as shown on Exhibit "An attached. Any portion of said funds may be released by the Department upon an official request for payment of expenditures by the Local Government as approved by the Department. However, 10% of the amount set forth in paragraph 1 herein shall be retained by the Department and shall not be released to the local government prior to written verification of completion in accordance with Paragraph 9 herein. All requests for payment and disbursal of funds shall be made in strict accordance with the provisions of Rule 16B-32.08, Florida Administrative Code. All invoices submitted for payment shall include sufficient detail to perform proper pre-audit or post-audit, as required by the Department. 6. The Local Government agrees to make the completed artificial fishing reef available to the general public without regard to race, creed, sex, color, national ori- gin, or location of the users' residence. 7. The Local Government agrees to commence construction of the project within 6 months, such period beginning on the date of the execution of this agreement, and further agrees to complete said project on or before June 30, 1983 In the event the construction of the project is not complete within one year of the date of the execution of the Agreement, the Department will have the right to cancel its obligations of any and all financial assistance granted for the said Monroe County project. 8. The Local Government agrees to provide access to all records and grant rights to audit any books, documents and papers, for the inspection by the Department for said Local Government project. The Local Government also agrees to require any contractor or vendor receiving an award as a result of said project to agree in writing to the application of this provision where such pertains to the contractor's or vendor's records relating to said project. All records, documents and papers relative to this contract and its performance shall be retained by the Local Government for a period not less than three years following contract completion. 9. The Local Government agrees to appoint a liaison agent to be responsible for the successful completion of said project, the prompt implementation of the provisions of this agreement, and the submission of progress reports at least every 60 days from the date of the exe- cution of this Agreement until the project is certified complete. 10. The transport of all material pursuant to this contract shall be witnessed by the Artificial Fishing Reef Liaison Officer or hiS/her designee. In the alternative, the Department shall require a qualified diver to inspect the site to ascertain that the specified volume of material has been placed on the designated site. In the event such a diver is employed, he shall be paid by the Department and the cost of employing such a diver shall be deducted from the final payment to the Local Govern- mente The Local Government understands and agrees that no final payment for services rendered shall be due in the absence of or prior to written verification of place- ment of material by the Artificial Fishing Reef Liaison Officer or the diver hired by the Department. 11. The Local Government agrees to hold and save the Florida Department of Natural Resources harmless from liability of any nature or kind, including costs and expenses, for or on account of any or all suits or dama- ges of any character whatsoever resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person(s) or property by virtue of the existence of the Monroe County project. 12. The Local Government agrees to allow the Department of Natural Resources to conduct on-site inspections of the staging areas(s); of its transportation equipment; of its material to be placed on the proposed reef; of the completed reef project. Moreover, a designated representative of the Department, upon request and at the risk and costs of the Department, must be allowed to accompany the material conveyances to the placement site. 13. In the event the Local Government fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement the Agreement may be considered null and void and the Department will have the right to cancel its financial and legal obligations as identified in this agreement. 14. Rule 16B-32 of the Florida Administrative Code, entitled liThe Comprehensive Artificial Fishing Reef Program Control Code," is expressly made a part of this contract and is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth. The Local Government agrees to abide by and comply with all provisions of such rule and to require any contractor or vendor entering a contract as a result of said project to agree in writing to his compliance with this paragraph. 15. The Department's undersigned contract manager or his successor shall be responsible for enforcing performance of the contract terms and conditions and he shall serve as a liaison with the Local Government and shall approve all invoices prior to payment. 16. It is understood that funding in fiscal years beyond the fiscal year of this contract is subject to the availability of appropriations to the Department. 17. This project agreement is executed in duplicate, each copy of which shall for all purposes be considered an original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. (SEAL) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Elton J. ~i~~pn~~nnPT Name (Please Type) Attest: ~~- BY: Signature Its Agent this Purpose (SEAL) ?-;rL ?: (,{) J,tfl Name (Please Type) Attest: ~ 6& // /---. L---- f/"/{L~: George E. Dolezal / Signature Its Agent for this Purpose Clerk [/ ~~~~ ontract Manager DNR #34-404 1/82 --Attachment re: 113 Section III - QUESTIONNAIRE (App lica t ion Ill) 1. Justification of Need: Increasing recreational and sportfishing pressure on the reefs of the Florida Reef Tract, offshore of the Florida Keys, has resulted in an elimination of natural reef resources and habitat. The proposed project is designed to increase reef habitat with resultant increases in primary and secondary productivity which will, over a relatively short period of time, improve and increase finfish and shellfish stocks, thereby enhancing sport and recreational fishing in the Florida Keys. These reefs are to be placed ~ in depths which will also make th{maccessible to sport divers who constitute a significant percentage of recreational users of the Florida Keys' reefs. The demolition of Keys' bridges has made available, for this purpose, J huge amounts of concrete rubble admirably suitable for reef construction. I.-- This material is being made available to the applicant, at no cost, thereby creating a situation which will undoubtedly not recur:for decades. In order to capitalize on this opportunity, funds from the State are needed to transport material from: '-' .. SITE Ill: VACA CUT BRIDGE TO ISLAMORADA ;. ~.~. ~. '!"- .f ,". l' "- '. \. ~ La t. 24 051 ' 42 " Long.80034'06" Loran C Coords N W 14093.2 43292.6 COE Permit 1181M-0384 ~ '-", .' .,' J ... . ... "-~', ..'"i .... SITE1!2 : SPAN-7 MILE BRIDGE TO MOSER CHANNEL Lat. 24036'20" Long. 81 010' 00" Loran C Coords N W 14006.8 43460.6 COE Permit ./ 1181T-0988 v BIG PINE KEY SITE 1f3: SOUTH PINE CHANNEL BRIDGE, NORTH HARRIS Clli\NNEL BRIDGE HARRIS CHANNEL BRIDGE, HARRIS GAP CHANNEL BRIDGE Lat. 24003' 00" Long.81028"00" Loran C Coords 13987.4 43507.2 COE Permit 1181-M-0989 / and suitable concrete reef material to either sites Ill, 112 or 113. 3. No master plan at this time. 4. Organized Fishermen of Florida Marathon Guide Association Florida Keys Guide Association Islamorada Charter Boat Association Key West Fishing Tournament Big Pine Civic Association Florida Keys Audubon Soc'iety Florida Audubon Society Florida Keys Citizen Coalition