Resolution 181-1982 r--". .. RESOLUTION NO.181 - 1982 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82, and to create new items under said Budget, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following ac- counts: GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Personnel/Safety, Item #001-0801-513-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $700.00, Into Personnel/Safety, Item #001-0801-513-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Personnel/Safety, Item #001-0801-513-12.00, Salaries, the sum of $400.00, Into Personnel/Safety, Item #001-0801-513-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Veterans Affairs, Item #001-1200-553-24.00, Workmens Compensation, the sum of $1,000.00, Into Veterans Affairs, Item #001-1200-553-51.00, Office Supplies Transfer from Marathon Garage, Item #001-0904-519-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $853.22, Into Marathon Garage, Item #001-0904-519-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Parks Department, Item #001-0920-572-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $275.00, Into Parks Department, Item #001-0920-572-64.00, Capital Outlay Eqipment Transfer from Advertising, Item #001-1100-519-48.01, Board Promotional, the sum of $2,500.00, Into Advertising, Item #001-1100-519-48.04, Board Promotional other -2- Transfer from General Revenue, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $8,322.66, Into General Revenue Board of County Commissioners, Item #001-0100-511-34.02, Palms Condo Lawsuit Transfer from General Revenue, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $3,000.00, Into Recreation, Item #001-936-572-34.00, Jr. Football League Transfer from County Home, Item #001-1803-564-52.05, Household Kitchen Supplies, the sum of $300.00, Into County Home, Item #001-1803-564-40.00, Auto Allowances Transfer from Planning, Item #001-1001-515-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment, the sum of $600.00, Into Other Buildings, Item #001-0903-519-46.01, Maintenance of Building Transfer from Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-564-49.18, X-Rays and Lab., the sum of $1,200.00, Into Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-564-49.05, Pauper Burials Transfer from Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-564-49.18, X-Rays and Lab., the sum of $800.00, Into Welfare Services, Item #001-1802-564-49.13, Medical Supplies Transfer from County Home, Item #001-1803-564-64.02, Capital Outlay Donations, the sum of $130.00, Into County Home, Item #001-1803-564-52.12, Personal Care Items Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $3,6000.00, Into Veterans Affairs, Item #001-1200-553-12.00, Salaries Transfer from Contingency, Item #001-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $13,000.00, Into Parks Department, Item #001-0920-534-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from Parks Department, Item #001-0920-534-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $700.00, Into Parks Department, Item #001-0920-534-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment -3- Transfer from Parks Department, Item #001-0920-534-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $155.00, Into K.W. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Motor Pool, Item #001-0904-519-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $40.00, Into Motor Pool, Item #001-0904-519-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from CCE, Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $2,106.63, Into CCE, Item #001-1815-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1815-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $214,04, Into Homemakers, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from CCE, Item #001-1815-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $74.44, Into Homemakers, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $20.57, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12,00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-21.06, Medical, the sum of $15.00, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-40,00, Travel, the sum of $40.92, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-46.02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $110.65, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Advertising, the sum of $12.30, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages -4- Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $31.52, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-64.00, Equipment, the sum of $36.67, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $497.20, Into Transportation III, Item #001-1831-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $.83, Into Transportation III, Item #001-1831-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-24.00, Workmen's Compensation, the sum of $396.85, Into Transportation III, Item #001-1831-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $11,084.16, Into Transportation III, Item #001-1831-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Transportation III, Item #001-1827-564-45.00, Insurance and Bonds, the sum of $688.05, Into Transportation III, Item #001-1831-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers IIIj Item #001-1828-564-12,00, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $277.77, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $12.72, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $20.69, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages -5- Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-24.00, Workmen's Compensation, the sum of $86.04, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-31.06, Medical, the sum of $9.00, Into HQmemakersIII, Item #001-1805-564-12,00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564- 34.01, Contractual Services, the sum of $3.00, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-40.00, Travel, the sum of $20.20, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-46,02, Maintenance of Equipment, the sum of $2,08, Into Homemakers,III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-49.00, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $6.33, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-49.24, Advertising, the sum of $42.00, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-49.25, Commission and Fees, the sum of $2.58, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $5.08, Into Homemakers III, Item #001-1805-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-34.00, CGntractua1 Services, the sum of $9,134.27, Into Homemakers III, Item' #001-1805-564=12.00, Salaries and Wages -6- Transfer from Homemakers III, Item #001-1828-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $7.73, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-l, Item #001-1829-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $143.34, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages, Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $14.66, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $18.47, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-24.00, Workmen's Compensation the sum of $82.53, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-31.06, Medical, the sum of $6.00, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $18,041.28, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-40.00, Travel, the sum of $18.48, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $3.65, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $2.81, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages -7- Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-49,00, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $15.75, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-51.00, Office Supplies, the sum of $2.73, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Tansfer from Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1829-564-54.91, Raw Food, the sum of $744.39, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages, the sum of $30.33, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-21.00, FICA, the sum of $3.25, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-22.00, Retirement, the sum of $.34, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1832-564-23.00, Group Insurance, the sum of $2.37, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-24,00, Workmen's Compensation, the sum of $33.17, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12,00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-31.06, Medical, the sum of $60.00, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $214,04, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages -8- Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-40,00, Travel, the sum of $46.75, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-44.00, Rentals, the sum of $8.82, Into NutritionC-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-49,00, Miscellaneous Supplies, the sum of $2.06, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-49.24, Advertising, the sum of $11,29, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-52.11, Raw Food, the sum of $422.60, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-64.00, Equipment, the sum of $2.56, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages Transfer from Nutrition C-II, Item #001-1830-564-34,00, Contractual Services, the sum of $2,769.86, Into Nutrition C-I, Item #001-1832-564-12.00, Salaries and Wages FINE AND FORFEITURE Transfer from Contingency, Item #101-0000-584-0000, Contingency, the sum of $20,034,00, Into Fine and Forefiture, Item #101-2700-516-49.25, Commission and Fees ROAD AND BRIDGE Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $15,000.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-46.02, 20% Equipment Maintenance -9- Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $150,000.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-64.00, Capital Equipment Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $2,070.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.53, Coconut Drive Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $3,000.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.54, John Silver Road Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $3,500.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.55, Buccaneer Road Transfer from 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.00, Construction, the sum of $4,000.00, Into 5th & 6th Cent, Item #102-944-541-63.56, Maracobia Road Transfer from Contingency, Item #102-0000-584-0000, Contingency Road and Bridge, the sum of $15,000.00, Into Road Department, Item #102-0940-541-52.02, Road Signs Transfer from Engineer, Item #120-3000-541-44.00, Rental, the sum of $86.64, Into Engineer Department, Item #102-3000-541-64.01, Capital Outlay Equipment under $100 MUNICIPAL SERVICE DISTRICT Transfer from V.R.P.#2 Long Key, Item #104-974-534-43,00, Utilities, the sum of $10,000.00, Into V.R.P. #1 Key Largo, Item #104-974-534-46.03, Maintenance of Equipment Incin. Transfer from V.R.P. #2 Long Key, Item #104-974-534-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $10,000.00, Into V.R.P. #1 Long Key, Item #104-975-534-46.03, Maintenance of Equipment Incin. -10- Transfer from V.R.P. #2 Long Key, Item #104-974-534-43.00, Utilities, the sum of $10,000.00, Into V.R,P. #3 Cudjoe Key, Item #104-974-534-46.03, Maintenance Equipment Incin. Transfer from Pollution Control, Item #104-976-534-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $7,052.00, Into Neighborhood Trash, Item #104-978-534-64.00, Equipment Transfer from Pollution Control, Item #104-976-534-34.00, Contractual Services, the sum of $53,749.00, Into Neighborhood Trash, Item #104-978-534-64.00, Capital Equipment CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND Transfer from Capital Projects, Item #301-3800-572-63.00, Park Improvements, the sum of $28,208.27, Into Capital Projects, Item #301-3800-572-34.00, Contractual Services Transfer from Capital Projects, Item #301-3700-572-62.00, Capital Outlay Land and Buildings, the sum of $10,000.00, Into Capital Projects, Item #301-3800-572-63.0D, Park Improvement TAX DISTRICT #3 Transfer from Conch Key F.D., Item #703-1434-522-64.01, Capital Outlay other than Equipment, the sum of $2,000.00, Into Conch Key F.D., Item #703-1434-522-64.00, Capital Outlay Equipment BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary action to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 28th day of June, A.D. 1982 OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY, FLORIDA (S EAL ) By n U nJ'1 ,~, ,~~~UTt' cu:nv Attest: I\iu.~i IIJiliiH"t LUu\ ~\c~~M~1 ~.O~~, -a= G Clerk APPROVED AS TO fORM ANDLEGALSUFF~~NCY. Sy "_____ L -, t -" Att<<fIt1(lI 0fIiH