Resolution 182-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 182 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from WALTER SCHMITZ and WHEREAS, in compliance with State statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes to construct a 221 lineal foot riprap seawall along a residential shoreline for erosion protection. Total amount of riprap and backfill proposed amounts to 244 cubic yards, of which 144 will be placed below MHW. The width of the proposed backfill is three to five feet. The width of the proposed riprap is five to seven feet. The waterward extent of the riprap is at the approximate extreme low water line. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision, a waterfront residential community bordering Lower Sugar loaf Sound, which is, in turn bordered on all sides by Sugarloaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens, by way of narrow, naturally occurring channnels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the north. Sugar loaf Shores Subdivision was artificially created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel. This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, unde- termined depths. The recreated shorelines here consist of loose limestone and marl overlying the orginal Miami oolite subsurface. In general, development of single family residences has accelerated in recent years here, with an estimated 20-30 percent of the lots being occupied. The lot adjacent to the applicant's property has been vertically bulkheaded to within several feet of the offshore peripheral channel. The applicant's own lot has been vertically bulkheaded along the canal side. The applicant's lot borders an artificially created canal to the south and a peripheral channel to the west. The open water shoreline has experienced some erosion since being filled during the creation of this subdivision. This has led to the existing 15-20 foot wide shelf that exists between the applicant's up- lands and the peripheral channel. This shelf is composed of limerock rubble with little vegetation - either emergent, intertidal or submergent. One or two small buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are situated along the erosion line. Green algae (Batophora ~.) is found in rather sparse amounts within the lower reaches of the intertidal zone and along the submergent portion of the shelf. Scattered patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) are found below MHW. Some riprap (small boulders) were placed around the low water line in the not-so-distant past. A single spider crab (family Majidae) was observed in this area along with a school of silver sides (Menidia ~.). Anticipated impacts should be minimal from this project, as it is proposed. Although a small amount of benthic biota will be lost to filling, the proposed riprap should provide better quality habitat while stabilizing an otherwise unstable shoreline. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 12th day of July , 1982 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR UNTY, FLORIDA (Seal) C- ~ ,() Mayor A tRAlPii \~i. V:nnEJ/~lERK ~{ ~ ~ fY\ · (lUvJ.w O.c ()lerk J IW VED A' TO FORM GAL SUFFICIENCY. . BOARD OF COUNTY COMIVII::'::'IUI'JERS Wilhelmina H.arvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayo; Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 oKYv~r:~~~,~2E (30512944641 OFFICE OF Director Building, Planning an Zoning p,O, BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Walter Schmitz) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Rip-Rap & Seawall) 5,. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date 7 - ~ - ~?.... lD) l?r?l? 1?~1?~~ II ('"I fl. ~".:..,'"L;, ,~ \ ~/) r!, ' 'I" ..." I,) , 'I '; ~ ' ~ "'-" o .".. . JlIL I 1982 COUNTY 11 TTY. L ........- V' l/ v t.,.../ v-- t/ v By ,,177 Oag o TOPS .:y' 'ORM 3397 L.'THO ,j _ - ~.... .~ ,...... "._,~".-"" . - (~-::,c;--y.). DEPARTIV1E!'-rrAL CORRES?ONDENCE- - tflrlG# DATE June 15, 1982 Su BJECT Schmitz, W.P.; Rip-rap seawall To Alan Lessler, Dire~t~~ /I FROM Robert Dennis ~ ~ DEP'T Planning, Building & Zoning DEP'T County Biologist LEGAL: TWSP 67S, RGE 27E, Sect. 3, Sugarloaf Shores, Section F, Lot 88; Zoned RU-l. Introduction This-application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111 (a) (5) of the Monroe County Code. Discussion: Applicant proposes to construct a 221 linear foot, rip-rap seawall along his waterfront property which abuts Lower Sugarloaf Sound. Th~ seawall will require 244 cubic yards of rip-rap and backfill for its construction. In order to align with a neighboring seawall to the north of the site, approximately 100 cubic yards of the total will be placed below the mean high water line, or more specifically, along the extreme low water line according to the Department of Environmental Regulation report and the submitted application. A discussion of this project in greater detail is provided in the attached Department of Environmental Regulation report and should be read for additional information. Evaluation: No adverse or long term environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. Recommendation: Approval with the condition that filter fabric be properly used along with 'the rip-rap to prevent erosion of the upland fill into Lower Sugar loaf Sound. ~-E ',..- -'. .;...r~. _; _ l' .... ~Si'~:.oa.) let:....' ~. ,_~T. . Lei . t.;" :'1'..... . M.;" ~.. . I~;' f '~~..'o~~' (. ~T~' '.,.lir., ,,", b \;: ~~ I\p '~j-. )~ ~, Y""' t.,.... _ . ;~:-i ~~( ~.i' I,; .S' ~ ...'':,- ~ PL\0i1n~G , BL'ILDniG & ZONDIG DEP .\RT~'fENT PEmUT MON~OE ~tW COUNTY PEru'HI FOR EXCAVAIImI, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. FILL, OR STRL'CTUfu\L ACTIVITIES IN THE - -~~ l.JATERS OR HETLAlmS OF NONROE COUNTY ,1) Property o~~ers name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT USE ONLY , , Walter P. Schmitz 4-13-82 1870 Hollyhock Lane Resolution No. 3) Phone number i Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122 . (411) Date: 786-8431 I i 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number ! ; KeyCology, Inc. i 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 294-8719 i ! 5) Legal description of property: , ! Section 3 Key Sugarloaf Subdivision Sugar loaf Shores . TO~"11ship 67 Lot 88 Block Section F ; Range 27 Street, road or mile marker Holly Lane , . I I ! Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited j ()::.y. 0 c.y. 100 c.y. 144 c.y. I I waten"ard land.llard watenllard landward I j of N.H.H. of H.H.H. of N.H.H. of N.H.H. I - i ZONING: RU-1 I PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Estinated cost of Construction Approved by Chairman BOARD OF COUXTY CmL'!ISSIOf:ERS OF ~lmJROE COUXTY, FLORIDA Biologist Comments - Restr-ictions or Special Cor:uitions i: any: Approval with the condition with the rip-rap to prevent Sugarloaf Sound. that filter fabric be properly used along erosion of the upland fill into Lower Conv in File E il i l.~~ r~; u:- f ~ (: i. al D ,:1t e MONROE COUNTY - &~ i); .\.'."\f\C, ?TTILT'J':: .c ~ ":r\(' n:-!'.\PT'r:-r J'!THTT\r>rr [r'j\TH'" lr4! ~"1~ " '-",-':\TIl'\, 'ill}: J)J:prSF l".i~ r.fIL, rp S17J'CIl'!:"'L '~~wITIF.S ~-aw "," .,':, 'I ,.t:"TT\\T~C; ('r.' "('\TJ(1r/T'1T\'Tv ,., Chners il;une [, !f~a i] in~ arlrlress 2) rate Walter P. Schmitz 1870 Hollyhock Lane Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122 1:( 'f' I\' 'Tf i Propc ny - ~) Phone mrrr.~er 4-13-82 411-786-8431 Contractor or agent's name, mailing Keyco logy, I nc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 ) legal description of pror.:rty: Section, 3 Township, 67 Range, 27 (if acreage) address, phone 6 certification number. (305) 294-8719 -I Key, Sugarloaf ~Uhdivision,~(/~/ ~t/JtI' Lot, 88 Plock, _./: --I! ~ I"--j.- Street, road or mile marker, Holly Lane Zoning, 6) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction 0 amount of material (in cuhic yards) > to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpcse G intended use of project. Rip rap seawall wi~h backfill behind rip rap existing ground level. The applicant proposes to construct a 221 l,neal foot seawall on Sugarloaf Sound. Purpose~shoreline protection Rip rap win b~ brought to site by truck and placed by backhoe and hand. Backfill wtl1 be spread by backhoe. S,lt screensdredged/excavatedwill be used, if necessary. fHled/cleposited volume of 0 c.y. 0 c.y. 100 _ c.y. 144 c.y. ' material waterward landward waterward landward of ~~.p.. W. of ~'.H. 'It.'. of ~~.H'.l'i. of H.H.W. ~~,~.--.,,"-~.--.=,,=-----~.-=-- --=---'''-'''-.-._-~.- 7) Name, address & zip cede of cilj oining property owners whose property affronts wate:r VJay. John D. Eckert Lois S. McClinton Rt. 2, Box H-1 East Point Drive West Point Drive Sugarloaf Shores, Florida 33044 Sugarloaf Shnrp5, qOY'ida 33Q44 ' 8 a) List other pennits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for His site: Army Corps of Engineers Department of Environmental Regulations b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from current app lic ant . n/a REQUIRES STATE AND' FEDERAL APPROVALn 1, lj/i)..;;-g'Y, , that" have. recelved a.p$llcafIms for. UiSproJecT:' v 9) list all Federal and State agencles Army Corps of Engineers Department of Environmental Regulations This completed application fonn will he accanpanied by tre'" ~ c~ following, or it will NeT be processed. a) T1vo (2) sets of drawings, on 8!,z x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposalt drawn to scale. b) Application processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks C'P any structures affronting natural water bedies. ~30.00 for vertical sea1.;alls onman-maoe 'holies 01- water. $75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site. Application is hereby made for a pennit to autrorize the 8ctivities described }~erein. I :ertify that I am familiar with the infonnation contained iJl t})is application, and to the rest )f my knowledge & belief such infonnation is true, complete & accurate. I furtrer certify that [ possess the authority to undertake t1)e proposed activities. fI1] provisions of lmvs and )rdinances governing ths t)l1e of work wi 1 1 l>e canpl ied with 1+et}'er specified llerein or not. The ;ranting of a pennit does not presume to give (lut},ority to violate or cancel t})e rrovisi ons of my county, state or federal la\" regulating construct ion or perfonna:n.ce of constnlCtim cf tris :ype of facility. :or 4-13-82 Pate ",-PR 21 i982 /.sL:O 3~ 33-5/ Fee & receipt Ii j\rproved by Pss' t. T1irector - )Cr50nlra€~f1PtnTlTYO f.>::lTlf'll!)I;Jilfjon C; nll.'l,.,tit: '\..f'1!f,;, l..l'1:.VJo.J. Da t4 ,) U ~ BY: .!It?~, ,/ Cost of pemi t Estinatcd cost of COJlstrllctJ01'. -:~~.~;::a2~~~.:;r~~..;;;.~;..~;.r~~~~~~:l.;"':;!''?T.''''~~i:!~~'';~:;::;:''''!!~;'.:'Ibf .' -'". 'c.;;..."z:~';:'!"",';...::"L ~ ~ { IJ Cl d IJ z r -j - p.. ":' -- '-- ',' :n r. :~~ KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton SI. Key West, FL 33040 PROPOSED RIP RAP SEAWALL AND BACKFILL IN: Sugarloaf Sound AT: Sugarloaf Shores COUNTY OF: Monroe STATE OF: Florida (- ;;;',60) '- RIP-RAP SEA.WALL ('5ee. ske+:.--b::.") \~C) \h- '~~ \S-c.- IS' ~t> (0 -Y"" ~ o (; ~ f' '''Y C71::v '~\ ~ (-;:).-4'\ \; PURPOSE: Stabilizing shoreline' .~ DATUM: Mean low water ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1. John D. Eckert 2. Lois S. McClinton '. '[=,o.N~1- =;~';;- M"H. . Page 1 of 3 ( - 3>) Application by: Walter P. Schmitz 4/13/82 ~ ~,-"7i::.tJ;;If:;;.d~z:~~~"Z:rr~:~~~~i~~'!~~'k~~;;,'~~~~~~:~::'~~~~~ ~ H \'J" ~ II ~ KeyColo9,y. Inc. 414 Slmooto, SI. Key We,t, Fl''''''' 294-8119 I. i i ~ &L', I ~ ~ LOT Sq \ \ , I .... C::::.c) Page 2 of 3 ~~ I A (-,.2') \ "\ \ \ \ , /\. ~0 ",f""" -l 'vV ..(.0 lI</ (- 'l \ LOT B-' \ \ PLAN 1.":;:.30 I , \ LOT eB SEC. F SUG-ARLOA l=- S u <;,. A. R La A. I=- SHOR.E.S KE..Y1 FLA.. \ ,0... '7 ~ /' .'?'/ (-'=:,,5) p-V r~ {/ , , / ;;#~/ /,/ r'"O/ ", \ \ \ \ Walter P. Schmitz 4/13/82 ./::~..t~,;r:zs..~~;f~~5~t:D;~ 1i:.I..:::'::'::f.f;T.="~'~;'=;;::z=~ ';i.~~~:-~,7:":'t.d4~:~~;[~~:'~:~:;::-'~-:;:,:;""-~1 ~" ~ . I. S KeyCology. Inc. ." Slmoo'oo 5" Key We". Fl. 33040 294-8719 ~ ~ !"i ~l "- "'-~: :;d ~ ~ ~ I tI1 t -t l\ \J\ f()i1(J\ r --< I ... -v-(\ ~ \) -l.~ 1i1 ...J - [TI 1... ~ Om (l1 Z-7J Z )> . r )- _~7<'~ ~ , ~"'> rn [ll 1J th 0 ~ \I1 {\ ~ rn I'" 7' Vl_ q 1J tJj - ,'J;> - :'l (\ 0 ];I 'f. i\ 2 ~ - r \l r } OJ 0 I c } r \) rn ~ g..., :"" E.. ? i Page 3 of 3 ~ 1 Walter P. Schmitz 4/13/82 c;"' .' BO~RD OF COUNTY COMN' , ::RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Brair, District 2 Mayor,Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MAYOR George E, Dolezal, DistricI4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 '::E OF: Building Department 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, FL p,O, BOX 33040-43 9 ,~ ., ~#'.. " j': ''":.' .., '," .... _ _. ''h, .,. - '~.'.~ . #.; ~';,'/: -"~ l:' -: . l " , ~ . " '. _._ ... >~r'....<:> i:. . --.. r-'"-r :', ,~: .j~~) ~'~:>l..~,.:~.~~'::~:~ ,;,;~;- \ OK~v~!Y~~0EqE (305) 294.4641 April 22, 1982 KeyCo1o~y, Inc. 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 Re: Schmitz, Lot 88 Block Sec. F, Sugar10af Shores, riprap We will be unable to continue processing your application until we receive the following items: 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 ~I I-I jf Notification that site has been surveyed and clearly marked. A vegetation map, prepared by a qualified professional, landscape architect or naturalist, according to Chapter 18 of the Monroe County Code, showing which trees are to be removed or kept. Purpose and intended use of project. Method of construction or clearing. Construction plans, (top, side and cross sections) Dept. of Environ. Reg.~bio-report. ~~Q.(iKv.e~1> Other- ~ Pl:ase call if you have any questions, (305-294-8426). Sincerely, . - ' / \ / ". , I ' ',), ,'. " J /' i,;' ': / "- ' !. , " . { ~. .:/ Environ~ental Biologist 3201 GOLF COU~-SE BOULEVARD PUNTA GQRDA, FLORIDA 33950 ~~~ '!Y~~ ~ '~ ~\' !.~-;;-\ \ \~,~~~'~ ,,~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria Tschinkel SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 1, 1982 Walter P. Schmitz c/o Key Cology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 Monroe County, File No. 440550555, Riprap Seawall Dear Mr. Schmitz: As we adyised you on Apri 1 29, 1982 , your a?plica ~i.on is i.~com?lete wit~out local ap~rcval, purs~ant to Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling wate~Nard of ~~e existing mean/ ordina=y high water line. Please su=mit the enclosed copy of our biological co~e~ts toget~er with your permit applicati.on to the Board of Co~ty Cc~~issioners/City Cou~cil or t~eir autborized ?e~itti~g authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states ~at the county commission/city co~~cil~. .shall have in hand t~e (bioloaical) reoort and findinas t.."'ereof." It further states, "' _ J "T~e report shall be read into the record and duly co~si.dered at the same meeting at which ~~e board of county commissioners or other authorized body takes final action on the application for permit." You will need ~o obtain a copy of the oinutes of the meeti~g or an appropriate indication of the local approval. This letter, resolu~ic, or copy of the minutes should be sent to this office. You~application will remai~ incomplete wi~hout valid local appro~'al. If you ha~,.re any questions concerning tbis procedure, ;:: _=2.se contact us. Si~cerely, RWC/wr ~nclosure ~~~ Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor ~z? ?o~ 17-:.122(50) SCHMITZ, WALTER P. #440550555 Monroe County - Sugar loaf Shores Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a 221 lineal foot riprap seawall along a residential shoreline for erosion protection. Total amount of riprap and backfill proposed amounts to 244 cubic yards, of which 144 will be placed below MHW. The width of the proposed backfill is three to five feet. The width of the proposed riprap is five to seven feet. The water- ward extent of the riprap is at the approximate extreme low water line. B. The project site is located within Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision, a waterfront residential community bordering Lower Sugarloaf Sound, which is, in turn bordered on all sides by Sugarloaf Key. Lower Sugarloaf Sound is a shallow expanse of water which opens, by way of narrow, naturally occurring channels, into the Atlantic to the south and the Gulf to the north. Sugarloaf Shores Subdivision was artificially created by dredging and spoiling, forming what is now a series of dead-end canals all connected at their basal ends by a peripheral channel. This channel and its associated canals were boxcut to deep, unde- termined depths. The recreated shorelines here consist of loose limestone and marl overlying the original Miami oolite subsurface. In general, development of single family residences has accelerated in recent years here, with an estimated 20-30 percent of the lots being occupied. The lot adjacent to the applicant's property has been vertically bulkheaded to within several feet of the offshore peripheral channel. The applicant's own lot has been vertically bulkheaded along the canal side. c. The applicant's lot borders ,In artificially created canal to the south and a peripheral channi'L to the west. The open water shoreline has experienced sc ~ erosion since being filled during the creation of this subdivi ,ion. This has led to the existing 15-20 foot wide shelf that c-.~sts between the applicant's up- lands and the peripheral cha'!lcl. This shelf is composed of limerock rubble with little vegetation _ either emergent, intertidal or submergent. One or two small buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are situated along the erosion line. ~ SCHMITZ, WALTER P. 1f440S50555 Monroe County - Sugarloaf Shores Page Three Green algae (Batophora ~.) is found in rather sparse amounts within the lower reaches of the intertidal zone and along the submergent portion of the shelf. Scattered patches of turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) are found below MHW. Some riprap (small boulders ) were placed around the low water line in the not-50-distant past. A single spider crab (family Majidae) was observed in this area along with a school of silver- sides (Menidia ~.). D. Anticipated impacts should be minimal from this project, as it is proposed. Although a small amount of benthic biota will be lost to filling, the p~oposed riprap should provide better quality habitat while stabilizing an otherwise unstable shoreline.