Resolution 192-1982 , ------ RESOLUTION NO. ,192 - 1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from FRANK TOPPINO and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The Applicant proposes to protect the shoreline of his property from erosion. The goal will be achieved by building a 550! foot long boulder riprap revetment. Construction of the revetment will involve placing 180! cubic yards of material waterward of mean high water (MHW) and 70! cubic yards landward of MHW. An estimated 2,750 square feet (0.063 acres) of emergent wetlands and 1,650 square feet (0.038 acres) of transition zone wetlands will be covered by the revetment. All material and equipment will be brought to the site over upland roads. A crane equipped with an orange peel bucket will be used to place the boulders. Silt screens will be utilized to control turbidity. The project site is located on Upper Matecumbe Key. The Overseas Highway borders the southeast side of the project site. A variety of commercial developments including stores, restaurants, marinas, and gas stations are found along the highway in the project site vicinity. Commercial developments border the project site on either side. The northwest side of the project site is bordered by Little Basin, which is a shallow (less than 5 feet deep) branch of Florida Bay. The waters in the project area are designated as Class III (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) . The project site was the location of unauthorized filling of wetlands in the past in the form of waste concrete. As the result of a request by the Army Corps of Engineers, the applicant recently voluntarily restored the area of unauthorized filling. It was also suggested to the applicant that the restored shoreline be stabilized with riprap. The present application is the result of this suggestion. The applicant's property is an irregular shaped 350! feet by 400! feet parcel of land. The land has been used as an industrial site for many years. At present, a concrete batch plant and several small associated buildings are located at the site. The use of the site has resulted in much of the land being unvegetated fill. What upland vegetation that exists on the site, consists of pioneer grasses growing on the less heavily traveled areas. The shoreline of the project site consists of a steep drop from the 3! feet elevation of the land, to a depth of 1 to 2 feet mean low water (MLW). The shoreline is composed of a variety of construction debris, crude seawalls, and bare fill. Vegetation along the shoreline consists of railroad vine (Impomoea per-caprae) and salt grass (Distichlis spicata) along the upper areas of the slope and a few red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)and black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) trees at the toe of the slope. Along much of the shoreline, seagrass beds can be found very near the shore. Construction related activities can be expected to cause elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic sub- stances. Experience has shown that placement of riprap usually does not cause much turbidity. Proper use of silt screens should easily control any turbidity problems which do occur. The riprap will permanently displace O.lOt acres of wetlands. Eventually a new flora and fauna will develop on the riprap which should at least partially replace the pre-construction biota. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 26th day of July , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. By COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NTY, FL~ORIDAO /1 fl ,^.;- /.:'1 ../d' c- C Q_:-." C', r _, Mayor (Seal) Attest: ",' ~"'~ ':~1"1"' · ro~ ~, ~t~ r,,} : :.'"'' ~ ;, ~,,' ; Clerk BY 'BOA~D~FCOUNTY COMJ,;:);:),U,\lERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MAYOR George E, Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 ~~,~r;~<q~,~9E 13051 2944G41 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning an Zoning P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Frank Toppino) 3, Permit 4. Application for Permit (Rip-Rap - Seawall) 5. Site Plan 6, Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date~qt.1. ~,!" ,..1E~ffiITW~jij) LL~ lJ!J JUL 13 1982 COUNTY flrTY. ~------- ~ ~ v v/' (..../ L/ t/ By 4n. C.,;Ja 1/';-' " , o E PAR T MEN T ^ L COR RES P n N DEN C t ..-~:3(;'-J~~ DATE: Tune '29, 1982 SUBJECT: TnrriVlrl, FhnVlh: rhnrn6~d !(<rf{l"{r 6enwnJlP TO: FROM: AlnVl lo^^lOJ1 1JiJ10(1j"0!1 DEPT: RlljfrUVI!J, P,faVlVliVl!J aVId 7rlV/iV/.g , /J;7LR Mah~ L. Rob()hj"~OVl, EroiJ1nVl Rinl. OEPT: Planning and Zoning LEGAL: Section 32, Town6hip 64S, Range 37E pcvr.;t 06 Govt. Lot 1 and at.t 06 LoU 2 and 3, GeoJtge Mc.'vonald Plat UppeJt Matecumbe Key ZONING: BU-2 I NTROVU CTI ON : T~ application ~ to be Jtevi0Wed by the County Com~~ion in accoJtdance will Section 19-111 (cc.) ( 5), ao it pJtopo~ e..6 to depo~it 6ill. in tidaLly inundated aJteao. VISCUSSION: The applicant pJtopO~e..6 to ~.ta.bi.tize a 550+ .t.i.neaJt 600t ~hoJte.line thJtough :the COn6tJtuction 06 a bou1.deJt JUpJta.p ~eawli.U. The COn6tJtuction will. Jtequ.JJte the placement 0 -6 180 cubic yaJtd6 06 bou1.dVt6 and 6ill. ~ eawaJtd 06 MHW, and 70 cubic yaJtd6 landwaJtd 06 MHW. A ~ite in6pection Jtevealed that a ~ubmeJtged plant commwu;ty, cOn6~ting pJUmaJU1.y 06 ~hoal gJtM~ (Halodu1.e wJU~hili)and :the calcaJteOM alga f1a.Li.meda ~pp., wao gJtowing 2-4 6ee;t 06 ~hoJte 6Jtom :the pJte..6ent ~hoJte.line. The pJte..6 ent ~hoJteline COn6~:t.6 06 bou1.dVt6 and VcvUOM debw haphazaJtcLe.y placed along the watvr.Li.ne. The upland po4tion 06 the ~ite hao been pJtevioMly 6ill.ed, and numeJtOM eJto~ion channe.t6 indicate :that ovwand !tUno 6 6 hao Wa.6 hed Mil, into the bay watVt6. The a:t:tached VER JtepoJUt. addfteMe..6 t~ pJtOpMal in gJteateJt de;t.tU.t. EVALUATION: The ~tated puJtpo~e 06 the pJtopMed activity ~ to "pJteclude 6uJttheJt eJto~ion and degJta.dation 06 wateJt qua..t.Uy due to tuJtbid.i.:ty". HoweveJt, :the applicant doe..6 not pJtopo~e any mea.6uJte..6 to minimize eJtMion 06 upland 6ill. OJt pJtevent the Jte..6ul.ting ~il;t-laden !tUno66 6Jtom blowing into adjacent watVlJ.>. FwdheJtmoJte, theJte aJte no pJtopo~ed meMuJte..6 to pJtevent WMh-out 06 6ill. 6Jtom behind :the bouldeJt JUpJtap. Two po~~ible ~olu:tion6 aJte to COn6tuct a bvun at the fandwaJtd edge. 06 the JUpJtap ~eawaU, and to Me 6J.ff.eJt ctoth between the JUpJta.p and :the back.6ill.. The a:t:tached VER bioJtepoJUt. addJte..6~e..6 otheJt enviJtonmental impa~ o 6 the pJta po~ ed co n6 tJtuctia n . To ppin.o , F ftan.k.; pftO pM e.d Jt..ipJta.p ).) e.awaLt Pag e. 2 RECOMMENVA TI ON: Appftova1. will mocU.Mc..tLtion.: the. appUc..an.:t ).)haLt u:Ulize. 6il.:tVt c...toth and c..On6btu.c...t a beJun to pfte.ve.n.:t .ton.g-teJun :tuJr..bicii....ty and ).) e.d.Une.n..ta..tion. pftob.te.m).) in. adjac..e.n.t wa..t~. NOTE: ACOE and VER p~ a.Jr..e. fte.quJAe.d. REAV~ ~ 80 Ve.n.vU..o /#/oz- ~., "- "~"""m ~."...:-.".=-.. ~~ ~;'" ';' T'- '.:.auY. 'e:'" . f-<" '.- P",,,{:: !' ''''',0,' . ", ~"I!"-"'" ~'/ ," I::', [" ,u ~4:' \~~r r:~ "7' :: '~< .',. I -'M '~. 1:-.". I.. ,.. to. " .. ~~' ,",'. ~~." " (~ -. ::;' f!: \~:r C r{ '-~ MCJN~ClE COUNTY PERl-lIT NO. ,1) PL\}.iHXG, BUILDn;G & ZomXG DEP.'\RD!ENT PEfJ.-!IT FOR EXCAVATIQ;J, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRUCTU&~L ACTIVITIES IN THE WATERS OR HETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY Property o'vners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI,!ENT 3-1-82 USE O?-:LY Mr. Frank Toppino Post Office Box 787 Key West, Florida 33040 3) Phone number Resolution No. 296-5606 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Paul C, Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 743-3585 5) Legal description of property: Section 32 Key Upper Matecumbe Subdh'ision Part of Govt. Lot 1 7 all of 2 and 3 Tovrnship T64S Lot Block Range R37E Street, road or mile marker Volume of material: dred2ed/excavaced filled ceposited c.y. waten,ard of M.H.h'. c.y. land,,,ard of H.H.~-!. 180, c.y. 70 c.y. watenvard landward of N.H.H. of N.H.W. ZONiNG: BU - 2 PURPOSE: Cost of Pemit Esti~ated cost of Construction Approved by Chilir.:1an BO,\RD OF COUXTY Cmr:USSIm:ERS OF ;.!mJRO[ COl.:::TY, FLORID,\ Biologist Corr..ments - RestYictions or Speci::ll Cor.ditio:1S i: any: Approval with modification: the applicant shall utilize filter cloth and construct a berm to prevent long-term turbidity and sedimentation problems in adjacent waters. NOTE: ACOE and DER permits are required. COuv in File D.J.te E ui ~ ,1 ~ I t 1 ::- :: :_ ~~ i a 1 - ~~M~~!! -~ ::O'UNTV.' ~ . ~ :'1\\\I\C:, DTIT1.!'!";" -,":['.' T\~ PIT I ,\\'.-..n r\, ':ll"F. 1.'rr(~S 1'.[' C'If' if II , ".\.\ll';'~ : 'I' ,'T7rT \'0', ('r.' \'('\'T'! r'.i"'\.. [': 1'\(1" '.PPT ~ ,<"I 'r-li T.\ I, " "II '\' . 'I \ '~'l 1:'\..."', i\' ':'r Property 0.\\TIe rs I ;;Jl"e Mr. Frank Toppino P.O. Box 787 Key West, Florida E: r,a i 1 ire; ~1dd res s .:'.) l'atc 3-1- 82 -::: ') l'\~()ne m ~r-('r OS/296-5606 33040 (ontractor or agent' s n~une, mail ing :.llldress t phone Paul C. Kenson, Jr. & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Ie?~l description of property: Section t 32 Township, T64S Fange, R37E (if acreage) r; ce'rt if i Cl t ion munher. REG.# 14841 305/743-3585 Keyppper Matecumbe ~tlhlivisiont PART GOVT LOT 1 & ALL OF 2 & 3 Plock , lott Street, road or mile markert Zoning, 13 (f-~ ,) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction fl amount of Tlwtcri::ll (in ,cuhic yares), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purJ:cse 8 intcndec1 use of proj ect . SEE BACK OF THIS SHEET ') Name t dredged/excavated f:iJ lerl/cleposi tee -0- c.y. -0- c.y. 180 c.y. 70 c.y,' waterward landward watcrward landward of ~~.P.\'!. of ~'.H.l". of P.P.V'. of }1.H.1'!' address ~ zip code of 2~Joining prepprty 0wners wh0se prrperty af~ronts water way. 1. Ila Knowles '2. Applicant Box 163 Islamorada, FL. 33036 'olume of laterial . j"3.) list other permits issued and/or appliec1 for, include upplicant's n3I!1e, for nis site: DER 3/1/82 & COE 3/1/82 - Frank Toppino b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and. give applicDI1t's name if different from current applicant. NO 9) list all federal and State agencles that have recelVed appllcatlcns for trlS proJect. DER & CORPS OF ENGINEERS 3/1/82 This completed application fonn will be accanpcmiecl l~y tre following, or it will NCT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, shm",ing location, plot plan, top view ann cross section of proposal, drm-m to sC31e. b) Application processing fee as follows: , $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP any stnlctures affronting nntllr:11 Hater bodies. $30.00 for vertical seawalls on man-maGE' h)'lics or "vater, $75.00 for any canbination of the ahove activities per site. j'pplication is herehy made for a pemit to autl-1ori:.e the nct ivit ies c1escribec1 l1erein. I certify that I am familiar with the infonnation contained if1 tl1is application, and to the 'best of my knowledge 6 belief such infonnation is true, complete' (1 ~lccuratc. I furtrer certify that I possess the authority to undertake t11c proposed :lctivities. 1''' provisions of 1a.....s ann ordin<mces governing this type of ..\'ork ....111 he canp1ic(~ Hith hl'etl'cr specified llcrein or not. granting of a penn it does not presume to givc nutl10rity to violatc or cancel t11e provisions Of any county, state or federal 1m", regulating construct ion or perfonn:mcc of constnlctim cf tris type of facility. rn,c J( ;; /}ti;. Ie ~~I SlL'1ffture ot -apr] lcan dgent ...1-1- !L- Pate For Department Use ('nly/ $ /,~ .00 38 )bl 0 Fee & receipt if Appr0vcd by Pss't. ~lrector Person accepting application & Date Cost of penni t Fstinatcd co~t or COflstruction SCOPE OF PROJECT: .' '"-"", ~,. The proposed activity consis~of installing a rip-rap seawall waterward of Mean High Water to preclude further erosion and degradation of water quality due to turbidity. The clean fill and rip-rap will come from an upland source by truck over existing roads and the aoplicant's upland. The fill will be dumped on the site and rip-rap placed by orange peel bucket mounted on a mobile crane, .-The, rip-rap ,seawall will be placed waterward of the existing shoreline. The entire work area will be enclosed by turbidity screen until shoreline work is complete. ~.~~-( C~ FLO~\O~ \--C>C A T\ O~.J. .~ I".) "::> ~\NY ~ \ ~\\E PL~~ -b-- FRa~ t---.\ .()~. c... \J.~~-r '\4~ ~c:::.4l..~- '-/4.~t::l~ , i""",,O '2.'Oa::;:J 1 :!!loc:l::) \" ~ ""to 00' I . e-' --. \CO 200 'e,oo I 4,.00 LE9Cl.L DE.~C.~\~\\O~ r-A~\ -G,D-./T \..OT \ ~ ~\...\.. OF 2.~~ 5E:.<:...T ~'Z, Tc..4- ~,e:_~"'E-_- ,)'t'~ E;';::' V\ L. ~C.Vt-A. t",,",c:k 'f::'E''-C- "" '0 \-oJ. -;:::"0 r; .:::. \:"'-(. t= L.. - ~ ~ .".-1 ! -+ 4-.0' 6..\1 ~ ~LW a\~\ ~\lC::=-''::"''-~ ~ ,:,", '-- l- '"' PURPOSE: S~Ct2.E..,-\~G: ~O\Ec:..,(O"":> ~-?~(:VS~T 'i"U~'T\..-\El::..E-=o~\OW DATUM M E~\-l ~\~ ~ """A"t"\iC:~ ADJACENT PR~PER1Y ORNERS: G) 1.1a Knowles Box 163, Islamorada, FL 33036 @ Applicant IN ~'-( 0(<0 t=Lot:?\ n ~ AT \~Lt:.MCR.Clo'Dc.. COUNTY O. V\O\:)~Ok.STATE ~ APPUCAlION BY F: \O~00 SHlfl \ or?. OATl 2-ICl-~2. SK 20-023 ~--- 'f'- A W' Ill. ... \00' L ~t-- -ZL- i I I ':- ~ I TO? O~ 't:;A~~ \ \ jZ::? 0 r 'Eo.:.. ~~ M ~ v..../ ____ ~=\tt:>~ -_. . - ---.-~~O l='\L...G \-\ - \'1::: \00' " - YO" = \'- 0 Shoreline Protection & ?revent Further Erosion PURPOSE; MffiIJ DATU'"' ADJACENT PROPERTY ORNERS: CD rIa Knowles Box 163, Islamorada,FL.33036 CD SK 20-023 IN BAV OF FLORIDA AT rSLAMORl\.DA COUNTY Of MONROE STAT~ FL APPt.ICATIOH ByF. Topp~no SHEET 2 Of 2 DATt-10- 8 2 ~ t " . .;:) ~ . . ~.t -- ~ I)~, ~ . ~ ~ <=:: IJ> ~ <0 -:;..- ("> ~ <0 -:> -:> '" f I ~ol i ~: I ~ . .-- ~ , I I I " o ~ .'6 o >- .:t ()lC/) -- '(n r- ~ a ~ ctI ~ ~ ~ / en en 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA 33950 ,<~~ '+~"'\ /1 ,--..s-~\~\ I; ..-7/ ~- ',:~ I <e( -'_, \~~8'~.~, v:.:~~/;/ -'I' I ',~~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR Victoria T?fJh~~~~ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 1, 1982 Frank Toppino c/o P. C. Kenson P.O. Box 92 Marathon, Florida 33050 Dear Mr. Toppino: Monroe County, File No. 440531835, Riprap Revetment As we adv'ised you on March 15, 1982 , you.: application is i~cc~~lete without local ap~r=val, cursuan~ to Sec~.i.cn 253.124, Florida Statutes, for filling water=Harc of ~~e existing mean/ ordina~i high ~ater line. Please submit the enclosed copy of ou: ~iological cc~e~ts together with your permit application to the 3o~d of County Cc~~ssicners/City Co~'cil or their au~~orized ?e~itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states that the county commiSSion/city council ~. . .shall have in hand the (biOlogical) report and findings thereof." It further states, ~The report shall be read into the record and duly considered at the same meeting at which ~~e board of county commissioners or ot~er authorized bcdy takes final action on t~e application for pe=:nit.n You will need ~o obtain a copy of the cinutes of the meeting or an appropriate indication of the local approval. T~.i.s letter, resolution or copy of t~e minutes should =e sent tc this o==ice. Your a~olication will remain inccmnlete w~t~out valid local approval:- If you have any questions-ccnc2r~ing ~~s procedure, please contact us. Si~cerely, RWC/wr ~z:closur2 ~<k~ Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor ~E:~ ?c~ 17-1.122(50) ~ TOPPINO, FRANK *440531835 Monroe County - Upper Matecumbe Key Page Two ~~ A. The applicant proposes to protect the shoreline of his property from erOS1on. The goal will be achieved by building a 550+ ft. long boulder riprap revetment. Construction of the revetment will involve placing 180+ cu. yds. of material waterward of mean high water (MHW) and 70+-cu. yds. landward of MHW. An estimated 2,750 sq. ft. (0.063 acres) of emergent wetlands and 1,650 sq. ft. (0.038 acres) of transition zone wetlands will be covered by the revetment. . All material and equipment will be brought to the site over upland roads. A crane equipped with an orarge peel bucket will be used to place the boulders. Silt screens will be utilized to control turbidity. B. The project site is located on Upper Matecumbe Key. The Overseas Highway borders the southeast side of the project site. A variety of commercial developments including stores. restaurants. marinas and gas stations are found along the highway in the project site vicinity. Commercial developments border the project site on either side. The northwest side of the project site is bordered by Little Basin, which is a shallow (less than 5 ft. deep) branch of Florida Bay. The waters in the project area are designated as Class III (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). The project site was the location of unauthorized filling of wetlands in the past in the form of waste concrete. As the result of a re- quest by the Army Corps of Engineers , the applicant recently voluntarily restored the area of unauthorized filling. It was also suggested to the applicant that the restored shoreline be stabi- lized with riprap. The present application is the result of this suggestion. C. The applicant's property is an irregular shaped 350+ ft. by 400+ ft. parcel of land. The land has been used as an industrial site for many years. At present, a concrete batch plant and several small associated buildings are located at the site. The use of the site has resulted in much of the land being unvegetated fill, What upland vegetation that exists on the site. consists of pioneer grasses growing on the less heavily traveled areas. The shoreline of the project site consists of a steep drop from the 3+ ft. elevation of the land, to a depth of 1 to 2 ft. mean low witer (MLW). The shoreline is composed of a variety of construction debris, crude seawalls. and bare fill. Vegetation along the shore- line consists of railroad vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae) and salt grass - , TOPPINO, FRANK 1440531835 Monroe County - Upper Matecurnbe Key Page Three (Distich1is SticataJ along the upper areas of the slope and a few red mangrove Rhizophora mangle) and black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) trees at the toe of the slope. Along much of the shoreline,seagrass beds can be found very near the shore. D. Construction related activities can be expected to cause elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic substances. Experience has shown that placement of riprap usually does not cause much turbidity. Proper use of silt screens should easily control any turbidity problems which do occur. The riprap will permanently displace 0.10+ acres of wetlands. Eventually a new flora and fauna will develop on the riprap which should at least partially replace the pre-construction biota. . .. .. " TOPPINO, FRANK '440531835 Monroe County - Upper Matecumbe Key Page Four E. Under the prov1s1ons of Chapters 253 and 403, Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4, Florida Administrative Code, I recommend Departmental permitting authorization be granted to this application. DATE: READ: DEB/dvo C.