Resolution 220-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 220 -1982 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS TO CONDUCT A SPECIAL REFERENDill1 ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 2, 1982, FOR MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT NUMBERS l-C, 2, 5, AND 6 AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 208- 1982. \VHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, is desirous of holding a Special Referendum Election on Tuesday, November 2, 1982, in portions of Monroe County, Florida pursuant to the provisions of Monroe County Ordinance No. 5-1977, as amended, for elector approval within the Districts set forth below for the purchase and/or refurbishment of fire fighting and ambulance equipment for use within each of said Districts, and for construction of two additional garage bays in certain District, and ~IEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida previously passed Resolution No. 208-1982 which said Board now desires to rescind, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOAP~ OF COUNTY CO~1ISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: 1. That Resolution No. 208-1982 is hereby rescinded. 2. That the Honorable William Freeman, Supervisor of Elec- tions, be and he is hereby requested to conduct a Special Referendum Election on Tuesday, November 2, 1982, in the following election precincts of Monroe County, Florida, to-wit: DISTRICT NO. l-C (Election Precinct 1 lying between Shark Channel and Sugarloaf Channel and Pre- cinct 17 lying between Sugarloaf Channel and Kemp Channel.) That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposal: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 IN DISTRICT l-C OF APPROXIMATELY .458 CENTS PER EACH $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PRO- PERTY TO PURCHASE ONE TYPE III M1BULANCE AND ASSOCIATED AND/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT? YES NO -2- DISTRICT NO. 2 (Election Precincts 18 and 19.) That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposals: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 IN DISTRICT 2 OF APPROXIMATELY .234 CENTS PER EACH $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO REFURBISH ONE 1976 FORD WATER TANKER/P~1PER? SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 IN DISTRICT 2 OF APPROXIMATELY .078 CENTS PER EACH $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PRO- PERTY TO REMOUNT &~D REFURBISH AN EXIST- ING MODULAR PATIENT CO}1PARTMENT ONTO A NEW CAB AND CI~SSIS? DISTRICT NO. 5 (Election Precinct 22.) YES NO YES NO That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposals: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEARS 1983-84, 1984-85, 1985-86, 1986-87, 1987-88 IN DISTRICT 5 OF APPROXI- HATELY .617 CENTS PER EACH $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO PUR- CHASE ONE AERIAL TRUCK, ONE QUICK ATTACK RESCUE PUMPER, ONE TYPE III AHBULANCE, fu~D ASSOCIATED M~D/OR RELATED EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCT TWO ADDITIONAL GARAGE BAYS, AND TO REMOUNT AND REFURBISH AN EXISTING NODULAR PATIENT COMPARTHENT ONTO A NE\v CAB AND CHASSIS? DISTRICT NO. 6 YES NO (Election Precinct 23 and that portion of Precinct 24 lying West of the Westerly boundary of the City of North Key Largo Beach. ) That the qualified electors of said area vote on the following proposal: SHOULD MONROE COUNTY LEVY PROPERTY TAXES IN FISCAL YEAR 1983-84 IN DISTRICT 6 OF APPROXI}~TELY .084 CENTS PER $1,000.00 OF ASSESSED VALUE OF REAL PROPERTY TO RE- MOUNT AND REFURBISH AN EXISTING MODULAR PATIENT COMPART}ffiNT ONTO A NEW CAB CHASSIS? YES NO -3- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the Clerk of said Board shall forthwith furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Supervisor of Elections and the Legal Department is hereby authorized to advertise said referendum in the Key West Citizen, The Keynoter and The Reporter in accordance with the requirements of law. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of August, A.D. 1982. BOARD OF COUNTY COM}1ISSIONERS OF M~ COUNTY~LORIDA ~ By ~c.. G. .o:1-r 1ayor /Chairman (Seal) Attest: ItUPH W~ \\'Hm:. CLERK !.t 'r Mi. ~ M. P..AJ.w O.~. o Q Clerk I APPROVED AS TO fORM AN. GAl. SUFFICIENCY. .& Attorn9V~$ atfies 8"1