Resolution 222-1982 -.. - II - RESOLUTION NO. 222 - 1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from RAYMOND SCHMIDT and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant is proposing to bulkhead, backfill and construct a dock along a residential shoreline. This shoreline borders a canal for a distance of 95 feet and displays significant erosion. Total fill placed would amount to !140 cubic yards. The shoreline would be extended waterward for approximately 10 feet or to a point several feet waterward of the apparent MLW. At this point, the applicant proposes to construct a six foot wide wooden dock, to extend to deep water, needed to moor a boat. The bulkhead would be concrete with a 5' wide cap to serve as a walk- way. The final lot grade of the fill area would be 4.37 feet above MSL. The purpose of this project is to reclaim eroded land and to provide mooring for a private sailboat. The project area was originally low mangrove-dominated wetlands with shallow tidal creeks before being dredged and filled for residential development during the 1950's and 60's. Adjacent areas were similarly developed, the result being a large network of canals, all emptying into Sister's Creek which, in turn, connects to Hawk Channel to the south and Boot Key Harbor to the north. Many of the original shorelines here were left partially intact during the development of this general area and, for this reason, many of the shorelines here cannot be considered as totally artificial or natural. Over most of the shorelines in the area, mangrove growth has become very well established, preventing any further erosion over and above what initially occurred after initial dredge and fill operations. The canals in the area are fairly deep with somewhat of a milky characteristic due to the predominantly marl composition of the shorelines and under- lying strata. Development of this area is proceeding at an accelerated rate with many new homesites evident. On Mockingbird Lane, a house and bulkhead was recently constructed several lots to the south of the applicant with- out appropriate permits. An enforcement case is pending. At the end of Mockingbird Lane, a permit was recently issued to Peter Whittier (permit #44-41074-5E) for the construction of a riprap revetment and a boat basin. The applicant's lot was filled to an elevation of about MSL during the initial development of this subdivision. is encountered abruptly at the erosion line, which also close to the approximate mean high water line. four feet above The shoreline appears to be As judged from adjacent properties, the applicant's shoreline at one time supported a mangrove fringe containing red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle), black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa). This fringe was apparently eliminated by cutting. Buttonwoods (Conocarpus erecta) are found near the erosion line. From the erosion line waterward, a gradually sloping bottom extends for about 20 feet until the dropoff to deep water is reached. Of this 20 feet, about 10 feet is intertidal, with the remaining half normally submergent on a permanent basis. Within the intertidal area, green algaes (Batophora sp.) are somewhat established, although due to the soft marl base, little in the way of permanent biota are found here. The submergent littoral shelf found here is very healthy and productive in terms of diversity and overall biomass. The bottom here is nearly 100 percent covered by benthic flora which includes turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum), Cuban shoalweed (Halodule wrightii), green algaes (Halimeda sp.), and Penicillus sp.), red algae (Gracilari sp.) and a variety of sponges (Porifera). Found within the vegetated areas were schools of mojarra (several unidentified species), sailor's choice (Haemulon parrai), grunts (Haemulon sp.), and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides). The grass and algae beds found along this shoreline act as feeding habitat and nursery areas for a variety of marine life. Due to its protected nature and lush benthic vegetative crop, this area serves to benefit not only the species of fish observed and previously mentioned (these fish serve as baitfish for the area's commercial and recreational fishery) but also support a substantial population of grass shrimp (Tozeuma carolinensis), along with various species of isopods, amphipods, polychaetes, pelecypods and gastropods. As proposed, bulkhead construction will eliminate several hundred square feet of established marine algaes. The majority of the area now proposed for filling is, however, presently unstabilized and lacking in any permanent biota, as a result of erosion and the soft textured sediments involved. It is felt that the waterward extent of the bulkhead is satisfactory in terms of setting a precedent for future bulkheads along this shoreline. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 23rd day of August , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRO~NTY, FLORIDA ~ By tr-' ~'- (: .o~+, ;(MaYOr) --d- Attest: r. q t':~' 1'1 t,,, if'- C" "":'J .tnLi" H iil. ~; jj~~ i t, 'b:.~u\ ~ '<' ~~' Q,~ ,0,<- 'D AS TO FORM S/JFF~~. / A -' A.~.OIfit;e ~pv IIY ~.. ~="" - ~"V;l.'~-=~ ~~ n-~; T' ilV" . ,''''~ '. :-~- "" . __ ",<<" .",".,,", l., ~u.r. ,=." r-'; \' . ~';', r'f' .... tl":" ;-t- J.', "~ r'f~-- L. . I '. I' \.. ~.. t, . t:~' .,~' ~~;: '- t::,.c, 0 \~~i'"' :~ ~t.s . ~: PL\~in:\G , BrILDn;G & ZmJING DEPART~fENT PERl-fIT 1 MON~OE &~ ~"" .~~ PEr-J-nT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT OF NO. COUNTY FILL, OR STRrCTURll.L ACTIVITIES r" THE I 1'.. I ,..~ WATERS OR HETLANDS OF HONROE COUNTY I 11) Property owners name & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTHENT USE m:LY I . I Raymond Schmidt I I .Rt. 1 Box 227 Resolution No. I Marathon, Fla. 3) Phone number I 289-1020 Date: I 4) l I 5) i I I I Contractor or agent's name, mailing address & phone number Owner Builder Legal description of property: Section 10 & 15 Key Boot Key Subdivision Tropi c Isles Sec. A Tmv'11ship 66 S lot 24 Block 32E Range Street, road or mile marker Mocking Bi rd Lane dred2ed/excavated Volume of material: filled deposit-2u c.y. waten-lard of ~1.H.H. c.y. land,IIard of t1. H . I'T . -t- I LJLi .., c . y . c . y . waterward landward of M.H.W. of N.H.W. ., ZONING: RU-1 PURPOSE: Cost of Permit Estimated cost of Construction Approved by Ch~irman BOARD OF COUXTY Cmr-nSSIm:ERS OF MOXROC COUXTY, FLORIDA Biologist Corr~llents - Restrictions or Speci:J.l Conditio:1S if any: Approval :ODV in Fi Ie E;:1 i ~ \~ i r. '.': () t ~ i L." i a 1 D.:Jte ..--,-' -, \'t ':;~ G :. _ :.. :-: .~ ;:.. ,: c. ;: 2. .) ~ i J) ;' .I '..i.. ~ .. '.. .... i '" - I =opcr~j OW~C~3 ~~~C _ ...7 1 / ,; 1/ t 11';'. , ,~,. 1/' /-( 11 r ("~I (,J j;/ "! '-J'. 77-; I /)" i'! J ') /' !\ .' ._1 \... ['- r.. ~ ~ - , .J ;~'~ ;:. e , J'-:-- ,,/ ,:,../r/ ;.,- , ~/} j.. . / (,/ . /",<',/ ,':'/] T,' S .Ii... ~:-;/' /~ __ v1 (}c):-;; /9%/ .2 r ? .- /eJ ,,'2. 0 .: . ':J:1t::'"c~o'::' O~ ~\~~~~':1' :.'\~-~:~(~t '~t,';.~..7~..:-'.--' ::.r.,'..~~~::.~.~ -'~'I~~_C (1 Ct~:~~f:"ci.\~:.on num~cr. I i 1 , I j 1St: S'(~t.:.i'... A -J I I I /~/~ (r//:: ;// ':/iC';) I.: /t,{.,;.J I' I i ec':ion, ,/ 1/) I-/'J , /' (" \a /.-73 ..... Xcy~ f/, _,,"- t,) L ( I //I,:'{ Ti ~'//(C S'.1~division, Je0~~:' C:csc-::.'):::..cn of ?':'"o?cr:y: , 0 ~,-n s hiI' , Lo~, 71/ :nock, .~.- :an~e, -?7- . / ~ '/ (if <1crear,e) i)I:~1 II.. , S~:-cct:,. rc:'..d or . . ~l. ,..1..C merkcr, :on:!.nr., /",j ~ ,J ,,-' ..- /('::!.' ;/(.' I (i';-. )cscribe the proposed activity, me':hods of cons:r~:io~ & amount of material (in cubic yar.ns)', to l,e excevntcd or dil'lchnr~cd. !'cscr~~be purpose Ct intended .1se of project. 70 8UlL../} Cvll/eRE Tc:- D,,'cK W/7N' /0'<' /0 f-JILc.'=j" p ---e' 1\ I- . SLAGS l7E/(//c/(/ .t: / t(,h"iIK ,AlJ c t.le.. I? E//(.' c'/ t:: /.:'1 !?t'(J'i- 8"0 To /co yos ,,/'::: /L.jAt< e:. r/,uo ptt4-C r;- !ll?f-!ftUQ S EAw;fLL- d ,"cc. ~ed I c~c:-'.v:-'. t cd 1"01'" ,/-' .It- 1 ....__...cG. ~.c,os..._C( tme of. materit\1.: .5t--/t(") c.y_ c.,-. c_y., c.v. ..... - r r" ~ '1 ---- e .l........-.u~.,.. (1" ,,~ ';J I' :: \.. ~..; . ~, ,. fT I '.r.~"'... ~ \' ~; ... ,. ~ A 'f \: ~A ~ ~i ,~,iT U Jf lc~ f'~ ~I' \!.:1. ~ ~l. 0... 1 l . :t . .\ . (' 1~._I..'J_;" . V - ~ . . I . ,. . v.I.."'" . t, . ~, . ~~~e, address & zip code of ~cijoini~s P~O?C~ty c~~ners whose prop~rty nffronts ,,'ater ~MY. t.oT 23 /~Lc..'i.)j.f)",") !(EYS DC(..-(E'6<"P'/L([It// RT I I5tJ'f. tf,r J-/A/o..'7H-'T"IIcA; I-LA , I I I i i I Ior I I I I , I I I I ;C;-"'(- '0 ) ,~oJ j~. /h: ;' lilil'((:....t2C r /0://;';;'':' /,,'-/1 (" (:c.o,o\'c:/A. /)/.,c' /?(('I</,:'t.l.f~ If;,;; /r- (J'::-? issued a':1.d/o~ <1?plicd for, .include applicant I s na;~, Lis: other permits this site Sc/II("./ ~LJ F, /?A '(i--/{yJQ ,~ tv _ j? .0 - /....) () I L' I/'v' G- PEl? t<-f /' T 10 BLlIL 0 /liJHr If n,?lica~ion has been s~~~i~~c~ ~or ~his ?rcject past, explain rc~so~ fo~ new 3P?lic~:io~ ~~a g~vc clifferen~ frem c~r=e~~ ~?~lic~~t. (or one similar) in the a?pl:!.c~nt's name if L~st al: Federal a~a ,roject. S~~atc r.;:c.:-..cics t ~~ 3. t ~~vc ~cceivcC: applications for this " I Thi~ co~~leted n??lication for~ ~ill be ncco~?p.~ied by the follo~ing, or it will ~c~ 3e ?~~cc$scd. ) :wo (2) sets of G~~~i~3S, on C~ x 11 ?~?cr, sho~i~3 :~c~tion, ~lot nod cro~~ section of nro?os~l. drawn to ~cAlc. ) A?pl!c~tion ?roceS~~n3 fee ~s fol:ow~~ $25.00 for cl"cd"'e .;:.: , 1 clor',., f)':' "''''''-" S ......r """p", "r.r...o....~.:....'" ...... ..........t ... ... 0' ~......., -....-' ..::..;.;: "".J ---... ....'....- -~.., f..J,.J.._ ...._oA.~&~ ....r.1ol..o\wlo...r::- $lO.'CJ for vcrticnl ~e;2'...y~:ls on r:1~n-:n~C:c boC:ics or ....,..:1~c:-. f',' /. Jf" . 0 f)" _r. " r: ., nv o. ..... J n ~ r. ~. '- .. . , J . . .... t.",C m~.......1,-io~ O..L..' ,-('~~ .'"1..;.JO\.~ t.,C....l...,.:...~....c~ ';~~ ~:..t~. pllln, top vie.... water bodies. p' .,( .t J' _ r-.. 1"'1 -c...........~.. ,...n.:....'l..'....,".~-,J,,-.."._ .._......r:' .~,....,!"..:\......~~".,,~ r'.c"'r"'i~,..r. 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" (".. n - ~ ~ "t) ~ "- "- h ~ '-1 ~ ~ ~ "'{ "' t> '" ... l) ~ "'i ~ }. ~ ~ '""J ~ " ~ ~l ~ ......... ~ It) ~ ~ ~ ~ }, ::t.. ~ C\' ~ ~ I ~ "- "> " A }. " ~ ()\. () ~ ~ =t ,... ~ ...... < " '\J ~ ....... It) ........ ~ I) ..... "i , ~ :b tv I i i I I j I" I lea Co I-{.- ~ ~ ~ ~ V'j ~ 1. (rj l ~ R: ~ I 1(,..\ '-- \") .... IC I ...... I .... ~ I ~ Y - 1-) L I I i , i i I I ~ _-----m.~ --~.__._------_.__._--- I i ' { 0~/cl? + I 0 i ~(' C t;NCtfC-rc (../ ~ L I< SEA '-v' /- L '- I - ~ ------.--- ~ /' , Weo 0 D~ c..t< y \(> . :: -- ---- -- 'f ~ I o r:- t , - - >1 I I I ! 'j .f I I I l.. I I I I ! I:' I~ "" I- I I I I I I i : ; I ! 1 I I --r I 1- I I~ , I ' I r '( ~ ~EV/SL--D pLA-/J/ It I), ~ ~..2YrL-- 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARu PUi'.!TA GOROA, FLORIDA 33950 .;":'iiil~- ....d:.--_'-t" ~ -- -~ --"- "'1-- 1_~~-:: ':t;. :.... /, "'!:.1 ~,Ii/I/t~ .. '" lA, .'~' \'t!f~.~;~.J~ / ~// ,.rr"'1'l Of f\.cf1.~/ '~ STATE OF FLORIDA 306 G;:;AHAI'>', GOVERNOF JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 29, 1982 Mr. Raymond Schmidt Rt. #1, Box 227 Marathon. Florida 33050 Monroe County, File # 44-49375-5E, Seawa 11, Dock, Fi 11, Key Harbor Dear Mr. Schmidt: As we advised you on November 10, 1981 a:::p2..ication is Sec~.:..cr; 253.124, existi::g mean/ vou= , - ~::com~lete w.:..-:.hout local a==r~v-2.1,- ':)U=S11a~t t~ - - - - ?lorida Statutes, for filling ~aterwa=c of the ordinary ~igh water line. Please s~~~t the enclosed copy of our biological ccmme~ts together with yo~ permit application to the Board of County Ccrnrr~ssioners/City Council or ~~eir authorized ?e~.itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Sta~~tes, states L~at t~e cou""'+-~. co.........:s-.;on/c.:tv co""'c':;" 5""'20" 'ha"'" .;- ....a.,..,,.: ....'..,e .0..1 .."""',J.';;:O....... ..... _ ......~ __ . . e. __... _ _~. u .__ ... (biological) report and findings L~erecf." It f~=~~er states, "T~e report shall be read into t~e =ecc=c a~c culy cc~s~~e=ec at the same meeting at which ~~e boa=c of cou~ty corr~iss~cners 0= c~~e= authorized body takes f~na~ action or. ~~e a:::~:icaticn fe.=: pe~l.~ t. " You will ::eed to obtain a copy of the mi~utes o~ the meeti~g or a~ app=c~~iate i~dication of the local approval. This let~er, =esclutic~ 0= copy o~ the minutes should be sent to t~~s c=f~ce. Ysu= applicaticn will =emai~ inccmplete w~~hcut valid local apF=cval. If you have a~y ~~es~icns ccnce=~ing L~S ?roced~re, please contact ~s. - . . ~ :..::ce.=e_~. I L~'~':'~~":::J: i1f'. .- I / l ,. ,,- --;-.---,! ~~r:{_/"'~ t... RI.JC/wr ::::-:c:cs~=e Ri chard ~.'. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor --- - - ~-- :--1.122(50) 3201 GOLF COURSE BOULEVARD PUNTA GORDA. FLORIDA 33950 '~\IIOo>-.IA.::'" /d/---~~ ~~~_,-,,~olDt":: - ~~, :5,---==- ..-::;~- \~\, <' - \t;'~H~~. { " ' f."~,I/JJJJ';/ '{I: .' / ' I,' / "'--.tr~7F Of f\cfI-"~;/ ~ STATE OF FLORIDA BOB GRAHAM GOVERNOR JACOB D. VARN SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTH FLORIDA BRANCH OFFICE June 29, 1982 Mr. Raymond Schmidt Rt. #1, Box 227 Marathon, Florida 33050 Monroe County, File # 44-49375-5E, Seawall, Dock, Fill, Key Harbor Dear Mr. Schmidt: ;'_s we aCitised you on November 10, 1981 , yo~ applica"::..on is i~ccmplete,without local apprcval, pu=sua~t to Sec~icn 253.124, ?lorida Statutes, for =illing waterHarc of ~~e ex~st~~g mean/ ordinary ~igh water line. Please su~it the enclosed c09Y of cu= biological co~e~ts together with your permit application to the Boa=d of County Co~~issioners/City Councilor their aut~orized ?e~.itting authority. Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, states ~~at t~e county commission/city cOlli~cil". .shall have in hand the (biological) report and findings L~ereof.n It further states, "T~e report shall be read into the record and duly cc~siderec at the same meeting at which ~he board of county ccr.nissioners or c~~er authorized body takes final ac~ien en the a??~icaticn for ?er:ni-:.." You will ~eed to obtain a copy of ~ne wi~utes of t~e meeting or an app~opriate incication of the local approval. T~is letter, ~esoluticn 0= copy 0= t~e ~i~utes shoulc be sent to this office. Your a?plicatic~ will =eIT~in ilicomplete without valie local a??=oval. If you have a~y qJestions ccncer~ing ~~s procecu=e, please contact us. Si::cerely, f"\ I f I I .. 11/ I hi, "1.f.J7~; I[.~/. ..J.....~.. C: --!. _L.../ ,- .! I . i..,~..J,i >, -.... .. . Ri'JC/wr Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge & Fill Supervisor Er:cl.cs....:.=e ....~.... ~=-:.. ":,,,...~ - --- l~-1.:22(=O) SCHMIDT, RAYMOND {f44-49375-5E Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant is proposing to bulkhead, backfill and construct a dock along a residential shoreline. This shoreline borders a canal for a distance of 95 feet and displays significant erosion. Total fill placed would amount to +140 cubic yards. The shoreline v]Ould be extended \.;;atcn;ard for approximately 10 feet or to a point several feet waten.;;aro o~ the apparent MLW. At this point, the applicant proposes to construct a six foot wide wooden dock, to extend to deep water, needed to moor a boat. The bulkhead would be concrete with a 5' wide cap to serve as a walkway. The final lot grade of the fill area would be 4.37 feet above MSL. The purpose of this project is to reclaim eroded land and to provide mooring for a private sailboat. ~ D. The project :,rea Has originally 1m,' mangrove-dominated \17etlands with shallow tidal creeks before being dredged and filled for rcsidenti31 development during the 1950's and 60's. Adjacent areas ~cre sinlilarly developed. the result being a large network of canals, [~11 e;::ptyinG into Sisrey's Cr'eek \"hich, in turn, connects to Hawk CL;nnf.' 1 to Lheo souch and Boot lZev Harbor to the north. Many of the original shorelines here were left partially intact during the dEvelopment of this general area and, for this reason, many of the shorelines here cannot be considered as totally arti- ficiai or n2tur21. Over most of the shorelines in the area, mangrove grc~th has become very well established, preventing any further erosion over and above what initially occurred after initial dredge and fill operations. The cana13 in the ayea are fairly deep with somewhat of 2 milky characteristic due to the predominantly marl cO;llpc'sition of the shorelines and underlying strata. Dc':el:pmcn: of tnls area is rro:2eclng at an accelerated rate with :i::Jny :-~c\.; ~,()r.;esitc~~ c',::idcnt. On !'loci~ingbird Lane, a house and bulkhead ~.'::lS l:C'2erl~1..y con~,tr,Jc~ed scve:-al lots to the south of the applicant ~ithout aP0yopri3ce pernlits. An enforcement case is pending. At en (; er, J of >lod~i n.:::'oi rel Lane, a penni t \.J2S recent ly is sued to Pe ter Whittier (permit ~44-4l074-5E) for the construction of a riprap revetment and a boat basi~. r v. The applicant's lot \.Jas filled to an elevation of about four feet above MSL during the initial development of this subdivision. The shore 1 ine is enco'._lTI tered abruD tl vat the: eras ion 1 ine, \V'h ich 21so appears to be clo:~e to the; appro:dm2te ,,,ean high \o-later line. M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: August 16, 1982 TO: Attorney Nelson Read, Assistant County Attorney FROM: J L. ~ Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning RE: William Atkinson Please advise me regarding the status of this matter. AL:mmp BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS~lul\JtRS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr" District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 o,~v~r;kq~~9E (305) 2944641 Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 OFFICE OF Director Building, Planning an Zoning P.O, BOX Room 205 Wing Public Service Buildi 5825 Jr. College Rd. Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution 3. Permi t 4. Application for Permit 5.. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date {f- ! ~ -8 ;2... fr;\, ~ r.;;, ~ \7'O,,~ ~ Wl)lj.'I:~ \t,;Jl', !;: \Vl11".I,n I fi $ ,..;; -"~ ',' , ".1, , l! U, ,..~; . ~~ 'l.! AUG 17 1982 "'. COlllf if ArTY'.. , v v ~ v V"" v V' v By 4D~ M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: August 13, 1982 TO: Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building & Zoning FROM: Robert Dennis, Senior Biologist /- ?J}/' SUBJECT: Schmidt, R; Seawall and dock LEGAL: TWSP 66 S, RGE 32 E, SECT. 10 & 15; Tropic Islse, Sec. A, Boot Key. Zoning is RU-l. INTRODUCTION: This application is to be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-1ll(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code; fill below the mean high water line. DISCUSSION: The applicant proposes to construct a vertical, concrete seawall 95 ft. long by 5 ft. wide requiring l40! cubic yards of backfill. The seawall and back- fill will reclaim 10 ft. of eroded land along a residential canal. In addition to the seawall, the applicant has requested approval to construct a wooden dock along the proposed bulkhead. The dock will be 95 ft. long by 6 ft. wide. It is my understanding that the previously issued permit, #B7738 will be amended to eliminate the approval to dredge (copy of permit attached). This project was reviewed by the Department of Environmental Regulation and their attached biological report should be read for additional information. EVALUATION: No long term adverse environmental impacts are expected as a result of this project. REC01-1MENDATION: Approval -. ~ - ,- , BUIL:JING FE:?.:,,::-:- BUILDING AND ZONING DEFAR7f.EN7 OF MONROE COUNTY I FLORIDA ..-.... .~. "I,l t- 1:-.;0 Oct. 26, 1981 DATE .'" -:7,:;:-::;; '-,C": ~~,::5:~f0;;'7':C: THIS PERMIT SHALL ALLOW 'WORK (.AS DEFINED UNDER ,. WORK DESCRIPTION BELOW AND ':.d.s SHOWN AND SPECIFIED ON PLANS SUBMITTED AND ON FILE IN THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICES) TOEE PERFORMED "~s,. ::TT:: FOLLOwu;~;t:~i~~~:~'~~'~:~0~r' CTrCPiC ~l~. . ..,.iJ"~tl6'~ .,~W~f~: ~....,. ,c(c'.; ~ !i ~_- ~. !i;.~ ~ .... ~ a: w c.. ,'{,'::~,~~r~~;~?~~~~~t~~t,..:' , STREET OR ROAD, '. '-f-' ..~~/..,: ::~,~.t-..,-:" .-",...~J:'.l.},:1~~~1;]-;}-.~:f.::::~;~-:S.~ -'--'f .; --.. , ,T.. '.r~~. r. . ,- -,." ~- .....~. :-';"'~..--_.:':"-','~. ,'~___n. ~l4"'. --..:,;..:c>. " .1'.aptond B OWNER ____-=-. - ~PHONE - ,"" '. ,; ;ct;~t,;~~~=~4~~~~~~~~;Y~;s~~~.ttt;~f.~.~~~~" ~ .i;~~~~~~~~1;~~t~}r~~~:;1~~" :MAILING ADDRESS' WORK DESC~~~f}b~;~.,~;,."",~~t1's~c1'~~Y~i}S~' RU:ARKS or:. 1: :.';.~J1'~~jt/'::f~:"::-jf~~~~~~, .,. '. ~ .' n " " ;,~!~..~"t'~T'"t':fTr~j; " $8 000 vO "" .....,'~;;,>.,rl!l.,,;.,- - ',~,< ,.,.> , r:~~l\TED VALUE , <~?:""':'~,,,,:,;:.i-')',:':::.~'~;."~~:~?~':~~~;_" 1 (; f 11./81 Armyj.1e>rp8. ~nd ,D!m. parmtta maybe,T.gu.:~;ed:ss)'s-c:.~~idf ' - ..~~ '~:':z'~~,*~5tfi/:~:~l~-~~.t;;;€#r;;_~::1~~"*~,t;~:,~~~:;;"'\~::;?i>~:~-t~i!;,;;fi'i.,--:-;:~;~':"" ': ~.::",:';~~1;l~~?!t~j~~- .\: ~~;' ':. ;0: BUILDING FEE .. '~~:~,,'If~~~k~F-' PERMIT CARD MUST 'BE DISPLAYED ON STREET SIDE OF LOT IN PERMAN~,SUB.sTANTIAL.MANNER, AND IN A CONSPICUOUS, SHELTERED LOCATION, ACCESS- E'-"M2.H!G FEE ~~YE-rg ~~=Ok~~Ft~~~:~~JN~=Cg~~ . ",c;;~~,~~f~~~~~~;;3i/',;, OF APPROVED PLANS, 'BEARING BUILDING DEPART- ELE~RICAL FEEt'SHi.OO ',...: ".0;".....,' ' MENTSTAMPS, MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB SIT;" AVAIL--- . ",.~,- ABLE TO THE INSPECTORS Ar}'HE .fIl.1f: OF ALL IN- TOTAL FEE ,. "::--',)'''f7,2~()::) ck"~~~:::~ SPECTIONS." ., :~,'~}a:~~~\~}0"i:~~~~~;~,-~;,~.i';c::"":_)'::';'::':: " '<{y; ThiS PERMIT BECOMES NULL";AND'VOID IF VlORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHiN ThIRTY (30) DAYS OF ISSUANCE OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING NINETY (90) DAYS. ALLPROVISICNS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WC?..K SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. THE GF_L'J'ITING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOV.TE OR C.~"lCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY LOCAL. STATE OR FEDERAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS PERMIT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. NON-MARK~:TABLE fo,ND l;'.)N-P.sSICN'ABLE AND ANY ATTEMPTED TRANS- FER, SALE OR ASSIGNMENT OF SAID PEFl,!!! Si-L.'4.LL RE:SULT i;~ TES ;:"'-..iTGMATIC REVOCATION OF SAID p'ER- MIT. -.............i .>.,.: .. .' ., . ......"':- ~~-:--f < HOWARD JOHNSON SIGNATURE OFOWNER,CONTRACTOR OR AUTHOR. BUILDING OFFICIAL IZED AGENr.:;~~~\~,i~~j:~~~i;~ji\{,;., :~~<:;,':;i;,.g~i,.r7~,.J~.:...,., ~~ ".~. ~'~ II~AILTr.:<E TO COMPLY wI'i'HTHE MECHANICS' -,..:,:;~~':'/:-- BY . .' .-" ""~ , L!gl~~i:~~1~q~~;:~~"'t~;:;~Ti~!~ . - ~...... ......... r-..-..-,.r-T' ,......-..,.,.... 'Tl-":l" '" rn.! ROE COUNTY 8 U ! L D I rl G DE P t{ H T r ~r" r t ~ P;~~ ft::A ~l.~~ r~ r. i1 [:--jt ",JiI,~ ,~f, '...>:.'""i>,'~ . ," , , . ,~\ IJ \i ~' .~ No.I3~__~]2.!1~,{u Date Issued ---Lt2-=~~=__~L______m__________h__' Valuation ---rft.tf:.o_a_{2__"__h~_O_______________. ,/ This is to Certifv that ", _R~ __ ____5 - \~ -.M.-iduT_hU___._u_______u__._____m_____h_U_________.____u____. ... c....n has permission to ---'u-----.D o_~ 1::._., -----,'O.2tr.O.y6-:'.---.____h.______________umh__,..__,__u___ Lot -----------~-'i--m-----. Bloc;k ---..-- __h __._ m . _. Sub'd. TI<.I-:Jplen___..::T.Sk~.-----,~f:,_'8_ ~ 6~,'~".;.'"h Uf'~, ~'I~ t.., D~r ~ iR,.~ i~a.J G~.;", . ~-t" ,., \,?j ,-; a -~~;:~ ,J 't~ .- - -- -- --. --_. -----.---- --.--. -- -- ----- - -- ..---- -- ------------------- ------- ------ -----------------------------------------. -_. -- ---- . --- - ---- ----------- --...... ----------- ----------------------------- - -------- -- -----------------------------. -- --- ----- Address: __h_____m__m._~ -. -. --- . '------. __m ~-~-t~,------B-l-n.~---~ t:.....nm__m______, _n, n___h._____ The person accepting this permit shall conform to the terms of the application on file in the office of the Zoning Department of Monroe County and construction shall conform to the requirements of the Monroe County Codes. B Buil ding Con tractor ------al.U--n-~-b._hB_u..tM~_~_____m___m__m_____________ E EI ectri caI Con tra ct or ------h__________n________m____hm. m_hn___u_____________n_____h__ _m________________ P Plumbing Contractor _n__m_nh___hm____. .. _'n_. .n------.u------_h'mu._'___m_mn________m_ Inspections Required - 24 Hour Notice Required on All Inspections. 1st ._____hU_________n_____u______u______u__ 3rd u____u________ __n___, ___Uh_n___h. ___________u_. Final. '_hh___ ''0 _u ---n-_____u__n__________h, Health 2nd __u__ .-.----, '_Un -'- .n_______, un______n 4th ---h____u____n___u_n_n_______n_____________ Department -----n:_____u__u_u___nhu, Permit void if construction is not Permit void if zoning classification started within thirty days. and Deed Restriction,s are Violated. IMPORTANT NOTICE Tr.Jg card must be displayed on street side of lot in a PEHM.ANENT, SUBSTANTIAL MArINER, AND IN A CONSPICUOUS, SHELTERED LOCATION, ACCESSIBLE TO TIlE fNSPECTOR. Card must remain displayed until after final ir~pactions. NO INSPECTIONS will be made unless a set or plans, each sLeei s~amped with the apPl':>vaI of the Building Department. and approval of th9 HeC!1!h Department, is available for ~he inspector on the job site. Apt=roved Subject To Health Dept. Approval Call 7$1 3 ~ ..9 Y,$-I____. For InRpectioi"'-S Inspection 1Y1ust Be Mad? BeforE Pro- ceeding V-lith S~~secr_H::'lt \V orl::. A1. ~ 1 *' '-L...- ~ ~ ....,.., ~4 ____ fo,il);;r<; - f.oamy BlIildill~ Dcp:U'tmcnt