Resolution 232-1982 ---- ~ RESOLUTION NO. 232 -1982 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT BY AND BETWEEN UPPER KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTION AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUND PROJECT AT KEY COLONY BEACH CHANNEL, KEY COLONY BEACH, MARATHON, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FLORIDA, as follows: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between Upper Keys Marine Construction, and the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, a copy of same being attached hereto, for Boating Improvement Fund project at Key Colony Channels, Key Colony Beach, Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20 day of September, 1982, (Seal) Attest: R!~lPH \v. \~rnTE, CLERK .l '\,.u,~ 01. ~.IJ.e Cr ~ Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~Ch~~ ~ 1~ BY t AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 20th day of September 1982 by and between Upper Keys Marine Construction, Contractors, hereinafter called the "Contractor", and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, of the County of Monroe, State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Owner", WITNESSETH, that the Contractor and the Owner for the consideration hereinafter namep agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials and perform all the work as required by the Specifications for Boating Improvement Fund Project at Key Colony Beach Channels, Key Colony Beach, Marathon, Monroe County, I.. Florida, a coPy'bf which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, I 'I 2. The work to be performed under the contract shall be commenced within fourteen (14) days from date Owner provides Notice to Proceed and be completed within sixty (60) days of the commencement. 3, Further, the parties agree that if the Notice to Proceed has not been given by Owner to Contractor on or before December 31, 1982, that this Agreement shall be null and void. 4. The Owner shall pay to the Contractor for the performance of the contract the sum of Five Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-Seven Dollars ($5347,00) upon completion by Contractor and acceptance by Owner. 5. The Contractor understands and agrees that the project funding is contingent upon approval by the Department of Natural Resources, Boating Improvement Fund program, and that the Contractor will complete all necessary pre-construction and project completion certifications. 6. The attached Specifications together with this agreement, form the contract and they are as fully a part of this contract as if herein repeated. Page 1 of 2 Pages IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first written above, UPPER KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. BYi'~~ - Representative (Seal) Attest: 14' /'0^"7?F"I. . ., /~.<'f/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONrUNTY, FLORIDA By 4^-;?e-7: ~.()-j/ Ma r/Chairman ( Seal) Attest: RALPH W. WHITE, CLERK h "~~\V\. \J ~ \).~. ~ CClerk ' Page 2 of 2 Pages COUNTY OF t-'!ONROE SPECIfICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION OF DAYBEACONS IN KEY COLONY BEACH, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Key West, Florida, Monroe County, Fl,orida, for the installation of Daybeacons in Key Colony Beach Channels (East and West), Marathon, Florida. Sealed bids to be received in accordance with the Notice of Calling For Bids, Specifications for work to be done at location noted on enclosed nautical chart (NOS #11449) for the installation of Coast Guard approved Daybeacons follow: 1. PILES: (A) Piles shall be of timber treated with chromated copper arsenate. (C.C.A,) (B) Piles shall be of timber which will stand the driving for which they are intended, (C) A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any'point, face further away from center of the pile than a distance equal of 1% of the length of the pile. (D) Minimum butt diameter = 12" measured 3' from end, Minimum tip diameter = 8". 2, LENGTH OF PILES: Piles to be of sufficient length to provide mlnlmum of four feet penetration into the existing sea floor and provide an elevation of 12 feet above mean high water, 3. DAYBEACONS: Daybeacons to be erected as indicated on the enclose~ nalltical chart and in accordance with the enclosed drawings and Coast Guard permit, There are two daymarks per daybeacon, (A) Construct and install 2 green square (SG) day- marks Nos. 1 and 3 in West Channel, where No. 1 is 1 mile nominal visibility and No, 3 is 12 mile visibility, and where both are 12' above mean high water. 2. on Construct and install 1 red triangle C'm) day- mark No.6, in West Channel, where it is 12 mile nominal visibility and is 12' above mean high water. (C) Construct and install 1 red triangle (TR) day- mark No. 2A, in East Channel, in 12' above mean high water and having 1 mile visibility. (D) Construct and install 1 green square (SG) day- mark No. 3A, in East Channels, in 8' above mean high water, and having ~ mile nominal visibility, (E) All daybeacons to be constructed of Coast Guard approved materials and according to enclosed Coast Guard design specifications. 4. DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL: None 5. CERTIFICATION: (A) Bidder will certify that the plans and specifi- cations of the project will comply with the pro- ject design criteria established by the Department of Natural Resources and will, if carried out, result in completed facilities incorporating acceptable engineering design standards, which facilities will be structurally sound, safe and suitable for their location and intended use. (B) Bidder must also certify completion of the project in accordance with 5, (A). (C) Bidder will certify location of installated piles ' by latitude and longitude upon completion of the work, (D) Bidder will certify that all stipulations and requirements noted on the Coast Guard project permit will be met. 6, OTHER: complete work. Bidder shall specify number of days required to The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids. All bids to remain valid for 120 ,days after bid selection by the Board of County Commissioners or until contract is in effect allowing for new dates, whichever comes sooner. 3. Performance Bond required in .3ccordancc with Fl.orida StatliU's Chapter 255, If your bid or proposal exceeds $25,000, it will be neces- sary to post a Performance Bond, DEPARTMENT OF TFlANSPORTATJON UNITED STATES COAST GUARD Address rep1v co: COMMANDER (onn) Seventh Coast Guard District 51 S,W. 1st Avenue Miami. Fla. 33:Rfu_56 21 Phone: (305) 16518/37 Serial: 0409 13 iVlay 1982 j\l!', Jeffrey A. Fis.her 1\'lonroe County Extension Director !\Iarine Agent-i'l'larine Advisory ProgTam P. 0, Box 2545 Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Mr. Fisher: I o.r;! pleilsed to enclose the approved Private Aids to Navigation Applieation (CG-2554) authorizing' the establishment of l(ey Colony Beach East and West Channel Davbeacons and-Goco-Pl-Uln€hannel--fntybeaeetts-.- This authorization is issued under t,he following conciitions: 1. Compliance with these and other conditions of the application is essential. You (Lust not deviate from this application unless modification is submi~ted to and approval received from the U. S. Coast Guard. 2. That you advise the Com mander, Seventh Coast Guard District (oan) immediately when the aids are aetually established. At that tirrie, the Coast Guard will issue appropriate notiees to marin ers w hieh will update the Lig ht List and nautical charts. 3. These private aids to navigation' shall be maintained in proper condition at all timeS. They will be inspected by the Coast Guard after establishment ana thereafter at any tinle and vvithout prior notice to the maintainer, 4. A discrepancy exists whenever anaicJ is not as described in the approvec application, ' Any discrepancy in the operation of these aids at any time shall be reported to the District Commander by teleg-ram or other rapia means of communication in order that notices to mariners may be issued, Discrepancies are to be corrected at once and reported by the same method. 5. Coust CUcll'c1 authorization of these private [lids to navigation docs not llutl10rize uny invusion of pl'ivntc l'i~!,I)ts, nor gT:lnt any exclusive privileges, nor does it obviLlte the necessity of cOllJplying wilh uny otl1er federal, state or locul In ws or regula tions, G. 'l~k' L,ppliC:Cllt a~~Teesto save the CO~lst GUlll'd hDl'lJlless with respect to any " claim Qt' claims that may t'esult [rom the alleged negligence of the maintenance or operation cf the approved aids. 7. Chani:,es in ownershi[) must be approved by the U. S. Coast Guard. Discontinuanee and removal procedures should be requested from this office, 8. If the aids are not installed wi thin one year of the approval date and this office notified in writing, the approved application is autonlatically cancelled, You are invited to review conditions 3 and 4 of this authorization, It must be understood that when any aid to navigation is established, whether federal or private, this information is published immediately and then carried on future eclitions of oppropriate charts and in the Light List. Thereafter, mariners have the right to expect the aid to display the uQvertised signal. Discrepancies left uncorrected may result in marine casualties and resultant litit;ation, 6SinC):::lY'/7 /l j fJ~--;,.' / 1;'0 7(~~/>L---- / It. I\'. BA 1'50 N / Lieutenant, U. S. Coast Guard , Aids to Na vigation Branch Seventh Coast Guard District By direction of the District Cornman"der Encl: 0) Approved CG-2554 Copy: U. S, Army Corps of Eng'ineers, Jacksonville, Florida U, S, Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Team, Eey West, FloricJa ",', " '" 0 m :j;:Il < -j:; c'--' o ~ r CIl --' e 12m ,)1 c' ,-J 0 CO -.. m -..J -< ~ CO" ..., CIlI o ,-i ::- 2 :Il ~ lfl n.-;-' l> -i~ ~-8': o n n s: ~ :. ~ ~; ~ c' 2 m " 0 ..., -- m m :Il 'I ~ i..:..~ n l> H ..., H(j Z o ~I r i~!-rj:;:t::: l> n t-" 0 0 7 :;; 0 ;:;;.J o...,'W'1'1 kooc.. ::.>(') " z c W l> .., rn l> ::::: III '< "",'i >-' >-' ~ ~ ~ o :.;nt-t'l o ~ n ;:;; 0 ,..,. C '< :l ~ rt '< ^ (') n '< 0 ;;:j -3 r5 f-l. Vl' ", rt Ul f-'. o ;::l " >-' \.0 0:> N t:;l ~<:; .;; '< . '"g , 1"'--""".0- 0.. ~ -:'\-:-j<:; f-l:~ 'J ~ ~ ~~~"~ () r=1:::1 '~ ,..,. ,.",'" , J:J ~ ~~ /-~, (T1 o';;;c~' ~ ;:l r=1:: 0 ~t~i ~ .:: v ~~ nt) ~ ~,\ Cl o ........~,~:.. t "'-- ') o >-' ;-0 .P- \.n >-' >-' ~J ....... 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Ct of ::;:'J -<I ~l ;%::2, ::::J~ -. _. Cf.l ' \ z- c~ <" ~ . .: z -.~ 0... : P" 0- . ~~~ .o~ ~2 t~-j ~-j T~",',,',,"': , "-, ",-', . ~ . t ,';" ,}!,~' l'~-\' z~ C , <" ~. ~: z ~'II "': ~O;:Cl 0"".1::1 ~~~ .o~ ~z w -.- ? ~ ~': ~ ~ T~' r ~ :: :::...>- ~ -j ~ :z: ~ ~ ~ .. .. ... upp~r=p .KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTIO- - -Ne. 't . . ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS P. 0, BOX 18AM . KEY LARGO. FLORIDA 33037 . KEY LARGO 451.3522 . MIAMI 249.70430 August 5. 1982 \. - !~;\ 0 v\ \' Board of County Commissioners ~nroe County Key Weat, Pl. .- Rei Installation of Daybeacona in Key Colony Beach Channels (East-West) Marathon, Pl. Honorable Commissionersl . Our bid for the above work according to your .pecifi- cation. 18 $5,347.00. Very truly yours. UPPER KEYS MARINE CONSTRUCTION, INC. JPW/ns John P.. Wi lson ~. ...... t'\1I/-:YY~""",-;~" ..-'- ....-':....: ,,'X:'-'(lf:":"'~,_ . _"" ._-,.': __".. -"'--;'