Resolution 238-1982 ....---..-- ~-~. RESOLUTION NO. 238 - 1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Stephen S. Strunk and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant is proposing the placement of approximately 18 cubic yards of riprap at the base of an existing seawall. A 360 square foot dock would be constructed waterward of the seawall and connected to the seawall. The riprap boulders placed would be approximately two feet in diameter. Dock pilings (wood or concrete) would be augered by a drill rig operating from a barge. The applicant's property is located on the eastern shoreline of Raccoon Key, in a subdivision referred to as Key Haven. The shoreline here abuts open water adjacent to Boca Chica Channel which connects the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic. Water depths in this general area range from 2 to 5 feet MLW. Benthic flora is primarily in the form of algaes, with scattered seagrasses. Sediments are coarse and shallow with some rocky outcrops. More specific to the applicant's property, the shoreline to either side of said property is bulkheaded, as are most of the properties in the immediate area. The bulkhead line here is fairly uniform, with water depths of approximately -2 feet MLW at the base of the bulkheads. Several docks were observed along this shoreline, extending from seawalls, which are the predominant form of shoreline stabilization. The project site shoreline displays a vertical, concrete bulkhead with basal water depths of about -2 feet MLW. The benthic com- munity within the first several feet of the seawall (where riprap would be placed) is composed of a variety of red, green and brown algaes (Halimeda sp. was dominant), along with several species of sponges. Further waterward, turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum) becomes more apparent, in combination with shoalgrass (Holodule wrightii) . Fish species observed included barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) , snapper (Lutjanus sp.), and porgies (Calamus sp.). Miscellaneous debris is scattered over the nearby offshore waters. Wind/wave energies here are light to moderate. Water quality of the offshore waters is good. Impacts anticipated are minimal. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, approval is recommended. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 20th day of September , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOAR.,~~ COUNTY COMMISSIONE. RSlJ MON~~. C C(OUNTY, ~IDzn fJ,,"'.. t~~ c.... G.. 4(J e-.....>:)..e.-.y By 7 ~ tJ #' (Mayor) (SEAL) n~ I ffdU ~U ~ltn.~~Tr CL[llrK.. Attest,: I\~~...I fa vi. U~ii I t, . rb 1. \( ~M\w {\1\. "M~\ 0 .t. <1 () (Clerk) , . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS::'IU1\1cRS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 (305) 2944641 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning and Zoning P.O, BOX Room 205 Wing I Public Service Buildin; 5825 Jr. College Rd. W Key West, Florida 33043-4399 '~'r~'Si f':.;lllL~,~~,,':,;v~~" ~~V~r;~"q~,[qE Lucien C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures r,./ 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution ~ 3. Permit J./ 4. Application for Permit ~ 5. Site Plan (././ 6. Location Map . ,,,/" V 7. DER Assessment V Date 9"'3,th /~'" ( ) By >// /1 ' >".Jt'[;Y TI~ -'-,"~? ~,,-, .. ~ -- '}, -r-_IDf," j i ii li, SEP 8 1982 COUNTY PITTY. M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE: September 2, 1982 TO: Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning FROM: Robert Dennis, ~ ~ Senior Biologist ~~ SUBJECT: Strunk, S.; Rip-rap and dock LEGAL: TWSP 67S, RGE 25E, SECT 26 Lots 8 and 8A, Block 1; Key Haven, Raccoon Key. Zoning is RU-l Introduction: This application is to be reviewed by the Monroe County Board of Commissioners in accordance with Chapter 19-111(a) (5) of the Monroe County Code; fill below the mean high water line. Discussion: The applicant proposes to place 15-18 cubic yards of rip-rap at the base of an existing, 90 ft. long seawall that abuts the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, a 30 ft. long by 6 ft. wide wooden dock, extending from the seawall, is also proposed. The dock will include a 30 ft. long by 6 ft. wide extent ion at its terminal end and will run parallel to the shoreline. It should be noted that at the present time, a principal structure is not located on the site, so the construction of the dock will be subject to the provisions of Section 19-132.1 of the County Code; "No accessory building or structure of any kind shall be constructed on any property in the unincorporated areas of Monroe County until and unless the~e is first constructed the principal building on the property". The dock, however, is not the subject of this report. " , Alan'Lessler, ~ctor Strunk, S.; Rip-rap & dock Sept. 2, 1982 Page Two The attached Departm~nt of Environmental Regulation report discusses this project in greater detail and should be read for additional information. Evaluation: The placement of rip-rap at the base of the seawall is not expected to cause any long-term adverse environmental impacts. Recommendation: Approval to place rip-rap along the base of the existing seawall. RD:cm ~~l~!SS~~T'Y Ci)\I\'I~>,~_'_~~' oS Wilhtlh,,"~ .....~'~'(),~l'.l.l I Curt Ol.,f. O'.''''ct ;} Mayor Prote,,\ Jeuy H..lOdfHlt'l. Jr,. District 3 MAYOR GOi.lfV- E. Dohllal, District 4 Ken Sorans..". D,strIct 5 , .H.~' , - '\ ,:"'5 OFFICE OF: Robert Dennis Sr. Environmental BioI. Public Service Bldg. 5825 Jr. College Rd. W. P.O. BOX Key Wes t, FL 33040-4399 294-8426 :.g~i~~fff~ OK~H5~~~E~E (305) 294 -4641 September 2, 1982 Mr. Lynn Kephart KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 Re: Strunk, S.; Seawall and dock. Dear Lynn: As per your request (letter dated Ausut 27, 1982) I will forward my report on the seawall to the County Commission for their review. Any problems caused by splitting the application (see my letter of July 7, 1982) will need to be discussed by you and the Monroe County Building Department. I hope you find this agreeable, but should you have any questions, please write or call me at your convenience. Sincerely, ~~ Robert Dennis Sr. Environmental Biologist RD/jf CC: Alan Less1er, Director Howard Johnson, Building Official File. 1..:,~1 :.:~ ~ R~~.-:.. :~\~r;~'-: :~~~ I:~~ l~~ t':"'F'~:: IW.i \;.~'- ~";. b, r--" . :.h'!-.':"1 " ". ." .,. '. , .....;1 ~~..... ~ .... -. .-~ .... ~TVF::J . ,..". ~~~" PL\i-."?HXG, Bl:ILDE:G & zm:n:c DEP.'\RT~IENT PEf2-IIT FOR EXC.\'1ATIO~:, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STRCCTURAL ACTIVITIES I:~ THE 'vATERS OR HETLA1'lDS OF ~fO~ROE COUNTY 1) Property m_-ners n.:l!:le & mniling addre.ss 2) Date FOR DEPARTNE::T MON~DE C::JUNTY PE~HT tWo uSE O:';L"!' 4-29-82 Stephen S. Strunk 3710 Pearlman Terrace Key ~est'-Fla. 33040 3) Phone number 296-8070 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street ~ey ~est, Fla. 33040 294-8719 5) Legal description or property: Section 26 Key Haven Subdi':ision To't.'l1ship 678 Lot 8 and 8-A Block 1 Range 25E Street, road or mile marker Allamanda Terrace Volume of material: dreC2ed/excavated filled/deposited o c.y. waterward of ~LH.H. o c.y. land~.,rard of H.H.H. 15 c.y. 0 c.y. waten.,rard 1and,vard of H. H . tL 0 f H. H . tL .. ZONING: PURPOSE: RU-1 Cost or Per::Jit EstinateJ COSt of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval to place rip-rap along the base of the existing seawall. Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning Date V10-NRoe -- . ~ :..;OUNTY t:4!tVI ,,,,, Pror;crry ChTICrS li~U"C S )lJ,\.\\I\C, prrIlI'J":.' :-('';l\'~ 1)r:~,\PT";:\;r J'q)~(r1"\rPJIi'r,\TT("I\ ::1'[ , \TI r\, 'Il !F. T1FP(lS I': c.:: r:'f 1.1., ('If STP! 'm rr..\ L \ -. ~, ~ -. ~ I~:=- I:' ,'.;\ i r:i ,~,:r:'TT \\T~C', ('T' "('\'D~T'"T\' 'Tj'1': ~ j i rr~ail iJ~g 3c1rlrcss 2) rate ;) pJ-,one nurr:her Stephen S. Strunk 3710 Perlman Terrace Key West, Florida 33040 4-29-82 305-296-8070 Contractor or agent' s n~une, mailing address, phone (; cc'rtification number. Keycology, Inc. 414 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 legal description of property: Section, 26 Township, 67 Fange, 25 (if acreage) (305) 294-871~ Key, Haven Surd i vis ion, lot, 8 and 8-A Plock, 1 Street, road or mile marker, Zoning, GU S) Describe the proposed activity, methods of construction & amount of material (in cubic yards), to be excavated or discharged. Describe purpose & intended use of project. T~e applicant proposes to construct a wood dock for private use. Also proposed is placement of rlp r~p at toe of existing seawall. Pilings will be augered by drill rig from barge. Rip rap wlll be placed from upland with backhoe. Silt screens will be used if necessary. filled/deposi ted dredged/excavated o c.y. waterward of ~~.E.1'l. o c.y. landward of r(. H .1"! . 15 c.y. waterward of ~'.H .w. o c.y.' landward of H.H.Y','. !olume of naterial 7) Name, address ~ zip code Charles McBrantie 6 Allamanda Te~race Key West, Florida 33040 of adj oining property owners whose property affronts water way. Jose Crusoe P. O. Box ?576 Key West, Florida 33040 - 3 a) list other permits issued and/or applied for, include applicant's name, for t'bis site: Department of Environmental Regulations, Army Corps of Engineers b) If application has been submitted for this project (or one similar) in tre past, explain reason for new application and give applicant's name if different from rurrent applicant. n/a 9) list all Federal and State agenCIes that have receIved appllcatlffis tor tf1IS proJ ect. Department of Environmental Regulations, Arfuy Corps of Engineers This completed application fonn ""ill he accanpanied by- tpe following, or it will NeT be processed. a) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8~ x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and cross section of proposal, drawn to scale. b) App]ication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks ('p, any structures affronting natural water bodies. $30.00 for vertical sea....:alls onman-marle ro1ies of water. $75.00 for any combination of the anove activities pel' site. j'pplication is hereby ffi<1de for a pennit to autrorize the activities descrihed }~erein. I ceTtify that I am familiar Hith the infonnation contained ill this application, and to the best of my knowledge G belief such infonnation is tTue, complete G accurate. I furtrer certify that I possess the authority to undertake tlle proposed activities. 1>11 provisions of 13\"'5 and ordinances governing ths type of work wi 1] be canplied Hith wretJ'cr specified JleTein or not. The grant ing of a pennit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel tJ'e rrovisi ons of ::111)' county, state or federal laH regulating constTl1ction or perfonnance of constructirn cf tr'is type of faci] ity. ',C'-\- (\ ~ . ~~ 4-29-82 rate for De ,,,,,-- 0:::> r./ /) '~ c>,y3Ys 0 Fee recelpt;: Prproved by fss't. nirector , . ...J . (' Person accept1ng app lcatIon " rv~l~E CTY. BLDG. DEPT. ...." (J!,/;? ~,~ Cost of pcn"'1t f': / Estimated cost of COllstnlctlrnl ""'<""'~ 9 KeyCology, Inc. 414 Simonton St. Key West, FL 33040 294-8719 I 30 i coNe. SEAwALL n T woop C>~ CONC. P'1-' r4c;"s I ! I ~V I'I<.4'\.W, 0,"15 ' o. _ . M.,"-,'YV I v J . ~ .SECTION VIEW J. ":: .1.0 1 A-A SCALe. ~ .251 ~ ~ PROPOSE.];> WOOD :DOCK I , I <::) fr IN I ;:;0 F E.E.. T ;'7 r r }> (-s:~) _PL~N Z \J }> / ~ 7iJ o~ ~r 11 r- t) fJ V r t. Ryp-RAP AT TeE. l-4-.1) o "\'\ (1\ PROPOSED WOOD DOCK AND RIP RAP AT TOE OF EXISTING SEAWALL IN Bay of Florida AT Key Haven COUNTY OF Monroe STATE Florida APPLICATION BY: Stephen S. Strunk 4-29-82 Sheet 1 of 1 PURPOSE: Private Use Boat Dock DATUM: Mean low water ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1. Charles McBrantie 2. Joe Crusoe S KeyCology, Inc. 414 SImonton St. Key Welt, FL 33040 294-8719 August 27, 1982 ~~~~~ Mr. Robert Dennis Monrqe County Building Dept. Public Services Building Wing II, Stock Island Key West, Florida 33040 MONR0c. CU. BLDG. DEPT. BVdfLo Dear Bob: RE: Stephen S. Strunk; Key Haven In re{erence to your letter of July 7, 1982, enclosed is the biological report from the FDER. We wish to have only one application, to prevent any confusion with this project. We have applied under one application, and what we would prefer is that you send us a letter explaining that the rip-rap can be installed, and once Mr. Strunk receives his building permit, he may then apply for his dock permit. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Please have the -biological report read into the next scheduled County Commission meeting minutes. Sincerely, 0( #, /ji;d1~ Lynn H. Kepha rt &1-- Environmental Planner LHK/cb Ene. cc: Stephen S. Strunk (". ,~ -~.~' .' un ...,t.~Il~'1r-u!;t'lL V'~ "'....... .&.rl"'L....gt'tlA~. IU:tUUUl'lll.()f{ L I - ill:: .' "',-,~'"i PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL County: Monroe Date: 5-18-82 File No.: 440555565 Applicant Name: Stephen Strunk Address: 37l0'Pearlman Terrace, Key West, FL 33040 Agent (if applicable): KeyCology, Inc. Address: .414 Simonton St., Key West, FL 33040 Location of project: Section(s) 26 Township 67 Range 25 Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Key Haven Water Body: Boca Chica Channel .. Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: --------- On site inspection by: John Meyer Date of Inspection: 5-21-82 Original Application: Yes~ No__ Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes No Date: "\ Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. . B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. ~ C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM l6-l0(Rev.6/79) <' { .. ":' I nw_ (If ..,.1...,. -~ ..L J. STRUNK, STEPHEN 1440555565 Monroe Cou~ty - Key Haven Page Two A. The applicant is proposing the placement of approximately 18 cubic yards of riprap at the base of an existing seawall. A 360 square foot dock would be constructed waterward of the seawall and connected to the seawall. The riprap boulders placed would be approximately two feet in diameter. Dock pilings (wood or concrete) would be augered by a drill rig operating from a barge. . B. The applicant's property is located on the eastern shoreline of Raccoon Key, in a subdivision referred to as Key Haven. The shoreline here abuts open water adjacent to Boca Chica Channel which. connects the Gulf of Mexico with the Atlantic. ' Water depths in this general area range from 2 to 5 feet MLW. Benthic flora is primarily in the form of algaes, with scattered seagrasses. Sediments are coarse and shallow with some rocky outcrops. More specific to the applicant's property, the shoreline to either side of said property is bulkheaded, as are most of the properties in the immediate area. The bulkhead line here is fairly uniform, with water depths of approximately -2 feet MLW at the base of the bulkheads. \. Several docks were observed along this shoreline, extending from seawalls, which are the predominant form of shoreline stabilization. C. The project site shoreline displays a vertical, concrete bulkhead with basal water depths of about -2 feet MLW. The benthic com- munity within the first several feet of the seawall (where riprap would be placed) is composed of a variety of red, green and brown algaes (Halimeda sp. was dominant), along with several species of sponges. Further waterward, turtl~grass (Thalassia testudinum) becomes more apparent, in combination with shoalgrass (Holodule wrightii). Fish species observed included barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), snapper (Lutjanus sp.), and porgies (Calamus sp.). Miscellaneous debris is scattered over the nearby offshore waters. Wind/wave energies here are light to moderate. Water quality of the offshore waters is good. D. Impacts anticipated are minimal. ", iV."".''''._ . '\~~:"".;:.;"..;'I-.4,:~ , STRUNK, STEPHEN 1440555565 Monroe County Key Haven Page Three - E. Under the provlslons of Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, approval is recommended. .. ~~R'~ D E: June 1982 , READ: JAM/dvo \ ...