Resolution 250-1982 RESOLUTION NO. 250 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from ROY BRADLEY and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to control erosion and provide improved boat mooring facilities. Both goals will be achieved through the construction of a 35 ft. long vertical concrete seawall with a 4 ft. wide cantelievered concrete dock along its length. The seawall will be located approximately 4 ft. waterward of the old shoreline. An estimated 35 cu. yds. of backfill with 25 cu. yds. waterward of mean high water (MHW) and 10 cu. yards landward of MHW will be required. (The applicant's estimate of 30 cu. yds. with 15 on either side of MHW appears to be inaccurate). An estimated 210 sq. ft. (0.005 A) of marine habitat will be elimi- nated by the seawall and an additional 140 sq. ft. covered by the dock. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall. The project with the exception of the placement of the riprap at the toe of the seawall is now complete. Upland roads were used to bring all supplies to the site. The seawall and dock were poured in place. The project site is in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key recreational vehicle park. The park is located on the north side of the west end of Long Key, Monroe County. Within the 30t acre park a system of two main trunk canals with three each finger canals provide waterfront access to many of the 400t trailer lots. The park is a condominium with 95t percent of the available sites presently occupied by recreational vehicles. Many of the vehicles are apparently permanantly located. The project site is located near the northeast corner of the park, on a shoreline which faces Florida Bay. Abutting the site's east and west sides are lots which are occupied by travel trailers. To the south is a paved road. The Florida Bay shoreline of the project site and park in general is one which was created by filling out into the bay. A boulder riprap revetment originally protected the entire shoreline. Much of the revetment has been replaced over the years by a series of seawalls. Many of the seawalls apparently have been constructed without proper authorization. The lot adjoining the project site to the east is at present unoccupied and retains its original rip- rap shoreline. To the west, a seawall and dock have been built on the shoreline. This western seawall is the subject of an active enforcement case. A road borders the project site to the south. Florida Bay, which in the vicinity of the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code), lies to the north. Long Key State Recreation area is located approximately 400 ft. to the east of Outdoor Resorts. The waters of the recreation area are designated as Class III, Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapters 17-3.041 and 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). The applicant's property is an 80t ft. by 35t ft. (0.064A) trailer lot. One of the 35 ft. sides borders on Flroida Bay. Virtually all of the site consists of uplands. A mobile home and paved areas cover most of the lot with the only exception being ornamental planters. The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, consisted of a boulder riprap revetment. The flora found on the revetment consisted of red, green and brown macroalgae with Laurencis sp. being the most common. Dominant macrofauna consists of beaded periwinkles (Tectarius muricatus), zebra periwinkle (Littorina ziczac), channeled turban (Turbo canaliculatus), tessellate nerite (Nerita tessellata) and sergeant majors (Abudefduf saxatilis). The bay bottom in front of the seawall slopes down at a moderate rate. At the waterward edge of the dock, the water depth is estimated to be 2! ft. mean sea level (MSL). The nearby bay bottom is primarily sandy with little macroflora. The toe of the seawall is apparently located approximately 4 ft. waterward of the old MHW line. There is very little macroflora on the seawall, apparently due to shading from the dock. The only macrofauna observed on the seawall was a few snails. As previously described, construction of the seawall and dock has eliminated the shoreline biota. Once the riprap is placed at the toe a new biological community should be able to establish itself. As a result of shading, it is believed that the floral components of the community will generally be less abundant and more shade tolerant than the precoristruction flora. The riprap at the toe of the seawall will cover and thereby eliminate lOa! sq. ft. of shallow sandy sea floor. Placing the riprap can be expected to cause temporarily raised levels of turbidity. Experience with similar projects has shown that the associated turbidity levels are not usually very high. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 4th day of October , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. (Seal) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF :;r:;:' iO~:O~// ,.- IJcr RALPH fi. .~~lnI'r. C'ERK Attest: 1:.. L ir'<:~ f\\.P~,O.C. APPROVED AS TO FORM 8tJFFJelEN Y. . "., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI::':'lul'lt:flS Wilheln:'ina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MAYOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Luci.en C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 ~;3-'.1= ,.:>~,j;-;~;,~~2;\~' OK~v~r:~~~~9E OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning and Zoning P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing I Public Service Buildin 5825 Jr. College Rd. W Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 13051 294 4641 Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (Roy Bradley) 3. Permit ~ ~. ~ ~ c.---- 4. Application for Permit(After-the Fact Seawall) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date CJ -11-5').... ID~\~m!1\l?1f'~1"I ,1;.:1, l L)~ ,,' \. \' )' '...,", .,1' , W ,;..., '--' _.v "~',-I · ! I' , . j 1--'1 ',' , , , t.'" ".,. ! ' . I \" .. . w. ,v SEP 21 1982 COUNTY ATTY. (.....-- ~ c-- By ~7 <2~.-.:I o f PAR T MEN TAL COR R ( ~ p n N n ENe t .-.---- - nATf: Septr~b~ 1~ 1982 SUBJfCT: A6t~-the-Fac.t Seawall P~nLt App.f.-lc.aLion ~OIL BfLadley,_ Roy TO: Alan LM~l~, V..ur.ec.totr. _ OEPT: BuJ.!-di.nq.. Plann..i,nq and Zon.-lnCj FROM: yY\L-~k. L. RobeA.t60H, Envi,Jl.On. DiaL nfPT: J1amung and ZOMng LEGAL: Section 7, lown6lUp 65S, Range 35E, Long Key Ou,tdoolL RM OfL.U 06 AmvUc.a, Lot 25 j ZONING: RU-6 INTROVUCTION: Th..-iA a6.t~-.:the-6ac...t p~mU applic.a.tion iA'to be ILeviwed by the BoaJtd 06 County ComrnAA~ioneM puJL6uan:t to Sec.don 1l.J-111Ia) (5), M a pILOpO~M to depo-6i.t6ill bel.ow mean ?Ugh wa:t~. VISCUSSION: The applic.a..tion iA 60IL an a6tVt-the- 6ac.t p~ 60IL a veJd.lc.a1 c.onc.Jt..e:te -6eawa,tt wdh a c.anWev~ed c.ap. The .ode i./.) along a -6hoILiline 6fLont.-lng F lofLicta Bay. AppILo ma:tel.lj 25 c.; y. 06 Mil ha6 been piac.ed .0 eawaJtd 06 the pILe.viou-6 MHW line, mO-6t 06 tlU.!.> ma:tvr.iai. C.On6,{-6,(./.) 06 c.onc.lLe:te and bac.k.6il.t. R.tpMp wil.l be. pfuc.ed at the toe. 06 the .oeawai.1.. '(he -6eawa.,U iA 12+ 6ee...t in length, and WM c.On6:tJwc..te.d abou.t 4 6ee..t .oe.awaJrd06 the. p'r e - C()n.~ t/lllC t{ (I II M/I(fj fi II (',. The a;ttac.ited VepM.tmen t 06 Env,ifLCmmeVLta..t Regu.ta.tion b-i.ologic.al ILepoft.t d.u c.U6-6 e.6 :th~6 p.'ro j cc.t in gJrea,teIL (kta,cf. c VA LUA'fI ON : / Si.te in6 pec.tiol16 indic.ated .that the mafL.{n e 0'1 gal/.~6nL6 M6 Quated wi.-th :the. COnc.f1.Ue .oeawaU Me .te.6.6 abundant and leM d{WA6e than .the, communUlj in aJtea6 whVte the. ofL.iginal .oholLcune hM, been .tent ..i.n:tac.t. PLac.ement 06 fLipfLap at the. toe. 06 the .oeawail will. onfy paJrti.ai.1.y mi.-ti,ga:te. thiA lM-6. The. 6i1..ling 06 .the bay bo,ttom hM pvunanen:tlfl decJtea.6ed the pJr.oduc..:ti.villj Oh the ma..'t.i.ne. eco6lj-6,tem. lIowevelL, .the. ellvi/lOnmen tal damage doe.6 not, in my apiMon, jLL6.ti6ya c.ouJr...t ac..:ti.an 60'1. Jr.emovat 06 the non-pvzwted .oeawctU and 6-i.ll. RECOMMENVATION: Appftovaf: Vouble 6ee to be c.haJtged 6oJr. aQ:tvz-the- 6ac.t blLUd.-lng peJr..m.i.t (Se~. 6-4/, M.C.C.)i no exc.avation wat~aJtd 06 -6e.a.wa.fl. :::'~~~9;;;~ Ro eJr...t emu.6 ./ / 1-6J-;~ ~~~~ ~:F~:-;"?"""7",~:: ;~~. r~'~; r~;: c. .' l-'~'" I' ". If. r:~~'~ l;:~ ,oS; ", ..'!. rJ \-;\/11.. l-;' t) . ~b::r~ L~ ...~~. g '~.fjJ ~, i~ :".~~ ~~~ ~'-".~ b1 PL\~~n):G, BrILDEG & zm:nlG DEP.'\RT~tENT PEr~IIT FOR EXC:0^TIO~, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STR[CTURAL ACTIVITIES I:~ THE \-1ATERS OR HETLAl'mS OF ~to:.lROE COUNTI 1) Property mmers n<:!!:'le & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI'!E~;T 4-19-82 MONRDE C:::::UNTY PE~-lIT tW . uSE m:I:i' Roy Bradley ~ox 816 Long Key, Fla. Resolution No. 3) Phone number 743-2626 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number John Brier Box 651 ~~arathon, Fla. 33050 743-2626 5) Legal description of property: Section 7 Key Long Subdi':ision Property Line To...-uship 65S Lot 251 Block Range 35E Street, road or mile marker U.S.#1 Volume of material: dreczed/excavaced filled/ceocsited c.y. waterward of ~.H.H. c.y. land,olard of U.H.H. 25 c.y. wa tenvard of H.H.h'. 25 c.y. landward of H.H.H. .. ZONING: RU,6 PURPOSE: Ccst or Per::iit Esti~ate1 cost of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval: Double fee to be charged for after-the-fact building permi t (Section 6-41, Monroe County Code); no excavation waterward of seawall NOTE: C.O.E. and D.E.R. permits are required. Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning Date ~ ~' -1 ~ -: /--- -~ - . ". .\ - '. ,"-,' \ '.... " . '.'... . \ ,'. .1 . \' I," .... , . . ~''''':~':V' . \. ., ,..' 'n, . " , , ' . ." , ~"., ~ '.-: , \. '" . -" ", ........ . -, .. '\ .. , ..... ~ . ':' :=';".':' :.y C''''-:"'.'.:~.:-: :~1.~1 :. : :"~ ~:l : :'(_':~ s ...... '\ ~'. L '.... 'f '~", ., 'I ....,'",\1"\'" ...1:-:. J~\.DI2.y{ Jo:: ;..:;-1 G Lon.=; 1,0] .\- 1')- ,2 793- vZt J.-' :on:rac~or or agcrt~' s r".~1..::1C, ?~ail i.n; ~l:~J:'C~~, , r' i: r':~ C' 1,"_':'., :: ~.,~ ~!,~~l ~:'.:~'1~'II~'r. 7Lf3 -~ b~0 I cgal Je~cr ip:ion of property: J. Brier 1:~223 C '30:-:: 651 .~rnthon Florida Scction, TOi\TIshi p , !\>nge, ax 7 653 352 ncre~go) Vey, I./~):'1: ~'J0{1i V1:3 i m, Pr()rpr+y T.~n(> T.ot, 251 Plock, (if Street, ronc1 IJ~' . " ~l.le E~:1r :'~C'r , u.s. 1 Zoning, Ru6 ...-- Describe tl~e proposed activity, mcthods of construct.ion r, ~n;OL:nt of J;wtcri:1l (in cuHc yares) , top: :"'0:7-0 or /;~nrgft ;C5jB~ ;:r.;~C (; i;Y~; use of proj ect. <I.ume of lterial c.y. waten;ard of ;.' .I1.1'! . c.v. lanch\ard ' f 1" TT 1,' 0_ , ....1.. ,;Z ') c.y. \\'atcn:ard of }'Y,i','. f i ~J enl (1 epos ited .;:zTc.y.' 1 anccward drecge~/cxc3V3ted of ~~,H.\'.'. address f, ziT' croe of 2(1J" oininC' DroDC'rty 0'\\T:CT5 . <'. , 'u /fir: ffE'XIL:N5' /700) su/ /~r .dtJ!: ~ J .1 I') S~ ., ~ I'lJ' c~ 'JI/ t! j( () S5 VI'fJ t: tJ ,A>c [/3 - ..:2. J 0 W J' 1--' 5 1'J 1'( '1 ... .-- 1"\ ~ a) list other permits isslled and/or apl"licc1 for, incJt;c:e 2p'I'}:i.c8nt's ;l2.1'~e, for tl-'is site: \':m~e , If - ';''5';1.. '.\'~~0:;C T'rC'1leyt\~ dffronts '~8teT '\'(lY. 11/:j H " . -1:'/--9. 3.3 /~.... "/ 7fE k10D./ /--1l/dS Jr)( ~ .$ ??3;J'i I :J] If application has been submitt.ed foy this pro]C'ct (or 0;:<: similar) in t're pc.st, explain reason for ne\.., application :md give applic;,:;t I s n~,c if different fro:11 current cpp lic [!TIt. ) list all Fe0.eral CL"1d State agenCIes tr,a1: have reC:Clyec. <.'..pp.i.1C2.t lCT'.S ioy trlS pro] ect. This completed application fCI:l: \\'ill ['e 8ccarcpmied t')' tl'e follo~ing, or it will KCT be processed. ) 1\..,0 (2) sets of drawings, on S!1 x 11 paper, spO\\'ing 10c3tion, rIot pIm, top view and cross section of proposal, dra~TI to sC2]e. ) j'pplicat ion processing fee as foll ('ws: ~~75.00 for dredge, fill, decks C1' any stnlctures aErcnting ;'..aturaJ. water bcxlies. S30,OO for vertical sem\'alls onmnn-l'loc1(, hi1ics 01- W:.1ter, $75.00 for any ccmbination of the a},ove activities per site. ;J;-,lication is herehy moue for a pcm.:t to <.'..utrorizc t:':c actj'\:i~~C5 rh.'scribed ]'ercin, I crti!:'y that I <.l;;l fam.iliClr ,...ith the :info~2tion c0I1talrlC'('::-> t>j~~ :.1;'~licJtio:1, and to the rest If r1Y knowledge PI belief SUc11 infon:l:1tion is tr':e, cC::I,;:l~"'tc (, 2CC'Jr:'..tc, I f:lTt1'CT certify that rossess the <lut'nority to undertake tr'\e proposed :;cti';~-:-ics, ;\n 1','ovisions or l:1\\'s aJlc1 11"(Urw.!1Ces governing t1:is t)1;e of work \\'in r.c CC':'1f'liC(1 \,.'~~'1' \\'~'ct>c:" srcc:~:iC'(1 1'c1'oin or not. r:mting of a ?er:nit docs not presume to gi'.'e 2.1'1'::1'01'j-:-y to \'ioJ:lte or Gl:1cC'l th:' f'rovisions ot rw count\', state or :~{1crnl 1m.; rCC;'--112t i:1o c()!'~;'ruct ion 0:" ~C1't~Ol'::,:,nc r con~,tn1Ctim cf tI'':'s yr)e of f~cility. ,,' , \ ( / ""' . :'f . "~r~" ~~.,., 1 :ca~ i.o~ f, ~ ~77 j J:!J. fee G rcce 1 pT' ;;-, ~7J- (~- . 1...[. 'to , :01' Department Use Cnlyj rJtK j\.......,'.CVN1 by 1';:;S 't. f)ircctor :; ! J. '__..... . f!'1J;(' /} ':1, j ~~_{,"~L' C AuT,AF<'''''- 11,,1\) " C /)'.-kJlJ:;/J. , G (i ~. ... 00 -1..IlrJ{r f;}oJ;: ~ . " , \ \ \ \~>, l' ~~~;'<' .', II. /);J~ J r' C i' Iv" t"UJIEI ~ liP t,(1P J?ctl< (i) 1'1l/ ~' t s,'("J 12 IJ IE;. t../ J;:. I) , ~ (.,4) E 'I ;: I #' II ~ t! ~~~ae..~ _ ...-#--+_4- t-. @,..t" c.., V EI<T, C' (." e, IIIII~ l. '/)0 (K C rc N ~ / Jl.u j;~JJ Sir) E If IE j sc..-1/.E ::: ?,/":; I' P'Uftf'OSf.:p;?jVArc [leeK or SJ;,t E~t:lS;/)N OA T\IM /'II? ~..cJ .5 51 ). IE" L1 # L, AtlJACDfT ~UTY mmrfts: ~ S~, 4//!l. , f\ of,V'>" l 0 ~;olu..1~~ ~ . f (,..~ C1 1t1 \ g2. vY' .;;' ;'.~i~I~1"7~;:,~ ''':!t'-'(f /"'CI.",i,",T. V ~ .. /, / ....,..., .' -. ~". . '., .\,~:.:J";>'" . )Q~/~" \ 'I. --.....:..- / .'.' /..1" ".'." '""'""- ~ "'If ~~,~.l'U"'__ . G'....~i"i ~.~- J?~ \,~/.,: :~/ /1.1 ~.I. .-:.- l~\::~ ,(-'--: I ' \. '1.~ ( ~ \ "'-J. )/. ; ~'J <'~~. . I" I' ~,,(../J/,{-~ . ,.. I ( , J I ---:. . j .. \ f { ~ , . /' . r Jf , ~:!. '/ ~/ ,.....-..-.. / ..,- 2;j\lJjf \:- "?',,,t'~. ~~__~_J - ..I; .~ ,v 11.' I': l ,! J ' ,l ,~'.', l..... t ..J. · (_1L./.: (.'/L~~ "f t. , L) ~ ~ fir; ,C'1; 1..'ti~N;..i5-L.:..:!~~'';';r-LI'" I1,jJ/w..l:lf.~ ( ... '-' I.... -. ,.f!Jo (.c- ,,\.1'/ ~L~_'.J.~~~-----1_.',._~;.J .LL:..-,,-J1-O,.., .J. :.-..-.-' -1~..4.il t, f:. b,::";'d-hL If r:..EI~.1..lijyI.,i- ~lttf~l" c., ~rllIt[ , _J -F;':fI..m-:r, ...J'>'- ~ 11~T,,~1 7:J...' 7 ' LJ, { ^ 1 +1." 1>"17-~ A._ '7 .' ;/ I '- ~ 1.j..J:. J. V If::: '.I' f} to {. ( n"",1 t."f' /" ...' IJ {, 7 c ,:; c _,4/.F I" AT Ct'\M'Y Of }f {J JJ to r: ":09'\.1 CAT 1 ON IT STATt ~ /./J-, ~l"T I i 1 1 i , i ; i I I I I ) Ey/5J. tJ/l ,(lOC! I - I I T ~ '6 " _1- ~K ~"~ --_~---- __ "1') .), ,:r )'i - .'>. r- I I I I I -,s' ,;; ,.---, ~Co...,. r /- , ---IOt' IV' ~J{ .", ~l- -LL.K..cLL- E .,,'sT Tl!fi;l~f2 I I ~ ~ I ; I I . S 1/ " , c-/tJ.I: :: tfi - / , I I I .~~I I I I I (J) J I / I I i B: 0\";5'" '< " f\v P"'" < J(. q \ d(8;l.- yvIL K //K ,., J . D ^ "wi J..E Y () - I l! I f)tJbt! f.,?["<;.~f!rs ./01# ?-.S' } J {),oj ki::-J , -~~f:!~{~ :~',:~~ ';.'::i;" :~".'-1f;.~:l'"i*,', .';"""~ " '. .. ;;:" \< i;~+~.t"":-' ~''':'''.i ~ .--; -~ 1- _ 6- ";1.:; .:. . . \- n ~_..." BRADLEY, ROY 1/440565045 Monroe County - Long Key P;,gc T\Vo A. The applicant proposes to control erosion and provide improved boat mooring facilities. Hoth goals will he achieved through the construction of a 35 ft. long vertical concrete seawall with a 4 ft. wide cantelievered concrete dock along its length. The seawall will be located approximately 4 ft. waterward of the old shoreline. An estimated 35 cu. yds. of backfill with 25 cu. yds. waterward of mean high water (MIIW) and 10 cu. yds. landward of ~1HW will be required. (The applicant's estimate of 30 cu. yds. with 15 on either side of MJIW appears to be inaccurate). An estimated 210 sq. ft. (0.005 A) of marine habi tat will be elimi- nated by the seawall and an additional 140 sq. ft. covered by the dock. Riprap will he placed at the toe of the seawall. The project with the exception of the placement of the riprap at the toe of the seawall is now complete. Upland roads were used to bring all supplies to the site. The seawall and dock were poured in place. B. The project site is in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key recreational vehicle park. The park is located on the north side of the west end of Long Key, Monroe County. Within the 30+ acre park a system of two main trunk canals with three each finge~ canals provide waterfront access to many of the 400+ trailer lots. The park is a condominium with 95+ percent of the available sites presently occupied hy recreational vehicles. M;lny of the vehicles arc apparently perman;1/ltly located. The project site is located near the northeast corner of the park, on a shoreline which faces Florida Bay. Abutting the site's east and \~'est siues are lots which are occupied by travel trailers. To the south is a paved road. The florida Bay shoreline of t~e project site and park in general is one which was created by filling out into the bay. A boulder riprap revetment originally protecteu the entire shoreline. Much of the revetment has been replaced over the years by a series of sc.lwalls. Many of the seawalls apparently have been constructed \vithout proper authorization. The lot adjoining the project site to the east is at present unoccupied and retains its original rip- rap shoreline. To the west, a seawall and dock have been built on the shoreline. This western seawall is the subject of an active enforcement case. ^ road borders the project site to the south. Florida Bay, \Vllich in the vicinity of the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Floriua Administrative Code), lies to the north. . , BRADLEY, ROY #440565045 Monroe County - Long Key Page Three Long Key State Recreation area is located approximately 400 ft. to the east of Outdoor Resorts. The waters of the recreation area are designated as Class III, Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapters 17-3.041 and 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code). C. The applicant's property is an 80+ ft. by 35+ ft. (0.064A) trailer lot. One of the 35 ft. sIdes borderi on Florida Bay. Virtually all of the site consists of uplands. A mobile home and paved areas cover most of the lot with the only exception being ornamental planters. The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, consisted of a boulder riprap revetment. The flora found on the revetment consisted of red, green and brown macroalgae with Laurencis sp. being the most common. Dominant macrofauna consists of beaded periwinkles (Tectarius muricatus), zebra periwinkle (Littorina ziczac), channeled turban (Turbo canaliculatus), tessellate nerite (~erita tessellata) and sergeant majors (Abudefduf saxatilis). The bay bottom in front of the seawall slopes down at a moderate rate. At the waterward edge of the dock, the water depth is estimated to be 2+ ft. mean sea level (MSL). The nearby bay bottom is primarily-sandy with little macroflora. The toe of the seawall is apparently located approximately 4 ft. waterward of the old MlIW line. There is very little macro flora on the seawall, apparently due to shading from the dock. The only macrofauna observed on the seawall was a few snails. D. As previously described, construction of the seawall and dock has eliminated the shoreline biota. Once the riprap is placed at the toe a new biological community should be able to establish itself. As a result of shading, it is believed that the floral components of the community will generally be less abundant and more shade tolerant than the preconstructibn flora. The riprap at the toe of the seawall will cover and thereby el eliminate 100~ sq. ft. of shallow sandy seafloor. Placing the riprap can be expected to cause temporarily raised levels of turbidity. Experience with similar projects has shown that the associated turbidity levels are not usually very high.