Resolution 253-1982
FLORIDA, has received an application from LONN STONE
WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary
as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological
Assessment into the Record, as follows:
The applicant proposes to control erosion and provide improved
boat mooring facilities. Both goals will be achieved through
the construction of a 35 ft. long vertical concrete seawall with
a 4 ft. wide cantilevered concrete dock along its length.
The seawall will be located approximately 4 ft. waterward of the
old shoreline. An estimated 35 cu. yds. of backfill with 25 cu.
yds. waterward of mean high water (MHW) and 10 cu. yds. landward
of MEW will be required. (The applicant's estimate of 30 cu. yds.
with 15 on either side of MHW appears to be inaccurate). An
estimated 210 sq. ft. (0.005 A) of marine habitat will be elimi-
nated by the seawall and an additional 140 sq. ft. covered by the
dock. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall.
The project with the exception of the placement of the riprap at
the toe of the seawall is now complete. Upland roads were used
to bring all supplies to the site. The seawall and dock were
poured in place.
The project site is in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key recreational
vehicle park. The park is located on the north side of the west
end of Long Key, Monroe County. Within the 30+ acre park a system
of two main trunk canals with three each finger canals provide.
waterfront access to many of the 400+ trailer lots. The park is
a condominium with 95+ percent of the available sites presently
occupies by recreational vehicles. Many of the vehicles are
apparently permanently located.
The Florida Bay shoreline of the park was created by filling out
into the bay. A boulder riprap revetment orginally protected
the entire shoreline. Much of the revetment has been replaced.
over the years by a series of seawalls. Many of the seawalls
apparently have been constructed without proper authorization.
The project site is located near the northeast corner of the park,
on a shoreline which faces Florida Bay. Adjoining the site's west
side is a lot which retains its original riprap shoreline and is
presently occupies by a trailer. The lot bordering the east side
of the site is also occupied by a trailer and has had its revetment
replaced by a vertical boulder seawall. An unnamed road runs along
the north side of the project site. Florida Bay in the vicinity of
the project site is designated as Class III waters (Chaper 17-3.081,
Florida Administrative Code).
Long Key State Recreation area is located approximately 400 ft. to
the east of Outdoor Resorts. The waters of the recreation area are
designated as Class III, Outstanding Florida Waters (Chapters 17-3
041 and 17,3.081, Florida Administrative Code).
Loon Stone
Page Two
The applicant's property is an 80+ ft. by 35+ ft. (0.064 A)
trailer lot. One of the 35 ft. sIdes borders on Florida Bay
Virtually all of the site consists of uplands. A mobile home and
paved areas cover most of the lot with the only exception being
ornamental planters.
The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, con-
sisted of a boulder riprap revetment. The flora found on the re-
vetment consisted of red, green and brown macro algae with Laurencia
sp. being the most common. Dominant macrofauna consists of beaded
perwinkles (Tectarius muricatus), zebra periwinkle (Littorina
ziczac), channeled turban (Turbo canaliculatus), tessellate
nerite (Nerita tessellata) and sergeant majors (Abudefduf sacitilis).
The bay bottom in front of the seawall slopes down at a moderate
rate. At the waterward edge of the dock, the water depth is esti-
mated to be 2+ ft. mean sea level (MSL). The nearby bay bottom is
primarily sandy with little macroflora.
The toe of the seawall is apparently located approximately 4 ft.
waterward of the old MHW line. There is very little macroflora on
the seawall, apparently due to shading from the dock. The only
macrofauna observed on the seawall was a few snails.
As previously described, construction of the seawall and dock has
eliminated the shoreline biota. Once the riprap is placed at the
toe a new biological community should be able to establish itself.
As a result of shading, it is believed that the floral components
of the community will generally be less abundant and more shade I
tolerant than the preconstruct ion flora.
The riprap at the toe of the seawall will cover and thereby
eliminate 100+ sq. ft. of shallow sandy seafloor. Placing the rip-
rap can be expected to cause temporarily raised levels of
turbidity. Experience with similar projects has shown that the
associated turbidity levels are not usually very high.
COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been
read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida
Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe
County, Florida, this
4th day of October
, 19 82
at a regularly scheduled meeting.
By ?~~'- ~- ~ 1/!
/ Mayor
Attest: RALPH V/.VliUTE,. CLEIt~
BY ~ - C. ~
ANom.,".. om" ~
Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1
Curt Blair, District 2
Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3
MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4
Ken Sorensen, District 5
(3051 2944641
Building, Planning and
P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing I
Public Service Buildin
.'w, 5825 Jr. College Rd. W
.-'; Key West, Florida
~'.~ 33043-4399
. .
'. .
1>0. "
3Zb.. "~:'::'~"[~!,';::!I'i~f}'
Lucien C. Proby
Monroe County Attorney
310 Fleming Street
Key West, Florida 33040
I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and
information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows:
Certificate of Complete Enclosures
County Biologist Report
Resolution (Lonn Stone)
Application for Permit (After-the-fact seawalll
Site Plan
Location Map
DER Assessment
Date 9- I b -J<2....
By v"m.J~~>-
~ffi:(C~~'l\)TIi ~
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SE? 21 1982
o E PAR T MEN T ^ l
COR RES P n N 0 ENe t
OATE: Septemb~ 1~ 1982
SUBJECT: Ant~-the-Faet Se~att Peromit Applieation ~o~ Stone, Lonn
TO: Alan Le.6.o1~, DVtec;to~ OEPT: Bu<..e.d.Lnq, Plann.i.nq and Zon.i.Yl;9
FROM: (Yl{....~k. L. RobeJ1.t.6on, EnvVton. BioL OEPT: and Zon.i.nq
LEGAL: Sec;t..[on 7, TownoJUp 65S, Range 35E, Long Key
Outdoo~ Re.6ofLt.6 06 AmvUea, Lot 262
ThM a6t~-.the-6ac;t peromit applieation -U, 'to be ~eviewed by the BOMd
06 County Comrn.-L6.oioneA6 pUX6uant to Seeuon 19-111 (a) (5), ao il p~opo.oe.6
to depo.ou6ill bei.ow mean tugh wat~.
The appl..[eation -U, 60~ an a6t~-the-6ac;t peromit 60~ a v~eal eon~ete
.oe~a1.1. wdh 1;t ean:t.i.1.ev~ed eap. The .ode -U, along a .oho~eUne 6~onUng
F lotvi.da Bay. App~o umatei.y Z 5 e. y. 0 6 6~ hao been plaeed .0 eawMd 06
.the p~evioU6 MHW line, mO.ot 06 th-.L6 matvUa..t eono-u'u 06 eonCJtete and 1Up~ap wil..l be plaeed at the :toe 06 the .oe~aLe.. The .oeawati
-U, 7Z + 6eet in length, and wao eonotJz.ueted about 4 6eet .oeawMd 06 the
p~e-eon.otJz.uc.tion MHW line.
The attaehed Vepantment 06 EnvVtonmentat Regula.t..[on biologieal ~epoht
fueUMe.6 th-L6 p~ojeet in g~eat~ de.:taA.1..
Sue inopec.tiono ind.Leated that the maiUne o~garU_MI.o ao.oocJ..ated w.i;th :the
eone~ete .oe~att Me Le.6.o abundant and le.6.o d.LveA6e than .the eommwUty in
Meao whVte .the otvi.gina..t .oho~eUne hao been Le6t intaet. ptaeement 06
JUptc.a.p at the toe 06 the .oemvaLf. will oni.y paJcAJ..atty yn.,[;t..[gate th-L6 10M.
The 6..[tt..[ng 06 the bay bot.tom hao p~anentty deCJteaoed the p~oduc.tivily
06 the maiUne eeo.oy.otem. Howev~, the envVtonmen.tal damage doe.6 not, in
my opin.i.on, jU6u6y a eowr;t ac.tion 60~ ~emoval 06 the non-p~mU::ted .oe~a1..t
and 6~.
App~oval: Double 6ee to be ehMged 60~ a6tVt-:the-6aet bu<..e.d.Lng p~t
(See. 6-41, M.C.C.); no exeavation wate~Md 06 .oe~a.t.e..
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PL\~inXG, BrILDI,';G & zc;:nrc DEP..\RT~IENT
1) Property m,-ners n<:!!;1e & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPA?':r.'!E~~T uSE m:LY
Lonn Stone
Box 816
LOng Key, Fla.
3) Phone number
Resolution No.
4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number
John Brier
Post Office Box 651
Marathon, Fla. 33050 743-2626
5) Legal description of property:
Section 7 Key Long Subdh'ision Pf?(')PEIC Tj_Lt i0E
To\..-nship 65S Lot 262 Block
Range 35E Street, road or mile marker US.#l
Volume of material:
o f ~. H. 10J .
of U.H.H.
25 c.y. 25 c.y.
waten.;ard land~.;ard
of M.H.W. of M.H.W.
Cost or Penit
Esti~at~d cos~ of Construction
Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any:
Approval: Double fee to be charged for after-the-fact building
permit (Section 6-41, Monroe County Code); no excavation
waterward of seawall.
C.O.E. and D.E.R. permits are required.
Alan Lessler, Director
Planning, Building and Zoning
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Mr Stone Box 816 Lon3 Key Florida
(:~r..;,IJY:J ~p;c;t'.l name, mailing address, pho:1e r~ cc'rtifiG'~ ion nu:nL'er.
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Describe thc prorosee. activity, methods o~ construction 1", ~!:1Cl1nt of moterial (in cuhic yares),
to bD:~71d !o~c"J1r/AJ,;:7t P~7;"l:G intonded use of project.
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,... H~ If. ~/J(.X D/cksPJJ fj~ /J/
7 - C) ,j., JON HElL' f( Y J i /
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a) list other permits issued and/or appliec
for, incJuoe applicant's name, for t}1is site:
b) If application has been submitted for this project (or ~e similar) in tre past,
explain reason for new application 2nd give ar~licant's n~e if different from current
applicant. jJ/ /1
list all Federal and State agencIes that have rece:!.ved appJ::.catlms for t.b1s proJect.
This completed application fom. Hill be accanpMled t.'e
following, or it will NCT be processed:
Two (2) sets of drawings, on S~ x 11 paper, showing location, plot plan, top view and
cross section of propesal, dra~~ to sC8Je.
PppJication processing fee as follows:
$75.00 for dredge, fill, decks (1'. any structures affrontin~ natural water bcdies.
S30.00 for vertical seawal1s onman-mace revUes o{" water.
$75.00 for any combination of the above activities per site.
:JT'lic3tion is hereby m:Jde for a permit to aut~oTize the 8cth'ities rlescrihecl J'crein. I
:-rti;:"y tnat I am familiar ,,:ith the infom~tio:1 coptain~'c1 i;1 tl'is arrlication, and to the best
~ my knowledge & belief such information is true, co.;r.plctc (, accurate. I furt1'er certify that
possess the authority to undertake tl1e proposed Gctiv~tj('s. .^Jl provisions or. laws ann
rdinances governing this type of work \,'iJ1 he ccmJ11iec , \\'1'ctrer specified l~erein or not. Thl
ranting of a l'crmit does not prestr.le to give c'utl:ority to vlob.te or cancel t1'c provisions 0+
ny county, state or fe0eral law regulati:1~ constructi0n or !,(,l'[O11".1" of constnlction cf tris
>,pc of faciEty.
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- Long Key
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The applicant proposes to control erOSIon and provide improved _
hoat mooring facilities. Both goals will be achieved through
the construction of a 3S ft. long vertical concrete seawall with
a 4 ft. wide can~ilevered concrete dock along its length.
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The seawall will be located approxirn~tely 4 ft. waterward of the
old shoreline. An estimated 35 cu. yds. of hackfill with 2S cu.
yds. \-'"a te n\'ard 0 f mean high wa ter (MH\\) and 10 eu. yds. landward
of ~m~ will be required. (The applicant's estimate of 30 cu. yds.
with 15 on either side of NH\\ appears to be inaccurate). An
est i mat e d 2 1.0 sq. ft. ( 0 . 0 0 SA) 0 f m 3 r in e h a hit a t \IJ i 11 bee 1 im i -
nated by the seawall and an additional 140 sq. ft. covered by the
dock. Riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall.
The project with the exception of the placement of the riprap at
the toe of the seawall is now complete. Upland roads were used
to bring all supplies to the site. The se3h'all and dock were
poured in place.
- . ....:; ~
B. The project site is in the Outdoor Resorts at Long Key recreational
vehicle park. The park is located on the north side of the west
end 0 f Long Key J 1-lonroe County. \\' i th in the 30~ acre park a system
of two main trunk canals with three each finger canals provide
~aterfront access to many of the 400+ trailer lots. The park is
a condominium with 95+ percent of the available sites presently
occupied by recreatio~al vehicles. Many of the vehicles are
apparently perma~ently located.
The Florida Bay shoreline of the park was created by filling out
into the bay. A boulder riprap revetment originally protected
thc entire shoreline. Much of the revetment has been replaced
over the years by a series of se3wal] s. ~1:1ny of the seawalls
apparently have been constructed without proper authorization.
The project site is located near the northeast corner of the park,
on a shoreline which faces Florida Ray. Adjoining the site's west
side is a lot which retains its origin31 riprap shoreline and is
presently o~cupicd by a trailer. The lot bordering the east side
of the site is also occupied by a trailer and has had its revetment
replaced by a vertical boulder sea~all. An unnamed road runs along
the north side of the project site. rlorida Bay in the vicinity of
th(' project site is designated as Class III '\;lters (Chapter 17-3.081,
Florida Auministrative Code).
LonG l\c)' State Recreation area is locatc'd approximately 400 ft. to
the cast of Outdoor Resorts. The waters of the recreation area are .-
l!esi!:nated as Class III, Outst3nding Florid:1 \\atcrs (Chapters 17-3.
O~I ;iIlJ 17-3.031, Florida Administrativc CoJe).
", .....
Monroe County - Long Key
Page Three
c. The applicant's property is an 80+ ft. by 35+ ft. (0.064 A)
trailer lot. One of the 35 ft. sIdes border~ on Florida Bay.
Virtually all of the site consists of uplands. A mobile home and
paved areas cover most of the lot with the only exception being
ornamental planters.
The shoreline, as it existed before the seawall was built, consisted
of a boulder riprap revetment. The flora found on the revetment
consisted of red, green and brown macroalgae with Laurencia sp.
being the most common. Dominant macrofauna consists of beaded
periwinkles (Te~tarius muricatus), zebra periwinkle (Littorina
ziczac), channeled turban (Turbo cana1iculatus), tessellate
nerite (Nerita tessellata) and sergeant majors (Abudefduf saxiti1is).
The bay bottom in frontof the seawall slopes down at a moderate
rate. At the waterward edge of the dock, the water depth is esti-
mated to be 2+ it. mean sea level (~fSL). The nearby bay bottom is
pr ima r i 1y sanay \d th Ii t t Ie ma crof I ora.
The toe of the seawall is apparently located approximately 4 ft.
waterward of the old MHW line. There is very little macrof10ra on
the seawall, apparently due to shading from the dock. The only
macrofauna observed on the seawall was a few snails.
D. As previously described, construction of the seawall and dock has
eliminated the shoreline biota. Once the riprap is placed at the
toe a new biological community should be able to establish itself.
As a result of shading, it is believed that the floral components
of the community will generally be less abundant and more shade
tolerant than the preconstruction flora.
The riprap at the toe of the seawall will cover and thereby
eliminate 100~ sq. ft. of shallow sandy seafloor. Placing the rip-
rap can be expected to cause temporarily raised levels of
turbidity. Experience with similar projects has shown that the
associated turbidity levels are not usually very high.