Resolution 258-1982 • RESOLUTION NO . 258 - '1982 RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING FUNDS WHEREAS , it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 , and to create new items under said budget , now, therefore , BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 in the amounts hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following ac- counts : GENERAL REVENUE FUND Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001=0100-511-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $15 , 823. 00 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001- 0100- 511-51 . 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $223. 13, Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001- 0100-511-13 . 00 , Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $11. 53 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-25 . 00 , Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001- 0100-511-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-40 . 00 , Travel Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $150. 00 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001- 0100-511-46. 02 , Maitenance of Equipment Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100=511-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $36 . 78, Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100- 511-49. 26, Commission & Fees - 2- Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $2 ,700 . 00 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-22 . 00 , Retirement Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-45 . 00 , Insurance $ Bonds , the sum of $4, 528 ,70 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-45 . 00 , Insurance F Bonds , the sum of $20 , 000 . 00 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001- 0100-511-41 . 00 , Communications Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $850 . 57 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-73. 00 , Other Debt Service Transfer from Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-45 . 00 , Insurance $ Bonds , the sum of $4, 113 . 33 , Into Board of County Commissioners , Item #001-0100-511-34. 02 , Palm Condo Lawsuit Transfer from County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $1 , 469. 82 , Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation Transfer from County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-34 . 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $411 . 85 , Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds Transfer from County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $800 . 00 , Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-49. 25 , Commission ? Fees Transfer from County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-34 . 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $2 , 000 . 00 , Into County Attorney, Item #001-0300-514-54. 02 , Subscriptions Transfer from State Attorney, Item #001-0603, 516-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $3 , 000. 00 , Into State Attorney, Item #001-0603-516-54. 02 , Subscriptions -3- Transfer from Public Defender , Item #001-0604-516-43 . 00, Contractual Services , the sum of $3, 000 . 00 , Into Public Defender, Item #001-0604-516-41. 00 , Communications Transfer from County Administrator , Item #001-0800-512-24. 00 , Workmens , Compensation, the sum of $31 . 98 , Into County Administrator, Item #001-0800-512-49. 00 , Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Country Adminstrator, Item #001-0800 -512-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $500. 00 , Into County Administrator , Item #001-800-512 -52 . 01 , Gasoline Transfer from County Adminstrator , Item #001- 0800-512- 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $112 . 30 , Into County Administrator, Item #001-0800=512-54. 02 , Subscriptions Transfer from County Administrator, Item #001-0800-512-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $900 . 00 , Into County Administratro , Item #001-0800-512-51. 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Personnel, Item #001-0801-513-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $127 . 56, Into Personnel/Safety, Item #001-0801-513-23. 00 , Group Insurance Transfer from Motor Pool, Item #001- 0901-519-42:. 00 , Transportation, the sum of $377 . 53 , Into Motor Pool , Item #001-0901-519-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Motor Pool , Item #001-0901-519-42 . 00 , Transportation, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Motor Pool , Item #001-0901-519-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Motor Pool, Item #001-0901-519-42 . 00 , Transportation, the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Motor Pool, Item #001-0901-159-49. 00, Miscellaneous Supples Transfer from Motor Pool, Item #001-0901-519-42 . 00 , Transportation, the sum of $35 . 00 , Into Motor Pool, Item #001- 0901-519-51 . 00 , Office Supplies -4- Transfer from Courthouse, Item #001- 0902-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $600 . 00 , Into Courthouse $ Annex, Item #001-0902-519-44. 00 , Rentals Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $3 , 000 . 00 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $436. 05 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-46 . 03 , Pressure Pump Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $20 . 00 , Into Other Administration ,Building, Item #001-0903-519-49. 25 , Commission F Fees Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-52 . 04 , Small Tools ? Implement Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001- 0903-519-54. 02, Subscriptions Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001- 0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $1, 400 . 00 , Into Other Administration Building, Item #001-0903-519-52. 01 , Gasoline Transfer from Courthouse , Item #001-0902-519-40 . 00 , Travel , the sum of $2 , 000 . 00 , Into Courthouse & Annex, Item #001-0902-519-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-43 . 00 , Utilities , the sum of $600 . 00 , Into Garage Middle Keys , Item $001-0904-519-40 . 00 , Travel • -5 - Transfer from Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $271. 23 , Into Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519- 43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-46. 01 , Maintenance of Building Transfer from Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519- 43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $182 . 00 , Into Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-51. 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Garage Middle Keys , Item #001-0904-519-43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Garage Middle Keys , Item #001- 0904-519-64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-24. 00, Workmens Compensation, the sum of $184. 76, Into Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-40. 00 , Travel Transfer from Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-43 . 00 , Utilities , the sum of $247 . 70 , Into Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds Transfer from Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Garage Upper Keys , Item #001 -0905-519-49. 00 , Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-43. 00 , Utilities , the sum of $182 . 00 , Into Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-51. 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-43 . 00 , Utilities , the sum of $250 . 00 , Into Garage Upper Keys , Item #001-0905-519-52 . 04 , Small Tools & Implement Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562-24 . 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-41. 00 , Communications e , -6- Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562- 24. 00, Workmens Compensation, the sum of $50 . 00 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-49 . 00 , Miscellaneous Supplies Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $ 800 . 00 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562-52 . 01 , Gasoline Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562 - 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $200 . 00 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562 -52 . 11 , Food $ Dietary Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0910-562-45 . 00 , Insurance Bonds , the sum of $242 . 00 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001- 0910-562-52 . 11 , Food & Dietary Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910- 562-43 . 00 Utilities , the sum of $50 . 72 , Into K.W. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0910-562 -54. 02 , Subscriptions Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter , Item #001-0911-562-45 . 00 , Insurance, Bonds ., the suit of $121. 52 , Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-0911-562- 24 . 00 , Workmens Compensation Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter , Item #001- 0911-562-52 . 11 , Food E Dietary, the sum of $700 . 00 , Into Marathon Animal Shelter, Item #001-0911-562 - 49 . 21 , Medicine & Drugs Transfer from Marathon Animal Shelter , Item #001-0911-562 -52 . 11, Food & Dietary, the sum of $50 . 00 , Into Marathon Animal Shelter , Item #001-0911-562-52 . 04, Small Tools & Implement Transfer from P. K. Animal Shelter , Item #001- 0912-562-52 . 01, Gasoline, the sum of $236. 44, Into P . K. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0912-562 -24 . 00 , Workmens Compensation Transfer from P . K. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0912-562-52 . 01, Gasoline, the sum of $56. 98 , Into P. K. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0912-562-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds -7- Transfer from P. K. Animal Shelter , Item #001-0912-562-52 . 01 , Gasoline , the sum of $1 , 200 . 00 , Into P. K. Animal Shelter, Item #001- 0912-562-46. 01 , Maintenance of Building Transfer from P. K. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0912-562-52 . 01 , Gasoline , the sum of $300 . 00 , Into P. K. Animal Shelter, Item #001-0912-562-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $1 , 110. 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-13. 00 , Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $400 .00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-49. 24, Advertising Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001- 0920-534-52 . 04, Small Tools & Implement Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-64. 01, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $3 , 000 . 00 , Into Parks Department , Item #001-0920-534-52. 01, Gasoline Transfer from Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $9 . 15 , Into Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds -8- Transfer from Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-62 . 00 , Building & Structures , the sum of $3 , 000 . 00 , Into Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-62 . 00 , Building F Structures , the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572- 49. 25 , Commission & Fees Transfer from Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-62 : 00 , Building Structures , the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572-46. 01 , Maintenance of Building Transfer from Clean Up Compliance, Item #001- 0990-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $1, 000 . 00 , Into Clean Up Compliance, Item #001- 0990-534-28 . 00 , Group Insurance Transfer from Clean Up Compliance, Item #001-0990-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $106. 20 , Into Clean Up Compliance, Item #001-0990-534-25 . 00 , Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Clean Up Compliance, Item #001-0990-534-24 . 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $150 . 00 , Into Clean Up Compliance , Item #001-0990-534-49. 24 , Advertising Transfer from Clean Up Compliance , Item #001-0990-534-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Clean Up Compliance, Item #001-0990-534-51. 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Planning Department, Item #001-1001-515 -12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $365 . 56, Into Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-51-13 . 02, Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515- 45 . 00 , Insurance Bonds , the sum of $1 , 125 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515- 25 . 00 , Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515-34 . 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-100-515- 49. 24, Rentals - 9- Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $264. 38 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515- 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515- 34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of. $500 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515-54. 02 , Subscriptions Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515 -12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $513 . 81 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515 -64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515- 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $3 , 335 . 21 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515-46. 01, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515- 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $4 , 968 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment , the sum of $20 . 48 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515-64. 01, Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100 Transfer from Courthouses , Item #001- 0902-519- 49. 00 , Miscellaneous Supplies , the sum of $100. 00 , Into Harry Harris Park, Item #001-0921-572- 49 . 25 , Commission & Fees Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515 -52 . 01 , Gasoline, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515 -64 . 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Under $100 Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515 - 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $3 ,795 . 50 , Into Planning Department , Item #001- 1001-515- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515 - 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $2 , 000 . 00 , Into Planning Department , Item #001-1001-515- 64. 01 , Capital Outlay -10- Transfer from Pollution Control, Item #001-0990-534-44. 00 , Rental , the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Pollution Control, Item #001-0990-534-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Pollution Control , Item #001-0990-534-52 . 09, Clothing, the sum of $657 . 22 , Into Pollution Control , Item #001- 0990-534-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Building Department , Item #001-1002-524-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $111 . 65 , Into Building Department , Item #001-1002-524- 25 . 00 , Unemployment Compensation Transfer from Building Department , Item #001-1002-524-24. 00 , Workmens Compenstation, the sum of $1 ,500 . 00 , Into Building Department , Item #001-1002-524-34. 00 , Contractual Services Transfer from Building Department , Item #001- 1002-524-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $20 . 00 , Into Building Department , Item #001-1002-524-54. 02 , Subscription Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200- 553-12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $167 . 20 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553- 13 . 00 , Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001- 1200-553-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553- 40. 00 , Travel Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001- 1200-553-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553-41. 00 , Communications Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553- 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553- 44. 00 , Rental. Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553- 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $54 . 89 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-533-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds -11- Transfer from Veterans Affairs , Item #001-1200-553-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $300 . 00 , Into Veterans Affairs , Item #001- 1200-553-51 . 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525- 45 . 00 , Insurance ? Bonds , the sum of $970 . 24, Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525- 40 . 00 , Travel Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-43 . 00 , Utilities , the sum of $800 . 00 , Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525 -46. 02, Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525 -49. 25 , Commission. & Fees Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001- 1401-525- 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525-51. 00 , Office Supplies Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $200 . 00 , Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-52 . 01 , Casoline Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-21. 00 , FICA Taxes , the sum of $100. 00 , Into Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525-52 . 01 , Gasoline Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525 -22 . 00 , Retirment , the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-52 . 01, Gasoline Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001- 1401-525-23. 00 , Group Insurance, the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525 -52 . 01 , Gasoline Transfer from Civil Defense, Item #001-1401-525- 44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $100 . 00 , Into Civil. Defense , Item #001-1401 -525-52. 01, Gasoline 1111111 -12 - Transfer from Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $116. 14, Into Civil Defense , Item #001-1401-525-52 . 11 , Food & Dietary Transfer from Radio Emergency, Item #001- 1402-525-49. 00 , Exercise , the sum of $900 . 00 , Into Radio Emergency, Item #001-1402- 525- 41 . 00 , Communications Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-562- 24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $400 . 00 , Into Welfare Administration, Item #001- 1801-562-41 . 00 , Communications Transfer from Welfare Administration, Item #001-1801-562-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $84 . 15 , Into Welfare Administration, Item #001- 1801-562-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds Transfer from County Home , Item #001-1803-564-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $200 . 00 , Into County Home , Item #001-1803-564-52 . 05 , Household - Kitchen Supplies Transfer from County Home , Item #001-1803-564-44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $100 . 00 , . Into County Home, Item #001-1803-564-52 . 01, Casoline Transfer from A.A.R. P. Marathon, Item #001-1902-564-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $12 . 00 , Into A.A.R. P. Marathon, Item #001- 1902-564-41 . 00 , Communications Transfer from A.A.R. P. Marathon, Item #001-1902-564-34 . 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $66. 91 , Into A. A. R.P . Marathon, Item #001-1902-564-52 . 11 , Food & Dietary Transfer from A.A.R. P. Marathon, Item #001-1902-564-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $485 . 45 , Into A.A.R. P. Marathon, Item #001-1902-564- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from A.A.R. P. Upper Keys , Item #001- 1903-564-34. 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of. $600 . 00 , Into A.A. R. P . Upper Keys , Item #001- 1903-564-43 . 00 , Utilities -13- Transfer from A.A.R.P. Upper. Keys , Item #001-1903-564-34 . 00 , Contractual Services , the sum of $1 , 085 . 00 , Into A.A.R. P . Upper Keys , Item #001-1903-564-64. 00 , Capital Outaly Equipment Transfer from Extension Service, Item #001-2300-537-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $18 . 30 , Into Extension Service, Item #001-2300-537 -45 . 00 , Insurance $ Bonds Transfer from Marathon Airport , Item #001-2400-542-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $150 . 00 , Into Marathon Airport, Item #001- 2400-542-40 . 00 , Travel Transfer from Marathon Airport , Item #001-2400-542- 12 . 00 , Salaries , the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Marathon Airport , Item #001-2400-542-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment AIRPORT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Transfer from Key West Airport , Item #004-2401-542-24. 00 , Workmens Compensation, the sum of $5 , 000 . 00 , Into Key West Airport , Item #004-2401-542- 46. 01 , Maintenance of Building ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Transfer from Contingency, Item #102-0000-584-0000 , Contingency, the sum of $3 , 795 . 00 , Into Road Department , Item #102- 0940-541-64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Contingency, Item #102- 0000- 584-0000 , Contingency, the sum of $692 . 00 , Into Road Department , Item #102- 0940-541-52 . 02 , Road Signs Transfer from 20% 5th & 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541-63 . 00 , Construction, the sum of $1, 530 . 00 , Into 20% 5th & 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541-63 . 73 , Higgs Lane Transfer from 20% 5th F 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541-63. 00 , Construction, the sum of $4, 340 . 00 , Into 2% 5th & 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541-63. 10 , Kings Row -14- Transfer from 20% 5th & 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541- 63. 00 , Construction, the sum of $4,603 . 00 , Into 20% 5th & 6th Cent , Item #102- 944-541-63 . 74, Gardina Lane MSD TAX DISTRICT 100-B Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire , Item #701-0000-584-0000 , Contingency, the sum of $1 , 636 . 82 , Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire , Item #701-1430-522-64 . 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper MSD TAX DISTRICT #4 Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-49. 23, Educational Program, the sum of $347 . 00 ,, Into Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-40 . 00 , Travel Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Fire , Item #704-1436-522- 49. 23 , Educational Program, the sum of $835 . 35 , Into Islamorada Volunteer Fire , Item #704- 1436-522 -40 . 00 , Travel Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance , Item #704- 1424-526-51 . 00., Office Supplies , the sum of $3 . 10 , Into Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-64 . 01 , Referendum Account Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Fire , Item #704-1436-522- 64 . 01 , Capital. Outlay Other Than Equipment , the sum of $1, 846 . 77 , Into Islamorada Volunteer Fire , Item #704-1436-522- 64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-45 . 00 , Isurance & Bonds , the sum of $81 . 00 , Into Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance , Item #704-1424-526- 45 . 01 , Physical Damage Insurance Transfer from Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-64. 00 , Capital Outlay Equipment , the sum of $625 . 00 , Into Islamorada Volunteer Ambulance, Item #704-1424-526-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment MSD TAX DISTRICT #5 Transfer from Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance, Item #705-1425-526-49. 23 , Educational Program, the sum of $1 , 000 . 00, Into Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance, Item #705- 1425-526-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment • - 15- Transfer from Tavernier Volunteer Fire , Item #705-1437-522- 46. 01 , Maintenance of Building, the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Tavernier Volunteer Fire , Item #705-1437-522- 46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Tavernier Volunteer Fire , Item #705 -1437-522-46 . 01, Maintenance of Building, the sum of $229. 00 , Into Tavernier Volunteer Fire , Item #705-1437 -522-45 . 01 , Pysical Damage Insurance Transfer from Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance, Item #705-1425-526- 45 . 00 , Insurance $ Bonds , the sum of $81 . 00 , Into Tavernier Volunteer Ambulance, Item #705- 1425-526-45 . 01, Pysical Damage Insurance MSD TAX DISTRICT #6 Transfer from Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance, Item #706-1426-526-49. 21 , Medicine & Drugs , the sum of $603. 50 , Into Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance, Item #706-1426-526-13 . 00 , Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Key Largo Volunteer Fire , Item #706- 1438-522-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment , the sum of $603 . 50 , Into Key Largo Volunteer Fire , Item #706-1438-522- 13. 00 , Salaries Non-Payroll Transfer from Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance, Item #706-1426-526-49. 23 , Educational Program, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Key Largo Volunteer Ambulance, Item #706- 1426-526- 46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment MSD TAX DISTRICT 100-C Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Ambulance , Item #708-1421-526-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $10. 00, Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Ambulance, Item #708-1421-45 . 01, Physical Damage Insurance Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 52 . 01 , Gasoline, the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708- 1431-522-64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708- 1431-522- 49 . 00 , Miscellaneous Supplies , the sum of $21 . 74, Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper - 16- Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-51. 00 , Office Supplies , the sum of $133 . 75 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-64 . 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-52 . 04, Small Tools & Implement , the sum of $4. 00 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-45 . 01, Insurance Physcial Damage , the sum of $729. 00 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire, Item #708-1431-522 - 64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds , the sum of $377 . 68, Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708- 1431-522-64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 44. 00 , Rentals , the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Sugarloaf-. Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 64. 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 41 . 00 , Communications , the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 , Into Suagrloaf Volunteer Fire, Item #708- 1431-522- 64 . 02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708- 1431-522-46. 01 , Maintenance of Building, the sum of $483. 88 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522- 64-02 , Refurbishment of Pumper Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-51. 00 , Office Supplies , the sum of $103 . 83 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708- 1431-522-64. 01, Capital Outlay Equipment Transfer from Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-51 . 00 , Office Supplies , the sum of $7 . 50 , Into Sugarloaf Volunteer Fire , Item #708-1431-522-52 . 09, Clothing MSD TAX DISTRICT 100-A Transfer from Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807- 1439-522-31 . 06, Medical & Surgical Supplies , the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807 -1439-522-46. 02 , Maintenance of Equipment - 17- Transfer from Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807- 1439-522-49. 23, Educational Program, the sum of $500 . 00 , Into Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807-1439-522-46 . 02 , Maintenance of Equipment Transfer from Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807- 1439-522-46 . 01 , Maintenance of Building, the sum of $71. 76, Into Stock Island Volunteer Fire , Item #807- 1439-522- 45 . 00 , Insurance ? Bonds BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD that the . Clerk of said Baord be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary act- ion to effect the transfer of funds hereinabove set forth. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Baord held on 4th day of October , A.D . 1982 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA _ By - Ma r/Chairm7.274.K9e274, ,A, n (SEAL) Attest : MPH V"Tz , ,�s.as ' Clerk :rtf r" 9 lM..v; �A ! Attu nnv-, n,