Resolution 267-1982 RESOLUTION NO.267 - 1982
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County
Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make budgeted transfers
set up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 , and to
create new items under said budget , now, therefore ,
MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the budgeted transfers previously set
up in the Monroe County Budget for the year 1981-82 in the amounts
hereinafter set forth be transferred to and from the following ac-
counts :
Transfer from Clerk of the Circuit Court,
Item #001-202-516-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $3, 000 . 00
Into County Court Terminal System,
Item #001-207 -516-64. 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0930-519-12. 00 , Salaries ,
the sum Of $2 , 400 . 00 ,
Into Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0930-519-44. 00 ,
Transfer from Motor Pool,
Item #001-0901-519-12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $182 . 00 ,
Into Motor Pool ,
Item #001-0901-519-51. 00 ,
Office Supplies
Transfer from Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-41 . 00 , Communications ,
the sum of $600 . 00 ,
Into Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-44. 00 ,
Transfer from Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $2 , 000 . 00 ,
Into Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-46 . 01 ,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter,
Item #001- 0910-562-43 . 00 , Utilities ,
the sum of $130 . 00 ,
Into K.W. Animal Shelter,
Item #001-0910-562-52 . 11 ,
Food & Dietary
Transfer from K.W. Animal Shelter,
Item #001-0910-562-43. 00 , Utilities ,
the sum of $104. 00 ,
Into K.W. Animal Shelter,
Item #001- 0910-562-46. 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment
-2 -
Transfer from P . K. Animal Shelter ,
Item #001-0912-562- 12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $104. 00 ,
Into P. K. Animal Shelter ,
Item #001-0912 -562- 43 . 00 ,
Transfer from P . K. Animal Shelter,
Item #001- 0912-562- 12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $500 . 00 ,
Into P . K. Animal Shelter,
Item #001-0912 -562 -46 . 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Parks Department ,
Item #001-0920- 572-45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds ,
the sum of $135 . 00 ,
Into Parks Department ,
Item #001- 0920-572-46. 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment ,
Transfer from Parks Department ,
Item #001-0920-572 -45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds ,
the sum of $500 . 00 ,
Into Parks Department ,
Item #001- 0920-572-49. 00,
Miscellaneous Supplies
Transfer from Parks Department ,
Item #001-0920-572- 45 . 00 , Insurance & Bonds ,
the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into Parks Department ,
Item #001-0920- 572- 52 . 01,
Transfer from Recreation,
Item #001- 0921-572- 12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $1 , 850 . 00 ,
Into Recreation,
Item #001- 0921-572- 62 . 00 ,
Capital Outlay Building
Transfer from Recreation,
Item #001-0930-572- 34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $4, 822 . 00 ,
Into Harry Harris Park,
Item #001-0921-572- 64. 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Welfare Administration,
Item #001- 1801-564-23. 00 , Group Insurance ,
the sum of $84 . 15 ,
Into Welfare Administration,
Item #001-1801-564-45 . 00 ,
Insurance & Bonds
Transfer from Welfare Administration,
Item #001-1801-564-23. 00 , Group Insurance,
the sum of $100 . 00 ,
Into Welfare Administration,
Item #001- 1801-564-52 . 01 ,
Transfer from Welfare Administration,
Item #001-1801-564-24. 00 , Workmens
Compensation, the sum of $1, 620 . 00 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001- 1803-564-64 . 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-31. 01 , Medicaid
Hospital, the sum of $5 , 200 .00 ,
Into Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-31 . 02 ,
Medicaid Nursing Home
Transfer from Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 11 , Physician
Services , the sum of $1 ,700 . 00 ,
Into Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 17 ,
Inpatient Hospital Services
Transfer from Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 06 , Utilities ,
the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 ,
Into Welfare Services ,
Item #001- 1802-564-49. 17 ,
Inpatient Hospital Services
Transfer from Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 06 , Utilities ,
the sum of $975 . 00 ,
Into Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 05 ,
Pauper Burials
Transfer from Welfare Services ,
Item #001-1802-564-49. 03 , Clothing,
the sum of $250. 00 ,
Into Welfare Services ,
Item #001- 132-564-49. 16 ,
Prosthetic Devices
Transfer from County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 11 , Food ?
Dietary, the sum of $365 . 00 , .
Into County Home ,
Item #001- 1803-564-49. 14,
Out-Patient Services
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564- 12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $15 . 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 10 ,
Transfer from County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $832 . 67 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 05 ,
Household Kitchen Supplies ,
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001- 1803-564-52 . 02, Household
Kitchen Supplies , the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-44. 00 ,
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001- 1803-564-51. 00 , Office Supplies ,
the sum of $23. 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-42 . 00 ,
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-41. 00 , Communications ,
the sum of $50 . 00 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001- 1803-564-52 . 12 ,
Personal Care Item
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-44. 00 , Rentals ,
the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-24. 00 .
Workmens Compensation
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-22 . 00 , Retirement ,
the sum of $340 . 00 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-49. 14,
Out-Patient Services ,
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803- 564-21 . 00 , FICA,
the sum of $250 . 00 ,
Into #001.-1803-564-46. 01 ,
Maintenance of Buildings ,
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-46. 02 , Maintenance
of Equipment , the sum of $42 . 00 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-46. 01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564- 22 . 00 , Retirement ,
the sum of $30. 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001- 1803-564-46. 01 ,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-41. 00 , Communications ,
the sum of $30. 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-46. 01 ,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564- 49. 17 , Inpatient
Hospital Services , the sum of $40 . 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564- 46. 01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-23. 00 , Group Insurance ,
the sum of $60. 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-24. 00 ,
Workmens Compensatiion
Transfer from County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 11 , Food & Dietary,
the sum of $185 , 00 ,
Into County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 10 ,
-5 -
Transfer from County Home ,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 11 , Food $
Dietary, the sum of $1 , 400 . 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-43. 00 ,
Transfer from County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-52 . 11 , Food F.
Dietary, the sum of $1 ,750. 00 ,
Into County Home,
Item #001-1803-564-49. 21 ,
Medicine & Drugs
Transfer from Transportation,
Item #001-1807 -564-24. 00 , Workmens
Compensation, the sum of $1 , 600 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807 -564-12 . 00 ,
Transfer from Transportation,.
Item #001-1807- 564- 24. 00 , Workmens
Compensation, the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807-564-40 . 00 ,
Transfer from Transportation,
Item #001-1807-564-24. 00 , Workmens
Compensation, the sum of $100 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807-564- 23 . 00 ,
Group Insurance
Transfer from Nutrition Van,
Item #001- 1807-564-46. 02, Maintenance
of Equipment , the sum of $800 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807-564-46. 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment ,
Transfer from Nutrition Van,
Item #001- 1807-564-46. 02 , Maintenance
of Equipment , the sum of $1 , 700 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807 -564-52. 01,
Transfer from Nutrition Van,
Item #001-1807-564-52 . 01 , Gasoline,
the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 ,
Into Transportation,
Item #001-1807-564-52. 01,
Transfer from Welfare Administration,
Item #001-1801-564-44. 00 , Rentals ,
the sum of $574. 00 ,
Into Welfare Administration,
Item #001-1801-564-64. 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment
Transfer from Contingency,
Item #001-0000-584-0000 , Contingency,
the sum of $1 , 000 . 00 ,
Into A.A.R. P. Big Pine,
Item #001-1904-564-34. 00 ,
Contractual Services
Transfer from Planning Department ,
Item #001-1001-515-12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $10 , 000. 00 ,
Into Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-46 . 01 ,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from Building & Zoning,
Item #001-1002-525-12 . 00 , Salaries ,
the sum of $10 , 000 . 00 ,
Into Other Administration Building,
Item #001-0903-519-46 . 01,
Maintenance of Buildings
Transfer from S . C.S . P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-49. 23 , Educational
Programs , the sum of $8 . 17 ,
Into S . C.S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-45 . 00 ,
Insurance & Bonds
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-49. 23 , Educational
Programs , the sum of $151. 24,
Into S . C.S . P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-24 . 01 ,
Administration Workmens Compensation
Transfer from S . C.S . P . ,
Item #001- 1813-564-40 . 00 , Travel Enrollees ,
the sum of $400 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13 . 01 ,
Salaries Administration
Transfer from S . C.S . P . ,
Item #001-1813-564- 41. 00 , Communications ,
the sum of $400 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13 . 01 ,
Salaries Administration
Transfer from S . C. S .P . ,
Item #001- 1813-564- 46. 02 , Maintenance of
Equipment , the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S .P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13 . 01 ,
Salaries Administration
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001- 1831-564-49. 24, Advertising,
the sum of $800 . 00 ,
Into S . C.S .P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13. 01,
Salaries Administration
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-51. 00 , Office Supplies ,
the sum of $250. 00 ,
Into S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13 . 01 ,
Salaries Administration
Transfer from S . C. S .P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $100 . 00 ,
Into S . C.S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-13 . 01,
Salaries Administration
-7 -
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-23 . 00 ,
Group Insurance
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $400 . 00,
Into S . C. S : P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-31. 06 ,
Medical Expenses
Transfer from S. C. S .P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $200 . 00 ,
Into S . C . S.P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-44. 00 ,
Rent als
Transfer from S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $600 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S . P. ,
Item #001- 1813-564-45 . 00 ,
Insurance F7 Bonds
Transfer from S . C.S .P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-34. 00 , Contractual
Services , the sum of $2 , 300 . 00 ,
Into S . C. S .P . ,
Item #001-1813-564-49. 23,
Educational Program
Transfer from 200 5th & 6th Cent ,
Item #102- 944-541- 63 . 00 , Contruction,
the sum of $4, 819. 50 ,
Into 20a 5th & 6th Cent ,
Item #102- 944-541-63 . 75 ,
Pensacola Road
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-49. 00 , Miscellaneous
Supplies , the sum of $17 . 60,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-51 . 00 , Office
Supplies , the sum of $84, 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522-64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire, Item #701-1430-522-51 . 00 , Office
Supllies , the sum of $2 . 31 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522-64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
- 8-
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-52 . 04 , Small Tools
& Implement , the sum of $2 . 31,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire,
Item #701-1430-522-64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-31. 06, Medical
& Surgical Supplies , the sum of $150 . 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701- 1430-522-52 . 09, Clothing,
the sum of $59. 24 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430- 522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishmen.t of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-45 . 00 , Insurance
& Bonds , the sum of $34, 28 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701- 1430-522-64 . 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-45 . 01 , Physical
Damage Insurance, the sum of $326 . 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522-64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701- 1430-522-41 . 00 , Communications ,
the sum of $400 . 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701- 1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-43 . 00 , Utilities ,
the sum of $800 . 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701- 1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-46. 01 , Maintenance
of Building, the sum of $366. 24 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701- 1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522- 46. 02 , Maintenance
of Equipment , the sum of $600 . 00 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522-64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
Transfer from Big Coppitt Volunteer
Fire , Item #701-1430-522-64. 00 , Capital
Outlay Equipment , the sum of $112 . 68 ,
Into Big Coppitt Volunteer Fire ,
Item #701-1430-522- 64. 02 ,
Refurbishment of Pumper
' i . Eld
Transfer from Big Pine Volunteer
Ambulance, Item #709- 1432-522-49 . 23 ,
Educational Programs , the sum of $439. 60 ,
Into Big Pine Volunteer Ambulance,
Item #709-1422-526-40 . 00 ,
Transfer from Big Pine Volunteer
Ambulance, Item #709-1432-522- 64. 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment , the sum of $3 , 000 . 00 ,
Into Big Pine Volunteer Ambulance,
Item #709-1432-522- 46. 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Big Pine Volunteer
Ambulance, Item #709-1422-526-52 . 04 , Small
Tools & Implement , the sum of $1 . 36 ,
Into Big Pine Volunteer Ambulance ,
Item #709-1422-526-52. 09 ,
Transfer from Big Pine Volunteer
Ambu] ance, Item #709-1422-526- 64. 00 ,
Capital Outlay Equipment , the sum of $480. 00 ,
Into Big Pine Volunteer Ambulance,
Item #709-1422-526- 46. 02 ,
Maintenance of Equipment
Transfer from Big Pine Volunteer
Fire , Item #709-1432-522- 64. 00 , Capital
Outlay Equipment , the sum of $680. 00 ,
Into Big Pine Volunteer Fire ,
Item #709-1432-522-52 . 09,
said Board be and he is hereby authorized to take the necessary to—
action to effect the transfer of funds hereinafter set forth.
Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioner
of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held
on 18th day of October, A.D. 1982 .
By �,�'� w
May /Chairman
Attest : Ji b. ti GE
9.414Y -t ..j CA • Kpaj ., •
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