Resolution 274-1982 ~.--- .. RESOLUTION NO. 274 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONRE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from Marathon Project Partnership , and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record, as follows: The applicant proposes to protect the shoreline of his property from erosion. The goals will be achieved by building a 100 foot long vertical concrete seawall at the approximate mean sea level (MSL) line on the shore of the applicant's property. Backfill for the seawall will consist of 36+ cu. yards of material water- ward of MHW and 45+ cu. yards landward of MHW in the waters of the state. An estimated 500+ sq. ft. (0.012 A) of emergent (mangrove) wetland and 1000+ sq. ft~ (0.023 A) of transitional wetland will be filled. Approximately 45 cu. yds of riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall. Construction of the seawall will be accomplished from the adjacent uplands. All materials and equipment will be brought to the site over upland routes. Turbidity curtains will be used to maintain water quality. The project site is located in the Sombrero area of Marathon. Nearby development consists of single and multi-family homes as well as a golf course. To the northwest of the project site is the Lady Alexander Condominiums and to the southeast is Sombrero Boulevard, beyond which is a golf course. An undeveloped lot, which the applicant owns and has proposed a similar project on (file No. 440525615) adjoins the site's northeast side. Beyond the applicant's adjacent lot is a small condominium. Boot Key Harbor, which is 1500+ ft. wide in the project area and designated as Class III waters (Chapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) lies to the northwest of the project site. The project site is part of a 3000+ ft. long shoreline running from the south side of Boot Key Harbor. Existing development along this shoreline consists of a variety of seawalls, revetments, docks, boat ramps and dredge areas, several of which resemble the proposed project closely. The land in this area was created approximately 25 years ago, by filling mangrove wetlands with material dredged from Boot Key Harbor. The project site is located along the waterward side of the applicant's property. The property consists of a single 100~ ft. square (0.25 A) residential lot. As previously stated the lot was created approximately 25 years ago by filling wetlands adjacent to Boot Key Harbor. The fill material was dredged from the harbor and consists primarily of marl, with some shell hash mixed in. Until recently the majority of the applicant's lot w~s vegetated by various upland pioneer grasses and trees, especially Australian pines. In the recent past, the lot was cleared and the resulting debris piled in its center. The waterward edge of the lot has a low escarpment on it. The toe of the escarpment represents the approximate MHW line. Previous to the recent clearing a 10 to 15 foot wide area of transitional wet- lands was located immediately landward of the top of the escarpment. Resolution Page Two Vegetation in the transitional wetlands consisted of buttonwood trees (Concarpus erecta) , sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) and salt grass (Distichlis spicata). On the face of the escarpment and in a narrow area immediately waterward of it, the remains of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) trees are located. The vegetation in this area was also removed during the recent scarification such that only the roots and stumps remain. It should be noted that no Department author- ization was sought or granted for clearing the wetlands. Between the toe of the escarpment and the MLW line is a 10 to 15 foot wide area of moderately sloping beach. The substrate on the beach is similar to that of the lot with the addition of a moderate amount of shell hash which was apparently left on the shore after erosion cut the escarpment into the beach. Waterward of the MLW line the baybottom slopes downward more or less evenly until it reaches a depth of 5 feet MLW at a distance of 30+ ft. waterward of the MLW line. From the 5 foot MLW contour, the bottom slopes more steeply downward to the harbor floor. A fauna consisting of false ceriths (Batillaria minima), fuzzy chiton (Acanthopleura granulata) , paper oysters (Isogonomon sp.) and barnacles was found in the littoral zone of the site. Sub- Ii ttoraly the near shore area is vegetated primarily by a mixture of Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightee), and turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). Frequent examples of Halimeda tuna, Halimeda incrassata, Batophora sp., Penicillus sp., Udorea-sp., Aceturbularia sp., Caulerpa spp., Padina sp., Jania sp., Laurencia sp. and unidentified algae were found throughout the proposed dredge area. Faunal elements consists of Tegula fasciata, fly specked cerith (Cerithium muscarum) , dwarf cerith (Cerithium lutosum), hawk wing conch (Strombus raninus), moon snails (Natica sp.) hermit crabs, grunt (Haemulon sp.) barracuda (Sphyraena sp.), stomatopods, tunicates, sponges, star coral (Siderastrea readans) and lobsters (Panulirus argus). In summary, the intertidal and shallow baybottom in the project area is a very rich benthic marine biological association. Construction of the seawall with associated backfill will permanently eliminate the emergent and transitional wetlands along the project site's shoreline. With the elimination of the wetlands their func- tion as habitat, sources of primary production and upland runoff filtration will also be eliminated. Placing riprap along the toe of part of the seawall will tend to partially replace some of the wetlands function as habitat. Construction related activities will tend to result in elevated levels of turbidity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds in the waters at and near the project site. Proper use of turbidity curtains should be able to adequately control these problems. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 18thday of October , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF MONRO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NTY, F 0 IDA tI"". f ~ d-"'-~, ~ .;' " By ;::::~: \W.PR W. Y~~l &\1Rl\ ~"'~ \\\,Y'~nc Clerk Mayor Iro. . ....i._.:;==--'J~ ~~.. ~&r.. BY ,BOARD QF COUNTY COMMI~'::;IUNt:RS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 (305) 2944641 OFFICE OF: Director Building, Planning and Zoning P.O, BOX Room 205 Wing I' Public Service Buildin, 5825 Jr. College Rd. W Key West, Florida 33043-4399 zt?3;.~~.3~~~1.~.:,/~h~i,~~~, ~~y~]i ~,q&~~E Luci.en C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures f../ 1. County Biologist Report V 2. Resolution l/ 3. Permit t/ 4. Application for Permit V 5. Site Plan V 6. Location Map V 7. DER Assessment i/ Date /11- ?-J-"2- By ~O~<I m. ,l?(C"?~\1?1?m" I , : il"1 ;. I r'" . i \. I 'k__ ~ 1 - "I,'!"'." .'),..., 1',',1 :,:.J",'.'.,.. il~, ,I i:.J '-" ~., -. _I " : ~! \ ~ (,.',.J: I), ~ j ~ ( .- ,_,: ~" OCT '1 1982 COUNTY PdTY. .;, J o E PAR T MEN TAL COR RES P n N 0 ENe t OATE: O~tob~ 6, 1982 SUBJECT: MMa,thon Pltojec:t PMtneJ1..6Yup; Appli~a.tion 601t Se.awa1.i PeJun.i.;t TO: Alan Le6.6l~, V..ur.e~tolt OEPT: BuJ..ld.i..ng, Plamung and ZOrUng FROM: y'(V.iLMMk. L. RobVl.tJ.:,on, Env..ur.on. B.<.oL OEPT: PfunrUng and ZOrUng LEGAL: Section 15, Townohip 66S, Range 32E, Maltathon Somblt~o PltOpvz.:t.te6 SubcU.vM.<.on, Blo~k. 11, Lot 19-" - ZOrUng: RU-3 1~-?-I'V INTRODUCTION: Ttu.J., appli~a.tion M to be Itev.<.wed by the,BoMd 06 County COrrrrn.U.6.<.onVl.6 puJ1..6uantto Section 19-111 (a) (5), CL6 U pltOpO.6e..6 to depo.6U 6.<.ll. be..f.ow MHW. VISCUSSION: The appli~a.n;t pltOpO.6e6 to ~ono.tJr.u~t a 100 lineM 600t ~onCJl.ete .6eawa.ll 601t the puJ1.pO.6e 06 .6holteM..ne .6ta.b..LU.za.tion. Appltox..Unatdy 100 ~.y. 06 6.<.ll. w..U.1. be pfu~ed .6e,a.wMd 06 the eu..oting MHW line, a potc.tion 06 whi~h w.<.ll. be Jui.p!ta.p .6tone6 pfu~ed at the 600t 06 the .6"e.awa1.i. The .6eawa.ll w..LU be lo~a,ted at mean .6ea levd (MSL). The .6Ue M along a .6holteM..ne 6aung Boot Key HMbolt. F.<.dd .<.nopectiono Itevealed, tha.:f mangltove6 had been Ite~ent.e.y ~leMed along ttu.J., .6 holt eM..ne, leav.<.ng only ltoot.6 and .6twnp.6. Th~e M no Ite~oltd tha,t a County Land Clea.Jt.<.ng PeromU wao M.6ued 601t ttu.J., a~tivUy ao Itequ.<.!ted by Se~. 18-18(b) 06 the MoYl.!toe County Code. Bdow the ~WlJLent MHW line and extencU.ng a,t leaot 30 6 eet 066.6 holte M an abundant and cU.vVl.6e ma.Jt.<.ne ~ommun.u:y. Seagltao.6e6 (Thalao.6.<.a te6tud.<.num, Hal6du1.e wJui.gh.:tf....i.), va.Jt.<.o4.6 algae, and a n.umb~ 06 mollu.6C.6 and 6..L6h w~e ob.6~ved along th.<..6 .6holteM..ne. The a.tta.~hed Vepa.Jttment 06 Env..ur.onmental Regu1.a.tion b.<.olog.<.~al Itepoltt addlte6.6e..6 ttu.J., pit 0 j ec:t .<.n glteatVl. detail,. The DER ltepoJL:t lte6fe~t.6 an oJui.g.<.nal pltOpO.6al that .<.n~luded ex~ava.tion 06 a boa,t bao.<.n and volume6 06 6..LU that Me d.i..66Vl.ent oltom .the ~WlJLe.n.t Itev..ued pltOpO.6al. ;' EV ALUA TI ON: The 6illing 06 baybo:ttom Meao and adja~ent weil.and6 w..LU e..Umi..na.:te the...iA ~on..tJUbution to the ma.Jt.<.ne e~o.6y.6tem. Pla~ement 06 tU..pltap w..LU only pa.ltUally m.<.tiga.:te th.<..6 lo.6.6. OveJ1..iand ltun066 6ltom .the upland potc.tiono 06 the .6ile6 may advVl.6uy a66e~t the adja~ent ma.Jt.<.ne ~ommunitite6, pa.Jtti~u.e.a.Jtl.y be~aU.6e the pltopo.6ed ~on.6tnu~tion w..U.1. e..Umi..na.:te the we:t..e.and.6 "bU66Vl.". Ttu.J., pltoblem may be ~ompounded ao .6Ue devdopment plto~eed6, .<.nC!teao.<.ng the volume and pollution load 06 the ltun066. Ma.'uLttWtl PJto j e.c.:t Pa.'L. tne.tr..~hip Page. 2 The 11011-pc?)tmLUed Jtemoval 06 maI19'rov(,.~ dcw~ not, .in my opU/'{J!I1, jLl..6:tA.nY an e.nnOJtc.eme.n:t ac..tA.on to ac.c.ompf.<.0h rniti ga U on; the de.velope.d a.6pe.c.t and U.6age 06 tJz..W ,~/LOJleUlle w.iLt ptr.ec.tude.. 0.{.gru.f..{c.ant mangJrove gJwwth. RECOMAlENVATION: AppJtoval with modiMc.ettion: :the. appuc.ant .6hall C.OI1,tJtUC.t the. .6eawaU .60 M :to di Ve.Jl.t Jtuno 6 6 away 6.tomthe wa.teft. NOTE: C.O.E. Yland V .R. p~t~ Me kequiMd. Read ~~. --~ :yy~ Robvz:t enl'li6 lJ~J f~~ t~F:=~~~~': f~~~if/!0~'~~ r~~,~ ~b1;~,.::3 ~., ; .-:J-h:-;~ ~ ~ .. '" ~:-. ;";':f : t :",; .....:J~____'W..;; .... -. . -. '. PL\i-.~a);G, Bl'ILDI:';G & zm:nJG DEP.\RT~lENT PEr~HT FOR EXC,\'iXIIm:, THE DEPOSIT OF FILL, OR STR[CTURAL ACTIVITIES 11~ THE l.JATERS OR HETLA.l'lDS OF ~lO~ROE COUNTY 1) Property mmers n<!!:le & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPARTI'!E~:T USE O;:l.Y MON~OE C::=UNTY PERlHT tWo Marathon Project Partnership 1501 Sombrero Boulevard Marathon, Florida 33050 8-20-82 Resolution No. 3) Phone number 743-5866 Date: 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number William Adkinson 2347 Sombrero Boulevard Marathon, Florida 33050 5) Legal description of property: 743-4595 Section 15 Key Marathon Subdi':ision Sombrero Properties TO,",'TIship 668 Lot 19 Bleck 11 Range 32E Street, read or: mile marker Sombrero Boulevard ~ Volume of material: dred~ed/excavaced filled/deposited c.y. waterward of ~.H.h'. c.y. landtolard of U.H.H. 100 c.y. 100 c.y. watenolard landtolard o f H. H . l\' . 0 f H. H . ~.,r . -. ZONING: RU- 3 PURPOSE: Cos t 0 f Pe r::ii. t Esti~ate~ C03t of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval with modification: the applicant shall construct the seawall so as to divert runoff away from the water. NOTE: C.O.E. and D.E.R. permits are required. Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning Date ::>"q~C .. , :.:.,UN'i' '" 'it.. \;-J ~ l~':'- c .... l ~ '}:. "1' . J I' rw ~jP+ l1.n/~q it" Iii""'" . f}7fl~NrHoAJ J-i<C.)(--' r I~RTIo)/.;-Ii?Srlll) 1.5"6 S- SCl fl? /3 f< (?eo /5,-1../ D. /V1 Af2~ rrl CI V PL. :3 3~ S-t!J <i . ), {J - S' "l- 743 - S-!5' C J r.ontt,\:::tOl" or--:". 'I r. kl ,~ F H D K(-;o-S~ /LJ 1'3<'-1.-'0 2. ~ if- 7 S r> ,n I~ I.l. t:,2 0 M R e () rri c,v t= ~. 3 3 c. S- D - - 1- Lc~nl :li;.~. :ip~.::'L~'_ l,t ~Ii'-Oid...l. -J: Ran~.-::, S'::. .c. '. I :: C r.. (. 7</3 -l.fSC; s- SCMn;':'~O' : '. . ,&~,PL~-~r/~ I /1 :?MjI3~(;~e~_!&v.D .' _i .-!~ T 0 'olD ~ Lip, . (., t., .5 _ "72 t:- ( 1 i. a c (.: " ,) 1:4 ~,: Ii J /11(11 TI' {. ~/ . if (/ <i ) ,yl...(!. Sect:onl ,I -' c. j~ . Zoninf, ,RV.3 n e s cr.'. bet h e p ,- up 0:; c d a c j' i vi'.:. Y \ ., (in cubic yarcls) I to he ("C;1V;.', use of project. /' (... c,L-J 5 T;l2 ~.'c r A- 2. atCl I G~ A..J q C ~N c.. . ~'/i k.J ~ L c.... T" c.."~c.~ ~ t;)/l ~Z>6- L>~ ~'C, &K.-/5r/A.J~ CIJ AJsr.e,.Icr/o,u "A.J A~-../CJt';(Jt'",u~ /,K~,;P~'7,r~ . ~-.' -- --- . .--........-- .-..- - '.~ ... . of mater:i.al . :.:. (, i n ten rl ,': d J, " , I . , . ' (",., .itcd L) Name, address & :.ip code of ;:djo~.l. '.Tater wa". ~ /"II /1 /l ~. T/( [.! I-J ;1 K 0 J J!/i ~ b /? K r. / s;c>.s- st, ~~ l3,lt:--nO .. /1;JAR4rrlC/U l:L ~Jj.~S-ZJ List other pc~mits i~su, this site De/J t CD&" ; 1 .: --- -_. -- -- -- ._.. .;'L'r..::~ l~1" [)l::' '1)::' Ol-rct'L'l a~fl'\..I'.L_S .-../. ~. ~, .- !; " Y . {}; !"i.,'."!1' ./.l IL~_(~._W':: . Yt . r. ..,.,; . nl~'( J. J". .. . ume of materi~.l; LAi:>;.r ,t.J~i..: }C A IU Dt-~ As ~Ci c, I ~- LJ ~ - .5 n h) /3 /2. (;:72 C )$....J 1>, //},1 /ftV1 T,J t:J A.) ~ t.. ~ ~ l' j-l> ~uc # C'. 'I I . L- .'; ~ ; L.l , _ ~ , 51'1 rJ.'1 C ;l.J /Ttj}L-:f A~If!r:.s.:. { t, .' . :_' ~.. ' L 'n a'l" e: -; 0 r l )) If applicati('l". has been SUb~,:Ltt:o:d fr~' past, expl~jn reason for nCH z.,\.lica different [_('.n; .:urrent "pp:_j.c<:.~. REJ/ISIO,v S Tt:> tOe ICj 1,If-} /'9L .s ri JJ,/ 1;;- ~, tJ ~11 ~ t ld c. j .'. c: t ((ll.. C;. Co f b. i 1 a 1..) in t 1: e ~;~n. '.','LI: L:' e rp~" :;.r.;').t\L r:.;;"til'e if frP,;J l. / C /f T 10 V Jvl3 //I Irr ,,- I> 2-10-$). List all Fe(k:~Hl and ~t<.tc ~r." ..:.:(.(-: ,\1 l" h..'. 1 J '2C i'~~d (,pplici~'ti'~n;'-[o-; chis project. ,D~-R :l C tD c _~__.__________ L__ _...._ .__. This camplL \:ci 1iH,1.icatiou [l'~; , i. .:.1. : . 1. . . n' C1 . , . .lt ::o~ ~~ r ~ 1. L :11 .~_.... C,~j';:" :-,. a) Two (2) sets of cirawine:;, nn U., >.:'1 :'1"-1..', ,.:.. ,." and cro~s section of propc,al, C;l:"'n ..0 ~.C.1tE. b) App 1 tca tion prccr;ss itl~', f,c(. AS [c, i.~! ,'~:':~ $25.00 for drc:d~_'," fill, chc:..s nr. ::.n"stn',cturC'J 8....;'"\ L ,:.L $10.00 for vertic.,l ~,awalls (;r;-~.n,-;,,'c.:c ['.'oics c. ":.~ ,,'. $25.00 f~r ~ny ~ ~~l~ation of th~ &t~' ~ Rctiyiti~~ ~ r ri: __ i:.-.--__. . - _.._- -- -- -_...--- (. Il,. 'r~ J. i- . ....;.,.) " - 'r . f,a tm::, 1 ,-a lCl~ t GcHes. crson acccptinp. application ApplicAtion is h~.r( ,y n:~cie for t. \;n..:.t ....0 'lu:hc','h.l. L" "- _,'i.-':~f!~ (',;- .::i: .d :..l:.,in. 1 certify t "It I am fAr"ili;tr with the i,..:or, .,tiOtl C()['t: ~,,~I~ j\\ :hi~. IIp,lication, and to the best of my knowledge 6. belief such inform.,don is tn.'_, com~ let.;cO [ :.r:CUl":1te. 1 further certify thllt 1 POSsp.s~ the l'Iu:.hority to unde;\.:;>i;,e the prc~c ~d acLi'Jities. All provisions of l;1W~ <'Ind ordinAnces g'(;vp.rn~ng this tyl''-' of work w111 be con'l)lied ,-'ith whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit d0~S not presume tv give Authority to violate or cllncel the provision~ of ~ny county, stAte or fed~r~l law regulating con,truction or performance of CO'lstrUCrl;r of this type of facility.. ...1 Zfr1l1 A-/.' ... /J r . T.. 1/ ~<-4,^---. Sipr';'ltllr C,t "ttpp'l("a~tlap'enl: -t,S.vO pet. wi F ~ e. & r e c c i P t f1 A P pro v e d 1> y Ass ~. t. D ire c tor ~JI""C-e G-ff/;I..r.. ftcsr-, t/Y1 <-R,. , Cost: of pf'rmi t. DaLe or DepartMent lIsc ()nlv/ Er.titl<lted co 5t: ot construct:lun ..~-----_.."- ,,~;-- ( . II" ,... , I " ,....1 ">, ~ " I I . i(f) \1 ~r..".. ~OM 'J RG.{!o &Yb. I~O I - ---:7P La T 19 - !?AReal.. II I 50mh~f..-'(?o p.e()"e~ T If! S P.8..5 . P'/~/ AI'. /Y1tJlJ~Of.~,tj., .fccrI5TwP~ro5 R9Z.E 51,1'; PLAN . I .:fc;tl ri / /I:J1 3tJ ': I, ~ ~ ~ ' .~~ Vj ~ ,:>,- @ lJ,' I /) :~ ~ ~ ~ , ';" ., ~.... , ~ .' ... . .. 0 C,., ~! fI ... . f . c.. I \ <~ ~ . '\2 \ D \oj\ vi ~. q\ \'5\'il \J c.J... p... ~ ~"'o t^l,,-~ ._~ " 1 ;- ~'I 1 S _ ~! 1 n~'::"~;~~"~<""f~;l"f' VI' . ~,".'1 ~ ~~...f ;:-cfLI: ( ," I',i I 1 ' 1J"o ",. ".. ,., \ I ) ,..' /1l3 . "l [) 'I It 1 ~:".-:':~{ ...)\ -::JL~?;I:' ~.....~ ~~~. 4;;,.?"~\ 11\ ).... . \ ".... .". .\ ., \'"" ~ ~ ~ .. '~ ) .' . J . (f . ~o ~ 6" ,', i;~\i>. )' ;;:/0-;. 1~ ~!':':: \ib.~\j ~~ · '?' ~\ O{~~B;~"i ."....tVr.-??~/t I ~B\r, ~ '!' \...." t<~ ..,~.;y '\ ( '. ,"'''.'' .,'l'~~ 80"1 ~ ~~<. . I" i I -A~~.t,'r \~ ~ f?#.;%.i 'i '?-i"-'&"\\:.(-1~~.~~~'t~ ~ I! ~:.;?jfr:!:, ~/',D /Ii I c:~\ . ~( %~ ~~[tJ1I I /1 ~,.i?.r; '.{f)2..,.s"Z';; ~. :~~~?~ I.f/ , i ~\' ~".. ,-,ij,'1 ' ~. .... '.u r'" "Of ,.t4 ~ ~"; J' :r" U~,:1o". '~O~. ~:,-_, 'i,:~ . t.. ~ ~:=1-L- .' I L ..Mr;r;\, ~ ~ .- _._ _.__..~r;-:-:-:-..~"iI _. ..- .~--' I i --::f'1 f ... .... it: ---1. 'h2lJM Ps (!' .I~5" c:;.rA.;~ JI <J.<i 7 : -.:. --i rE)'I.sr.cDAlC. 5t,,. W'9 L<. -130~7~~Y h,./<../!~-'< ~":'-.f.- r. 7'>___ rko' ( r.JI""C.~ =l2,p/(I4P ~. I ) . I D.O'M 5.L. + 0,9 /"'f,H,W Mil r().1 . EJ.1.s T i3A J" B f> rroaA ( ? ~c 4.1>,#1_ (;z,AJc. $.;" ~ A c.< $"'A~5 11-. 10 ~ 10" P.S CCNC, P/{AS' JtJ to"().c. To eG ~u.s It c.. .. prJI':. PfJS€ : PJ..tJYIOI! 5J.J.~~1!' L/"~ 'pRoreCTION . DATum: Me"'" SeA (.cYt;L. . At>JACtNr PJtoP~Rr)l' O"""N~~S ' o MA/l"'THcl-' p/?OJGCr P.lf.PTUt.,-/iSHIP 15"..5 .5om/!:).R.(u~.o - rk \/(;). M ~'l~ THDN, Ii 3~o5"C) @LA.DyAL")f.lt.uDG"~ A$,joc:. LN(!.. - l.$oS SOMP..llIr,ao J3c.YlJ. M-'RArt-lDAJ. H. .J$"'So -.:f~CT/ON tlr.$ 'N &:JoT K~y J~OR- AT M ,I tit" r Ji OIJ C60AJ ry ~IlDr; 51'. f:",. A,,'L.JJy WIJ:l I. L ~t) y ?JlSIi r I 0':- I 8 -: 1j'82 D.E,k. r/Cl' 41405"ZS 60r- DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PEIU1IT APPLICATION APPRAISAL File No.: 440525605 County: Monroe Date: 8 - 18 - 82 Applicant Name: Lady for Marathon Project Partnership Ad d res s : 15 ass 0 m b r e roB 1 v d., r-l a rat h 0 n, F L :; .) () 5 0 Agent (if applicable): William F. Adkinson Address: 2347 Sombrero Blvd.. Marathon, FL 33050 Locatio~ of project: Section(s) 15 Township 66S Range 32E Section(s) Township Range Local Reference: Marathon/Boot Key Harbor/Sombrero Water Body: Atlantic Ocean - Boot Key Harbor Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: I I I Aquatic Preserve: None Outstanding Florida Waters: None . On site inspection by: David Bishof Date of Inspection: 3-18-82 Original Application: Yes__ No Revised Application: Yes XNo Date: ~2-82 Date of 2nd Insp. Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project whi.ch extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land} as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. . D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term impact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PE~~ 16-10(Rev.6/79) . ( ; . LADY FOR ~~RATHON PROJECT PARTNERSHIP 1144-525605 Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant proposes to protect the shoreline of his property from erosion. Thc goals will be achievcd by building a 100 foot long vertical concrete seawall at the approximate mcan sea level (MSL) line on the shore of the applicant's property. Backfill for the seawall will consist of 36+ cu. yards of material water- w~rd of MHW and 45+ cu. yards landward o"r Mlflv in the waters of the state. An estimat~d 500+ sq. ft. (0.012 ^) of emergent (mangrove) wetland and 1000+ sq. ft~ (0.023 A) of transitional wetland will be filled. Approximately 45 cu. yds. of riprap will be placed at the toe of the seawall. Construction of the seawall will be accomplished from the adjacent uplands. All materials and equipment will be brought to the site over upland routes. Turbidity curtains will be used to maintain \water quality. B. The project site is located in the Sombrero area of Marathon. Nearby development consists .of~ single and multi-family homes as well as a golf course. To the northwest of the project site is the Lady Alexander Condominiums and to the southeast is Sombrero Boulevard, beyond which is a golf course. An undeveloped lot, which the applicant owns and has proposed a similar project on (file no. 440525615) adjoins the site's northeast side. Beyond the applicant's adjacent lot is a small condominium. Boot Key Harbor, which is 1500+ ft. wide in the project area and designated as Class III wqters (Cnapter 17-3.081, Florida Administrative Code) lies to the northwest of the project site. The project site is part of a 3000+ ft. long shoreline running from the south side of Boot Key Harbor. Existing development along this shoreline consists of a variety of seawalls, revetments, docks. boat ramps and dredge areas, several of which resemble the proposed project closely. The land in this area was created approximately 25 years ago, by filling mangrove wetlands with material dredged from Boot Key Hsrbor. C. The project site is located along the waterward side of the appl ican t 's property. The prop erty cons is t s 0 f a sing Ie 100+ ft. square (0.25 A) residential lot. As previously stated the lot was created approximately 25 years ago by filling wetlands adjacent to Boot Key Harbor. The fill material was dredged from the harbor and consists primarily of ma..rl, with some shell hash mixed in. , , LADY FOR MARATHON PROJECT PARTNERSHIP #44-525605 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three Until recently the majority of the applicant's lot was vcgetated by various upland pioncer grasses and trces, especially Australian pines. In the recent past, tho lot was cleared and the resulting debris piled in its center. The waterward edge of the lot has a low escarpment on it. The toe of the escarpment represents the approximate MHW line. Previous to the recent clearing a 10 to IS foot wide area of transitional wet- lands was locat~d immediately landward of the top of the escarpment. Vegetation in the transitional wetlands consisted of buttonwood trees (Concarpus erecta), sea daisy (Borrichia sp.), sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) and salt grass (Distichlis spicata). On the face of the escarpment and in a narrow area irnnediately waterward of it, the remains of red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), ,black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa) trees are located. The vegetation in this area was also removed during the recent scarification such that only the roots and stumps remain. It should be noted that no Departmental author- ization was sought or granted for clearing the wetlands. Between the toe of the escarpment and the M.L\v line is a 10 to 15 foot wide area of moderately slopin~: beach. The substrate on the beach is similar to that of the lot with the addition of a moderate amount of shell hash which was apparently left on the shore after crosion cut the escarpment into the he3cll. Waterward of the MLW line the bayhottom slopes downward more or less evenly until it reaches a depth of 5 feet MLW at a distance of 30+ ft. waterward of the MLW line. From the 5 foot MLW contour, the b~ttom slopes more steeply downward to the harbor floor. A fauna consisting of false ceriths (Batillaria minima), fuzzy chiton (Acanthopleura ~ranulatar, paper oysters (Isogonomon sp.) and barnacles was foun in the littoral zone of the site. Sub- littoraly the near shore area is vegetated primarily by a mixture of Cuban shoalweed (Diplanthera wrightii), and turtlegrass (Thalassia testudinum). Frequent examples of Halimeda tuna, Harlmeda incrassata~ Batophora sp., Penicillus sp., Udo~sp., Aceturbularia sp., Caulerpa spp., Padina sp., Jania sp., Laurencia sp. and unidentified algae were found throughout the proposed dredge area. Faunal elements consist of Tegula fasciata, fly specked cerith (Cerithium muscarum), dwarf ccrith (Cerithiunl lutosum), hawk wing conch (Strombus raninu~), moon snails (Natica sp.) hermit crabs, grunt (Haernulon sp.) barracuda (SPh~raena sp.), stomatopods, tunicates, sponges, star coral (Siderastrea Tn ians) ~nd lobsters (Panulirus argus). In summary, the intertidal and shallow baybottom in the project area is a very rich benthic marine biological association. . J , 'I.. LADY FOR MARATHON PROJECT PARTNERSHIP #44-525605 ~tonroc County - fliarathon Page Four D. Construction of tIle seawall with associated backfill will permanently eliminate the emergent and transitional wetlands along the project sit c 's s h 0 r e 1 in c . Wit h the e 1 i m in at ion 0 [ the 'oJe t 1. and s the i r fun c - tion as habitat, sources of primary production and upland runoff filtration will also be eliminated. Placing riprap along the toe o~t part of the seawall will tend to partially replace some of the wetlands function as habitat. v- Construction related activities will tend to result in elevated levels of turbiJity, dissolved organic compounds and particulate organic compounds in the waters at and near the project site. Prop- er use of turbidity curtains should be able to adequately control these problems.