Resolution 282-1982 RESOLUTION 282 -1982 WHEREAS, the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, has received an application from ROBERT WILL and WHEREAS, in compliance with State Statute, it is necessary as part of the permitting procedure to read the following Biological Assessment into the Record as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a rock retainer wall along the shoreline of a residential lot. Total length of the proposed wall would be 160 feet, involving approximately 225 cubic yards of rock and backfill. Although the location of the retaining wall relative to the shore- line is somewhat unclear, it would appear that the applicant is proposing to fill slightly past the approximate MLW line. It is estimated that approximately 175 cubic yards of rock and fill would be placed below the approximate MHW line (with approximately 50 ~ cubic yards of fill placed above the approximate MHW line). The applicant claims that 100 of the 225 cubic yards used will be rock. The purpose of this project is to prevent further erosion of the applicant's property. The waterbody adjoining the applicant's shoreline was created from low, mangrove-dominated wetlands in the late 1950's or early 60's. The uplands in this area were created through dredge spoil deposi- tion. Most of the shoreline in this area that have been left undisturbed since initial dredging and spoiling have been revegetated with red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle). Those shoreline where mangroves have not been allowed to come back, (where cutting of the fringe has occurred), display erosion, due to the soft, fine-textured marl sediments that comprise the existing upland shorelines. Seagrasses are found in combination with algaes over the shallower shoreline ledges of this canal/lagoon system. Macrophytic growth is limited over the bottom of this system, due in great part to the somewhat "milky" transparency of these waters, caused by the marl sediments. The property adjacent to the applicant's (to the west) has been bulkheaded slightly above the approximate MLW line. The adjacent property to the southeast is undeveloped, displaying a mangrove fringe along its shoreline. This general area (Sombrero section of Marathon) has been subject to accelerated housing construction in recent years, with development estimated at !40 percent of available lots. The applicant's upland property drops sharply at the erosion (escarpment) line, forming a shoreline which drops in a gradual manner to offshore depths. Sea purslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) has become established at the erosion line, while one or two button- woods (Conocarpus erecta) and white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) are established above the approximate MHW line at the base of the escarpment. " Resoiution Robert Will Page Two Further waterward, within the intertidal zone, a previously existing red mangrove fringe has been cut, with only root nubs remaining. The distance from the erosion line to the waterward extend of the intertidal zone (extreme low water line) is approximately 30 feet. Green algaes (Penicillus sp.) and turtle- grass (Thallasia testudinum) are found at this point and continue waterward over the shallow, shoreline ledge. Within the intertidal area itself, green algae (Batophora sp.) and horn shells (Batillaria sp.) were observed. Stabilization of this shoreline should have positive affect on water quality and, to a lesser extent, the biota in the immediate area, due to the elimination of erosion and consequential turbidity and sedimentation. Any filling done waterward of the approximate MLW line will eliminate established submergent benthic biota. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the above Biological Assessment has been read into the record and duly considered pursuant to Florida Statute 253.124 by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, this 1st day of November , 19 82 at a regularly scheduled meeting. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR UNTY, FLORIDA c: /1 /I.. 17 By ~~ c... e(..J ~.--.., 1,,/ ~ '.~ I Mayor (Seal) Attest: RALPH II.' 'l~r,~.~Tr ,,~~~Y n VI \,j~ U~ i.!., t;~:L.'d\ ~"'~ IY\P~,O.~. Cs Clerk ~ BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Curt Blair, District 2 Mayor Protem Jerry Hernandez, Jr., District 3 MA YOR George E. Dolezal, District 4 Ken Sorensen, District 5 Luci.en C. Proby Monroe County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 ~z~ ?=;:;!.J'~:~~:~}l~~1 OK~y~r; ~R~~E~E 1305l 2944641 OFFICE Uf: Director Building, Planning and Zoning P.O. BOX Room 205 Wing I Public Service Buildin' 5825 Jr. College Rd. W Key West, Florida 33043-4399 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all date and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: Certificate of Complete Enclosures 1. County Biologist Report 2. Resolution (ROBERT WILL) 3. Permit 4. Application for Permit (Proposed Seawall) 5. Site Plan 6. Location Map 7. DER Assessment Date I~- jf!-g:J- /Dl1E'~~!?\f\11?~ ilJ{JE.&i'"'' "~I '"' .,) 1 L!.w,' OCT 18 1982 .'" COUNTY {r""" nl I Y. ~./ t/ r/ v v v V t/ By qnq-tJ J I o E PAR T MEN -T A l It ~l31{.y COR RES P 0 N 0 ENe t SUBJECT: nATE: Sep~emb~ 14, 1982 Will, Rob~ G. and Alice M; P~opo~ed Seawall TO: Alan Lu~l~, Vbr..ec~o~ DEPT~lU.i.d.i.ng, Plann).ng and ZOrUng - FROM:~~M~k L. Rob~on, Env~on. Biol'OEPTflanrUng and ZOrUng LEGAL: Section 15, Tow~hip 66S, Range 32E, Boot Key Walo~~ Subd.i.v~ion, Lo~ 15, Block G ZOrUng: RU-l INrROVUCTION: T~ appuca.tion ~ ~o be ~eviewed by .the- Bo~d 06 Coun~y COIrmi..Mion~ puMuant ~o Sec.tion 19-117 (aj (5j, M d p~opo~u ~o depMd MU below mean /Ugh wat~. VISCUSSION: The appuca~ p~opo~e :to co~.:tJtuc:t a 160 une~ 600:t (by 4 6eu /Ugh) ~p~ap ~eawall. 60~ ~he p~po~e 06 ~ho~eUne ~tabiUza.Uon. App~o>uma.:tely 175 cubic YMM 06 6ill will be placed below ~he p~uent MHW une, 06 w/Uch 100 + cub~c y~d6 will be ~p~ap bould~ (~he volume 06 6~ ~peu6ied on :the Coun~y p~d appucation appeaM ~ be incoMectJ. The ~eawall and 6ill. w.<.Lt beabou:t 7S 6eet ~eaw~d 06 ~he pJtuent MHW line, covvu.ng pMt 06 :the in.:te.ilidal and ~ubtidal ~hel6. A ~de v~d ind.i.c.ated that ~he CUMen:t ~ho~eUne, compo~ed 06 Mne maJr1. ~ed.i.menU, ~ und~going ~o~ion. The wat~ hnmed.i.ately o66~ho~e WM ~~bid due :to :the WMhout 06 ~ho~eUne matvu.al. Th~e WM no ~ign).Mcan:t mang~ove vegeta..t.<-on, evidence ind.i.cated ~hat ~ed mang~ovu have been ele~ed along :the ~ho~eUne. I~ ~hould be no:ted :tha~ :th~e ~ no ~eco~d :that a County Land Cle~big Pvun.U. WM ~~ued 60~ ~~ activdy, M ~equbr..ed by Sec. 18-18(b). SpCVL6e patchu 06 algae and ~eag~M~U we~e 60und gnow- ing about 6 6eet ~eaw~d 6~om :the p~uent MHW une. The attached VepaJz.tment 06 Env~onmen:tal Regulation biological ~epo~ fuCUMU :t~ p~opo~al in g~ea:t~ deta.<.L I EVALUATION: Stabilization oil ~he ~ho~eUne W{U ~mp~ove wat~ quality. The ~e 06 MU~ clo:th behind :the JUpMp would de~eMe ~he otdwMh 06 Mne mate~al, 6Mth~ impnov~ng wat~ quality. The p~opo~ed co~.:tJtuction may allow a mone abundant maJz..,(ne b~o~a :to utabLLoh on ~he ~-t.a.bilized ~ubo.:tJta.:te. Some tOM 06 maJl...,[ne pnoduc:uvdy will occU/1. due ~o 6dU.ng oil ~he bay bollom. The ~emoval 06 mangiwvu wdholtt a COWLty Land Cl~ng Pvz.m.i;t ~ no~, bl my op~n).on, 06 ~u6Mc~ent ~mpouance. to j~ti6Y a coMt action. Replanting 06 mang~ovu along the p~opMed ~eawa1i. w~ paAtia1i.y mU.i.gate :the nemoval 06 the u~abwhed .:tJteu. Will, Robent F. and Alice M.; P~opo~ed Seawall Page 2 RECOMMENVATION: App~oval: mang~ove ~eedUng~ ~hould be planted along p~opo~ed ~eawall; ~ e 0 6 6~~ elo~ . ~ec.omme.nded. ~,:.~: rJ.~9 :~~T:-;::~~,~ G-~'c~'~~'~: ;~.~: I:~~'_'_h.' - l'-~::;.::J . ',. -, . .!. lW', \. _ t. - I.. t-. ~-:J ' :, '':'' r,', !.:. ".... ~c ;~: ~'" t: t.~ ..,~ '. _. '0_' \,..., . .... .... ~____"1..101 l.. .... _. .__~ ..... -"""'''''''':::3 . ." '.L' .-".- ~w ~~ A~' "";'J~~' \', PL\~iaXG, BrILDI::G & Zm:nlG DEP:\RT~lENT .~ 'r-. '~tls PEr2HT FOR EXCoVIAl."Im:, THE DEPOSIT OF ',{'-L1l'l ;:, \.~ ~..}/ FILL, OR STRlCTURAL ACTIVITIES I:-i THE - -:':, ~.JATERS OR UETLA.l'lDS OF :-lmmOE COUNTY 1) Property mmers nm:Je & mailing address 2) Date FOR DEPA~r.'!P:T uSE O;:1:.Y MCJ:'J~OE C:::JUl\.lTY PER:HT rm . Robert & Alice Will '33 Will Lane Watchung, N.J. 07060 3-2-82 3) Phone nurr:ber (201) 757-4621 Resolution No. Date: 4) Contractor or agent's nane, mailing address & phone number owner 5) Legal description of property: Section 15 Key Boot Subdivision Waloriss TO'lo.-nship 66S Lot 15 Block G Range 32E Street, road or; mile marker Calzada De Bougainville ~ drec2ed/excavaced Volume of material: filled/deposited c.y. watenoJard o f ~L H. i.,r . c.y. land\.Jard of H.H.H. c.y. wa tenoJard of H. H . i" . :t125 c.y. land,.,ard of N.H.H. '. ZONING: RU -1 PURPOSE: Cost or Per::dt Esti~ate~ COSt of Construction Biologist Comments - Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: Approval: mangrove seedlings should be planted along proposed seawalls; use of filter cloth is recommended. Alan Lessler, Director Planning, Building and Zoning Date =OlJNTV -..' ~:. :''"r''''''~'I ,.' "1' . u""<j''Y, ~ ......\\.\1..,., , "r~~I.'\..~l ," . ~'. ...; '.~"{""':'.\~ \"'--:-;'L\J.," I-_'~~ .::....? ~_,~,~ ('r. ,.(..."'.......~___...\......'.. ___ , , '-~,...v' ......... ' - . !)r()~('1.:-V c~\nC'r:.; ll..~'~'\ ~~ :~:111 if'': ::('\:rl'~~ ~ ....')" - l -l'_'" l ( ~\ .~" r ~:r- ...... /~ ,IIC-h- dJ ;=. ,; ,'(...'/.1- j, ~/,. ,v L / (A- r-<-)~ l..I AI ("- 'iIj J " /- , ,I("'''!'' " .... ... 1 'q'}: "" t.,,, ~"\ t\I'(,~l~' :1l ~1~h('~ /~ ;,~ L /..'AJ /, f ,_ ___ , " - I)' 7 - 4 l. ;J... J '.!.t;.r"_ 793 -7<;;1.: (',,' ~7 ::') ~" c~ . ~n:ractor or agent's name, mailln~ :L1c.~,rcss, phone ,I, .) ,13- ,.r1r,.. .JIJ..; /J ~ ,.. ;' !; . c":t i ;' i C;1 t i C71 n',Im i 'e r . , regal de~cri~ticn ef ?roperty: Section, -:'Oh71Ship, Pange, /',,- _~ (S- '~;.1- F- ~~ ey ~ /~ .... ...- ~\ll'divi~ion, Ie". lCR-;.J5' (if acreage) - (.. lot, /';)- PJ c'ck, "(';" Zoning, ii..u, Street, rond or r~~ i J c 1":U kcr . /.' J . C..-A. f..- ~--z ft () /2_ ,')" '7 '. ...',J~:_Jc;....t)M L/J,' ,) Descyibe the rroposed activity, methods of constrllC~; en (( ::unount of Tl1:lteri<ll (in cubic ynrcs) t,o he excavDtc? or d:.s)c!~argcd. ~escril'e purpcse 8 i:1~ e];r'cd use of rroj ect. )ul'''je, ,7J /)."/..)';,, A/r? ;.1",,}, )'''(,/~ ,~.rrA"; ~Iy", fr- r/'J I/l.',ck /'(....40 I,(.C,//oIV~ ,'I y'" /.J.1"lr ~ n- I,f'- t' ~.0'''''>1-:- ,/-_/4- -//~~;l t,.t' IY t '.....;.. ^ ( ',;, v .~~ // ,,',4!, 7' y. /-'--'~, [,{; ,.. /-~'/ L /..z;-- Yf!"! T~-t'..-,/1~'.Ij 7,. f>Tl:'" /r~/~ ;:;LJ...t-, A... >('J> (~~ " .(.. p ~,,~ ~ ~ & nc; ,1 cr. 111 /I. 7A!.":1f t>"........ r... drecl~ed/excavnt('d -~ c.)'. wCiterward of ~f.P.N. - ...~..... c.\'. l~m(l\"nrd . ~ /.19 t.;L 4l;if1 ,t./ 6-:IJ~ v c... S' ~ ox. I' kl'e.P- 't y fi j 1 en / c1 ep os i .!. C'd c.)'. '!;'/rf-S- c.y.' ~~(' l~1JK\\\lrcl or ~f.I!.W. or ~l.lU'.'. 'olme of lJ.terial of ~'.H.y". ') Kame, address ~ zip cede of ~nj oinin.c: T'ropC'rty ('wTIcr:: \\"~0S(, prc-;'crty ~rrrcmts ,.mtcr ".;W. rd- /~ />"14-'1'-1;;;',"-5 T..L S-r.........;1\.$" -I}7 <!"'/I/'P,4 I " '>""(;:'~/A.J'..I/LL,.."t /he,,,2<'E ~~.. ~?Oj" '. . _ I ..J r- #- 1(,. ..c:.~' C"' C;' c.J J2.L-' A/;/1.tV 31';;..; ,5'" .8., J /- '\ L)l~ 1/1, ,L,A.l:..JN/,/\j,~ T" A.J /l1 :(._ H 'I,rO z- f - a) list other pemits issued-andt'm' aprlicd fOL incJ~:(:c ~lrr'JiCl1nt 's n~JJ-ne, for tris site: /J.,u..f!, ...,4/1.01: ,l~-pc~_r G'IL},'J..L b) If application has been submitted fnr this rrojec~ (or Cl~e si'T'ilar) in tre past, 1 . fIt' ~. 1'..,+ , .;.(' l'.r..f-' .. f .. exp am reaso;l or new npp ica Ion 211., glve ar~ leL... S n2:'11C_. ClL...erenl,. rom currenl,. applicant. fi/~,e'r ,. ) list all reueral and State agencIes that have rCCE'l.\'CG <.:ppJ.:'..ca.1CflS ror trlS pro] ecL h /l/ IL /I..:! /' E. 1,/ ~ .' .,. 'This completed application fem '..:i E i-,c acccr.lpcmied by t~e following, or it will ~CT be prccessed~ ) Two (2) sets of drawings, on 8!:! x 11 paper, sr.mdng }C'cJ~:ion, pJot plan, tcp view and cross ~ectian of proposal, dra~n to sC31e. ) Ppplication processing fee as follows: $75.00 for dredge, fill, decks ('p any structures nffrmting natural water bcdies. $30.00 for vertical sea\-'alls onman-~ode bcrlics or. '.,'c'tcr. $75.00 for any canbination of the above activities per site. :-,~lication is herehy made for a permit to alltl'orize t::C' :lcth'.:.ties dcscrihed rercin. I C'rti:y that I am familiar with the infon::otion COT't:,d;~,:,c .~;> <':!~:s 3prlication, ::md to the ~est ~ my knm.;lec!ge & belief such information is true, cc:nrL'-::'c ,S accurate. I furtrer certify that ;Jo~sess the authority to undertake tre proposed <Jct iv it: C5. -"13 provisions of laws ffi1n rclirwl1.ces governi:1g tHs type of work will be cmr1icc '.{it:1 \\'f'ct}'cr specified l~crcin or not. r:ll1ting o[ a pennit does not presume to give authority to vielat0 or cancel ne rr~i5ions o~ ill' county, state or fec1.eral law regulatin~ construct ie,I or f'crfonnance of constructlOll cf trls .\';)e of f aci 1 i ty. TP ); Department Use 011y/ ,? a . ,~~ Ii:. , r: if .0;/0" Sl~naturc of arrlic~~t7ngcnt . ", / / ::, /p/y;:L I' Patl: =fF377 fee [, receIpt If -L- 1/-- fJ1-/ &~' f\~prC'Ved by fss It. !)irector ~rsn~ ~~C0~t;~~ a~plication F. // / u" , G. ..... "-, )" \ . ,':f <<:" .... I"~ tj '':/$ 'rC:/i ,- - '- . .... ~ : -. ". ",... " __.-i .-7 .. . ,J /.,.-.-) '/ .-/ ~ . . .... . ..,.. .Gu.'.... ..... '. . .....':' . .., ....w.,~ ..:0........ . ~~......~ ...~. . ..........~ '....... , ., I . "CO r- ,: , , 1~7'" C:, - ... 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"c.. \I e s <= t asp j J: e in the tree located 37 feet East of the S.E. ~"'L""":;'''''' of' lot 15 -;:'iOC'r' ",.,,, C.~ .....,"l-r:r.S L I.) J 'C _ .' , _~ _ .. U J ..l. I . .'~ _ () ....J ... :)\.;'l'l:i\'~sic.n c:nd 6.50 fc:et Sou~Jh of t.)1(: ;;cJrthGrn l~nc of Calzaca De EouC:'iinvil1ea ~:;,S sho....n by Plat'recorded in P}at Book J, ?;:-~ti"e 11) of ;.:onroe County Public Records a t an e lc:;v a ti on 9.00 IE: e t 2.DOVe ;;.e 2...."1 se a level. - ~ ,.......lvita,!-~tL()d; .'<'~I/"':'~'_>':'~' ; ~ l: :.'1' '.:~.' ': : .... ~~ ~,_.:.: (1. '/.J<~.;:' ~. ...). _. _ c, "'; ,': ~:>.: ~. ....:: ~: c' ::-- . .~ . -- I I i':':'~ q ,d .;. dJ CJ ~ .:J o c P "1 0; . ,." .:. . : : C? OJ 2 (7.5.00':1 6; ::'I':~/X"= : 0:.... I 0 '... . ~: . J:' l. J' I "3~ DO' . @: f-C..o:.'IP hL::l"~'OuY\' .---- . . \" ..11" r 10 ~U_E P .',: r..~.L 'v' ': !!; L~ n OtN , ,W . l;z ~l":~ I~ II IZ. t~~/'it , o..lrI ::! - I, \/' I".b ,/ /. ~l~ I :j. _1 ~ il'iL.... .,/ <cd . r\/ 1 (..:-:::1 l0':- I ~ .(.. l I .;;..- <,.; ,,-=:> '. .J .... r..t C-~ ;-"1- r.::..:;:;I ~ --, ='" Cd r;(J ~I IdJ CJ -,.J- ~ w .., pi g;;; b Q a c (;b ~, j'J w d "=' 0:;: 0 Q bd "" iii % Cl Cl w w c! ~I ::1 \1 :: ~ ~ t t"J 8. 'w -- ,-.-. - ..- P:::-:\:~; CER.t A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION PERMIT APPLICATION APPRAISAL I ~--. .. ~-~, ...~- ~ .., ~~~ '~-.~7~K:~:~ JUl 20 t9B2 " "Ll 1161 $0. FlA. DlSlllICI' JlIAHCtl 0ffla1 ? ::..~ ~ --- '';''''. " - ~ ~ --------- -q """"'"-..~ File No.: 440530625 County: Monroe Date: 6-28-82 Applicant Name: Robert G. Will Address: 33 Will Lane, Watchung, NJ 07060 Agent (if applicable): Mr. Bert Knizel Address: 102 Calle Ensueno, Marathon, FL 33050 Locati?n of project:" Section (s) Section{s) 15 Township 665 Range 32E Township Range Local Reference: Sombrero Isles Water Body: Man-made waterbody connected to Sister's Creek Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Waters: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 7-2-82 Original Application: Yes~ No__ Date of 2nd Insp. Revised Application: Yes No Date: Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. C. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-term imoact as well as immediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where appropriate, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PEfu~ l6-10(Rev.6/79) WILL, ROBERT G. #440530625 Monroe County - Marathon Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a rock retainer wall along the shoreline of a residential lot. Total length of the proposed wall would be 160 feet, involving approximately 225 cubic yards of rock and backfill. Although the location of the retaining wall relative to the shoreline 'is somewhat unclear, it would appear that the applicant is proposing to fill slightly past the approximate MLW line. lt is estimated that approximately 175 cubic yards of rock and fill would be placed below the approximate MHW line (with approximately 50 cubic yards of fill placed above the approximate W1W line). The applicant claims that 100 of the 225 cubic yards us?d will be rock. The purpose of this project is to prevent further erosion nf the applicant's property. B. The waterbody adjoining the applicant's shoreline was created from low, mangrove-dominated wetlands in the late 1950's or early 60's. The uplands in this area were created through dredge spoil deposi- tion. Most of the shorelines in this area that have been left undisturbed since initial dredging and spoiling have been revegetated with red mangroves (Rhizophora mangle). Those shorelines where mangroves have not been allowed to come back, (where cutting of the fringe has occurred), display erosion, due to the soft, fine-textured marl sedi~ents that comprise the existing upland shorelines. Seagrasses are found in combination with algaes over the shallower shoreline ledges of this canal/lagoon system. Macrophytic growth is limited over the bottom of this system, due in great part to the somewhat "milky" transparency of these waters, caused by the marl sediments. \ I The property adjacent to the applicant'S (to the west) has been bulkheaded slightly above the approximate MLW line. The adjacent property to the southeast is undeveloped, displaying a mangrove fringe along its shoreline. This general area (Sombrero section of Marathon) has been subject to accelerated housing construction in recent years, with development estImated at -40 percent of available lots. C. The applicant'S upland proRerty drops sharply at the erosion (escarpment) line. forming a shoreline which drops in a gradual manner to offshore depths. Sea p\lrslane (Sesuvium portulacastrum) has become established at the erosion line, while one or t~O~utton- woods (Conocarpus erecta) and white mangroves (Laguncul.ria racemos,) WILL, ROBERT G. #440530625 Monroe County - Marathon Page Three are established above the approximate MH~ line at the base of the escarpment. Further watcrward, within the intertidal zone, a previously existing red mangrove fringe has been cut, with only root nubs ~emaining. The distance from the erosion line to the waterward extent of the intertidal zone (extreme low water line) is approximately 30 feet. Green algaes (Penicillus sp.) and turtle- grass (Thallasia testudinum) are found at this point and continue waterward over the shallow, shoreline ledge. Within the intertidal area itself, green algae (Batophora sp.) and horn shells (Batillaria sp.) were observed. D. Stabilization of this shoreline should have a positive affect on water quality and, to a lesser extent, the biota in the immediate area, due to the elimination of erosion and consequential turbidity and sedimentation. Any filling done waterward of the approximate MLW line will eliminate established submergent benthic biota.