Resolution 321-1983 \ " ", Jeff Fisher Extension Director RESOLUTION NO. 321 -1983 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THE FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ASSOCIATION, AND ALEXANDER MARINE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSPORTING A SCRAP STEEL BARGE LOCATED AT ROCKLAND KEY, FLORIDA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: That the Mayor and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, is hereby authorized to execute an Agreement by and between the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, The Florida Keys Artifical Reef Association, and Alexander Marine, a copy of same being attached hereto, for the purpose of transporting a scrap steel barge located at Rockland Key, Florida. Passed and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 23rd day of November, A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Byl0.\~~:'_& - ~~~ Mayor7Chairman 0 (Seal) OLT1' ,. GE Cl~r'!t At t est: DANNY L. K ,n,..n J J..."r". MP~ cT ~k BY "--1 "\,.. .- AGREE~IE~T THIS AGREE~E~T entered into by and between the Board of COUNTY COM~ISSIO~ERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called "BOAPD". The FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ASSOCIATION, a Florida Corporation not for profit, hereinafter called "Association" and ALEXANDER MARINE, hereinafter referred to "Alexander" wherein the aforesaid Board, the aforesa.id Associa- tion and the aforesaid Alexander have entered into an Agreement relating to the transporting of a scrap steel barge of dimen- sions l30'x33'x9' located at Rockland Key, FL. For and in consideration of the mutual convenants, agree- ments and understandings hereinafter prescribed, the parties do agree and contract as follows: 1. That Alexander has agreed with the County and the Board to transport said barge to an artificial reef site o located approximately 3 miles on a course 015 fran Northnnst Channel Buoy #1 which has been authorized by the United States Army, Corps of Engineers permit number #83T-0592. 2. The contract price for the entire project is $11,200.00. Billing is to be submitted to Mr. Jeff Fisher of Monroe County by Alexander pursuant to the State of Florida, Department of Natural Resources, accounting methods, see attached form l6B-32.08(5) Requests for Payment. 3. The time of performance is to have all work and sub- sequent documentation completed by December 23, 1983. 4. That the Association will mark the artificial reef site prior to the placement of reef material by Alexander, thereby insuring that the barge will be placed upon the exact location pursuant to the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers permit number 83T-0592. 5. That Alexander will perform all work under' this agree- ment pursuant to United States Coast Guard rules and regulations and all other laws of the State of Florida and the United States Government. G. That the aforesaid Alexander and the Florida Keys Artificial Reef Association will hold harmless the Board from any liability arising under this agreement. 7. That the bid specifications as advertised become a part of this contract, a copy of which is attached and that the work to be carried out is defined therein. WITNESS our hands and seals this ~day of ~~ A.D. 1983. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA - By (SEAL) Attes~:'_NNY I1-~LHAGE, CIer~ ~'t --~ ~ p~ 1-Clerk ~?~ / FLORIDA KEYS ARTIFICIAL REEF ASSOCIATION ALEXANDER MARINE itnesses as to both parties , '~ C\\~~ x- fu~~ President By BY VED AS TO FORM AL SUFFICIENCY. , . /� ^ ...i v.r....r... .,\ -')VCR_ �'.". J '�2 �. e.. a-. • wee I.�3-.3 '-"1= ;' rCcjr;SB r . . J. . .�\� .4` t�e 7".: •AC rt^e � ,- c__an . -�.zsz. ,, i. gaze. a project cc:trole�icn = . �r s:o "_o 174 S 4 Cr' •••;,. .-3 cs...mom.4 -'i Y"-,....a.c T is t :e s' "1Cd ' �r � -t:ci^ant ar.d *.z:st =.:cl::de a • i. ice r ca state rer_t that the pro3 ,�, been completed in acccrcance « the pro:;ec t plans an `�=_ ecif' .-. ens as originally approved -�! \o`yled or-...5 and _:S t�..Ct_C=3'- the Depar`^ent. S ,: - ' '16B32. 09, 'en 1. _ r ,A ;. va�ici^ant :mast. (9) Pro -,• / idertirication -.r-,p_o J _c.. y r � place and .., -4 ain at leas one (1) bu \ t each reef site for ident _. `;/ion ,purposes and others as .may required by the J� Unite. a ted Coast Guard. 370.25 ,g Sp_ .•ic Au tho �.rig..y: L- leented: 370.25_. 1.7.S. : istory - New 163-32. 08 'Fiscal Adm nist. tion.. . The Florida Department of Natural Resources and the par- ticipant will maintain fiscal records . for periodic review 'cy . . . internal, legislative and federal auditors. The following procedures will be ac2iered to in the dispersing of funds and in fiscal records. management: , _ - CI.) Request for payment by -the participant-,Pany. Vendors shall ; not be paid ;directly by the Division. Payments will be made ,directly to the participants. However, an original invoice (not a copy) from the vendor showing number of hours of service and cost per hour, - or number of trips, and cost per trip, shall be '' submitted . to the Division. A cor.:nleted official request for payment ,form of services rendered toward the construct-..ion of an ' aptroved reef proJect will be honored upon receipt and approval by the Division. A total of four (4) requests for payment ::ay be submitted durirc the project period T.-. _ ,�o c..rsple e copies of tale. billins rer....uest are =ec::'-_ed and :oast . include the fo'_'_cwinc da" a . (a) C le__c request for _ayment fort, see 163-31. 09, 10 11111 -. ) CMy cf w:cel_ed .ch ec;3 , _ac:� and _-^--essio ns " -zed. for -agent c-r: se ry,ces rendered, . if =revicusly =aid .by the car_icipant (2) Project rav'.ent by the Denart=ent. The request for oaynent, including any and all suroort data, will be received and audi�- d by the Depa�ten..t. If the request for payment is found o b _ of record, the staff shall for-. . reflect obligations _ cor to accurately ward to the part state warrant in the appropriate =cu_..__ant. a :__ (3 ) Retroactive 'f..landing. With the exception of engineering ' _ costs, no expenditures or encumbrances of funds for a reef pro- ject approved for financial assistance may be made prior to the execution of the project. agreement. Engineering costs will be considered on a retroactive basis, however, such costs rmast have been incurred within six (6) months prier to the time the appli- cation is received by t::e Division. Specific Authority: 370 .25 F.S. Law Implemented: . 370.25 F.S. • History - New . 163-32. 09 Forms and Instructions . `•formation required by the Division lust be pi , ed on the • rescr+�;{'-d forms, titles and numbers of which - ° listed below. Copies o'�f .�\iese forms and instructions hav= -een filed with the Department'-,-\; State, Accr+i"istrative C Section. Such forms and instruc tions . \y be obtained with cost by writing or calling: Flor ��-, Department • L atural Resources Burea �f Marine: - "-curce Regulation & Development 3900 C«J!.onweal}- :oulevard - Room 813 Tallaha- ida 32303 (904) 48 \\2.; or 2257 This list of for:.s. .• udes: DNR 34-401 Pr - ' ct A__vf\icaticn DNR 34-402-. P;•'"-]ect App cation e Questionnair DNR 34-403 terials P 1==''_ement Report • • DIM 34-40 . ; Project Agree t DNR 34-4 n'• Project Agr eem...t ? .mer_d.ment • DNR 34 6 Request for Pa s t. • ; Authority: ' 370 . 25 r Sce-- �_c . r T-mi•eriented: 370 . 25 History - New