Resolution 323-1983 RE~~CUtI~N N~+ 323 - 1983 IDHEREA~, tHE B~ARD ~F C~uNtM c~mmI~~I~NER~ ~F m~NR~E C~UNtM, FC~RIDA, has receiveD an application from m~R~AN ~HRImp PACKER~, INC, anD IDHEREA~, in compliance with ~tate ~tatute, it is necessary as part of the permitting proceDure to reaD the following Biological Assessment into the RecorD, as follows: The applicant proposes to construct a shoreline wharf measuring 12' x 165', under which the shoreline would be excavated to provide a suitable bed for shoreline riprap. Riprap is needed to stabilize the shoreline. The wharf would apparently provide mooring for commercial shrimp boats. Excavation of the shoreline would be performed over a 5'-10' wide by 165' long area, involving approximately 100 cubic yards. Approximately 90 cubic yards of this total excavation would be performed above the MHW line. Depth of the excavation would be to -.5' MLW. A total of 150 cubic yards of rock and boulders would be utilized for the revetment. The project site is located within a heavily commercialized and industrialized area located on the south side of Stock Island. This area was created by filling with the dredge spoil obtained during the creation of Safe Harbor. Safe Harbor has been bulkheaded over most of its shoreline. Water quality is marginal over the upper portion of the water column and poor over the lower layer of the water column. Water clarity is generally good at the surface. Numerous land fingers and irregular indentions are evident in the harbor. At the base of one of these land fingers (corresponding with the dead end portion of one of the water body extensions), the applicant owns and operates a seafood processing facility. There is little or no emergent wetland vegetation in this area. Intertidal and subtidal flora are also extremely limited. It would appear that all of the shoreline adjacent to the project site has been bulkheaded and dredged except the project. Although somewhat altered by trash deposition, this shoreline has apparently remained in its originally created condition except for some erosion. The project site shoreline is extremely disturbed. An eroded shoreline shelf drops gradually from the upland ero- sion line to deeper water. Much of this shoreline shelf has been trashed with various forms of debris and rubble. Unidentified forms of red and brown a1gaes were observed growing over the harder substrates. The most notable life forms observed were species of fish, which included barracude (Sphyraena barracuda), snapper (Lutjanus sp.), grunts (Haemulon sp.), need1efish (Strongylura notata), and spanish sardines (Sardinel1a anchovia). The shoreline shelf ranges from approximately ten feet to 20 feet in width. RESOLUTION NO. MORGAN SHRIMP PACK--- P age. 2 -1983 INC. Properties to either side of the project site possess dredged shorelines. Anticipated impacts should be minimal. Although some elevated turbidity levels may occur during shoreline excavation, long term stabilization should be achieved so as to create a more suitable habitat for present and possibly new species of fish, crustaceans and attaching organisms. In more indirect terms, the possibility for more intensive boat utilization and the discharge of potential pollutants in the harbor will be increased as a result of dock construction. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, approval of this application is recommended. As a condition to this approval, it is recommended that turbidity curtains be utilized during all dredge work. BE !~ RE$~C~ED BY ~HE B~ARD ~F t~llN~Y t~rnmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~llN~Y, FC~RIDA, ~ha~ ~he above Biological Assessmen~ has been reaa in~o ~he recora ana auly consiaerea pursuan~ ~o Floriaa $~a~u~e 253.124 by ~he Boara of toun~y tonunissioners of IUnnroe tnun~y, Floriaa, ~his 23rd aay of November ,19 83 a~ a regularly scheaulea mee~ing. B~ARD ~F t~llN~Y t~rnmI$$I~NER$ ~F m~NR~E t~llN~Y, FC~RIDA By ~,~ mayor ($eal) A~~es~: DANNY L. KOtRAGE, Clert( \ \(~r~'~~IDC. (305) 294,4641 \ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Wilhelmina Harvey, District 1 Ed Swift, District 2 MA YOR Jerry Hernandez, District 3 Alison Fahrer, District 4 Mayor Pro tem Ken Sorensen, District 5 6,~~~; ~R~~,~~E Lucien C. Proby, County Attorney 310 Fleming Street Key West, Florida 33040 I, the undersigned, do hereby attest that all data and information is complete in the package of the applicant as follows: 1. County Biologist Report ~ 2. Resolution (Morgan Shrimp Packer, Inc.) v/ 3. Permit ~ 4. Application for Permi~Wharf, Dredging & Fill) ~ 5. Site Plan ~ 6. Location Map ~ 7. DER Assessment ~ By v1n.O~/Y Date ) /- 9- J'3 ~-. \..,J .cOUNTY I, ; { MEMORANDUM TO: Jeffrey M. Doyle, Ph.D. , Director Building, Planning and Zoning FROM: Mark L. Robertson, Biologist//1 ice, SUBJECT: Morgan Shrimp Packers, Inc. : Proposed Wharf, Dredging and Fill DATE: November 4 , 1983 LEGAL Tract of land in Section 35 , Township 67 South, Range 25 East, Stock Island ZONING BU-2 INTRODUCTION This application, which proposes the placement of fill water- ward of the mean high water line, should be reviewed by the Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 19-111 (a) (5) of the County Code. DISCUSSION The applicant proposes to: (1) Dredge 90± c.y. of fill along the edge of an existing pier, to remove unconsolidated trash and fill; (2) Place 150± c.y. of riprap in the same area to create a breakwater; (3) Construct a 185 ' long by 12 ' wide pile supported wharf along the same area. I surveyed the site on September 29 , 1983 . The site is adjacent to Safe Harbor in a heavily industrialized area of Stock Island. The existing pier, that is composed of fill material, projects 1100'-± into Safe Harbor, and was created from past dredging in this area. The proposed revetment and wharf will extend for 185 linear feet along one edge of this pier, the rest of the pier ' s shoreline has already been bulkheaded with vertical concrete walls . The shoreline that would be impacted supported very little plant or animal life. There were sparse patches of red algae, and a few juvenile snappers and grunts were seen. The shelf area proposed for dredging and riprap placement drops off steeply to (1) • Jeffrey M. Doyle 1Nov. 4 , 1981.... - _ .. Re: Morgan IMMERID Packers , Inc . Page 2 the water of Safe Harbor. The lack of marine life in the project area is undoubtedly related to the overall low water quality and degraded condition of this harbor, which is due to the lack of circulation, past dredging to excessive depths , pollution from heavy boat traffic, fish houses , boat yards and stormwater runoff. EVALUATION Dredging and placement of riprap will eliminate several hundred square feet of shallow-water marine habitat that has very low productivity or value. The placement of the riprap may lead to the development of a healthier marine community through long-term stabilization of the shoreline; however, the existing degradation of the surrounding waters may prevent this . The use of sloping riprap revetments is consistent with guidelines from the County ' s Comprehensive Plan which encourage alternatives to vertical concrete bulkheads . The construction of the wharf will shade out some plant life, no serious impacts are expected. RECOMMENDATION Approval . NOTE: ACOE and FDER permits are required. MLR: jmc Attachments (2) 111 .Pr-. 61 . ;.; , PLANNING, BUILDING &ZONING DEPARTMENT PERMIT MONROE PERMIT FOR EXCAVATION, THE DEPOSIT. OF NO. COUNTY FILL, OR STRUCTURAL ACTIVITIES IN THE ' WATERS OR WETLANDS OF MONROE COUNTY • 1)Property owners name&mailing address 2)Date FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Morgan Shrimp Packer, Inc. .8-9-1983 Shrimp Road, Stock .Island Resolution No. Key West ,. Florida 33040 3)Phone number 6-6022 Date: 4)Contractor or agent's name,mailing address&phone number Glen Boe,- V.P. , Florida Certification No. 17300 Post Office Box 3406 Marathon Shores, Florida 33052 5)Legal description of property: Section 35 . , Key Stock- Island Subdivision Township 67S Lot Block Range 25F Street, road or mile marker Shrimp Road -Volume of material: dredged/excavated filled/deposited 90 c.y. 10'. c.y. 150 c.y. 50 c.y. waterward landward waterward landward of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. of M.H.W. ZONING: BU-2 • PURPOSE: Cost of Permit • - Estimated cost of Construction Biologist Comments Restrictions or Special Conditions if any: APPROVAL: ACOE and FDER permits are required. • Jeffrey -M. Doyle, Ph.D. , Director Planning, Building and Zoning . 'f \....~.. \"".t'r 11~"" ',"4: ," .~,. '_ ,'. '~~''-:."JI;~ -.----.-- ,';;(\: C\mC'l'~ l:,l;~~~' ~; :'~:\i 1 ~~:~ ~~(:(~rl':;~; Morga!'" Shrimp Packers, Inc,' Shrimp Road, Stock Island Key West, FL 33040 .--....-..--'-.---.....-.- - ---.- - - -----. ", :;~'.::.r:: ,IJ ""'"~:",, .,'..~.~.,j.:':.' August 9, 1983 (305) 296-6022 , --~ - ---.-.- ...-.-------... ion, ship, e, '4\ctor or agent's nome, mailing address, pj\Cnc i"t ccr::i.::'~c2,ti,_;;'. I'.l~::~'~'r. Glen Boe, V.P. Florida Certification No. 17300 DESIGN MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATES, INC. (305) 743-9121 P. O. Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 1 description of property: See attached legal description <: '1--" , , 35 Key, Stock Island "U,(.lV1S:"on, 67S 25E (if acre41ge) Lot, Block, ng, BU-2 Street, Toad or milc rr:ar~e!', South of Dog Track Shrimp Road --- cribe the proposed activity ,methods of construction ~ cnotmt of mntcrial (in cubic yares) , be excavated or discharged. rescribc pur~cse & intcnded ~se of p~oject. See attached remarks of a1 dredged/excavated 90 c.y. ~O c.y. waterward la~(.ward of ~~. P. 1': . of ~I. !'1. '/! . For riprap revetment fille~/0enosited . - 150 c,y. \".a "~C:-".Cl:'''c1 of ~". H. 1'~. . 50 c.y. . '1 :~~~(~~,'ard of: ?-~. H .1': . :e, address & zip cooe of 2dj oining p!'C'p('rty (1) King Shrimp Co. of Florida P. O. Box 899 .;~.\8runswick, GA 31520 C\"'TI~;:'S ~\':;,('se r!''='r'erty affro:1.ts '...r.ter ,\':'.v. (2) Key Tex Shrimp Co. Inc. . P. O. Box 2217 ,Key'West, FL 33041 - ..ist other permits issued a"1d/or applied for, incJude appUcant's na~e, f.or t}1is site: Unknown :f application has been submitted for this project (01" one sJ..r...ilar) in t1'-.e p2St, ~xplain reason for new applicaticn me, give applicant' s n~e if different from current Ipplica.'1t. - .. it all Federal and State'agencles tnat nave recelvea app~lcarlcns ~or t~ls proJect. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Florida Dept. of Environmental Regulation This completed application fom ,,,ill he acccr:-lp2r.led 'Dy 'the following, or it will NGr be processed. , (2) sets of' drawings, on 8~ x 1.1 paper, showing location: ,11ct p 12n, top view and '. oss section of proposal, drawn to sca.le~ rlication processing fee as follows: ' 5.00 for dredge, fill, decks CP. any str,Jctures affrcnti~g ~a":,;ra1. water jcdics. ~. 00 for vertical seawa11s onma'1-r:w<1e 1'<Ylies of ,...~ter. 5.00 fo~ ~ny combination of. the above ac~ivities per site. cation is hereby made for a permit to a~~~o~ize the activ~~~es descr~)e~ >e~ein, I ~y that I am familiar wit~. the infonn2tio:: -';:~.tai.!".c,.'l ~.:" -t:~'.:~~ r.?~licc.':',ion. ;~.cl. to t~e ~f"'st knowledge & belie:: such information is true, cOi.1pletc ~ aCC".:l~ai:e. .)... :ft'.:-":h~r certi~y -~:lat. sess the authority to undert.axe t'be propose':. 3c:5.v::.t.ies. _"11 provisions cf laws a"1c1 rolces governing this type of 'vork will be canplicd ~\':':~'1 ,.:~~t}',er spec:.:'.:iecl 1~erein or not. ~~c ing of a pemit does not prestmle to give' ~J.1tno:rity ":0 ;ioJ.a~e 0:' c~;1ccl tl'c "~.ovisio!1s of. ounty st...te or federal la\v "'e"""l:'+~nfT co~c::+-r"c""~o~ "'... ...c"t:'o....,.......rc cf" cC"C''''r-'r~; "., C"~ .......: S , 4.4 .. (,..... Slo.A. _,-..L,., . '_ # _ ""_ .... __ .' ....... _J:....'......... - .1....._. ,'_~"'.l... '", - of facility. ~. . - " . ~ I~~;/ d!3 cpartment Use lnlv/ . 11 :3 } ;J d ! () ~-; dO 'nnl:~C::':'::'0~ (I ":cc 1.1 rcccJ.pt ;: ~~.. }\;:,~)rcw'.:rl L1Y i'55 , 't. !)irecto:r ",...' ~43. . J f) I- e J I&:.. s fa (. L'l/a (.,,1-- C<.--C i-C-z...~ {..-/ (.'\. 5> J 7' ~?- J&rc0 -r., z, JJ V C( C )1-H:.. I ~ ( /..-'1. >,"" ,,~~., ~) F' '"' (, \:::;/ ('VC7--T U r ... ~ ~ It, ('lAy 11./ / ~ /tfr - It-/J- dc'T t ~) 0->- ,~ 9/21/13, S/k l/{r,'t-. ; ~ 1'/?tJA' z) ~~ ,. t:J - /0 / V-/1<de / ~~d ~ c-e ~/ a) ~ W'c.U--- p'.! bftJ/- (~c,.~ rJ.-:'7' A. ~) ~ ~ ~JI'V.h/J ~ w~ ~~ q) jJj~; 7tJ Iu- f '/ (-t: d tf- ~ r I'V- D'; ....t..~ ~) F '/ / ~ 1M Ii t.r fU... fj,'. - ......., """"/ "" ~. Co C , if) {~l ~ Ast\P . lj/3 () /13 (/) CaLte.-d t1Js,1., /i!J//;< 6-17'co'7~: r"..,&d~~'V'-f.-.d ~~ t~~ I [-t///I' SI/<- i'h)/-<c -t- ,... ~~a-1-L t"!.-yJ-t'\/t' tN/t.' / tv ~ c k. Morgan Shrimp Packers Marginal Wharf Remarks The applicant wishes to construct a 1851x121 marginal wharf along an unimproved portion of his shoreline. In addition, he wishes to remove a large accumulation of trash in the area and to dredge to -0.5' beneath the proposed wharf to provide a flat and stable bed for placement of riprap. In addition to trash and rubble, the applicant will remove approximately 100 c.y. of crushed limerock. All will be trucked from the site by the contractor. When the site has been prepared, a riprap revetment will be constructed in the area under the proposed wharf. The revetment will be built up with 3/4-inch graded rock, ingot rock and boulders to retard erosion of fines. All e~rthwork will be done using landbased equipment. The wharf will be constructed from a barge. Turbid- ity curtains will be deployed as necessary to maintain State water quality turbidity standards. ...-:--., , 'I I. . \":.;..;,...:i' , , ,-0;,", ,",1. ~~f~i;i)' . ~''''\I'''''' \'~~..';ff'>;\,;,), ' ,.:.. . \ 1 MORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A tract of land and submerged lands at Stock Island, funroe County, , Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the Easterly line of Fifth Street and the Southerly line of Fifth Avenue of the Plat of Stock Island, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 55 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, bear South 830 56 feet East, 485.00 feet; thence bear South 050 47 feet 'West, 938.88 feet; thence bear South 080 02 feet East, 249.71 feet; thence bear South 140 31 feet East, 131.51 feet; thence bear South 020 04 West, 262.26 feet to the Point of Beginning of the tract of land and submerged lands herein- after described; thence bear South 840 19 feet East, 140 feet, more or less, to the outside face of an existing concrete seawall; , thence bear North 880 56 feet East, 970 feet, JTDre or less, out into an existing slip; thence bear South 050 55 feet West, 180 feet, more or less, to the centerline of q.n existing spit of,land; thence bear South 890 32 feet West along said center- line, of said spit of land, 1108 feet, more or less, to a point which is bearing South 020 04 feet West from the Point of Beginning; thence bear North 020 04 feet East, 194.29 feet, back to the Point of Beginning. j - 0 z ~ -m ) I~ 0:: c::( :x: 3 l- V) ...... >< 1LI SAFE HARBOR I ~I ...... 0'1 (F \ ) 1LI Z ...... -l 1LI 0:: 0 :x: V) co CI a V) 1LI .-i CI >- .-i c::( 0 1LI 0:: :x: 0.. :..::: :E: -l ...... ~ z co ~ c..!J z :..::: ...... u I- a V) CI ...... :..::: u a c l- V) ...... >< 1LI J Il~.B_~ _, Ie ~ OL;} 194.2~~~~H/LDGS --._- FRONTAGE ROAD SCALE 100 0 100 I . I I . I I MORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS MARGINAL WHARF LOCATION PLAN OF EXISTING CONDITIONS SHEET 1 OF 3 111-2001 '- e.-- I '2 !-~. \" '2 PROJECT LOCATION NOAA CHART NO. 11445 SCALE 1:40,000 LAT: 24033148"N LONG: 81044111"W ADJACENT OWNERS (1) KING SHRIMP CO. (2) KEY TEX SHRIMP CO. -PROPERTY LINE 200 I Architects 0 Engineers 0 Planners 1>.0. Box 3406. Mar..tloon Shores, Florid.. 33052-3406 ~o :::0 l'Tl l'Tl -0 -i :::0 :J: l'Tl I"'"" Vl ~O ,-j c:: _z <0 l'Tl _ Z -i en OVl 3: I"'"" :E ~, ~ PLAN DREDGE & RIPRAP EXIST. BULKHEAD . I"'"" ~ z o :E ~ :::0 o l'Tl o en l'Tl (3 ) (3 ) OJ c:: l'Tl . >< "'- I Vl l'Tl -i :p. o MORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS MARGINAL WHARF PLAN OF NEW WORK SHEET 2 OF 3 ~~~OJ:t:- Z :z Vl l'Tl ;::c o 0 l'Tl Vl 0 :t:- ~:::O:J:;::C -0 - 0 l'Tl c:: -o-o:EOZ ;::c :::0 Z en 0 O:t:- l'Tll'Tl >< -0 0 0 :::0 . -O:Z: l'Tl -i -0 .....OVlO;::c <.n':J: 0 o l'Tl I -0 l'Tl 0 0 n~-i' Vl . -0 <.n l'Tl -<-ow -0 . ;cJ. ". o :E o >< :J: .". :J:;::c:t:- :t:--:::o :::O.....-i-o." - 0 n ;::c -oO:J::t:--i ;::c - -0 :J: :t:-nz :t:- -0' en:E-i -< - :E- -.- - Z.Vl 1"'""00 . ." - OJ :J: n l'Tl ..... OJ3::t:- en l'Tl:t:--i-o:J: -i l'Tl . l'Tl C::l'TlVl~;::C Vl ;::c n l'Tl-:t:-l'Tl-i O:t:-;::CO:J: . l'Tl :t:- ." ~-Z O-i Z ;::c 0 -i I o -iO ;::c OJ :J: . l'Tl l'Tl OJ - <.n < l'Tl Vl - l'Tl ;::c -il'Tl0:t:-:E 3:3:;::c;::c..... l'Tl0l'Tll'Tl. ZC::::O:t=>. -i l'Tl G'l - 0 l'Tl o o I SCALE 25 . I 111=30' PLAN PROPOSED WHARF :t 221 1- co o .. 50 I !"A Ar.hilccts 0 Engineers 0 PI.wnen 1',0, Uux 3400 - M.Hollhon Shores, floridol 33052.3406 ... \ . ~:. } PLAN """-3Ix8" P. T. STRINGERS 311x8" P.T. SUPPORTS 12" DIA. CCA P. T. PILES 21X6" P.T. WOOD DECK LIMEROCK BOULDERS PROFILE (TYPICAL) +5.0 EX I ST, GRADE ~~ $'~\W# 5/8" GALV. BOLT 1/2" GALV. BOLTS (2) BOULDERS INGOT ROCK GRADED 3/4" ROCK MHW +1.0 MLW 0.0 -0.5 -0.51 o I 5 I MORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS MARGINAL WHARF WHARF AND RIPRAP DETAIL SHEET 3 OF 3 SCALE 1/4"=110" Archllects lJ Engineers 0 Pl,lIlners 1',0, Bu" 3406 - MMdthull Shu,es. Florid. 33052-3406 ~ J~'- '. ,~-- ,- ') , " ~~ I " "-".~ ~. , -..,..,,-..~ .. . /CY;'?-//3 k~~ " ' l DEPARTl'lENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGUL[\TION PERrlIT APPLICATION .l\PPRAISAL County: Monroe Date: 9-26-83 File No.: 4407418~5 Applicant Name: Morgo.n Shrimp Packers, Inc. Address: Shrimp Roo.d, Stock Islo.nd, Key West, FL 33040 Agent (if applicable): Glen Boe, Design Management Associates, Inc. Address: PO Box 3406, Marathon Shores, FL 33052 Location of project: Section(s) 35 Township 67S Range 25E Township Range Section(s) Local Reference: Shrimp Road; Stock Island Water Body: Safe Harbor Water Classification of Project Area: III Adjacent Wate~s: III Aquatic Preserve: Outstanding Florida Waters: On site inspection by: John A. Meyer Date of Inspection: 10-5-83 Original Application: Yes~ No Revised Application: Yes No Date of 2nd Insp. Date: Biological and Water Quality Assessment A. Description of proposed project and construction techniques. Quantify area of project which extends into waters of the state (including the submerged lands of those waters and the transi- tional zone of the submerged land) as defined in Section 17-4.02 and Section 17-4.28, Florida Administrative .Code. B. Biophysical features of general area. Include comments concerning extent of development of adjoining properties as well as relevant historical facts about the area. c. Biophysical features of specific project site and spoil site if applicable. Include identification of bottom types and any relevant historical facts about the area of the project. D. Potential impact of project on biological resources and water quality. Address long-ter~ imoact as well as iMmediate impact for all aspects of the project. E. Suggestions, where approprii1t.e, for modifications that may reduce or minimize the potential impact of project. PERM 16-l0(Rev.6/79) l NORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS, INC. #440741855 Monroe County - Stock [sland Page Two A. The applicant proposes to construct a shoreline wharf measurinq 121 x 16S', under which the shoreline would be excavated to provide a suitable bed for shoreline riprap. Riprap is needed to stabilize the shoreline. The wharf would apparently provide mooring for commercial shrimp boats. Excavation of the shoreline would be performed over c1 5'-10' wide by l6S' long area, involving approximately 100 cubic yards. Approximately 90 cubic yards of this total excavati,)n would 1)(' performed abcve the MIIW line. Depth of the excLivCllion would be to -.51 MLW. A total of 150 cubic yards of rock and boulders would be utilized for the revetment. B. The project site is located within a heavily commercialized and industrialized area located on the south side of Stock Island. This area was created by filling with the dredge spoil obtained during the creation of Safe Harbor. Safe Harbor has been bulkheaded over most of its shoreline, Water quality is marginal over the upper portion of the water column and poor over the lower layer of the water column. Water clarity is generally good at the surface. Numerous land fingers and irregular indentions are evident in the harbor. At the base of one of these land fingers (corresponding with the dead end portion of one of the water body extensions), the applicant owns and operates a seafood processing facility. There is little or no emergent wetland vegetation in this area. Intertidal and subtidal flora are also extremely limited. It would appear that all of the shoreline adjacent to the project site has been bulkheaded and dredged except the project. Althouqh somewhat .:lltcred l.Jy trash deposition, this shoreline has apparently remained in its originally created condition except for some erosion. C. The project site shoreline is extremely disturbed. An eroded shoreline shelf drops gradually from the upland ero- sion line to deeper water. T-'---"-"-'-"-- NORGAN SIIRIMP PACKERS, iNC. #440741855 Monroe County - Stock Island Page Three Huch of this shoreline shelf has been trashed with various forms of debris and rubble. Unidentified forms of red and brown algaes were observed growing over the harder substrates. The most notable life forms observed were species of fish, which included barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), snapper (Lutjanus sp.), grunts (Haemulon sp.), needlefish (Strongylura notata), and spanish sardines (Sardinella anchovia) . The shoreline shelf ranges from approximately ten feet to 20 f (~e tin wid t. h . Properties to either side of the project site possess dredged shorelines. D. Anticipated impacts should be minimal. Although some elevated turbidity levels may occur during shoreline excavation, long term stabilization should be achieved so as to create a more suitable habitat for present and possibly new species of fish, crustaceans and attaching organisms. In more indirect terms, the possibility for more intensive boat utilization and the discharge of potential pollutants in the harbor will be increased as a result of dock construction. , . U.<c+ 'l1;~~t Q. ,.).~..< . .. ~";'J',". " .:' '. Iff\!' .~' ,;.lfj. :'."..) , -~.._.__._----.-...~...- . NORGAN SHRIMP PACKERS, INC. #440741855 Monroe County - Stock Island Poge Four E. Under the provisions of Chapters 253 and 403 of the FloriJ~ Statutes and Chapters 17-3 and 17-4 of the Florida Administrative Code, approval of this application is recom- mended, As a condition to this approval, it is recommended that turbidity curtains be utilized during all dredge work. JAM/dvo READ: i ~!;' '. I ~,t~. ,. "......"... ~,.ft,. " ~~~T,.